View Full Version : Ralph "The Viper is Selling Just Fine, Thanks"

11-26-2013, 05:16 PM
http://jalopnik.com/ralph-giles-says-the-srt-viper-is-selling-just-fine-th-1472084079?utm_campaign=socialflow_jalopnik_facebo ok&utm_source=jalopnik_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

Policy Limits
11-26-2013, 07:51 PM
Weird. It's one of the biggest bangs for the buck anywhere and probably the only hand built 6 speed manual hand built one with a V10 in its price range. Maybe people are still afraid of the car. Once you see it, experience the interior, drive it, own it and learn its personality you do fall in love with it. Pics on the web do it zero justice.

11-26-2013, 07:58 PM
Weird. It's one of the biggest bangs for the buck anywhere and probably the only hand built 6 speed manual hand built one with a V10 in its price range. Maybe people are still afraid of the car. Once you see it, experience the interior, drive it, own it and learn its personality you do fall in love with it. Pics on the web do it zero justice.

Lets face it, the Viper's reputation is a turn off for some. It's always been known as a drivers car and for good reason, it is a drivers car. The new buyers that were looking to lure over are used to cars with a lot more technology that make it much easier to drive. I love my Gen2, but you better make sure you don't do anything stupid, because it really does just wait for you to push it to far. The new car is a whole new breed of animal, but until they get their heads out of their a$$es and get people in the seats, the old stigma will still be there. Sorry, but I still don't see the new one selling as well as anyone would have hoped. Maybe they really didn't need to sell as many as we thought to be a viable business case.

Policy Limits
11-26-2013, 08:06 PM
Glad to see the new positive vibe at least; I couldn't believe it but the most critical and negative folks about the car were viper people. The V isn't as scary as your II but it still instills fear into someone new to the brand for at least the 1st 500 miles. It's the back to the basics rawness with a touch of refinement that makes it a pleasant challenge though; if I want to play a video game I can buy an x box instead of a GT-R, etc

11-26-2013, 08:08 PM
Glad to see the new positive vibe at least; I couldn't believe it but the most critical and negative folks about the car were viper people. The V isn't as scary as your II but it still instills fear into someone new to the brand for at least the 1st 500 miles. It's the back to the basics rawness with a touch of refinement that makes it a pleasant challenge though; if I want to play a video game I can buy an x box instead of a GT-R, etc

The car scared the shit out of me when it first arrived to our driveway.

Since then, it has caught me a few times (Thank you traction control), but overall I don't find it the scary beast all described. I think the ESC and Traction Control are a massive help. SRT needs to sort of figure out how to spin "The car can still kill you, if it wanted to, but it doesn't anymore"

11-26-2013, 08:26 PM
Lets face it, the Viper's reputation is a turn off for some. It's always been known as a drivers car and for good reason, it is a drivers car. The new buyers that were looking to lure over are used to cars with a lot more technology that make it much easier to drive. I love my Gen2, but you better make sure you don't do anything stupid, because it really does just wait for you to push it to far. The new car is a whole new breed of animal, but until they get their heads out of their a$$es and get people in the seats, the old stigma will still be there. Sorry, but I still don't see the new one selling as well as anyone would have hoped. Maybe they really didn't need to sell as many as we thought to be a viable business case.

I agree with the above highlighted comment but, unfortunately its not just SRT causing the slow response from potential buyers, its also the media. When you have certain race car drivers, taking cars out to test them and they come back with comments like, this car is too hard to drive, too unforgiving for an everyday driver, and its not a car for everyone, it just leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. A certain article on youtube was comparing 12 best driver cars and guess what they picked last place? Yep...the Viper. With all the above reasons I just mentioned plus some.

It's unfortunate but that is the way this car has unfolded itself from its makers and supporters. Once again, none of the critics that had put the Viper down because of its lack of creature comforts in the past have even once brought up how this has been solved. They continue to compare Hp ad performance, leaving the creature comforts on the back burner. Something they always had said kept the Viper behind the Corvette. Now that we solved that problem, they go back to Hp wars between the two. You just can't please everyone all of the time, but you can some , some of the time. 495 total sales numbers through October is the 'some of the time". Once again it proves the point that most of us have made since we found out about the Hp numbers and were pounced on by most, that the Viper is all about Hp and performance and not creature comforts. Money should have been spent on Hp and performance and not creature comforts, 20 options and a racing division that I think could have waited till this coming year or the next. Millions of dollars spent there instead of using that money to solve the HP and performance issues most of us want or have wanted. Where are all those buyers that wanted the creature comforts? Where? I'll tell you where. They are the "some" that have purchased the 495 vipers since inception. Not the 1500 that they were shooting for. The other 1000 potential buyers were waiting for the numbers, not the 18 speaker system and laguna leather and the launch control.
Anyway, I hate to sit here and rant so Ill stop. I am just disappointed as this car obviously means a lot to me. Otherwise I would just sit back watch and listen. I am a true Viper enthusiast that cares about the reputation and future of this car and thus my thoughts and opinions. Because that is just what they are in the end. My thoughts and opinions Period.

