View Full Version : WTB: Lemke Hard Top for Gen III / IV Vert.

02-23-2015, 02:10 PM
WTB: Lemke Hard Top for Gen III / IV Vert.

02-23-2015, 03:16 PM
Is there something you prefer about the Lemke Hard Top over say an AutoForm Hard Top? Jeff might be too busy making Falcons these days?

02-23-2015, 03:30 PM
To my knowledge Jeff does not produce those anymore. Looking for a used one. I like the lines on the Lemke better than the Autoform design.

03-05-2015, 03:19 AM
To my knowledge Jeff does not produce those anymore. Looking for a used one. I like the lines on the Lemke better than the Autoform design.

I don't blame you. Those are sexy. I can't say as I have ever seen one with the coupe rear end conversion but I wonder if that would give an ultra sleek coupe look? Obviously I am a coupe guy but that idea intrigues me.

Best of luck. I will keep my eyes open for one popping up in my area.

03-05-2015, 07:24 AM
I do have one but would take a good offer to get it :)

03-05-2015, 07:37 AM
Lay it out there big guy! What do you want for it? Current condition and color?

03-05-2015, 11:20 AM
I don't blame you. Those are sexy. I can't say as I have ever seen one with the coupe rear end conversion but I wonder if that would give an ultra sleek coupe look? Obviously I am a coupe guy but that idea intrigues me.

I snapped the pic of the blue one a few years back at Jeffs shop. They were finishing up the detailing before delivery. It was AMAZING! The red one is a pic he posted in the other forum years ago.

03-05-2015, 11:24 AM
Looks even better without the foreskin!

03-05-2015, 11:49 AM

I modeled this part a few months ago to see if there is any interest(it is not finished)...it is based on all of the proven Autoform latches, attachment points and weatherstrip from my original top...I personally am not a fan of a "flat top" look, it seems to distort the overall proportions of the Viper and gives it a 70s Corvette feel...but if there is interest, I would be willing to make it, if this is the style that you guys want to purchase.

03-05-2015, 12:56 PM
I still do not like how that one looks a bit more blocky than the Lemke, but certainly closer. From the top roof line it seems to angle down a bit more harshly in back where the Lemke is a bit more "swoopy" and a bit more curve at the back. Honestly the Lemke is the only one I have seen that I like.


03-05-2015, 01:25 PM

I modeled this part a few months ago to see if there is any interest(it is not finished)...it is based on all of the proven Autoform latches, attachment points and weatherstrip from my original top...I personally am not a fan of a "flat top" look, it seems to distort the overall proportions of the Viper and gives it a 70s Corvette feel...but if there is interest, I would be willing to make it, if this is the style that you guys want to purchase.

I actually like this top. It is closer to the Lemke top, which is a big positive. And, since Jeff is reportedly not making his anymore, at least a trusted and reputable name in the community is willing to offer it. Very nice Steve.

03-05-2015, 01:49 PM

I modeled this part a few months ago to see if there is any interest(it is not finished)...it is based on all of the proven Autoform latches, attachment points and weatherstrip from my original top...I personally am not a fan of a "flat top" look, it seems to distort the overall proportions of the Viper and gives it a 70s Corvette feel...but if there is interest, I would be willing to make it, if this is the style that you guys want to purchase.

Can you get some more shot of it on the car from a couple different angles Steve?

Could you do this in CF?

03-05-2015, 03:10 PM
One thing I like about your current "bubble" top is the increased headroom I have over the convertible top. How is headroom in your new top compared to the bubble top? Can't be as much headroom can it? I know I am satisfied with my top but I was curious.


I modeled this part a few months ago to see if there is any interest(it is not finished)...it is based on all of the proven Autoform latches, attachment points and weatherstrip from my original top...I personally am not a fan of a "flat top" look, it seems to distort the overall proportions of the Viper and gives it a 70s Corvette feel...but if there is interest, I would be willing to make it, if this is the style that you guys want to purchase.

03-05-2015, 07:16 PM
Let's not call this my new hardtop yet...lol...I did this last fall just to look at it in real life and see if I could get behind it as an Autoform product...there is defiantly less headroom...no way I can sit in it with a helmet on.
I can't/won't change the angle of the back window...nor it's shape...(jigging and bonding issue) It doesn't make sense for me to reinvent everything for this top...I still sell quite a few of my original tops...this style is not in production any longer...so I do not know how many actual sales there are...it seems if there where a lot of demand and it was easy to produce and profitable they would still be in production. That is speculation on my part...I could be way wrong.
The details of the design are not set in stone...in fact the lines are not exactly where I would keep them. I took it to this point...put it out there in a few places and got one person that wanted one. It would take more than that to follow though on it.
Carbon is a possibility.
This all being said...we are working on a top project that has more of my Autoform Style as well as something I have wanted to do for years...I'm just not ready to talk about it.

