View Full Version : Pressure washer vs foam gun, what's better?

05-09-2015, 03:31 PM
So I've been doing some research on both pressure washers and foam guns and trying to decide which to get. Anyone use a pressure washer on their cars? I've read all the warnings about getting too close to the paint, blowing off decals, making paint chips worse ect, but wondering if used correctly (fanning the stream out, staying a good distance from the paint) if this is a viable option? Some people swear by it, some say don't ever use it on cars.

As for foam guns, they still require touching the paint with a mitt/sponge to clean and I'm hoping for a touchless solution to minimize swirls in the paint. That said, I found a good price on one on Amazon and will pull the trigger on it and implement the 2 bucket wash system if it turns out the pressure washer idea is a bad one. Let me know everyone's experiences with both and what soaps/shampoos you guys are using in the foam gun.

05-09-2015, 03:53 PM
Pressure washers as you stated can be harmful if not careful and they do not actually clean the car, I would say they get off of the bulk of the dirt. I make sure when washing i use the hose and get off as much dirt and debris as possible with just water. THe FOam gun will loosen the grime and dirt and when using the 2 bucket method with a very soft microfiber towell and rinsing after each wash cycle is your safest option. I use Griots Garage products.


05-10-2015, 01:24 AM
First, a pressure washer is NOT going to remove ALL of the dirt off the car so what a foam gun does and what a pressure washer does are two different things. I explain that clearly in these videos. A foam gun is a necessity for swirl-free paint. A pressure washer is for guys who drive a big 4-wheeler and go mudding.



05-10-2015, 01:39 AM
I also worry about pressure washers screwing up weather stripping and seals on vehicles. I might be just behaving overly cautious and over thinking it but that water is coming out of there fast and pretty focused and I feel like it's gonna peel the seals and weather stripping off or at least screw em up if not take them all the way off. I mean, pressure washers can take the paint off your fence, should you really be aiming one at your car?

Just my thought. It wouldn't be the first time I over thought something.

05-10-2015, 01:43 AM
... Just my thought. It wouldn't be the first time I over thought something.

Your thinking seems very sound to me. ;)

05-10-2015, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the video's Junkman!

05-10-2015, 12:31 PM
Thanks for watching. :)

05-10-2015, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the answers (and videos) guys, looks like I'll be ordering the foam gun!

05-10-2015, 04:32 PM
Loved the Videos. Can you do a video on the California Duster? Are they any good? I don't wanna scratch my whip!

05-10-2015, 05:11 PM
Junkman have you done any ceramic coatings c quarts opti 2.0 etc.

05-10-2015, 06:31 PM
I use a foam gun and the two bucket method.

05-10-2015, 07:08 PM
Loved the Videos. Can you do a video on the California Duster? Are they any good? I don't wanna scratch my whip!





Junkman have you done any ceramic coatings c quarts opti 2.0 etc.

No I have not.

05-11-2015, 12:01 AM
Thanks for the answers (and videos) guys, looks like I'll be ordering the foam gun!

Foam guns are great. You won't believe the suds you get. And suds are your friend!
--Foam gun helpful hint-- make sure to run it with just water when you are all done and cleaning up. Because if you leave car shampoo in the brass mechanism while it sits in your garage till the next wash it will get all gunked up. I just run mine without soap for about 30 seconds, no big deal, just saves you from finding it stuck next time.

Also, if you have hard water, I highly recommend the Griots in-line water softener. Out here our water is so hard that you could not wash your car without leaving hard water spots. I hook that thing up for when washing the car and it's almost like using distilled water. If your water isn't too hard then no worries but for us out here, especially combined with the sun and the heat, it's a game changer.

05-11-2015, 06:53 PM
Foam guns are great. You won't believe the suds you get. And suds are your friend!
--Foam gun helpful hint-- make sure to run it with just water when you are all done and cleaning up. Because if you leave car shampoo in the brass mechanism while it sits in your garage till the next wash it will get all gunked up. I just run mine without soap for about 30 seconds, no big deal, just saves you from finding it stuck next time.

