View Full Version : FCC votes to regulate the internet...
Sybil TF
02-26-2015, 03:18 PM
And Obama rules certain AR ammo banned.
The end is near...:United_States:
Sybil TF
02-26-2015, 03:29 PM
I'm starting to think that he is not going to leave when his term is up. I mean, who is going to stop him? lol
02-26-2015, 03:58 PM
They are voting on Internet providers (Comcast, AT&T, etc...) having the ability to slow down your internet speed depending on what sites you visit. So say YouTube doesn't pay Comcast a fee, Comcast will slow down your connection to them. I don't think that is right. I pay for a connection, I want it fast for all sites. Not just Comcast approved sites.
Comcast is just an example.
02-26-2015, 04:18 PM
And Obama rules certain AR ammo banned.
The end is near...:United_States:
What does one have to do with the other? Not an O'barner fan but believing that he's going to try and stay for a third term is a bit
Sybil TF
02-26-2015, 04:20 PM
What does one have to do with the other? Not an O'barner fan but believing that he's going to try and stay for a third term is a bit
What do they have to do with one another? LOL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sybil TF
02-26-2015, 04:24 PM
By the way, if you think internet speed is all this is about you are kidding yourself. FCC chairman said they want to regulate it like a utility. In other words, taxes, taxes and more taxes...
02-26-2015, 06:12 PM
What do they have to do with one another? LOL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is like blaming GWB for all the decisions the Supreme Court makes because Roberts is the Chief Justice. Some decisions the Supremes make will make the left happy, and others to the right, but I think Roberts is genuinely independent now.
Tom Wheeler is the Chairman of the FCC appointed by Obama, but really the Internet regulation by the FCC was really brought to a head by the Verizon in 2010, which tried to really push the dial the other way, and Verizon was told by AT&T, of all companies, not to rock the boat because it would lead to even more trouble. And it did, for the corporations. I think Wheeler is trying to do the right thing as well here, and it's not a higher taxes thing but a 'foxes running the henhouse is bad' kind of thing.
Some good background on what the rules entail:
02-26-2015, 07:19 PM
What I want to know is - can I still get porn??????? LOL!
02-26-2015, 07:35 PM
By the way, if you think internet speed is all this is about you are kidding yourself. FCC chairman said they want to regulate it like a utility. In other words, taxes, taxes and more taxes...
ding ding ding
02-26-2015, 08:21 PM
What does one have to do with the other? Not an O'barner fan but believing that he's going to try and stay for a third term is a bit
im far from a tinfoil hat wearing guy but him staying in office for a 3rd term is absolutely not going to surprise me if it happens
02-26-2015, 08:49 PM
im far from a tinfoil hat wearing guy but him staying in office for a 3rd term is absolutely not going to surprise me if it happens
I think the same thing was said about GWB at the time too...usually pounding of the drums of electoral war to rouse your respective base to get out and beat the bushes.
Nine Ball
02-27-2015, 02:49 AM
Want an example of internet controlled by the government? See China and North Korea. Who wants that?
02-27-2015, 02:56 AM
Are they going to slow down my, ummm, research sites I go to late at night?
Sybil TF
02-27-2015, 08:16 AM
Are they going to slow down my, ummm, research sites I go to late at night?Doubtful, Slick Willy may have a problem with that...Bet you will see in the future all those list of taxes you see on your utility or phone bill.
02-27-2015, 10:27 AM
I think the same thing was said about GWB at the time too...usually pounding of the drums of electoral war to rouse your respective base to get out and beat the bushes.
Really? Perhaps in Canada they said that about GWB! I have never heard that said!
What does it matter? In 5,000 years North America, including your beloved white Canada, will belong to the Mexicans (read The Eternal Frontier by Flannery).
Sybil TF
02-27-2015, 11:20 AM
Really? Perhaps in Canada they said that about GWB! I have never heard that said!
What does it matter? In 5,000 years North America, including your beloved white Canada, will belong to the Mexicans (read The Eternal Frontier by Flannery).It belongs to China. The Mexicans are just the renters....
Sybil TF
02-27-2015, 11:38 AM
By the way, I just heard that the so called 5 million illegals are going to get 4 years of tax credits once they get their SS #'s. So they will be able to file 4 years on back taxes and write off all the childrens which equals a tax refund for 4 years.
Only in America...
02-27-2015, 12:11 PM
Want an example of internet controlled by the government? See China and North Korea. Who wants that?
The Internet was controlled by the US government already, but they gave that up last year.
Net neutrality is primarily about who has the rights to the last mile traffic to your house. The providers (usually large cable corporations and phone companies) want to be the gatekeepers of the speed of the traffic to your house, depending on what the protocol is or where it originates from.
