View Full Version : Head for the Hills! Jerome Run - June 20th

05-09-2015, 01:43 AM
Escape the heat of the Valley summer with the AZ club as we head for high country and what was once known as the wickedest town in the west, Jerome Arizona.

Our day will begin on the streets of Phoenix from which we will head north, up the Mogollon Rim to the Prescott Valley. We'll aim west into the valley, skirting along the Black Hills. Once far enough west, we'll turn north again, carving our way between Mingus and Woodchute Mountains, up over 7000 ft, until we come to Jerome. Located on the top of Cleopatra Hill, Jerome appeared after the discovery of Copper in the Black Hills.

The town was founded in 1876 as a tent city to support mining operations. During it's peak, two different mining company's drew people from all over the country to Jerome for work. The population ballooned to 15,000 by the 1920's. Once the fourth largest town in AZ, it's population has dwindle to only a few hundred citizens. The town has become a booming tourist attraction due to it's mining history both for the state and the country. Today artists, craft people, musicians, writers, hermits, bed and breakfast owners, museum caretakers and gift shop proprietors inhabit the town, catering to the tourists who visit. We will spend the morning exploring the rough and tumble, boom to bust mining history at the Douglas Mansion and Aubrey Headframe.

And since most people think we're crazy for just getting behind the wheel of our cars, you'll all be committed to the Asylum......restaurant for lunch. The Jerome Grand Hotel is home to the Ayslum restaurant. Originally the town hospital, it was re-purposed in 1994 to it's current use. It also hides a 1926 Rolls Phantom in it's garage. Assuming your appetite has been satisfied AND you're found sane enough to leave, you'll head down the mountain thru the Verde Valley and back home.

Members, keep an eye on your email for all the details to follow this weekend!

Out of state members, message druckert06@yahoo.com for the details

Non-members, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!? Sign up and join us!

05-09-2015, 09:19 PM
Nice write up! Sounds good. I will talk to you about the photo shoot.

I am trying to set up some professional photos for us on this trip for those that I haven't told yet. I will keep you all posted.

05-14-2015, 02:13 AM
Anyone thinking about spending the evening somewhere in that area? I'm open for suggestions if there's an interesting hotel in the Jerome, Prescott, Cottonwood, Sedona area. Jerome Grand Hotel has rooms starting at $130.

And as a side note ..... June 20th happens to be THE BEST day of the year!!!:very_drunk:

05-15-2015, 02:48 AM
Anyone thinking about spending the evening somewhere in that area? I'm open for suggestions if there's an interesting hotel in the Jerome, Prescott, Cottonwood, Sedona area. Jerome Grand Hotel has rooms starting at $130.

And as a side note ..... June 20th happens to be THE BEST day of the year!!!:very_drunk:

My recommendation would be to stay in Prescott....or Sedona. There is some festival in Jerome the weekend we're going so the Grande may be booked if you don't make plans ASAP. Besides, Prescott has the better bar scene.

FYI, for those curious, the SCENIC return route will take us back the way we came along 89A into Prescott, then south on 89 to 93 into Wickenburg. It's super twisty and will be a fantastic route. Never done it "backwards" personally.

I kept this lunch cruise short on the short side since this weekend is Father's day weekend.

05-16-2015, 09:14 PM
Prescott has a great bar scene. They are also known for their world class rehab centers. Their unofficial town slogan is "come for the rehab, stay for the relapse." I have had some great times on Whiskey Row according to the police reports. On a sidenote, this drive doesn't take us within 500 feet of a middle school does it? No reason, just wondering.

05-20-2015, 09:57 PM
Hey gang,

Just joined the club again and looking forward to our first run in a couple of years!

It will be great to catch up with everyone again!

Andy and Elita Zaloga

06-03-2015, 02:53 AM
Anyone driving solo on this ride that is willing to take a passenger? I am bringing my Dad for father's day but a good buddy of his is a car/motorcycle guy and would really like to come along. In fact, he used to race Camaros but he said he would really like to participate in this ride and get some up close time with the Viper. The good news is he is also a photography aficionado and will be taking some nice photos for us.

Please let me know if you have room for a passenger on this drive. Thanks!!

06-08-2015, 01:10 AM
Looks like we have 10 cars and about 16-17 people for this cruise. If you haven't RSVP'ed, do so now!!!!!

06-08-2015, 01:51 AM
Wish I had a viper to go with you guys! I visited jerome back I 2013, great place. My mom and then girlfriend wanted to take me there because my name is jerome. Lol

06-08-2015, 04:49 AM
Looks like we have 10 cars and about 16-17 people for this cruise. If you haven't RSVP'ed, do so now!!!!!