Space Truckin
11-26-2013, 08:34 PM
Weird. It's one of the biggest bangs for the buck anywhere and probably the only hand built 6 speed manual hand built one with a V10 in its price range. Maybe people are still afraid of the car. Once you see it, experience the interior, drive it, own it and learn its personality you do fall in love with it. Pics on the web do it zero justice.

Agree 100% It is a Viper and there is no mistake. When on the road people just Gawk and take pics whether rolling or getting fuel, it really is America's car. :drive:

11-26-2013, 08:37 PM
I think what really gets me about the new car is the computer system that held the Gen4 back is still there. The interior to me wasn't a game changer, it is what it is. The fact the factory has limited what you can do to a few bolt ons is still what's going to hold it back from the tinkerers. I still have hope for the car, but there will never be one in my garage as long as the current tuning issue is there. Ralph is a needle in a hay stack as far as Head Honchos go and I'm glad the car still exists, but unless they change quite a few things I don't see the Gen5 being a long run, I really don't.

11-26-2013, 09:22 PM
The car scared the shit out of me when it first arrived to our driveway.

Since then, it has caught me a few times (Thank you traction control), but overall I don't find it the scary beast all described. I think the ESC and Traction Control are a massive help. SRT needs to sort of figure out how to spin "The car can still kill you, if it wanted to, but it doesn't anymore"

Fuel for a lawsuit after the first fatality from someone who forgot to turn back on the ESC after shutting it off.

Not a smart idea at all.

11-27-2013, 07:46 AM
The only thing they did wrong with this car IMO is over price it! For the twenty or so years it has been on the market it has been exactly what it was meant to be and has accomplished many levels of success. It's a limited production american built supercar and if it offens anyone that it can be a handful well that's too bad. Who would want a porn star to be a lady in bed?? LMAO...

11-27-2013, 08:29 AM
The only thing they did wrong with this car IMO is over price it! For the twenty or so years it has been on the market it has been exactly what it was meant to be and has accomplished many levels of success. It's a limited production american built supercar and if it offens anyone that it can be a handful well that's too bad. Who would want a porn star to be a lady in bed?? LMAO...

Amen! The car doesn't have anything in it that warrants a 30 - 40k price increase.

11-27-2013, 08:36 AM
Amen! The car doesn't have anything in it that warrants a 30 - 40k price increase.

You can get into a Gen V for $102,000 - inflation adjusted the viper has always been in the $90k range. The outgoing gen IV was in the 96k range, so it is $6k more to get Into the car.

Why does everyone quote the price of a car with every option checked?

Why is there a misconception you have to shell out $140,000 to buy a Viper?

Steve M
11-27-2013, 08:43 AM
You can get into a Gen V for $102,000 - inflation adjusted the viper has always been in the $90k range. The outgoing gen IV was in the 96k range, so it is $6k more to get Into the car.

Why does everyone quote the price of a car with every option checked?

Why is there a misconception you have to shell out $140,000 to buy a Viper?

This right here, although it seems like there were a few dealers out there that checked as many boxes as they could on the options list, only to figure out that adding $30k-$40k in options (essentially the price of buying an average new car) might severely limit their market.

11-27-2013, 08:54 AM
This right here, although it seems like there were a few dealers out there that checked as many boxes as they could on the options list, only to figure out that adding $30k-$40k in options (essentially the price of buying an average new car) might severely limit their market.
If the Viper faithful think the car costs $140,000 it probably means others do as well.

Perhaps this perception of cost problem is something SRT needs to work on as well.

Agree on dealer options - many saw it a get rich quick scheme. Just cause you can swing $105k doesn't mean you can swing $140!

11-27-2013, 08:58 AM
You can get into a Gen V for $102,000 - inflation adjusted the viper has always been in the $90k range. The outgoing gen IV was in the 96k range, so it is $6k more to get Into the car.

Why does everyone quote the price of a car with every option checked?

Why is there a misconception you have to shell out $140,000 to buy a Viper?