As the purchaser of their service, people generally want to use what they use, and they want to be the ones who determine how fast that a specific website service gets to them.
Basically the ISPs want to control how fast something like netflix or bittorrent comes to you, when basically a data packet is a data packet. As incumbents in specific regions you will not have any choice if they decide to do this (limited ISPs in regions), so the gatekeeper ISP is going to look at the traffic going across to you and slow down service if you (or the originator) doesn't pay extra. The flip side of this is that you can pay extra to get extra speed out of certain protocols or websites too (preferential treatment like a hybrid in an HOV lane).
These should all be non starters because the subscriber to the service (i.e., the consumer browsing the web) should be the one who decides, not the government or the ISP. Net neutrality provides the framework so a civil internet can happen. Removing that protection actually balkanizes the internet because *every* road becomes in effect, a toll road. If that happens you basically kiss small challengers to any high bandwidth popular service goodbye (removing competition because they cannot afford the preferential charges that are being charged to cross their network.
Companies like Level3 communications and other backbone providers will also be allowed to relegate netflix, FaceTime, or any other identifiable traffic to the slow lane unless the consumer or the originators cough up money. It would allow your ISP to slow down transfers from websites they don't like, and increase speeds to ones they do.
This whole fight happened because Verizon got greedy and tried to push the Internet out of a fairly decent place in jurisdiction and legality. Even other ISPs told them not to do it. Verizon won the battle but lost the war because it opened up a whole can of worms that no other corporation wanted, and now all they can claim is that government is bad to regulate the internet because government is bad by definition somehow...even though the government was regulating the whole thing before and it was running pretty well.
02-27-2015, 12:31 PM
Are they going to slow down my, ummm, research sites I go to late at night?
If they decide against network neutrality, for sure they could, because all packets going to you would be going through a deep packet inspector to try and find out where the packet came from, what it does, and most importantly, how much money they can get from you for it.
I'd bundle it together like those idiotic cable/satellite packages so you'd have to pay in order to get "priority access" to important sites like the huffingtonpost™,™, CNN™ and xHamster...only an extra $2.99 per month! Add $1.99 per month for Netflix™ gold streaming today, with speedy access to Disney™ and™! Only an extra $0.99 per month for a 'privacy shield' to exclude your browsing history from being listed on your monthly statement.
Sybil TF
02-27-2015, 04:22 PM
and now all they can claim is that government is bad to regulate the internet because government is bad by definition somehow... the whole thing before and it was running Big government is bad period. Our president said the new health care bill would lower costs by $2,500 per year for Americans, yeah right. Mine went from $400 per year to $700.00 per year within 8 months of that bill being passed. No new sickness, don't hardly use the insurance. You wait and see, there is going to be new taxes on internet service just for starters.
02-27-2015, 05:30 PM
I've never read such stupidity on this forum.....i'm sure my IQ has dropped a few points thanks to you guys.
02-27-2015, 05:32 PM
Big government is bad period. Our president said the new health care bill would lower costs by $2,500 per year for Americans, yeah right. Mine went from $400 per year to $700.00 per year within 8 months of that bill being passed. No new sickness, don't hardly use the insurance. You wait and see, there is going to be new taxes on internet service just for starters.
But all the sick bastards in your country who had retardedly high premiums went down probably. Don't you get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing you are helping those people by paying their premiums for them? :roll eyes: 700$ is pretty damn good though when you think about it. Up here I pay roughly 32,000$ a year for healthcare. But hey it's "Free healthcare", since I don't get an actual healthcare bill, roll my eyes once more. People are so naive in Canada.
02-27-2015, 05:47 PM
Bottom-line is if you give government an inch, they will take a mile. I am a dual citizen US/Canada and growing up in Canada, there is not the Big Brother mentality to anywhere near the levels of the US so in a way Canadians have a little respect for Government and vice versa. That is NOT the case in the US my past 20 years here. I am not a wingman in any direction however I have seen a death spiral starting in how the US government has been behaving and with regards to people's civil liberties with mob like direction and efficiency. Nothing I can do about it so you just go on in life crack a Molson and enjoy what I can however in another century or century and a half, it is going to be really, really bad. Everything will eventually come to a head. Until then, other than this car site, I don't use any social media and we try to live life in a non-virtual world. Hell if I had the money, we would live off the grid completely. Only problem is someone would hack something we had and kill us in the virtual world to collect our life insurance money. Then we would have to go to the insurance company and fight with them to show we are alive when their virtual world shows we are dead. I can just see it in person. "But no sir, you are dead so there is no way you can be who you say you are and be standing in front of me. My computer screen says you are dead, so you are dead".
