View Full Version : ***Gen V Viper 1/4 Mile FAST LIST***

02-05-2015, 10:41 AM
The Viper Community as long as I can remember has never kept or had a 1/4 mile fast list that I am aware of, presumably because these cars have always been road race cars and "deemed" poor drag or straightline platforms. As many of you know the car is quite capable in the 1/4 and I have noticed that more and more Gen V's are starting to run the quarter with little to no documentation going on other than a thread here or there.

I decided to adapt this list which is very similar to the Corvetteforums Z06 fast list (Thanks Ranger and 08QuickZ06 for a solid starting point), so that we could keep track of what Gen V's, both Stock and Modified are running in the 1/4 mile. Since I expect the volume of Quarter Mile submissions to be smaller with the Viper bunch we'll see how it goes for awhile. But please submit whatever you have (even if you think it's slow) so that we can start seeing some times from across the country.

I know Members, Jack B, Nineball, Myself, Sassy, ShooterT1, Ralph Gilles, and a few others have run their Gen V in the 1/4 so please post up.

Andy Wheeler

Bone-Stock on Stock Tires. This means completely stock, NO performance changes whatsoever; must be on stock tires.

Bone-Stock, except Non-Stock Tires including drag radials. Otherwise, the same requirement as above. See Post #1020 for some elaboration.

Bolt-Ons without Internal Engine Modification (e.g. modified air-path, headers, PCM-tune, aftermarket clutch, non-stock rear gears, skinny front tires)

NA unlimited minus Power Adder

Power Adders (Nitrous, Turbo, Supercharger) and Non-Stock Displacement

In proposing submissions for inclusion on the list, please follow these simple rules

Rule #1. Post the details of your quarter-mile pass using this template:

Year of your Gen V:
Performance Mods (if any):
Category submitted for:
660’ mph...
1320’ mph…
Name of the track:
Date of pass:
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known):

Image of complete Time Slip:

Link to Video if you have one:

You can add your submit times on this thread. Only one pass per member per car-model per category will be included on the Fast List.

The Gen V Viper FAST LIST
Last Updated: February 4, 2015

Bone-Stock on Stock Tires
Rank~~ E.T.~~ Trap~ 60'~ Driver~~~~~ M.Yr. Details ----- Forum Name
-----1--11.435---132.37-1.954-Michael McGowin---2014TA Stock-- 1.8T

Bone-Stock, except Non-Stock Tires including drag radials
Rank~~ E.T.~~ Trap~ 60'~ Driver~~~~~ M.Yr. Details ---- Forum Name

Bolt-Ons without Internal Engine Modification
Rank~~ E.T.~~ Trap~ 60'~ Driver~~~~~ M.Yr. Details---- Forum Name
-----1--10.8596-134.97--1.83---Andy Wheeler------2014TA Headers, Tune, No Cats, UD Pulley, Drag Radials--FLATOUT
-----2----10.88 ---133--1.809----Ralph Gilles -------2013 Headers, Tune, HiFlow Cats, Stock Tires-- NA

NA unlimited minus Power Adder
Rank~~ E.T.~~ Trap~ 60'~ Driver~~~~~ M.Yr. Details---- Forum Name

Power Adders
Rank~~ E.T.~~ Trap~ 60'~ Driver~~~~~ M.Yr. Details---- Forum Name

02-05-2015, 10:49 AM
Year of your Gen V: 2014 TA
Tires: Hoosier 18" Drag Radial
Performance Mods (if any): American Racing Headers, Ipsco Underdrive Pulley, Arrow Controller, No Cats
Category submitted for: Boltons without internal engine modifications
60'............. 1.83
330'........... 4.7808
660'........... 7.151
660’ mph... 101.81 mph
1000'.......... 9.1563
1320'.......... 10.8596
1320’ mph… 134.97 mph
Name of the track: Lonestar Motorsports Park
Date of pass: January 4, 2015
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): -800'

Image of complete Time Slip:https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7583/16019131128_d36a98fb1f_b.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/125600825@N07/16019131128/)
Time slips (https://www.flickr.com/photos/125600825@N07/16019131128/) by mrandrewwheeler (https://www.flickr.com/people/125600825@N07/), on Flickr

Link to Video if you have one:

02-05-2015, 10:49 AM
Great, I've done my share of contributing in the mustang community for a couple decades. You're right, not much on this in Viper land, in fact I've only been to a strip twice in my vipers thru the years. I'll definitely contribute early spring, as early as the season permits, several of the track rentals allow other cars so I'll swap out to the Viper & git 'r done. I'll be in that bolt-on category, already have the Belangers on there, will add the tune once I choose between PCM or HPT. Thanks for starting it, should prove interesting.

