View Full Version : Vipers Run the Bourbon Trail - June 26-28, 2015

03-23-2015, 11:32 AM
2015 Vipers Run the Bourbon Trail information. Please click the pdf file at the bottom of the post for detailed information on the schedule and how to register. If you have any questions let me know!

http://i341.photobucket.com/albums/o397/JEM2201/Event%20Flyers/Flyer_Bourbon_Trail_2015_zpsnxraafjk.jpg (http://s341.photobucket.com/user/JEM2201/media/Event%20Flyers/Flyer_Bourbon_Trail_2015_zpsnxraafjk.jpg.html)

Please click this file for detailed information on the schedule and how to register.

05-06-2015, 11:45 AM
Well we have had about a dozen more people sign up in the last couple weeks so we're at capacity at the moment. The tours are done differently than when we did this event in 2011 so that is directly limiting the capacity. If you have any questions please let me know.

05-06-2015, 05:56 PM
Thanks, Stretch.

06-16-2015, 11:31 AM
For those attending the event, I'm putting together a pdf file with lots of info for the event (Friday optional details, times to be places, addresses, maps, etc). It will be emailed out to everyone (hopefully) later today once I have it finished. Let me know if there are any questions!

06-18-2015, 06:23 PM
Reminder sent to IN/KY posse yesterday.