So can I get a ride for my dad's friend/car photographer? As I said he is a car guy, just not gotten to experience Vipers but he loves them.

06-11-2015, 11:10 PM
Hey looks like I'll be in town long enough to make it to this one! Driving up with Jeff, and my gf is coming. No not the inflatable one...

06-12-2015, 03:43 AM
Hey looks like I'll be in town long enough to make it to this one! Driving up with Jeff, and my gf is coming. No not the inflatable one...

Not inflatable.....HA!

06-17-2015, 03:25 PM
Just wanted to let you all know it appears the 17 is closed on Saturday from Camelback to Glendale. Obviously this doesn't effect our drive but may effect some people's getting to the meet.

So heads up for those that were gonna take the 17.

06-20-2015, 07:13 AM
Thanks Jeff - you saved me some serious traffic time!

06-20-2015, 07:41 AM
You're welcome. My dad actually sniffed that one out and alerted me. He's always doing that stuff. It's a habit I should get into considering there is a frickin website just for it.

06-20-2015, 08:06 PM
Hey big thanks to Todd for planning this trip.

I'm glad we wrapped it up early as it was pretty hot. It was a good time, except getting yelled at by thay cop at the scene of that motorcycle accident. I really wasn't doimg over 30 there because Mike and I were looking for a spot. Hopefully Mike got some good photos of our cars. I tried to get good position so Mike could get good photos of Goots and Todds as we drove towards the maverick in the afternoon.

My dad had a great time for father's day and also so did his friend Mike. Hopefully next time he can bring his other buddy and they can get some aerial shots and really put something together nice for us. I. Excited about these photos though.

Thanks again Todd. We should do a weekend trip in the fall. One night in Jerome, one night in Prescott. There are some fun bars and breweries.

06-20-2015, 08:51 PM
Great run guys, would've done the long way back but the clutch was bothering me. Ellie had a blast and can't wait to see y'all again!

06-21-2015, 07:15 AM
We weren't sure why you left but I figured as a grown up and a navy man and maps on our phones these days, you probably just jumped back to the 17. We actually just backtracked. We got to the maverick where we filled up and such on the way out and just reversed our trip. No one really felt like going through cottonwood.

All in all a good trip. Glad you could make it. This was kinda a small one though. Wait till you see a big one.

06-21-2015, 08:33 AM
We got stuck behind traffic, and the clutch went again so we decided to take the short route. Andy kept us company fo most of the ride :p

06-21-2015, 11:18 AM
We got stuck behind traffic, and the clutch went again so we decided to take the short route. Andy kept us company fo most of the ride :p

Yes, we kept up with you for most of the time, but then that mini-van slowed our progress. :icon_devil: Great to meet you and Ellie, and hopefully see you again down the road.

Jeff - we did try following you and Goot, but we took a right when it should have been left, and realized that doing multiple U-turns in those narrow Jerome streets wasn't a good idea, so we hit the trail home. Sounds like we missed a good time with the :police-car-004:

John - it was indeed the best day of the year! Nice meeting you and your gf over some blue glasses and birthday candles.

Todd - thanks again for organizing the event. Very well coordinated and much appreciated!

It was great to catch up with old friends and make new ones. See everyone next time!

06-22-2015, 12:12 AM
I'm glad everybody had a good time and it never seems to fail we end up losing people for the ride home on these shorter day trips. But I'm glad to hear you took the route of your choice even if it was due to mechanical issues. By the time we got to the Maverick, everybody was looking to take the short route home so you didn't miss much. I was starting to bake to a crisp in the cockpit going topless. As soon as there are pictures to post, i'll load them up here. Feel free to post any pics you may have taken Saturday. Looking forward to the next one!

06-22-2015, 12:49 PM
I'm glad everybody had a good time and it never seems to fail we end up losing people for the ride home on these shorter day trips. But I'm glad to hear you took the route of your choice even if it was due to mechanical issues. By the time we got to the Maverick, everybody was looking to take the short route home so you didn't miss much. I was starting to bake to a crisp in the cockpit going topless. As soon as there are pictures to post, i'll load them up here. Feel free to post any pics you may have taken Saturday. Looking forward to the next one!

I took some when I got home Saturday night and had the house to myself. Would you like me to post those?

06-22-2015, 02:29 PM
I took some when I got home Saturday night and had the house to myself. Would you like me to post those?

Pics of the house...sure.

Pics of yourself...maybe not so much.


06-22-2015, 03:07 PM
Pics of the house...sure.