BTW no way, Barrack will hold a 3rd term. He is bullying his way to every promise he made regardless of the law of state of the country in this 2nd term. He can't hold that up for another term. 2 more years and we will be more than ready for a new puppet in the white house. What is sad is government barely works at the state level. It is completely broken at the DC level. Almost need to do what the VOA did and start a new National Government as the old one is beyond repair. Look how well the VOA is doing now. :)
Sybil TF
02-27-2015, 07:41 PM
I've never read such stupidity on this forum.....i'm sure my IQ has dropped a few points thanks to you guys.
Say wut?
02-27-2015, 08:21 PM
I've never read such stupidity on this forum.....i'm sure my IQ has dropped a few points thanks to you guys.
You must have Comanche in you, as supported by your name, and that you throw a bunch of arrows/barbs and disappear into the hills. Please elaborate.
02-27-2015, 08:57 PM
If they decide against network neutrality, for sure they could, because all packets going to you would be going through a deep packet inspector to try and find out where the packet came from, what it does, and most importantly, how much money they can get from you for it.
I'd bundle it together like those idiotic cable/satellite packages so you'd have to pay in order to get "priority access" to important sites like the huffingtonpost™,™, CNN™ and xHamster...only an extra $2.99 per month! Add $1.99 per month for Netflix™ gold streaming today, with speedy access to Disney™ and™! Only an extra $0.99 per month for a 'privacy shield' to exclude your browsing history from being listed on your monthly statement.
I've been thinking about getting a hamster. I will check out that site you recommended. How cool there is a website just for people interested in buying a hamster. I mean, I'm assuming that's what it is. What else would it possibly be?
02-27-2015, 10:50 PM
You must have Comanche in you, as supported by your name, and that you throw a bunch of arrows/barbs and disappear into the hills. Please elaborate.
02-28-2015, 12:10 AM
Leadfoot, it's pretty clear you hate freedom and america. You make bald eagles cry.
02-28-2015, 01:10 AM
Maybe, Injins are dumb, I know. I got a man-slave that is red.:lol2:Got some German in him too lol
He was going to scalp me when he found out I was part Hebrew...he,he,he
Umm...what? That post makes about as much sense as an ass flavored lollipop.
02-28-2015, 06:34 AM
Maybe, Injins are dumb, I know. I got a man-slave that is red.:lol2:Got some German in him too lol
He was going to scalp me when he found out I was part Hebrew...he,he,he
Also, did you forget that this isn't "The Alley" again? Ya know, people often assume that we conservatives are racist idiots. The phrase "injins are dumb" and "I got a man slave that is red" outta solidify that reputation pretty well. so, thanks for that. Seriously, Archie Bunker thinks you need to dial it down a couple notches with the talk. It's been a while since I have heard someone use the word "injin" outside of a Mark Twain novel.
Perhaps you would be happier if you took your casual racism back to the Alley and post there. Oh, wait, you can't, cause the ban. Hmmm, guess you are gonna have to wait for the next monster truck rally. At least there the engines will drown out your wildly offensive remarks.
02-28-2015, 09:13 AM
Also, did you forget that this isn't "The Alley" again? Ya know, people often assume that we conservatives are racist idiots. The phrase "injins are dumb" and "I got a man slave that is red" outta solidify that reputation pretty well. so, thanks for that. Seriously, Archie Bunker thinks you need to dial it down a couple notches with the talk. It's been a while since I have heard someone use the word "injin" outside of a Mark Twain novel.
Perhaps you would be happier if you took your casual racism back to the Alley and post there. Oh, wait, you can't, cause the ban. Hmmm, guess you are gonna have to wait for the next monster truck rally. At least there the engines will drown out your wildly offensive remarks.
Good post.
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 09:18 AM
Good post.Yeah right. I deleted it so if he is offended then he will do the same.
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 09:46 AM
Oh, wait, you can't, cause the ban. Hmmm, guess you are gonna have to wait for the next monster truck rally. At least there the engines will drown out your wildly offensive remarks.
Now you just offended everyone from the south on here...not into monster trucks but things change.
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 10:04 AM
Perhaps you would be happier if you took your casual racism back to the Alley and post there. Oh, wait, you can't, cause the ban.
What's that? I'm a dude on there and I'm not telling...:web_driver::p0273::smilielol:
Viper Girl
02-28-2015, 10:38 AM
Anyone have comments on the FCC / internet story that this thread was started as?
Voice of Reason
02-28-2015, 02:52 PM
I'll just leave this here:
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 04:38 PM
I'll just leave this here: when the FCC chairman says he wants to "regulate the internet like a utility" I guess you know about all those little taxes on your utility bill? Funny how this isn't mentioned in this blog...
Oh but no worries, we all love more taxes.
02-28-2015, 05:10 PM
As I understand it, the argument is (just playing devil's advocate here, not that I agree) is that the backbone companies need a way to keep with the fact that demand and bandwith doubles every 2 years which requires increased infrastructure, and manpower. The concern is, if everyone is allowed the same access, that infrastructure will be rendered too quickly inadequate.