Keep in mind that the Viper hasn't sold well since the pricing went up to either level, 95K, 110K, 102K, 140K. Why did they think that all of a sudden people would shell out even more when the trend has been a downward one in sales numbers since 2006?

11-27-2013, 09:03 AM
Keep in mind that the Viper hasn't sold well since the pricing went up to either level, 95K, 110K, 102K, 140K. Why did they think that all of a sudden people would shell out even more when the trend has been a downward one in sales numbers since 2006?
Touché! Can't argue much with that :)

11-27-2013, 09:10 AM
The fact is that the Viper has always been an expensive car to own. It is NOT a Corvette. the latter GEN IV's and the current GEN V now have more options to push the cost of the car to a higher cost. Like others have said, a base model can be had for around $105,000.


11-27-2013, 10:14 AM
The fact is that the Viper has always been an expensive car to own. It is NOT a Corvette. the latter GEN IV's and the current GEN V now have more options to push the cost of the car to a higher cost. Like others have said, a base model can be had for around $105,000.


The gen5 is actually a bargain when you consider that for its price point NO other car gets as many thumbs up , stares or attention. That alone puts it in a rare celebrity category.

Put a 10 year old next to a Aston Martin, a high end Mercedes , and a Viper and see what car he /she will be drawn to. Only the Viper wins that contest.

Its only competition in the gawk factor might be an Lambo Aventatdor, at four times the price.

Viper Girl
11-27-2013, 04:51 PM
I think Gilles got it right that most of the Dealers don't know their customer... Truly I believe Viper is turning the corner on the bad media, and dealers marking up the cars insanely high.

I saw the Carbon Edition at the LA Auto show last weekend with SoCal Viper Club... What a stunning car, it showed the body lines like you wouldn't believe.
Some went in to the show thinking "hasn't that matte finish run its course???" Then saw the CE, the answer was a resounding NO!

That is one hella hot car... Hard to stop looking at it...

11-28-2013, 06:30 AM
Let's face it, SRT had three years to get the car and the marketing right not to mention where to price it. The release was lousy, the rags buried it and the marketing and pricing were off. We all as Viper owners past or present know what the car is all about, they needed to reach a new audience and did not do so. Even building niche cars is not smart like the Carbon Edition, focus on the mainstream product that buyers really want like a vert or an ACR. JMO...Happy Thanksgiving to all.

11-28-2013, 09:14 AM
I think the release was actually very good and initial marketing materials were amazing. They spared no expense and went top notch. The reveal of the race program was a shock to everyone.

I think the issues happened shortly after. Build issues, some bad reviews, and dealer issues. And in my opinion, the initial thing that help up new sales at its release was a lack of a huge hp bump. Lots of people were hoping they'd see a 700hp car (but there are reasons for that).

However if you guys recall, Vipers never got a fair shake in the mags. It was rare you'd see a good article. The Gen5 started with great articles and now it's nice to see phase 2 of SRT's plan working. And relative to that ridiculous top 12 article that the viper took 12th on... When you flip the page and all the lap times were listed for that track for all the cars they drove, I find it interesting the viper had the top spot along with several more in the top 10. Vipers were the fastest cars by far, in every flavor, I recall the top 10 had 3-4 vipers in it... that's why we buy those cars.

The SRT model in this car is indeed a deal for $102. You do have to touch, sit, and drive it to see. There are extremely few people who bought the car who aren't RAVING about it. The time I spent behind the wheel of the new car sold me. There are big differences you don't see. SRT knows this, they also know as more of these cars get in people's hands, the closer others will get to it and will make the same decision. The differences aren't small. Both the performance, quality, design, and interior are head over heels better than even the gen4, the price only went up a fee thousand.

I'll tell you something about the viper program that should make you proud as it's really a grass roots underdog. You can count on your 2 hands all the people who are ultimately responsible for 90% of the car and it's marketing. It's actually humbling. These guys have worked night and day to get this thing done. Would you rather it go away? Not me! Without a viper, there's not much filling that over the top nitch for me. The viper is not trying to be a vette or a ferrari... but it sits firmly in the middle and beats the pants off of most cars it's put up against... including those 2-3 times the cost. I think I'd feel worse if I spent $250k just to get spanked by a viper, those are the folks who should be complaining, they're wondering how 10 guys built a sports car that DOMINATES most categories including price and performance - the two most important categories when buying a sports car.

Keep it all in perspective.

11-28-2013, 09:50 AM
Alex, well said, and I like the "number of people" thing who are responsible...at GM or Ferrari it is a mass of people that develop cars!