02-05-2015, 11:00 AM
Ralph Gilles

Year of your Gen V: 2013
Tires: Stock
Performance Mods (if any): ARH Headers, High flow cats, Tune
Category submitted for: Boltons without internal engine modifications
60'............. 1.809
660’ mph...
1320'.......... 10.88
1320’ mph… 133 mph
Name of the track: Lapeer Dragway Michigan
Date of pass:
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): 44 Degrees

Image of complete Time Slip:

Link to Video if you have one:

02-05-2015, 11:04 AM
I always wondered what happened to those headers I sold him. I guess now I know.

02-05-2015, 11:07 AM
I always wondered what happened to those headers I sold him. I guess now I know. LOL Also it would be great to get one of these going for the Gen IV's as well. I know Malu and Jamie Furman both ran 10's stock, and there have been some fast bolton times as well.

02-05-2015, 11:24 AM
Looks like I need to find a nice track to play on :)

02-05-2015, 11:37 AM
Looks like I need to find a nice track to play on :)

Would love to see what you can throw down with your new LE. BTW I asked Slowhatch to get a Gen IV one going as well.

02-05-2015, 11:47 AM
I was just wondering about this last night and am curious how I hold up in regards to the Gen 3 crowd.

Wouldn't you and Ralph fall under the bolt-ons category?

02-05-2015, 11:53 AM
I was just wondering about this last night and am curious how I hold up in regards to the Gen 3 crowd.

Wouldn't you and Ralph fall under the bolt-ons category?
LOL yep moving that now lol.

02-05-2015, 11:54 AM
I have started a Gen 3 and a Gen 4 Fast list on the G3/4 Forums.

02-05-2015, 12:08 PM
Great, I've done my share of contributing in the mustang community for a couple decades. You're right, not much on this in Viper land, in fact I've only been to a strip twice in my vipers thru the years. I'll definitely contribute early spring, as early as the season permits, several of the track rentals allow other cars so I'll swap out to the Viper & git 'r done. I'll be in that bolt-on category, already have the Belangers on there, will add the tune once I choose between PCM or HPT. Thanks for starting it, should prove interesting.

where around here do you go? i maybe down to do something like that. leaving mine bone stock

02-05-2015, 12:12 PM
Dman is in MD, the tracks out there are MIR, Cecil County, and Capital.

02-05-2015, 12:19 PM
Does Jamie Furman have a Gen V? Also, have there been any stock/stock tires gen V to run 10s?

02-05-2015, 01:24 PM
Michael McGowin

Year of your Gen V: 2014 TA
Tires: Stock
Performance Mods (if any): Stock
Category submitted for: Bone stock on stock tires
60'............. 1.954
330'........... 5.134
660'........... 7.609
660’ mph... 100.72mph
1000'.......... 0.000
1320'.......... 11.435
1320’ mph… 132.37 mph
Name of the track: Montgomery Motorsports Park
Date of pass: January 19, 2015
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): +350'

Image of complete Time Slip:


02-05-2015, 01:40 PM
This is a great idea. This is how we do our dyno days with my diesel truck club, similar categories to above. It provides real apples to apples comparisons.

02-05-2015, 01:58 PM
Thanks Mike I'll get it uploaded.

02-05-2015, 02:01 PM
where around here do you go? i maybe down to do something like that. leaving mine bone stock

What Flatout said, and also Mason Dixon. 75-80 is now closed, again.

I won a 5.0 Shoutout back in the day at Cecil, a hundred years ago, lol.

MIR is probably the absolute best here. The mustang and cobra clubs do rentals at Mason pretty regularly and MIR maybe 2-3 a season, so ample oppty to go and not be in line for hours, and they almost always welcome other cars.

Caveat, most rentals they do require DRs or slicks .. they are very snippy about street tires messing up the track for their rentals, so 90% of the time they only will allow you to run in one lane for DRs, and the other for slicks, they take their drag strip time very seriously, but a great crowd. Some guys share rears, wheels & tires I mean, for events, I wish I could swap between the GT500 and the viper.

