View Full Version : Winterfest Party is Fun for All

02-22-2015, 05:01 PM
Winter Party is Fun for All

Our annual Winterfest came and went quickly this year. It was full of fun and friends and was definitely a night not to be missed, even if it was on the coldest day of the year!

It started with our typical early setup pow-wow. The fun began and things were coming together quickly and smoothly. About 20 people came in to put that extra effort towards making this monstrous party happen. After a quick lunch a few of the men began placing the cars that were on display. Afterwards we went our separate ways, some moved to the bar to hangout, some went to take naps or get ready for the fun.

Registration kicked off just after 5 PM. People enjoyed some delicious appetizers while they mingled and perused the merchandise on sale. Also, we had a photo booth available for everyone’s enjoyment! Right around 6 PM the fun really started. Dinner started being served and our host for the night, Jhan Dolphin, introduced himself and introduced our NEW president for 2015, Rob Buckman!

Everyone said a few word of thanks to those who made the party possible including the volunteers who organized things prior to the party, the volunteers who set up the day of the party, as well as all the generous sponsors and people who donated items for the auction and raffle. This made it abundantly clear that the generosity of our club is what truly makes is special. In between speakers some cool and expensive things were raffled away to some lucky winners! This year we really topped ourselves by giving away not only one T.V. but TWO! There were some happy folks in the crowd… and maybe a few jealous ones. Awards were also handed out during this segment for spirit, officers and racing.

Before dinner was over we also moved in the entertainment segment of the evening. As you know, Illinois always like to do something fun and edgy in the comedy segment. Last year’s “Housewives of VOA” and “Back from the Future” segments were both crowd pleasers and got plenty of laughs. This year we learned the hard way that we are not stand-up comedians. We took a risk in trying something new and wanted to send our ex-prez off with a roast. To say the least, the results were mixed but luckily Alex was a great sport and took it in jest. He took his revenge by offering suckers filled with actual scorpions to all the participants. He coupled them with a story ending with, “…anyone dumb enough to agree to be president has to be a sucker.” Good times.

We concluded the evening with some dessert, wrapping up the silent auctions, more socializing, and more enjoyment of the photo booth. Once midnight rolled around several people helped teardown all the equipment and decorations and was finished in record time. From there several people hung out in the lobby bar until the wee hours of the morning. Overall the night was a success and we can’t wait to see what we do next year to make it even better! Now let’s get geared up for a fun and exciting 2015 season… our first meeting is right around the corner!
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To check out the original post and to see some pictures from the event please head over to the post: http://www.illinoisvipers.com/winter-party-is-fun-for-all/