View Full Version : Flogging of a Viper, HC Charger, HC Challenger...hard to watch

05-07-2015, 10:01 PM
They seem to indicate that Dodge gave them these cars for this vehicular version of the movie "Hostel." Why Dodge? Why would you do this? Is it out of line for me to say that there is a special place in hell for these clowns that did this to these cars? If dodge can afford to just give them away, I will take one and I bet convince more people to buy it than this horror show does. Really, does this sell cars?


05-09-2015, 01:00 AM
I didn't get the point of that last part when I first saw the video...I also don't really get how people can thrash new cars like that.

It probably helps with brand awareness but I doubt that video will convince many that a Viper is te car they want.