02-05-2015, 02:42 PM
There used to be a really nice 1/4 mile list back in the day on Viper Alley. This was way back, maybe 2005 or 2006 when we had the V10 Nationals. This was when people where just starting to break into the 9s.

Good idea to bring something back.

02-05-2015, 02:45 PM
There used to be a really nice 1/4 mile list back in the day on Viper Alley. This was way back, maybe 2005 or 2006 when we had the V10 Nationals. This was when people where just starting to break into the 9s.

Good idea to bring something back.

Agree I am seeing numerous TT builds going on, we will have blower vipers, and heads and cam cars running around at somepoint as well, so I feel like these times are going to start popping off again the way it was with the Gen 2's and to some extent the Gen 3's.

02-05-2015, 05:11 PM
Year of your Gen V: 2014 TA
Tires: Stock
Performance Mods (if any): Stock
Category submitted for: Bone stock on stock tires
60'............. 1.898
330'........... 5.074
1/8th........... 7.546
mph... 97.96mph
1000'.......... 9.620
1320'.......... 11.379
1320’ mph… 131.97 mph
Name of the track: Cecil County Dragstrip
Date of pass: October 24, 2014
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): +1000'


02-05-2015, 10:21 PM
I can't wait to fuck this list up

02-05-2015, 10:42 PM
I can't wait to fuck this list up

Knew you would like it haha :D

08-23-2015, 05:01 PM
should make this a sticky thread.

08-23-2015, 07:06 PM
should make this a sticky thread.

Agree. And thanks for reviving it.

08-23-2015, 09:54 PM
Wish I could have gotten a stock baseline in, but couldn't wait to install the Arrow PCM. Due to Florida weather, I probably won't see the track for another couple months.

08-24-2015, 06:59 AM
Wish I could have gotten a stock baseline in, but couldn't wait to install the Arrow PCM. Due to Florida weather, I probably won't see the track for another couple months.

You can swap your stock PCM back in, takes maybe 5 min.

08-24-2015, 11:13 AM
Andy, why don't you have any times up from the new car??? I'm dying to know.....

09-22-2015, 10:20 AM
Hey guys, just curious about the times here. They seem slower than I would expect with a trap of 132? Just got my GenV a month ago, coming from a heads/cam C6 z06 and I thought they felt very similar in pull (once the Viper was above 4k). Do we think these times are purely due to launch; aka tires and clutch ?? Or is it some sort of "torque management" in the computer?? I would think we should be seeing times close to the C6Zr1 and C7z06, I know its "not a drag car" haha. just wanna hear some input.

PS.....LOVE the car, amazing machine. This forum helped to push me away from the C7Z and I'm super pumped I did.

09-22-2015, 11:51 AM
Andy, why don't you have any times up from the new car??? I'm dying to know.....

Because I haven't run it yet :) I have been road racing it in the heat to make sure if any heat related kinks exist that we are able to install differently or make adjustments. I will absolutely run the shit out of it this season though down the 1/4. It's still very hot out here so as soon as the weather starts to cool off I will be getting new numbers. I can't wait to see what I can get it run in good air.


09-22-2015, 11:54 AM
In the Corvette world you probably have 100 owners that buy those cars specifically to run imaginary records on lists like these, it's how they enjoy their cars. I don't think I know a single Viper owner across the country that has purpose built a Gen V Viper to run a number for a 1/4 fast list. Yes there are a few of us that drag race but it's been a much different effort so far in our community when it comes to running 1/4 numbers.

For instance I ran my car one time last year on a no prep day at Hennessey's here in Texas. Sure the weather was great for power but all of our 60's were terrible. I think you'll see some more times this season with better 60's.


Hey guys, just curious about the times here. They seem slower than I would expect with a trap of 132? Just got my GenV a month ago, coming from a heads/cam C6 z06 and I thought they felt very similar in pull (once the Viper was above 4k). Do we think these times are purely due to launch; aka tires and clutch ?? Or is it some sort of "torque management" in the computer?? I would think we should be seeing times close to the C6Zr1 and C7z06, I know its "not a drag car" haha. just wanna hear some input.

PS.....LOVE the car, amazing machine. This forum helped to push me away from the C7Z and I'm super pumped I did.