Also, if you have hard water, I highly recommend the Griots in-line water softener. Out here our water is so hard that you could not wash your car without leaving hard water spots. I hook that thing up for when washing the car and it's almost like using distilled water. If your water isn't too hard then no worries but for us out here, especially combined with the sun and the heat, it's a game changer.

I have a huge water softener for my water system for the house and I still get crazy water spots. Thankyou that is a great recommendation- an in-line softener. Never though about that. Where can I get one of those?

05-11-2015, 07:07 PM
I have a huge water softener for my water system for the house and I still get crazy water spots. Thankyou that is a great recommendation- an in-line softener. Never though about that. Where can I get one of those?

Do you wash your car outdoors and in direct sunlight?

05-12-2015, 12:36 PM
Do you wash your car outdoors and in direct sunlight?

I wash the car outdoors in the shade. Generally it get's so hot here that 1/2 the car is almost dry while I am washing the other side. It's a real pain.

I really need the equipment you recommend. Where can I get that "bottom of the bucket" strainer thing?

05-12-2015, 01:00 PM
Well washing the car the way you do is ALWAYS going to leave water spots, no matter how soft your water is. I have no kind of water softener system whatsoever at my house and I can let the water set on the car for an hour with bi issues concerning water spots. As for the "bottom of the bucket things", here's your thread (http://driveviper.com/forums/threads/601-Junkman-s-2-Bucket-Car-Wash-Technique).

05-12-2015, 01:25 PM
Well washing the car the way you do is ALWAYS going to leave water spots, no matter how soft your water is. I have no kind of water softener system whatsoever at my house and I can let the water set on the car for an hour with bi issues concerning water spots. As for the "bottom of the bucket things", here's your thread (http://driveviper.com/forums/threads/601-Junkman-s-2-Bucket-Car-Wash-Technique).

I watched those videos the other night. I didn't see a link to the strainer tho.

05-12-2015, 01:45 PM
I say in the video what they are called and where you can get them and everything that I used in those videos. That's why I tell people to watch them twice and to take notes. There's no way that you are going to remember half of what I said because there is just too much information.

05-12-2015, 02:34 PM
I say in the video what they are called and where you can get them and everything that I used in those videos. That's why I tell people to watch them twice and to take notes. There's no way that you are going to remember half of what I said because there is just too much information.

You're not kidding lol

Thanks though.

Mr. Bill
05-15-2015, 01:01 PM
A foam cannon and a pressure washer with a water softener is the only way to go.
Another thing you'll notice with a pressure washer is you'll use much less water. That a big concern in Cali these days.
and I use the 2 bucket method.


05-15-2015, 01:25 PM
Guys, could you please name a few of the best detergents (and amounts used per canister) for washing with the foam gun?

Mr. Bill's results (full coating on vertical panels!!!) are awesome...


Mr. Bill
05-15-2015, 01:43 PM
This is the exact foam cannon I have:


and I was using this soap at the time:
I used 5 caps full of soap.

I recently bought the Mr. Pink soap from Chemical guys but I haven't tried it yet.

My pressure washer is 3000psi and 2.5GPM and this works great.

I also have a water softener which I think helps with the foaming action.

using race ramps plus a pressure washer makes it easier to get the grime off the underside.


05-15-2015, 08:13 PM
Guys, could you please name a few of the best detergents (and amounts used per canister) for washing with the foam gun?

Mr. Bill's results (full coating on vertical panels!!!) are awesome...


First, a foam gun and a foam cannon are two completely different animals. You are not going to get foam to stick to the car with a foam gun. That's what a foam cannon does. A lot of folks who buy a foam cannon get lazy over time becaise you have to setup the power washer every time you wash the car. That setup gets to be a little tiresome and over time, people will stop using it. That's why I use a foam GUN. Setup is VERY quick.

