View Full Version : New location for Coffee and Cars in San Antonio this Saturday May 9th

05-05-2015, 09:04 PM
We have a new location for Coffee and Cars in San Antonio. We have quite a few Vipers already going but wanted to get the word out here as well.
My thought is to rally together for breakfast around 7:00am at a restaurant to be determined in the next couple of days depending on how many Vipers we have.

IF YOU ARE WEARING YOUR 2015 VOA BADGE BREAKFAST IS ON ME! Remember, no badge no tacos.... LOL

This helps everyone get to know each other's name so good all around.

After breakfast we head out and arrive around 8:00am and find an area to make our "Snake Pit".

Enclosed is the link to the Facebook site to sign up:

If you don't have Facebook here is a link with the same info:

Let's see how many Snakes we can get there to represent the Viper Nation!

Keep em' Rollin!

John Weber