09-22-2015, 01:37 PM
In the Corvette world you probably have 100 owners that buy those cars specifically to run imaginary records on lists like these, it's how they enjoy their cars. I don't think I know a single Viper owner across the country that has purpose built a Gen V Viper to run a number for a 1/4 fast list. Yes there are a few of us that drag race but it's been a much different effort so far in our community when it comes to running 1/4 numbers.

For instance I ran my car one time last year on a no prep day at Hennessey's here in Texas. Sure the weather was great for power but all of our 60's were terrible. I think you'll see some more times this season with better 60's.


hahah, agreed...biggest dick contest to get on.....THE LIST.

that's kinda what I was thinking, guys just honing the launch and squeaking out another .5 - 1 second. Viper just had great traps so it had me wondering.


Nine Ball
09-22-2015, 04:38 PM
This list is kinda pathetic. Not many drag racers here :)

Might as well add mine.

Year/Model Gen V: 2013 SRT w/ Track Pack
Tires: Nitto drag radials 345/30-19 on stock wheels
Performance Mods (if any): none
Category submitted for: Bone stock except rear tires
660’ mph.....100.13
1320’ mph….127.94
Name of the track: Royal Purple Raceway, Baytown TX
Date of pass: December 14, 2013
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): -600 FT (50F Ambient)

Image of complete Time Slip:


Link to Video if you have one:


12-21-2015, 03:27 PM
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyzqIs20nyA&feature=youtu.be

Slip: 14598

Stock Clutch, Street pressures in NT05's (had to drive it back home), Nitrous Outlet 250 shot, no spray in first, Bellanger headers, no cats, stock mufflers.

12-21-2015, 05:07 PM
MIR is probably the absolute best here.

X2. Best 1/4 around here.

Nine Ball, nice 60ft.

12-21-2015, 06:14 PM
I'll get this list updated in the morning.


12-22-2015, 01:16 AM
That's some nice 60 there Tony. My first venture to the track with the viper has been kind of sorry in terms of achievement. Lol

03-25-2016, 01:50 PM
Let's get this list updated! I'm gonna take my 100% bone stock (not even tinted haha) GTS to the track in April and we shall see what I get. I am hoping to get a 11.3 at 133

Nine Ball
03-26-2016, 09:29 AM
Let's get this list updated! I'm gonna take my 100% bone stock (not even tinted haha) GTS to the track in April and we shall see what I get. I am hoping to get a 11.3 at 133

I'd aim for 129-130 realistically, unless the weather is stellar. I've run stock Vipers to 132-134, but those are the exception and not nearly the norm. ;)

06-16-2016, 01:48 PM
In the Corvette world you probably have 100 owners that buy those cars specifically to run imaginary records on lists like these, it's how they enjoy their cars.

Hey, I'm on the C5Z06 list & the C6Z06 lists!!
They weren't imaginary runs. LOL

I may try my new to me 14 GTS on the drag strip in the fall.


06-16-2016, 02:38 PM
Sorry the runs aren't imaginary, and I remember you from when I lived in Maryland I think you used to race with Ranger a bit. Poor choice of words on my end.


Hey, I'm on the C5Z06 list & the C6Z06 lists!!
They weren't imaginary runs. LOL

I may try my new to me 14 GTS on the drag strip in the fall.


06-16-2016, 02:46 PM
I ran with Ranger twice. He came to 2 rentals WE had at Atco, but he never invited me to any of his MIR rentals. I think it was because he was afraid I'd beat his time! lol
I NEVER ran in air as good as he did.

No worries though. ; )


06-16-2016, 02:54 PM
I ran with Ranger twice. He came to 2 rentals WE had at Atco, but he never invited me to any of his MIR rentals. I think it was because he was afraid I'd beat his time! lol
I NEVER ran in air as good as he did.

No worries though. ; )


Sounds like him. I thought I met you at Cecil, or it might have been Etown. It was years ago.

06-16-2016, 02:59 PM
Yeah, he told me to my face that when he saw great weather he'd call me to come down and run with him. He never called, but I'd see his posts on the Corvette forum about the great time he ran! lol Whatever...

I've never been to Cecil, so it had to be at Englishtown. I used to go there a lot. :drive:
Ran my Vettes there starting in 03. Ran a Mustang a few times there in the early 90's.

I've lived within 10-15 minutes from there for the last 11 years.