As for the soaps, they make specific soaps for foam guns and specific soaps for foam cannons. All you have to do is read the bottle as for the exact measurement. It makes no sense to ask for amounts when the bottle has a label on it that is plain as day. It tells you exactly how much product to use. Autogeek carries a lot of foam cannon and foam gun soaps. I prefer DP's Xtreme Foam Formula in my foam gun. I also prefer for my foam to run off the car as it loosens up the dirt. That way, it takes the dirt with it.


... I recently bought the Mr. Pink soap from Chemical guys but I haven't tried it yet.

That stuff works great in your wash bucket but it sucks in the foam gun.

Mr. Bill
05-15-2015, 09:53 PM
I also prefer for my foam to run off the car as it loosens up the dirt. That way, it takes the dirt with it.

This is why I prefer to use a pressure washer. I first spray the car to loosen the dirt and then use the soap foam as a lubricant/cleaner. So I prefer the foam to stick and the more the better. That's also why I don't always follow the recommended soap amount. Soap is cheap insurance.

05-17-2015, 11:05 PM
Well, I used my new foam gun today alongwith the 2 bucket wash for the first time and it worked good. I used the Mr Pink soap from Chemical Guys (I bought it before seeing Junkman's reply) and it seemed to do the job, but I'm going to try DP's Xtreme Foam Formula in my foam gun next time as suggested and see how it compares. Next step is adding an electric leaf blower to my drying routine :)

05-18-2015, 12:40 AM
You are coming along right nicely. :)

06-02-2015, 04:08 PM
My understanding is that not one method is 100% effective. So what I do is I start with rinsing the car off (with power washer or just hose nozzle) general idea is to wash off all loose particles as much as possible before washing. After that I will wash my wheels, tires and under the fender areas (using designated bucket and brushes for wheels) then wash it all of with power washer and as I am washing off soap from the wheels, give my car another light rinse. Now next step depends on how much time I have, whats the level of contamination (defining level of "dirty"). I could use my 2 buckets (one with water and one with soap) and wash it with a wash mitt OR I could use my foam gun, apply the foam and STILL use my wash mitt with a bucket of water to clean the mitt. After all this i will rise the car off with power washer, trick is to understand the pressure of water with different nozzles (usually 25, 45, 0) If you have 1500 psi unit you do not have to worry about a lot with 45 degree nozzle. DO NOT use 0 on anything! And so after your car is clear of soap its time to dry and apply seal/wax. How do you dry your car? I use microfiber towels, never a shammy cloth. all you need to do is wet the microfiber towel and squeeze it to dry and it will soak up all the water. Last trick i use when i use the m/f towel i spray liquid wax on it and dry the car with it, re spaying and turning the towel frequently. This way you kill 2 birds with one stone, wax and dry. you never wee runs or lines on the car because liquid wax absorbs in to the clear coat. That's all :) and you will not have any swirls "love marks" on your ride but remember to trow away and replace your m/f towels and your wash mitts frequently.

06-02-2015, 04:18 PM
Junkman is correct. Power washers are for trucks ( and decks). The water softening paraphernalia is a PITA not to mention the refills.

There are excellent car soaps out there that leave almost no spots and if you use a good hydrophobic solution on your car like Beeds you will have very little work. My black M6 used to be a handful. Not now.

06-02-2015, 06:20 PM
... The water softening paraphernalia is a PITA not to mention the refills.

Not to mention the COST too! That stuff ain't cheap to keep filled.

06-02-2015, 06:42 PM
Man you guys are so 2005. For lighter dirt and dust use a quality waterless wash PROPERLY and you'll never foam gun again.
You're doing a section at a time cleaning and drying so no water spots possible. No excessive water draining out of every crack and crevice for days. No hose. No scratches. Soap and water for the rims and tires only.

06-02-2015, 08:11 PM
Man you guys are so 2005. For lighter dirt and dust use a quality waterless wash PROPERLY and you'll never foam gun again.
You're doing a section at a time cleaning and drying so no water spots possible. No excessive water draining out of every crack and crevice for days. No hose. No scratches. Soap and water for the rims and tires only.