Pics of yourself...maybe not so much.


What he said....:stickmen_burningsti

06-23-2015, 02:20 AM
What he said....:stickmen_burningsti

that hurts guys. My head, and my heart.

07-13-2015, 10:52 PM
I'm glad everybody had a good time and it never seems to fail we end up losing people for the ride home on these shorter day trips. But I'm glad to hear you took the route of your choice even if it was due to mechanical issues. By the time we got to the Maverick, everybody was looking to take the short route home so you didn't miss much. I was starting to bake to a crisp in the cockpit going topless. As soon as there are pictures to post, i'll load them up here. Feel free to post any pics you may have taken Saturday. Looking forward to the next one!

Hey Todd - do you have a link to any photos or videos of our trip? Just want to see how many times my yellow car was in front of Jeff's red one. Thanks, Drew:smilielol:

07-14-2015, 12:46 AM
Hey Todd - do you have a link to any photos or videos of our trip? Just want to see how many times my yellow car was in front of Jeff's red one. Thanks, Drew:smilielol:

Unfortunately, not a whole lot of pictures have surfaced despite having an amateur photographer along with us. He was a friends of Jeff's....perhaps he could elaborate????

07-14-2015, 06:04 AM
He is working on a video. I need to get him footage and some sound recordings. We should get more then. Here it has been raining or so hot so I haven't been able to. Should be out soon though, please be patient.


07-14-2015, 02:56 PM
He is working on a video. I need to get him footage and some sound recordings. We should get more then. Here it has been raining or so hot so I haven't been able to. Should be out soon though, please be patient.


Appreciate the update!

08-18-2015, 01:21 PM
So, I felt I needed to tell you all this. Mike has had the video ready to go since within a week or so of our drive. He just wanted some extra footage and sound from me. The tach, exhaust, etc. to fill it out and really make it pop. obviously not hard for me to do with the GoPro but here is why I haven't gotten to it.

Well, as you all know about my accident, one of the things I am still dealing with and working on is the TBI (traumatic brain Injury.) which can cause overstimulation, mood swings, tiredness and such. Well. I was encouraged to try and SSRI to combat some of those problems. I was leary of it but figured it was worth a shot. Well. It turned out to be a wKing nightmare. Once the med kicked in it started causing me all kinds of problems. Exhaustion, depression, confusion, tremors, and most worrisome...culminating in seizures. Now these are things that I had NEVER experienced before. It was quite scary to say the least. Anyway, when that happens, the real kick in the bits is you can't just stop taking the medication. You need to wean down over the course of a month which I have been doing and I am feeling incredibly better because of it.

I am not asking for sympathy or anything like that. I just didn't want you all to blame Mike for the tardiness of photos or video. The blame rests squarely on my shoulders.

Mike had a great time on the drive. He loved the cars and meeting everyone and we will set up a great photo shoot hopefully for when we have a bigger turnout and he will bring a buddy and a drone and should really do it up right.

I just didn't want people to think he was half assing it. He takes his photography very seriously and was honored to be included and invited on our drive.

I am doing much better and should have that footage and sound clips for him soon so he can finish out the video he did for us. Obviously, it won't be super long or anything because we were only able to get set up at that one spot and had lost some cars by then but he is very talented and passionate and will be glad to work with us in the future.

Thanks all.

08-18-2015, 07:35 PM
jeff, understand what you said about your troubles; years ago i discovered KAVA... a tree, so the pacific islanders have been extracting from the roots a element of some kind and using it for many purposes for centuries. it mellows you out and relaxes you, it is common herbal treatment for weaning off meds; i know many people who have used it with great success. you can find it in some drug stores.. think walgreens may have it in pill form. lol, i tried my first time at a kava bar in kona hawaii.... it was in liquid form, like a juice, and tastes terrible! pills are better but point is it works great and no side effects! the kava bars are common in hawaii and always busy, people enjoy it. might help you!

08-18-2015, 08:20 PM
Jeff, Hope you're feeling better. At first reading, I wasn't sure how to take your post since I only know that joking, dry sense of humor guy. Look forward to the pics and video whenever it's ready!

So when's the next cruise?

08-18-2015, 08:44 PM
We'd blame you even when you're not involved so it's all good.

08-18-2015, 09:44 PM
We'd blame you even when you're not involved so it's all good.

Good to know you don't treat me any differently : )

08-18-2015, 09:54 PM
Jeff, Hope you're feeling better. At first reading, I wasn't sure how to take your post since I only know that joking, dry sense of humor guy. Look forward to the pics and video whenever it's ready!