06-24-2016, 02:36 PM
Year of your Gen V: 2014 TA
Tires: OEM
Performance Mods (if any): Arrow PCM
Category submitted for: Bolt-Ons without Internal Engine Modification
60'............. 1.944
330'........... 5.069
660'........... 7.553
660’ mph... 97.56
1000'.......... 9.694
1320'.......... 11.483
1320’ mph… 123.18
Name of the track: Orlando Speed World
Date of pass: 4/9/2016
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): +1252

Image of complete Time Slip:

06-24-2016, 02:40 PM
Year of your Gen V: 2014 Anodized Carbon
Tires: OEM
Performance Mods (if any): Arrow PCM, IPSCO underdrive pulley, Belanger headers/high-flow cats/exhaust
Category submitted for: Bolt-Ons without Internal Engine Modification
60'............. 2.051
330'........... 5.072
660'........... 7.517
660’ mph... 100.56
1000'.......... 9.588
1320'.......... 11.335
1320’ mph… 129.19
Name of the track: Bradenton Motorsports Park
Date of pass: 6/23/2016
Weather conditions: (include Density Altitude, if known): +2085

Image of complete Time Slip:

06-24-2016, 08:11 PM
Ryan, did you dyno d TA or the Carbon edition on those mods?

06-25-2016, 11:51 AM
Ryan, did you dyno d TA or the Carbon edition on those mods?

The TA made 527/504 stock, but never dynoed it with the PCM.
The anodized carbon made 508/493 stock and 569/531 with all the mods.

06-28-2016, 11:53 AM
How does the stock clutch hold up on 1/4 mile launches? Can it hold slipping on a launch at 3500 rpm's say on street tires?


06-29-2016, 12:38 AM
Bump for some info.

06-29-2016, 07:03 AM
How does the stock clutch hold up on 1/4 mile launches? Can it hold slipping on a launch at 3500 rpm's say on street tires?


Stocker doesn't like drag racing at all, although leaving at 3500 won't hurt it much on street tires.

06-29-2016, 09:52 AM
Stocker doesn't like drag racing at all, although leaving at 3500 won't hurt it much on street tires.
Ditto to what Andy said. I was able to pull a couple 1.9x 60' times by lightly slipping the clutch at 3500 rpms...still bogged though. Tried a bit more aggressive slip which resulted in a bit of clutch smoke. I called it quits after that since I'm not trying to set any records.

07-01-2016, 05:54 PM
Ditto to what Andy said. I was able to pull a couple 1.9x 60' times by lightly slipping the clutch at 3500 rpms...still bogged though. Tried a bit more aggressive slip which resulted in a bit of clutch smoke. I called it quits after that since I'm not trying to set any records.

IF...IF..IF I take this to a rental, I WILL be trying to set a record! lol
I Would be bone stock and not until October though.


Nth Moto
11-25-2016, 06:49 PM
Hope it's OK with the group to bump this thread!

Owner: Jake T
Year of your Gen V: 2016 TA 2.0
Tires: 18" Drag Radial
Performance Mods (if any): Nth Moto twin turbo system and engine, Nth Moto auto conversion, zero weight reduction of any kind performed and all factory amenities in place (A/C, stereo, factory seats, TA 2.0 aero, etc.)
Category submitted for: Power Adders
60'............... 1.43
330'............. 3.76
660'............. 5.58
660' mph...... 135.66 mph
1000'........... 7.14
1320'........... 8.44
1320' mph... 171.01 mph
Name of the track: Orlando Speed World
Date of pass: November 18, 2016
Weather conditions: DA +1525'



04-10-2017, 05:00 PM
Let's get this list updated! I'm gonna take my 100% bone stock (not even tinted haha) GTS to the track in April and we shall see what I get. I am hoping to get a 11.3 at 133

Not a drag racer at all as this is only my 3rd time to the track in my life but I managed a 11.738 @129.42 best of three runs, with a 2.0 60'

Island Dragway NJ
I'm stock, down to original tires, 2013 GTS.
I think I can get her down to 11.5


04-10-2017, 05:34 PM
Not too shabby!

04-10-2017, 08:51 PM
Hope it's OK with the group to bump this thread!

Owner: Jake T
Year of your Gen V: 2016 TA 2.0
Tires: 18" Drag Radial
Performance Mods (if any): Nth Moto twin turbo system and engine, Nth Moto auto conversion, zero weight reduction of any kind performed and all factory amenities in place (A/C, stereo, factory seats, TA 2.0 aero, etc.)
Category submitted for: Power Adders
60'............... 1.43
330'............. 3.76
660'............. 5.58
660' mph...... 135.66 mph
1000'........... 7.14
1320'........... 8.44
1320' mph... 171.01 mph
Name of the track: Orlando Speed World
Date of pass: November 18, 2016
Weather conditions: DA +1525'



Wow, just wow!!!!

