View Full Version : Vipers and Exotics for Victora - Sunday May 17, 2015 Quaker Steak and Lube Edison, NJ

Jack's GTS
03-26-2015, 07:09 AM
Just a friendly reminder to pencil into your calendars if you're available to attend. Thanks!

There will be a Vipers & Exotics car event at the Quaker Steak and Lube in Edison, NJ on Sunday May 17th. Staging will start at 10:00am Sunday morning. My friend Victor, who is the Area Manager for QSL’s daughter Victoria was born premature and has hydrocephalus, a condition of the brain that causes unwanted cerebrospinal fluid to cause added pressure on the brain. Victoria just turned 1 year old a while back. She has undergone 5 brain surgeries in her short life span. I would like to do a “Vipers & Exotics for Victoria” car show/meet at the QSL in Edison. An entry fee of $25.00 per car will go 100% to the Victory Fund for Victoria. QSL will provide a discount on food and refreshments for car owners and their co-pilots. Trophies will be presented by QSL for Best of Show, Best Paint and Most Distance Traveled to Show. I would like to get at least 20 cars to participate. I would also like to extend this invitation to all NY, PA and CT members/owners as well. If interested in attending, please contact me at 908 910-4800 or email me at jaxlt1@verizon.net

They have a great venue with a lot of spectators to view the cars.

03-26-2015, 07:26 AM

Will be hosting a mini-auction of a few Viper banners designed by myself and made by Ohio VOA member Sam Goldfarb! Sam and I have been making these for the last few Ohio events! There will be two championship winning #93 Viper GTS-R banners I designed in a smaller size and a much larger one! (Trust me, it's HUGE!) They have grommets so they're suitable for hanging in the garage! See you all there!


https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/11050839_10203157380290006_7641272676328768624_o.j pg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9