How about putting your money where your mouth is and letting us see a flash test picture of various sections of your paint RIGHT NOW if this is what you subscribe to? Because I know for a proven fact that waterless washing DIRT off your car will leave more paint damage that washing with one bucket. Manufacturers are selling waterless wash products like it's some kind of new found secret answer to washing without water when the truth is, "the emperor has no cloths."

06-02-2015, 08:36 PM
Pretty sure waterless washes predate 2005 and I want no part of them even for " lighter dirt and dust" whatever that means.

Next time you are at a Concours show ask how many folks use waterless washes-- zero. Just moving dirt/ deposits around.

06-03-2015, 05:57 AM
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of positive reviews of waterless type washes, from regular people as well as professional detailers.
PROFESSIONAL DETAILERS. Not the meaningless opinion of a few old farts at a car meet.
These people are probably all wrong, as the "Junkman" has proof positive that it will scratch your paint.


165 reviews on Amazon. Five stars average. These people have no agenda. Just reviewing a product.

06-03-2015, 06:01 AM
I like Adam's Waterless (although I'm switching to Rinsless diluted). I don't drive in bad weather unless I'm caught out in it, and even then, doesn't really need a wash. I've met AJ (the Junkman) and he knows detailing as well, just different opinions, neither is right or wrong. Personally, I'm a cheap SOB, and don't like wasting water (and my water bill) using the hose.

My Viper has now been CQuartzed, so I'll continue to use waterless products, CLEAN microfiber, and some good QDs (Megs 34 and Adam's I like, but have about a dozen!)

06-03-2015, 06:52 AM
That's exactly where the waterless wash's shine, Swexlin. Light road dust and dirt (pretty obvious what that is unless you're an idiot).
Why haul out the heavy equipment when a bucket (or two) with the waterless wash does a fantastic clean up job.
No ones talking about cleaning up an off-road vehicle here. Light road dust. Not to mention in water restricted areas it's ideal.

06-03-2015, 09:20 AM
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of positive reviews of waterless type washes, from regular people as well as professional detailers.
PROFESSIONAL DETAILERS. Not the meaningless opinion of a few old farts at a car meet.
These people are probably all wrong, as the "Junkman" has proof positive that it will scratch your paint.


165 reviews on Amazon. Five stars average. These people have no agenda. Just reviewing a product.

I can take pictures all day and night long of some paint that I've taken the time to fix and them CLAIM that I've used a waterless wash to maintain it. I can claim ANYTHING that I want with pictures and a review and no one would know the difference. That's why I make unedited VIDEOS. You can't use smote and mirrors with an unedited video. The results happen right before your eyes. Unlike YOUR reviews, I have NO DOG in the fight. I have absolutely nothing to sell and I don't reap ANY rewards if you decide to buy something that I use. Another thing, I don't need any "professional opinion" from so called professionals because MY EYES do not lie to me. Forget the fact that I have been messing with this stuff since the 70's and my father's 40 years of experience as my foundation and well to draw from. Nope, leave that out the door and I will just use what my COMMON SENSE has shown me.

I asked YOU to post some immediate pictures of YOUR paint using the flash test since YOU use a waterless wash and YOUR paint is so perfect from doing so. I didn't ask for anyone elses review, I wanted to see YOUR results. The fact that you didn't speaks VOLUMES. It was just as I suspected. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Constantly scooting dirt around on your paint with some worthless liquid in a bottle is exactly how you destroy your paint over time. Common sense proves that but a flash test of YOUR paint would have proven it BOLDLY in this thread to YOU and anyone reading this. Now that you have had time to go work on your paint, the point is moot but the lack of your not posting any pictures proves my point big time. When I see you waterless wash guys posting that stuff as the way to go, I post two pictures in that thread. This time, I will add some OLD videos that still prove my point because waterless washing a vehicle's paint time and time again is how you DESTROY that paint job over time.

The flash test doesn't lie.



Common sense can't be denied.