04-10-2017, 09:13 PM
Wow, just wow!!!!
That was topped this past weekend with an
8.25@181mph. I believe is correct. Maybe Aaron or Jake will step in. It's an amazing car.

Nine Ball
04-11-2017, 10:48 PM
Someone should start a new list. Andy is slacking. :)

04-12-2017, 07:25 AM
Someone should start a new list. Andy is slacking. :)

That would be great.

04-18-2017, 12:01 PM
Owner: William M
Year of your Gen V: 2014 TA
Tires: 18" Drag Radial
Performance Mods (if any): ARH Headers, Calvo Catback, 18" Drag Radials, Driver Mod
Category submitted for: Bolt-Ons without Internal Engine Modification
60'............... 1.653
330'............. 4.634
660'............. 7.010
660' mph...... 104.04 mph
1000'........... 9.037
1320'........... 10.745
1320' mph... 132.39 mph
Name of the track: Royal Purple Raceway Viper National 1

07-29-2017, 05:17 PM
How accurate is the oem timer?

07-30-2017, 01:13 AM
I never posted this because I was embarrassed mostly, but I decided to after all.
This was back in early December at a rental at Atco, NJ.

It was my 1st time drag racing a Viper (stock 2014 GTS). The closest I had come prior to this to drag racing the Viper was taking off from a red light slightly hard. lol
I also had only been driving the car for 5 months total up until that point.

I will say that it was VERY different than my C6 Z06's were at the drag strip, which I ran VERY good times in (see my sig and the "fast lists" over on the Corvette Forum).

I had trouble with the 60' (which I am usually very good at) and I was having some trouble shifting into 2nd, and a LOT of trouble shifting into 3rd (would not go into 3rd at all on a few passes)...so much trouble that I brought the car into the dealer and they ended up rebuilding most of the tranny and replacing 2 of the gears! At least the shifting trouble was not my fault. I had to granny shift into 3rd most of the day to assure a successful shift, costing me time.

As for the 60', I was used to getting the car to squat back onto the rears and really being able to feel that and react to that with throttle squeeze (in the Z06). In the Viper there really was no squatting back, so because of that I ended up babying the launch too much for fear of spinning (which I did only 2 or 3 times I believe).

I didn't get better than a 2.0X 60' time all day...it didn't help that I wasn't able to run in the slick lane either. The babies at the rental didn't want street tires in the slick lane. This had me launching too softly all day.

I ran a best pass of 11.52@128.32. That was my best ET and the best MPH was 131.27.

The tranny issues and not being able to run in the slick tire lane mentally ruined me that day. I had no confidence, especially from the tranny issue. I had to abort several passes due to not being able to get the car into 3rd gear, and twice not getting it into 2nd gear. I had 7 full passes all day.

I'm looking forward to trying again in the fall, now that I have more seat time and the tranny issues have been taken care of. Now it shifts smooth and tight.

Even if I can just run a 1.9X 60, that alone can get me down to an 11.37. Easier, more confident shifts should shave some more time off as well. Yes I know drag radials would help a lot, but since I barely drag race anymore I'm not looking to buy drag radials and a set of wheels for them.

The next rental would be in mid October, so we'll see. Until then, I'm looking forward to another road course day!


07-30-2017, 11:08 AM
Crash, nice work! Stock clutch?

12-02-2017, 12:26 AM
I finally went back to the drag strip. I went to a rental at Atco, NJ. It was a sunny day today in NJ. Temps were about 53*. There was the usual annoying 10mph head wind once again at Atco. I was told the DA was about -500.

This was my 2nd time running my stock 14' GTS at the drag strip.
I confirmed that this car is VERY difficult to launch. I was running in the street tire lane (there were only 3-4 of us) & not in the lane with the slick tire cars. There was a fine line between wheel hop leading to lifting and no hop but too soft of a launch to get better than a 2.0 sixty foot time.

