View Full Version : Mityvac users...got a question for you

03-16-2015, 08:03 AM
So i was thinking about picking up a Mityvac to help with doing some of the fluid changes i want to do BUT i started to read reviews about these things and i was seeing numerous reports of failures. Even after the second use! Claims of the product not being able to be used with synthetic oils. So this made me hold off and look at other options but i keep coming back to thinking about getting one

So my wuestion is...what has been your experience with the mityvac? Id like tonuse it to help remove diff fluid, bleed brakes, clutch and powersteering fluid. Even trans fluid on my wifes car. Id love everyones feedback.

Thanks. :)

Nine Ball
03-16-2015, 08:34 AM
I've had one for years now, no problem with it. I've mostly used it for brake work and clutch fluid changes.

Brian GTS
03-16-2015, 08:43 AM
Love mine...no problems! Sure makes it easy to bleed the brakes and have used it on the clutch too!

03-16-2015, 11:14 AM
Which model do you guys have?

I was thinking of going with the Griots Garage version since it already comes with the brake bleeder kit.

Mr. Bill
05-15-2015, 02:12 PM
I had one of the cheaper plastic ones that I used for years but last year it failed on me so I got the better metal body version. I wish I would of bought this one to begin with.


Steve M
05-15-2015, 02:28 PM
I've owned one for years, but never use it anymore - I ditched it in favor of a Motive pressure bleeder. I now use that for all brake and clutch fluid work.

Mr. Bill
05-15-2015, 02:58 PM
I've owned one for years, but never use it anymore - I ditched it in favor of a Motive pressure bleeder. I now use that for all brake and clutch fluid work.

I agree, that's what I use for brake and clutch bleeding. Much easier to use than the mityvac.