So when's the next cruise?

I get where you are coming from. I do like to make jokes. unfortunately the seizure cost me a game of charades. (Ok that one was a joke.) really though, I had an adverse reaction to the medication that was supposed to help with some of the problems from the TBI. These medications arent immediate either which sucks cause it requires patience. They take a few weeks to kick in (and discover that you are going to have terrible side effects) and then it takes a while to be weaned off so as not to cause more problems. . Oh well, it was worth a shot but I will continue to work on recovery the way I have been which was working well. TBI's are measured in months and years, not weeks. Often times these drugs help people and that's a good thing, but the way I'm wired they don't work with me and just cause problems. I just really wanted you all to know what the hold up was and why I haven't been on here and helping finish the video.

I am all good though now. Almost completely off the medication and therefor will no longer suffer the ill effects. I guess that's the good news is this isn't something I have to deal with once the medication is out of my system. SSRI's or SNRI's just don't work for me. I guess it's just good old fashioned whiskey, cocaine and hookers for me. The holy trinity of bad decisions and great stories.

Thanks all. And I was thinking it would be awesome to set up a night at the drive-in located in Glendale. Perhaps that could be a mini cruise when the weather gets nicer. I think our next cruise is the co-drive with california to Tahoe, right?.

08-18-2015, 10:05 PM
jeff, understand what you said about your troubles; years ago i discovered KAVA... a tree, so the pacific islanders have been extracting from the roots a element of some kind and using it for many purposes for centuries. it mellows you out and relaxes you, it is common herbal treatment for weaning off meds; i know many people who have used it with great success. you can find it in some drug stores.. think walgreens may have it in pill form. lol, i tried my first time at a kava bar in kona hawaii.... it was in liquid form, like a juice, and tastes terrible! pills are better but point is it works great and no side effects! the kava bars are common in hawaii and always busy, people enjoy it. might help you!

Thanks for the tip. Really though I am not having a problem weaning off the medication, especially cause I hated it, it made me feel like crap, and then caused effin seizures. . It is just a slow process. Better to be careful than rush it and cause issues. But after the seizure I had to get a full work up to rule out other things. Unfortunately for all of you, I will be back to normal (or whatever my natural state is called) in about 2 weeks. That's how much longer I have to keep weaning down this medication. I'm already feeling like myself again. And feeling myself again. To a shakira video in case you were wondering. Haha...try getting that image out of your mind.

Look at this girl. Surely you understand. http://youtu.be/booKP974B0k

08-19-2015, 02:19 AM
Good to know you don't treat me any differently : )

It certainly did seem quiet around here lately....

08-19-2015, 05:21 AM
It certainly did seem quiet around here lately....

I thought you guys might enjoy the break. Trust me, I made life hell for the employees at the asylum though. You should have seen their face in the morning when they saw that I had chewed through the leather straps again. Priceless.

08-19-2015, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the tip. Really though I am not having a problem weaning off the medication, especially cause I hated it, it made me feel like crap, and then caused effin seizures. . It is just a slow process. Better to be careful than rush it and cause issues. But after the seizure I had to get a full work up to rule out other things. Unfortunately for all of you, I will be back to normal (or whatever my natural state is called) in about 2 weeks. That's how much longer I have to keep weaning down this medication. I'm already feeling like myself again. And feeling myself again. To a shakira video in case you were wondering. Haha...try getting that image out of your mind.

Look at this girl. Surely you understand. http://youtu.be/booKP974B0k

Jeff - hang in there, and thanks for that link. Really. :hog:

08-21-2015, 04:52 PM
Yeah. Shakira could sing the damn phone book for all I care. As long as she makes a video, I am ok with it.

I really don't want you guys to worry about me. I tried this medication because many people find it helpful after suffering a TBI and the resulting issues with that. It was basically the complete opposite for me. I prefer not to take anything anyway if I can avoid it. My progress is still come along great, I just have to remind myself to be patient about the brain injury and also be glad at all the progress I have made already. The problems I was having such as suffering from overstimulation, panic attacks, difficulty with word recall, are all so much better than they were. Probably to the point where other people don't even notice. But I notice and it needles away at me. That's when I need to just remind myself how far I have come and allow myself a little grace.

Really, no need to worry about me. I mean not cause of that reason anyway. You can be worried cause I owe a bookie a lot of money cause I put 10 grand on the Washington Generals to beat the Harlem Globetrotters. I mean it paid 100 to one and I figured they were due. I mean, who would have thought the Globetrotters were gonna keep the streak going? But what's the bookie gonna do, break my legs?