This car doesn't squat onto the rear like the Z06's I've had in the past did.
There also was a noticeable lag in the indicated tach RPM vs. the rev limiter, especially on the 1-2 shift. If I didn't shift before an indicated 5900 rpm, I nicked the rev limiter. On the 2-3 & 3-4 shift, if I didn't shift by 6000 rpm's, I nicked the limiter.
My car had part of the transmission rebuilt and it is pretty tight. I don't know how it is for other folks, but if I tried to speed shift (NOT a no lift shift, but a very fast shift), it would not go into gear, so I had to make the shifts pretty deliberate which costs ET. I am normally a VERY fast shifter. I have measured my shift times on logs in the past to be 200 milliseconds.

All of these things make this car difficult to run at the drag strip, whether on street tires or a slick tire I feel.
As I've mentioned before, and as you can see by the times in my sig and on the Corvette Forum "fast lists", I was an accomplished driver in the Corvette world. I'm not tooting my own horn. I am merely saying I know what I am doing navigating a car down the 1/4 mile strip & ET chasing...well I did in a C5Z06 & then in a C6Z06 anyway! LOL

While I did beat the 11.52 with a 2.0X 60' my last outing, today the best 60' I could muster was a 1.95 & the best ET was an 11.44. The highest MPH on the day was a 129.XX. I was hoping for an 11.3X though. All of the factors I mentioned above prevented that from happening. While I was a bit disappointed, it was a good day and I can't really complain.

Some might ask why I don't I just get drag radials? Well I don't drag race anymore so that purchase for a 1 time use just isn't cost effective. Plus I was curious to see what I could get out of the car bone stock. Just to compare, my 06 C6Z06 did 11.24 @122.38 with a 1.68 sixty foot 100% bone stock.

This is in NO WAY a Viper bashing. I love this car and it craps all over the Corvette in EVERY way! I'm just conveying my experience and thoughts on drag racing this car.

I did weigh the car. 3325lbs with absolutely NO weight reduction in case anyone is interested. My car has the TA aero and 18 speaker radio btw.



12-02-2017, 08:21 AM
Hey Ron that sounds very good to me. I'm not a drag racer myself, but for a stock car I beleive thats just about as fast as you can get on stock everything.


12-02-2017, 10:13 AM
Crash, nice work! Stock clutch?


12-02-2017, 11:54 AM
9.93@141.7 with arrow 9.0 h/c

12-02-2017, 06:58 PM
Did anyone else notice a lag in the tach?

12-04-2017, 01:16 PM
First time to the drag strip with my viper. I never did master the launch. The stock suspension on this GTS does not do well with a hard launch, and I'm sure I need a lot of practice. Anyway, The far right run was my very first pass with the car. Trying to take it very easy to get a feel for it. I bogged it down to 2k rpm. I then made one more really bad pass before we got rained out.
After they finally dried the track that afternoon, Aaron made a few changes just playing around with ideas for the shifting on the sequential, but none worked in our favor and actually just made it not want to shift. My best launch was the one on the far left which was still nowhere near where I need to be and that run was with it not wanting to shift as you can see the mph dropped way off.
The car ran amazing, I just need to get the launch figured out and really need to upgrade the suspension. Which I already figured.
The DA was +1200'
Hope to have some video soon.

01-19-2018, 07:11 PM
Crash, nice work! Stock clutch? Yes and a driver mod.

10-29-2019, 08:42 PM
I finally went back to the drag strip. I went to a rental at Atco, NJ. It was a sunny day today in NJ. Temps were about 53*. There was the usual annoying 10mph head wind once again at Atco. I was told the DA was about -500.

This was my 2nd time running my stock 14' GTS at the drag strip.
I confirmed that this car is VERY difficult to launch. I was running in the street tire lane (there were only 3-4 of us) & not in the lane with the slick tire cars. There was a fine line between wheel hop leading to lifting and no hop but too soft of a launch to get better than a 2.0 sixty foot time.

This car doesn't squat onto the rear like the Z06's I've had in the past did.
There also was a noticeable lag in the indicated tach RPM vs. the rev limiter, especially on the 1-2 shift. If I didn't shift before an indicated 5900 rpm, I nicked the rev limiter. On the 2-3 & 3-4 shift, if I didn't shift by 6000 rpm's, I nicked the limiter.
My car had part of the transmission rebuilt and it is pretty tight. I don't know how it is for other folks, but if I tried to speed shift (NOT a no lift shift, but a very fast shift), it would not go into gear, so I had to make the shifts pretty deliberate which costs ET. I am normally a VERY fast shifter. I have measured my shift times on logs in the past to be 200 milliseconds.

