View Full Version : Confused Again :-)

05-10-2015, 09:59 PM
When I bought my Viper last October I was confused by the existence of two national Viper Clubs. The difference was explained to me and I was no longer confused and joined the VOA.

Since then I've been following the Arizona Viper Club's website:


And the Arizona Viper Club's facebook page:


Today it dawned on me that perhaps these aren't one club with a website and a facebook page because the people on the facebook page are touting membership in VCA.

So, please un-confuse me again.

OK, just found the Arizona Viper Club (VOA) facebook page:


But still a little confused as to who is doing what.

05-11-2015, 01:31 AM
I understand as you are new and all of this stuff went down before you joined. I will tell you this about the VCA and the VOA without talking smack about anyone and without going over everything that has been discussed plenty and tends to get many people's hackles up.

When everything was going down with the old club and the VOA was formed, we (along with all the other regions) put it up to our members as a vote. We as a region overwhelmingly voted to join the then new VOA as a way of getting away from the negativity and impropriety that was going on at the national level. I myself saw it as a fresh new start, and I would assume so did many other people. We are not at all affiliated with the VCA and this club never has been as it was formed brand new. Though members may choose to join both as that is a personal choice one can make for themselves and it absolutely does not affect your membership or your treatment here.

Our events are for our members (though of course occasionally we invite guests or prospective members to join us.) and getting invited on our drives is one of the number of perks that comes with membership to our club, the VOA. Last I knew, there was no active Arizona chapter of the other club, the VCA. If that has changed lately, I was unaware but it has no affiliation with us here at the VOA.

I really don't want to get into any mudslinging or accusations, so that is as best as I can explain the difference without crossing into that area. If you would like my personal feelings in the subject, I will share them with you but I don't think the public forum is the best place for me to do that.

TL: DR -- This club, the VOA, is all new as of a couple years ago and has NO TIES, financial or otherwise to the other club. Leadfoot runs the facebook page for our club and is putting together our next big drive.

05-11-2015, 01:08 PM
Yes, the history of the two clubs was explained to me months ago so there's no need to go into that again.

My current question just involved the facebook pages of two Arizona Viper Clubs.

And I do see the difference now.

So I think we can put this to rest.


05-11-2015, 03:35 PM
When I bought my Viper last October I was confused by the existence of two national Viper Clubs. The difference was explained to me and I was no longer confused and joined the VOA.

Since then I've been following the Arizona Viper Club's website:


And the Arizona Viper Club's facebook page:


Today it dawned on me that perhaps these aren't one club with a website and a facebook page because the people on the facebook page are touting membership in VCA.

So, please un-confuse me again.

OK, just found the Arizona Viper Club (VOA) facebook page:


But still a little confused as to who is doing what.

i can understand how this would be confusing.

The www.azvipersclub.com is the local club's website, the club is affiliated with the VOA

This Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/319844648108989/823724457721003/?notif_t=group_activity ) is a closed page(restricted access/veiwing) for paid members of the VOA affiliated AZ club.

This Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Arizona-Viper-Club/150641831634091?fref=ts ) is an open page (viewable by all) for the general public to follow our activities and recruit new potential members. Unfortunately, because it is open anyone can post things on the page. This includes people in Arizona who are still loyal to the VCA. I'm one of the admins for this facebook page and try to delete those posts quickly so as to avoid this exact problem.

05-11-2015, 06:17 PM
Leadfoot, I am not on facebook but I appreciate the work you put in on handling that. I feel it's important our club is represented well.

05-12-2015, 08:35 AM
Jeff - I'd take you up on your offer about a discussion on some of the AZ history (over a beer, of course.) At the risk of offending some people, wasn't the "puppet" president from AZ?

05-12-2015, 03:01 PM
Jeff - I'd take you up on your offer about a discussion on some of the AZ history (over a beer, of course.) At the risk of offending some people, wasn't the "puppet" president from AZ?

Bush was from Texas. :o

05-12-2015, 10:55 PM
Jeff - I'd take you up on your offer about a discussion on some of the AZ history (over a beer, of course.) At the risk of offending some people, wasn't the "puppet" president from AZ?

Not a problem. Glad to give you a rundown while keeping as objective a viewpoint as possible. And I will say that yes the president of the other club at that time of much of the unpleasantness was from Arizona. Doubtful you have met him as he is not a member of this club and it all went down before you had moved out here. But if you can be patient, I will fill you in on the details in person.

05-12-2015, 11:00 PM
Bush was from Texas. :o

Oh man, you liberals are just so funny. Wow and clever too. I like how your jokes are so topical and current. I mean he barely left office 7 years ago. How did you think of that joke so quickly?

05-13-2015, 04:16 PM
hey dude, whats up with driving up 17/69 to jerome? i think you from down there should run thru wickenburg up 89 into prescott.... great road to travel up to here. its a hell of a run and so much better than 17/69. anyway, see you then up here. just got procharger back from mfg. GABOON will be be nasty again.

05-14-2015, 12:06 AM
hey dude, whats up with driving up 17/69 to jerome? i think you from down there should run thru wickenburg up 89 into prescott.... great road to travel up to here. its a hell of a run and so much better than 17/69. anyway, see you then up here. just got procharger back from mfg. GABOON will be be nasty again.

1. why wouldn't you post that question in the thread about the Jerome run.

2. the cruise is father's day weekend so I intentionally made it a bit short.

3. the scenic return route is the route you're thinking of, taking 89A south out of Jerome to 89 south from Prescott to 93 east out of wickenburg

05-16-2015, 09:18 PM
1. why wouldn't you post that question in the thread about the Jerome run.

2. the cruise is father's day weekend so I intentionally made it a bit short.

3. the scenic return route is the route you're thinking of, taking 89A south out of Jerome to 89 south from Prescott to 93 east out of wickenburg

Them old types aren't too good with the Internet. Gaboon is still trying to figure out where to put the record in and why there isn't a crank on this weird looking phonograph.

When you think about it, all threads that Gaboon posts in should be called "I'm Confused."

05-17-2015, 08:24 AM
not confused where i am going to put your head next time i see you

05-17-2015, 09:21 PM
Dont make promises you aren't gonna keep : )

05-18-2015, 05:57 AM
At the risk of offending some people, wasn't the "puppet" president from AZ?

yup, sure was....

05-18-2015, 07:34 AM
not a promise, a fact!!