May be the limited number of dedicated people is the secret to Vipers performance for a small price. Compared to other cars.

I think the +600hp is just fine. Owners/drivers should invest more into drivers trainings and track time (not talking about 1/4 mile) before crying for more hp.

11-28-2013, 01:39 PM
Let's face it, SRT had three years to get the car and the marketing right not to mention where to price it. The release was lousy, the rags buried it and the marketing and pricing were off. We all as Viper owners past or present know what the car is all about, they needed to reach a new audience and did not do so. Even building niche cars is not smart like the Carbon Edition, focus on the mainstream product that buyers really want like a vert or an ACR. JMO...Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I'm pretty sure it was more like 18 months/ 1 year to get things going on the Gen V. Just because the Viper wasn't made for 2011 and 2012 didn't mean they were planning on a new Viper in 2010. The Viper program was dead and the factory was shuttered and the suppliers were told to wind it all down.

When you consider where the Gen V came from along with the manufacturing, what they did was quite impressive. Too bad that gets lost in the bugs that plagued the launch. Hopefully the TA and Carbons sell out and indicate to management that the Viper program has life, just not where they thought the GTS and SRT were positioned, and with some tuning sales will pick up.

11-28-2013, 09:58 PM
My favorite line in this whole entire thread "The car can still kill you, if it wanted to, but it doesn't anymore" This is why we drive vipers, at least most of us want a car that not everyone and their mom can just jump into and drive!

11-28-2013, 10:54 PM
You can get into a Gen V for $102,000 - inflation adjusted the viper has always been in the $90k range. The outgoing gen IV was in the 96k range, so it is $6k more to get Into the car.

Why does everyone quote the price of a car with every option checked?

Why is there a misconception you have to shell out $140,000 to buy a Viper?


Base Price: $ 122,385

Exterior Color:Viper White Clear Coat Exterior Paint
Interior Color:Black Interior Color Interior:Sabelt Premium Leather Seats Engine:8.4-Liter V10 SFI
Engine Transmission:6-Speed Manual Transmission

Because most of them are over $120K

Or you can get one that has absolutely nothing extra. No nice wheels or anything.

Base Price: $ 99,885 + Destination charge $1,995 + Gas Guzzler Tax $2,600

Exterior Color:Venom Black Clear Coat Exterior Paint
Interior Color:Black Interior Color Interior:Sabelt Leather Bucket Seats Engine:8.4-Liter V10 SFI
Engine Transmission:6-Speed Manual Transmission

Tell me again how thats an upgrade over my Gen IV ACR?

11-29-2013, 12:10 AM
What actually comes standard on the GTS that is over and above the SRT? Even the SRT gets all the benefits of the redesigned interior I thought? Considering a ZR1 is 120k, I think the Viper is a VERY good deal in either form compared that way, especially considering the ZR1 still looks like a base Cobalt interior wise.

11-29-2013, 07:48 AM
My favorite line in this whole entire thread "The car can still kill you, if it wanted to, but it doesn't anymore" This is why we drive vipers, at least most of us want a car that not everyone and their mom can just jump into and drive!

Great quote! I also read a quote I believe on this sight that went sort of like this, "if it doesn't scare you it's not a real car" or something like that. Does anyone know the exact quote and where it came from?

11-29-2013, 08:39 AM
Doesn't seem to me that "this car can kill you" is going to be a great selling slogan. I think SRT is wrong and that dealers do know the car. The dealers balked at paying $25K to be able to sell a car that was late in arriving and poorly marketed by Chrysler. Most dealer employees don't know what SRT is. It is probably going to be a great car but the introduction of the new Viper reminds me of the Health care rollout. Poorly planned, oversold, but could be worth the wait if you'll just give us some time to get it all worked out.

11-29-2013, 09:18 AM
It is probably going to be a great car but the introduction of the new Viper reminds me of the Health care rollout. Poorly planned, oversold, but could be worth the wait if you'll just give us some time to get it all worked out.

Except that there's a huge difference. With Obamacare, we have no idea what we are getting and whether a giant government bureaucracy can run it efficiently.

With the Viper, the introduction was clearly flubbed pretty badly, but any enthusiast that really wants to learn about the product knows exactly what he's getting. And anyone who's a member of this board can ask questions of Gen V owners like me, I have logged 4,500 miles and driven on three tracks so I know how exceptional this sports car is. No question that the vast majority of Gen V owners are very happy with their decision and will share their likes and dislikes.