All of these things make this car difficult to run at the drag strip, whether on street tires or a slick tire I feel.
As I've mentioned before, and as you can see by the times in my sig and on the Corvette Forum "fast lists", I was an accomplished driver in the Corvette world. I'm not tooting my own horn. I am merely saying I know what I am doing navigating a car down the 1/4 mile strip & ET chasing...well I did in a C5Z06 & then in a C6Z06 anyway! LOL

While I did beat the 11.52 with a 2.0X 60' my last outing, today the best 60' I could muster was a 1.95 & the best ET was an 11.44. The highest MPH on the day was a 129.XX. I was hoping for an 11.3X though. All of the factors I mentioned above prevented that from happening. While I was a bit disappointed, it was a good day and I can't really complain.

Some might ask why I don't I just get drag radials? Well I don't drag race anymore so that purchase for a 1 time use just isn't cost effective. Plus I was curious to see what I could get out of the car bone stock. Just to compare, my 06 C6Z06 did 11.24 @122.38 with a 1.68 sixty foot 100% bone stock.

This is in NO WAY a Viper bashing. I love this car and it craps all over the Corvette in EVERY way! I'm just conveying my experience and thoughts on drag racing this car.

I did weigh the car. 3325lbs with absolutely NO weight reduction in case anyone is interested. My car has the TA aero and 18 speaker radio btw.



old thread but I so hear this guy. Its exactly how I look at my trans as well. I'm one hell of a fast stick driver and this clutch or trans setup is tricky to get to speed shift. Wishing I could share dragy times, will go to the track once weather / da gets better to share.

10-30-2019, 10:49 AM
I wont if some older hoosier R7s would hook up decently if I got them nice and hot....? Plenty of meat but heat cycled out for twisties...

Matt Dillon
11-06-2019, 10:25 PM
I can't wait to fuck this list up

Whatever happened to this Classy Guy? :)

11-06-2019, 10:41 PM
Whatever happened to this Classy Guy? :)
His ACR is pushing over 2000rwhp.
Also has a turbo busa which is faster than the ACR.


11-07-2019, 10:16 AM
Whatever happened to this Classy Guy? :)

he hasn't been active on here since 02-18-2019. but i did text him just now and he sent me his 1/4 mile slip and 1/2 slip. still a factory 6 speed manual with upgraded internals. no sequential, auto, etc. he loves to row gears.


Steve M
11-07-2019, 12:22 PM
he hasn't been active on here since 02-18-2019. but i did text him just now and he sent me his 1/4 mile slip and 1/2 slip. still a factory 6 speed manual with upgraded internals. no sequential, dog box, auto, etc. he loves to row gears.

Pretty sure it is a dog box.

11-07-2019, 12:50 PM
Pretty sure it is a dog box.

i'll check with him. last i heard it wasn't. i'll be back shortly.

EDIT: yes it is a dog box. confirmed with him. i edited the original post.

Nth Moto
11-07-2019, 02:42 PM
Yeah, Junkie's car is a dog box, which is the greatest form of manual transmission awesomeness there is in my mind. I guess we haven't been on here in a while either; we took this car on a road trip from MN to MI in a single day (900ish miles) along with another Nth Moto TT car to prove the point of them being truly useable/driveable cars. Dodge Garage did three articles on it, I'll see about putting a post up on that in case anyone missed it.

Matt Dillon
11-25-2019, 09:47 PM
His ACR is pushing over 2000rwhp.
Also has a turbo busa which is faster than the ACR.


Lol, I Don't care IF you have 3000rwhp that Doesn't buy you Class! Lol

Matt Dillon
11-25-2019, 09:51 PM
he hasn't been active on here since 02-18-2019. but i did text him just now and he sent me his 1/4 mile slip and 1/2 slip. still a factory 6 speed manual with upgraded internals. no sequential, auto, etc. he loves to row gears.


Thanks, that's some Awesome times for a Viper! :)

04-13-2021, 09:15 AM
Nice to find this thread. Thanks!

04-13-2021, 08:16 PM
I believe Ned Dunphy's Vengeance Racing TT Viper still holds the world record for a Gen V at 7.062@200.XX. He is shooting for 6's in two weeks.

04-14-2021, 11:43 PM
This is my kind of forum! Will update ASAP.