View Full Version : Emails regarding the VCA

02-05-2015, 06:09 AM
I think that since everyone that is in the VOA is here because they are aware of what the VCA was about...the emails about what they do now or in the future should stop. If they want to have a raffle for a Hellcat...then God Bless them. Sending out an email claiming that the raffle is illegal, and warning VOA members to stay away...was that really needed? If people have not figured this out by now then continuing emails is not going to change this.

I got it when there was the initial division between the VCA and the starting of the VOA in the first year. People needed to be made aware what was going on as well as to be provided with information about what was taking place. I think that has run it's course because the VOA membership numbers speak for themselves when comparing them to the VCA. It is just my observation that it seems a little petty and vindictive to continue to point out what they are doing, trying to do, or their faults. What is the benefit or point?

β€œTo be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.”

02-05-2015, 02:16 PM
Hey Greg, while I understand (and can agree) with your perspective, the reality in the background is that it does definitely affect the club. We do get 50-100 emails and calls in total each time they send out an email. Members even ask us if it's the same club (and they're not new members). Members accidently buy tickets and then realize it's supporting the old club. People even call in with VCA membership numbers they just got and ask for things because they think they are on this club (because they use our forums). We even get CONSTANT complaints from people telling us they don't want to be solicited. Often they think we send those solicitations, or they believe we shared their email addresses with the VCA. The list goes on. So yes it affects things, and the leaders of the clubs try their best to loop people in.

I do also think it's important that people know what cause is being supported by the raffle, it's not obvious to many and it does affect decisions. Long story short, they aren't doing the raffle because they are nice, they're doing it for sheer revenue because they HAVE to. I'll also remind, that deceptive (and completely erroneous) information is still being provided to people - and it affects us. They also claim all the "bad people" left and everything is fixed. Not true, many of the same bad people still in charge and playing the usual spin game. They still refuse to publish memberships numbers and lie about their real presence in the viper community. They claim they had a sold out VOI, when in fact 5% of the usual attendance occurred and it was a disaster which put them in a deep financial hole. And of course magazines are still behind and misrepresented as to what they actually shipped. All this is still happening NOW, and is what people do need to be aware of. This is why, and we don't need to play offense, but information never hurt anyone. They need to know because advertising is deceptive, and folks also don't know the underpinnings of who/why things are being conducted. And it affects our members because it's our membership their targeting and we want our people to be informed - even if it's only 5-10% that fall for it. And for those who don't need the reminder, they can just delete the email - just as easily as they delete all the constant VCA solicitations... right?

But I do support the leaders keeping people informed, I personally believe it's needed. Rob sent out an email to just his IL members. And it's ok that presidents do, it's up to them how they want to manage their areas. There's still a lot happening behind the scenes, it's not discussed, and while I DON'T want it discussed because I don't want that part of our culture - I do wonder if that contributes to the "let it go, it doesn't affect me anymore" mentality... Because it's not completely over and it does affect our members unfortunately. So just like renewals, event registrations, etc... we see that each communication helps, and I think it's true here too! As with everything it continues to subside and this will indeed go away completely soon. Wounds are fresh and run deep with many, so time is needed to heal. Many folks learned the hard way and paid a big price, so now they're just protecting their area. And that includes me!

02-05-2015, 04:11 PM
I can't agree more with what Alex said. I've seen it firsthand.

I don't blame people for being confused and don't want to demean them by saying their stupid. 200+ people in our group, I'm sure 20-40 won't get it. Instead I'd rather just tell them what's happening and make it obvious. This is one reason our region is as tight as it is, our communication is impeccable. And for a large region to be so together and supportive is tough to do, it doesn't happen by not staying close to each other and sharing info that affects us. It doesn't mean people don't disagree, it's means they SUPPORT a common cause and don't support another that has hurt us and our manufacturer (and continues to misrepresent things even today).

If it doesn't affect you, I'm extremely happy with that. But there's are many who don't live and breathe this stuff (or may not be on forums, in touch with the day-to-day, don't know the history, are new, etc….). Like someone said, if it's not needed just delete the email. I don't want to censor what I feel is needed for my large group to know.

02-05-2015, 04:13 PM
can this thread be combined with the other.