And SRT is finally fixing some of the flaws in the original role out. You can now test drive it, custom orders are now given priority over unsold orders, and SRT sends production cars that are well sorted to the mag rags instead of beat up pre-production test mules. The TA media launch is a do-over opportunity for SRT, so far the media has unanimously praised it. Let's hope this positive momentum continues.

There should be no question what the car is at this point, to the informed enthusiast.

11-29-2013, 09:35 AM
Lots of demand for the T/A especially here in Ontario ! Hopefully they will have availability and help out sales . ;)

11-29-2013, 10:55 AM
There are a hell of a lot of uniformed enthusiasts then and flubbed badly is an understatement of vast proportions. But in both cases, I'd say the jury is still out. This time next year we'll get a better picture of where the new car is.

Except that there's a huge difference. With Obamacare, we have no idea what we are getting and whether a giant government bureaucracy can run it efficiently.

With the Viper, the introduction was clearly flubbed pretty badly, but any enthusiast that really wants to learn about the product knows exactly what he's getting. And anyone who's a member of this board can ask questions of Gen V owners like me, I have logged 4,500 miles and driven on three tracks so I know how exceptional this sports car is. No question that the vast majority of Gen V owners are very happy with their decision and will share their likes and dislikes.

And SRT is finally fixing some of the flaws in the original role out. You can now test drive it, custom orders are now given priority over unsold orders, and SRT sends production cars that are well sorted to the mag rags instead of beat up pre-production test mules. The TA media launch is a do-over opportunity for SRT, so far the media has unanimously praised it. Let's hope this positive momentum continues.

There should be no question what the car is at this point, to the informed enthusiast.

Russ Oasis
12-01-2013, 07:36 PM
Here's my take. 1) As far as the magazines go, they really get me hot under the collar. Publications that are supposed to be concerned with how well this genre of car (performance race cars) performs on the TRACK, are suddenly disturbed that "the footwell is warm" or "the car gets its massive torque and HP numbers from raw displacement." Yeah...SO WHAT? Isn't the point "which is the fastest car around the track?" When I read that many testers for the magazines think that the car is hard to control, I don't understand. I have raced Comp Coupes, Corvettes and Porsches (the latter two in the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona). There is nothing difficult about the handling of the Viper. As with ANY race car, you have to pay attention because IT'S A RACE CAR AND NOT DESIGNED FOR CELL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WHILE DRIVING. The magazines should should put Kuno Witmer or another SRT factory driver in the car for their tests and they'd have a more objective look at the performance comparisons using lap times as the ONLY reference. Isn't that why one purchases a Viper or a Porshe GT-3.....for its track prowess?
2) The reason that the car is so much more expensive than others like the Corvette is that Mr. Marchionne demanded that the Viper be subjected to all the same tests and conditions that a car such as the Chrysler 300 is. That means that the Viper needs to be tested in -30 degree cold and 125 degree heat. This type of testing and resultant changes make a run of 1000-2000 cars, VERY expensive. SRT needs to let the Viper off the hook with regard to passing those standards. If it means that they end up eating a car or a warranty from a car in Alaska or Death Valley, so be it. It would be much less expensive in the long run. Finally, 3) I note that everyone wants to reprogram the ECU. SRT doesn't want that as it would create issues which they may not want to fix under warranty. Here's the solution: If an owner is willing to forgo his warranty, SRT should unlock the box for him. That means that once it's unlocked, that car can never come in under warranty. I think the trade-off is fair and understandable from both sides.
All of this being said, the fact that not many cars have been sold so far makes me want one all the more. I LOVE that the car is seen less than a Ferrari. Just my .02.

12-01-2013, 08:07 PM
Russ, great points.

12-01-2013, 08:08 PM
Ralph "The Viper is Selling Just Fine, Thanks"

What does that even mean? What is his definition of fine? Who is Ralph? I am example of a viper owner (on my second one and considering another) who does not care about how fast a car goes around a racetrack or down the 1/4. I do not care what the press says and do not read the articles. I buy a car based upon what I like to sit in and drive (99% the speed limit). I was thinking of a Gen IV but wonder whether the outward similarities with my Gen III coupe will be enough of a new driving experience. So I am starting to look at Gen 5 base. Used 2013s are surfacing in the high 80s.
Once you start pricing sports cars in the high 80s to 150 range, other cars like Porsche come into range. There are lots of folk out there, like me, that are not brand or model loyal. It may be that the SRT viper has entered unfamiliar and very competitive territory at its new pricing.