06-03-2015, 10:15 AM
Junkman 1 waterless wash 0


06-03-2015, 11:43 AM
This is how you use a waterless rinse properly. Watch and learn boys and girls.
This is NOT spraying some shit on the car and wiping it off with a towel.
You will not scratch the car if you follow this correctly. Note two buckets, thick sponges and clean MF towels.


06-03-2015, 11:48 AM
Junkman is like the detailing Jesus. I wish all detailers had skills like that...

06-03-2015, 12:03 PM
I like Junkmans approach , seems well thought out. Fwiw.

06-03-2015, 12:19 PM
Junkman 1 waterless wash 0


The next time I see you, I owe you a beating if you are not doing it like I do in those videos. :D

Junkman is like the detailing Jesus. I wish all detailers had skills like that...

http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/lol.gif http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/lol.gif http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/lol.gif

Now that was funny!

I like Junkmans approach , seems well thought out. Fwiw.

That's my whole deal. Common sense. If you stop and take the time to think about it, it's just plain ol' common sense. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/yesnod.gif

06-03-2015, 04:07 PM
Also, with the duster, you mention about keeping the "strings" straight. I actually try and use it so lightly that I have to check and see if I am actually touching it. I want to barely, if maybe not even, feel the strings going across the car. At least that is my method for making sure I don't smush it and wipe too hard. I have to be careful, for a musician I have fairly heavy hands so doing it so light I'm not sure I am even touching it makes sure I don't rub any dirt in.

I personally would rather have a dusty car than a scratched car. And I isually only use the quick detailer for a big bird poop that happened to land on there so I soak it till its soft and wipe it away.

06-03-2015, 07:23 PM
... I personally would rather have a dusty car than a scratched car.


You and I sing from the same hymnal!

... And I isually only use the quick detailer for a big bird poop that happened to land on there so I soak it till its soft and wipe it away.

Great minds think alike!


06-04-2015, 12:27 AM
This is how you use a waterless rinse properly. Watch and learn boys and girls.
This is NOT spraying some shit on the car and wiping it off with a towel.
You will not scratch the car if you follow this correctly. Note two buckets, thick sponges and clean MF towels.


When the camera man gets close in on the hood after he blots dry you can see the "spider webbing"/scratching in the reflection, not a good sell.

As far as the pressure washer/foam gun ordeal, i have the chemical guys foam blaster, not quite as much foam as a air foamer, but plenty of suds regardless. I tried mr pink and honey dew, they both sucked compared to polish angel products i switched to.

I usually start with a light bug/tar remover and get all the big chunks with the lowest pressure nozzle on my press washer. Then moving on to the foam blaster-2 bucket-rinse with purified water-master blaster. Is the pressure washer a no-no? The bugs usually never come with the mitt and i don't want to rub the mitt hard into the paint.

06-04-2015, 04:13 AM
When the camera man gets close in on the hood after he blots dry you can see the "spider webbing"/scratching in the reflection, not a good sell.

They were hoping that you weren't paying that close attention! You are like me. Scrutiny is our middle name when it comes to our cars. http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh216/Junkman2008/Smileys/thumbsup.gif

As for the soap in your foam gun, this is what I recommend:


06-04-2015, 05:41 AM
Junkman is like the detailing Jesus. I wish all detailers had skills like that...

That would be Kevin Brown but AJ is very good as well.

06-04-2015, 05:44 AM
That would be Kevin Brown but AJ is very good as well.

I would definitely have to agree. He is into this stuff WAY more than I would ever want to be. :D

06-04-2015, 05:51 AM
I would definitely have to agree. He is into this stuff WAY more than I would ever want to be. :D

I randomly ran into him at a hotel in Cali and we ended up having breakfast together lol. Extremely nice guy and I've learned a lot from him over the years when it comes to correcting clear flaws.

06-06-2015, 08:49 PM
I used to do waterless washes 10 years ago on my Avenger...

Ruined the paint. I mean it was cheap Chrysler paint from 1998 but still. No substitute for water and soap. Dirt needs to glide off.