Does this analogy make sense? If it is correct please tell me, if not, also tell me, as I am trying to understand everything here as well as I's like parking spaces at a football game. Right now, everyone gets a parking pass. But when they get to the game, half the people are setting up grills and tailgating. Thus by game time, all spaces will be spoken for without everyone's needs met. So what they want to do is charge per parking spot, not per pass. So you could buy 15 spots and throw the biggest tailgate ever. Now you have adequately paid for how much of the parking lot you use. However, somebody who is only using one parking space could be giving away the best ribs in the world but you would never find your way to them unless they rented 15 spaces and threw a huge tailgate also. Only, they don't have the money to do that. So they quit tailgating altogether.
That's what it feels like to me. Am I right on any of this? If it's the ramblings of a madman hungry for ribs, you can say that too.
02-28-2015, 05:21 PM
hmmmmm ribs
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 06:03 PM
The problem I have with this is every darn time the govt. get it's creepy hands on something it goes bad real fast....and it's always about money and control hidden behind social justice.
Voice of Reason
02-28-2015, 06:29 PM
The problem I have with this is every darn time the govt. get it's creepy hands on something it goes bad real fast....and it's always about money and control hidden behind social justice.
Yep, because banks proved they don't need any govt regulations. Or companies dealing with hazardous waste, I'm sure they all would have stopped dumping it into rivers and into our skies on their own.
Even if, IF, they did start charging a menial tax to pay for the regulation they are providing it's worth it compared to what companies like Comcast have already shown what they are willing to do being unregulated (see my link above).
Sybil TF
02-28-2015, 07:46 PM
Yep, because banks proved they don't need any govt regulations. Or companies dealing with hazardous waste, I'm sure they all would have stopped dumping it into rivers and into our skies on their own.
Even if, IF, they did start charging a menial tax to pay for the regulation they are providing it's worth it compared to what companies like Comcast have already shown what they are willing to do being unregulated (see my link above).
Yes I saw your link but it doesn't address the FCC chairman unless I missed it. He hasn't even released exactly what the rules are before they voted on it. Reminds me of "we have to vote for it before we can know what's in it" lol
03-01-2015, 11:54 PM
The most concise description of what net neutraility is and why what the FCC has done is a good thing.....
03-02-2015, 12:49 AM
What do you mean a good thing? If they support the fast lane/slow lane model? Isn't that a bad thing?
The FCC hasn't come forward to say that it will stand watch and thump companies over the head who try to show preferential treatment to some sites and poor treatment or shakedown to others. Unless they did and I missed it. Somehow I don't see them doing that. Especially given that their new chairman is a former ISP lobbyist.
It would seem to me, part of the problem is that ISP's want to get into the original content game, seeing how profitable it is. That way, they could have their own and tell Netflix they have to pay to remain fast enough to stream (which of course puts them in a bind as their business moves more and more towards streaming only). Netflix then has to tell its subscribers, "sorry but your 8.99/month now has to be 13.99 per month". If they lose 10-15% of their subscribers due to that, then they can't afford to pay the increasingly higher licensing fees that studios charge (as fewer people go to the movies and fewer buy dvd's in favor of streaming) and soon Netflix is out of business. Thus allowing the ISP to have full control of entertainment options. That doesn't mean that whatever they offer will suck, but it limits your choices as a consumer. It also could pose problems such as "I really like that new show on COX but I live in a Comcast area" or Vice Versa. Or a situation where if you want both of their original contents or exclusive contracts (only one may have fast Amazon, for example) you will have to pay for both, if you even live where that is possible. And all of this will stem from them being able to dictate who has the rights to distribute at high speeds.
Leadfoot, did this post power your I.Q.? I hope not. I know you don't have a whole lot to spare. ; )
P.S. Leadfoot and I are good friends and like to take shots at each other for fun. No offense is meant between he and I. My post was a legitimate thought and question on the subject, with a little good natured ribbing at the end towards my friend. If he asks me to take it down I will but I think it's more likely he will take a shot at me. Which, as a good buddy, he is allowed to do.
Sybil TF
03-02-2015, 01:53 PM
The most concise description of what net neutraility is and why what the FCC has done is a good thing.....
Can you find another that has a host that isn't obnoxious, that I don't want to punch in the face? What a weiner.. blah.
Viper Girl
03-02-2015, 02:45 PM
Oh man, this thread again... can we have a discussion without any personal challenges please?
My personal opinion is this is far from over, no one to my understanding outside of the FCC has seen the 322 page order...
Until the order is released, no one really knows what the FCC is doing or not doing.
If someone has a copy or a link to the copy of the order then please post it.
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