Russ Oasis
12-01-2013, 09:18 PM
You may not be the typical Viper buyer. Most of us DO care how quickly a car goes around the track or down the 1/4 mile. If comfort and amenities are important to you in the "price territory" the Viper may not be the car you want. There are SO many nice cars that are easy to drive, kind of fast, and have great interiors (like the Nissan, Porsche or Corvette). On the other hand, if you want the one car that out-performs them all, you drive the Viper. The Viper is not a status car, it's a race car.

12-01-2013, 09:36 PM
If it means that they end up eating a car or a warranty from a car in Alaska or Death Valley, so be it. It would be much less expensive in the long run. .

is this quote for real ? like there would never be a government mandated recall, or a class action lawsuit on a faulty product ?? HELLO !!

12-01-2013, 10:07 PM
What does that even mean? What is his definition of fine? Who is Ralph? I am example of a viper owner (on my second one and considering another) who does not care about how fast a car goes around a racetrack or down the 1/4. I do not care what the press says and do not read the articles. I buy a car based upon what I like to sit in and drive (99% the speed limit). I was thinking of a Gen IV but wonder whether the outward similarities with my Gen III coupe will be enough of a new driving experience. So I am starting to look at Gen 5 base. Used 2013s are surfacing in the high 80s.
Once you start pricing sports cars in the high 80s to 150 range, other cars like Porsche come into range. There are lots of folk out there, like me, that are not brand or model loyal. It may be that the SRT viper has entered unfamiliar and very competitive territory at its new pricing.

What kind of dumbass makes comments like this? Chris, is this you............................................... ...........


12-02-2013, 01:02 AM
Here's my take. 1) As far as the magazines go, they really get me hot under the collar. Publications that are supposed to be concerned with how well this genre of car (performance race cars) performs on the TRACK, are suddenly disturbed that "the footwell is warm" or "the car gets its massive torque and HP numbers from raw displacement." Yeah...SO WHAT? Isn't the point "which is the fastest car around the track?" When I read that many testers for the magazines think that the car is hard to control, I don't understand. I have raced Comp Coupes, Corvettes and Porsches (the latter two in the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona). There is nothing difficult about the handling of the Viper. As with ANY race car, you have to pay attention because IT'S A RACE CAR AND NOT DESIGNED FOR CELL PHONE CONVERSATIONS WHILE DRIVING. The magazines should should put Kuno Witmer or another SRT factory driver in the car for their tests and they'd have a more objective look at the performance comparisons using lap times as the ONLY reference. Isn't that why one purchases a Viper or a Porshe GT-3.....for its track prowess?
2) The reason that the car is so much more expensive than others like the Corvette is that Mr. Marchionne demanded that the Viper be subjected to all the same tests and conditions that a car such as the Chrysler 300 is. That means that the Viper needs to be tested in -30 degree cold and 125 degree heat. This type of testing and resultant changes make a run of 1000-2000 cars, VERY expensive. SRT needs to let the Viper off the hook with regard to passing those standards. If it means that they end up eating a car or a warranty from a car in Alaska or Death Valley, so be it. It would be much less expensive in the long run. Finally, 3) I note that everyone wants to reprogram the ECU. SRT doesn't want that as it would create issues which they may not want to fix under warranty. Here's the solution: If an owner is willing to forgo his warranty, SRT should unlock the box for him. That means that once it's unlocked, that car can never come in under warranty. I think the trade-off is fair and understandable from both sides.
All of this being said, the fact that not many cars have been sold so far makes me want one all the more. I LOVE that the car is seen less than a Ferrari. Just my .02.

The Gen III and Gen IV were subject to the same corporate standards for cold weather starting and drivability. It's a pain but the Viper passed them before so the Gen V should go through it as well. I'm pretty sure the Corvette doesn't get special dispensation for durability and harsh weather testing from GM either?

That warranty was one thing that was brought up to me when debating the unlock with a SRT Engineer. I told him the same thing. Unlock the PCM would void the engine warranty, nothing wrong with that. He didn't have a response to that.

The magazines are all about selling magazines. They really don't care about telling the truth or whether one car is really better than another. If it bleeds it leads, and the Viper sure has had a lot of bloody encounters lately.

Journalists can't drive well either. Cars that burst the bubble of the writer's secret dream of becoming the reincarnation of Gilles Villeneuve don't get any love. The Viper is one of those cars. Only the truly talented/trained/gifted will make the Viper dominate. Everyone else will be far behind. Sometimes the truth hurts, and writers will respond like any other lover spurned.