06-06-2015, 09:49 PM
It could be the most expensive paint job in the world and the same thing would happen. Nothing like experience to teach you the error of your ways. At least you learned from yours. A lot of people don't.

06-06-2015, 10:56 PM
I usually start with a light bug/tar remover and get all the big chunks with the lowest pressure nozzle on my press washer. Then moving on to the foam blaster-2 bucket-rinse with purified water-master blaster. Is the pressure washer a no-no? The bugs usually never come with the mitt and i don't want to rub the mitt hard into the paint.

This. What's the best way to remove bug guts from the paint? I don't want to have to wash it everytime they get on there (which is all the time now). I usually use a QD w MF towel but have to apply alot of pressure on some of them which I know isn't good on the paint.

06-07-2015, 01:04 AM
... I usually use a QD w MF towel but have to apply alot of pressure on some of them which I know isn't good on the paint.

"Not good" is the wrong phrase. BRUTAL would be more accurate. Add to the fact that you are using a lot of pressure (and probably a Chinese made microfiber towel), and you would cringe in agony if you actually saw what you have done to your paint. The "flash test" would yield volumes if you took a look at what you have done.

You ask if you have to wash the car every time you get bug guts on it. The short answer is yes. However, the fact that you have to scrub the bug guts off the car tells me one of two things if not both. One, you are NOT immediately addressing your bug issue. You are allowing them to stay on the car for WAY too long, which allows the bug gut acid to seep into your clear coat. Two, you are not keeping wax on your paint if the bug guts won't come off with a solid blast from a garden hose. The only thing I have to do after driving around in the heartland of America at night, where the bugs are as big as B-52 bombers is to hit them with a washing wand from Walmart. This thing attaches to a garden hose. If you allow that crap to sit on your paint for ONE DAY (especially in the hot sun), you are asking for damage. The sealant, topped with a wax combination that I use keeps the bugs from sticking and their guts from etching DEEP into my clear coat.

So yes, upkeep is a pain in the butt but it's a matter of how much you care about the appearance of your car. For some, the damage is acceptable. I would pass out if my car looked like some that I have seen.

Here's a video that I did on the subject. I have since removed my front fascia and repainted it so all the paint chips are gone. I do that about once every 3 years. Call me anal, yes I am but I can't stand paint chips.



06-07-2015, 07:54 AM
So trying to finalize in on the foam gun for me. My home water pressure sucks but I have a commercial-sized Spectrasoft and RO system for in house and all water spigots/sprinklers. So gravitating towards a pneumatic foam gun to produce most foam and have independent foaming from washing. I do have the two buckets, other equipment and have used Adam's products locally here in Colorado. Was thinking about adding a pneumatic Tornador Foam Gun for soaping and pneumatic Air Blower nozzle to blow off water afterwards. Anyone with experience?

Have a great new air compressor with okay sized tank but was worried about oils or other air compressor water coming through the pneumatic hose. I drain the air compressor tank after each use but is there a water/oil trap that can be added to ensure the air is 100% dry and clean.

I do have a pressure washer at home as well (Karcher 85M with adjuststable pressure up to 1,850 psi) and use all these things in my arsenal. Just have not added a foam gun but thinking it is time as these two Tornador products look okay?

06-07-2015, 08:48 AM
People think that water pressure has something to do with how the foam gun performs. My garage was built in 1890. That's right, over 120 years ago. My water pressure is no better than what anyone reading this has and you have seen my results. It's the product that I use in combination with knowing how to use my equipment that gets me the results that you see in my videos.

If you have a pressure washer, then get a foam cannon if you don't mind going through the hassle of setting it up every time you wash your car. Most people get lazy after awhile because if the hassle but as long as you are religious about it, go for it. Or, go with a foam gun and skip the hassle. You don't need any special water or pressure as long as you wash indoors. If you wash outdoors, get ready for the water spots because you will be dealing with them, especially on a hot or humid day.

You are correct with your concerns on using the air compressor. Your concerns are exactly why I don't use compressed air to dry my car.