03-06-2015, 12:36 AM
Steve, im still interested if you want to do the lemke style, you have two of us interested now lol :car-smiley-003:

03-06-2015, 09:53 AM
I don't have a production mold for this...but I could make a couple of the changes I want to make to this 'Plug" top...pull a quickie mold off the top skin surface...build one of our other tops out of the tooling and fixtures we currently use...cut the Autoform top section out of it...bond in a part that we will pull from this new quickie mold...hand finish the top surface...and then we can overlay a carbon fiber skin on it...finish and clear coat...they would be crazy custom parts.
Not less than 5k...and it would take awhile...we are quite busy right now and I am waaayy behind on current orders...sorry

03-06-2015, 06:20 PM
steve, my timeframe is next year, im not sure about frg.

ps, hows my ta spoiler coming along?

03-06-2015, 10:17 PM
I think I am still looking for a used Lemke. :) Bueller? Bueller?

I have a 4,000 mile rally coming up in August and thought the hard top would make all the hours in the car a bit more comfortable.

03-07-2015, 01:32 PM

I like the new concept. What set the Lemke top apart from your is how it matched the original leading edge as it met the top of the windshield. It looks more natural. I liked the Lemke rear glass too because it fit flush with the outer edge of the top, offered glass with defroster. I'm not going to buy another top though. I do plan on modding the one I already have.

03-07-2015, 02:34 PM
There is no doubt Jeff's top design was good...I respect anyone who follows though and actually makes something and supports it.
I had my top out in early 2003...it is tough to be the first one to market and sometimes better to be able to change things from what you see on your competitors product. There are always things I would change in all of my designs...after I see them in pictures and in different settings...I guess that is the artist in me....never happy. As for the leading edge...the plan was to come up with "A" Pillar pieces that could be added that would make the top look like it was a coupe...like I did with my first Generation Hardtop...I just never followed thru on that thought. As for the rear glass...I believe he told me that he did change his design later to be like my idea because the rear windows were blowing out. I don't know how many customers opted for the defroster glass. My back window has quite a curve in it...it is not flat...so it would have been very pricey to have a mold made to make real glass and I didn't want the extra weight. I haven't had too many complaints of scratches or fogging issues...
You can cut the leading edge off the top you have...I just extended it to go over the windshield...I thought it looked good...I didn't care to see the thickness of the windshield frame and the black rubber seal especially when the body color wasn't black. Lots of different tastes out there...I always make things that I like and I think look right at the time...I do unfortunately have to tool and reproduce the parts as well...and sometimes that changes the design....especially how tight the edges can be. I would never call myself a designer...just a guy in his shop with a can of bondo and a idea that I make happen, good, bad or ugly. Like I say...it is easy to go back now and critique what I did, each top has it's good points and bad points, and different selling features for both... my style has never been to "rip" on other people's products or work to sell my products...I am a big enough man to say that...Jeff's top is not ugly... but...never mind...I need to go paint another of the ones that I make... lol

03-08-2015, 08:19 PM
A great shot of the Lemke top.


Let me know if you want to sell yours.

05-27-2015, 12:12 PM
The unicorn does exist and is now in my garage. Will look great wrapped in black. :)


05-27-2015, 07:19 PM
Like the new color combo? LOL!

Na, just testing fitting before I spend money on getting it wrapped. Damn retaining bolt stripped out getting it fastened down. Headed down to Home Depot to get some parts to get her fixed. Should be pretty easy.


05-28-2015, 12:16 AM
Goddam that looks sick!

I'm looking for one also, if anyone wants to pm me if they have one to sell.

05-28-2015, 08:48 AM
Some 5/16" threaded rod, a map gas torch, and a locking nut later and she is back in business.

The front edge does not pull down as much as I would like though. Any thoughts on this gap? Is this normal?


Obviously from just a bit back it looks a better.


05-28-2015, 08:58 AM
I am going to start a new thread on this. Mods please close.

05-28-2015, 09:17 AM
closed thread as per OP