View Full Version : Regional web site hosting

8.4L 154
11-21-2013, 08:11 PM
We the UK bunch have been through an amount of turmoil as a club over the past few years, the details of which are not relevant here, but during this time our small web site has fallen into such a state of disrepair it is now just a domain registration pointing out into the ether, its packets to be quietly dropped by some anonymous router somewhere, and if we are honest we may not even have that much lol

As we rejuvenate though we would like to recover some of the content and get ourselves back a presence on the internet, as I'm looking into the costs of hosting and registration it occurred to me it might be possible to leverage what we have here already.

So whilst we have the regional forums, which its great are now open to all as being members only in the old place really stifled our region, I think what we would be looking for is an area of the site that we can make our own, where our web administrator could upload our own static content relevant to our own region, such as event reports, a calendar, the general who's who and the goings on of the region, if possible to have an area that is freely available to all who drift by on the www and a separate area only visible to our membership where we can host the more sensitive club information. The icing on the cake would be to also have our own domain name point to that area of the site before we linked back to the main VOA forums and information.

I appreciate its one of those things that could either be easy to implement or an absolute out of control nightmare, so not a problem if the answer is a resounding NO, but nothing ventured nothing gained and all that, especially at a time of such explosion of new and different ways of looking at things within the VOA.

11-22-2013, 05:36 AM
might want to try here http://archive.org/web/ for old info/pics on your site

11-23-2013, 03:37 AM
This is just a hypothetical question but is there any chance that the National VOA can host the Regional Chapters for a nominal fee? This would help curb the fees and also make it easier for some regions expense wise.