View Full Version : Gen 3 Transmission flush/ How many quarts?

01-27-2015, 01:02 PM
Car is a 2005 with 16k miles. Looking at doing my diff and trans flush. I was able to locate some info on the diff and learned that it takes just under 2 quarts to drain and fill. However, I can not find any good info for the transmission.

Does anyone know how many quarts I should need for a drain/fill for the transmission?


Steve M
01-27-2015, 01:09 PM
Should take about 4.

01-27-2015, 04:13 PM
Corect the tr56 takes 3.5 so you will need 4 qrt i love using amzoil on the trans and rear diff made a huge difference.

Viper vince
01-27-2015, 05:12 PM
How can you tell that Amzoil made a difference

01-27-2015, 09:54 PM
Thanks, I went to Dodge today and picked up the Mopar fluids. I debated going with another brand but after countless searches and threads, it seems there was no consensus about which was better than the other. It seemed for everyone that had a good experience with one product, there was someone else who had a bad experience and said don't use it... Kinda like debating which oil to use.

So I just stuck with the factory Mopar stuff.

Steve M
01-27-2015, 11:22 PM
Thanks, I went to Dodge today and picked up the Mopar fluids. I debated going with another brand but after countless searches and threads, it seems there was no consensus about which was better than the other. It seemed for everyone that had a good experience with one product, there was someone else who had a bad experience and said don't use it... Kinda like debating which oil to use.

So I just stuck with the factory Mopar stuff.

Certainly can't go wrong with the factory fill.

01-27-2015, 11:37 PM
what does mopar call on for stock tranny fluid?

01-28-2015, 12:41 AM
How can you tell that Amzoil made a difference
Noice and heat, after using the amzoil my shifter shaft is much cooler and the rear end is whisper quiet

01-28-2015, 08:38 AM
I ran a full synthetic tranny fluid in a T56 I had in another car. You could tell a difference in the way it shifted. It was much smoother and the noise level went down.

Steve M
01-28-2015, 09:37 AM
what does mopar call on for stock tranny fluid?

Depends - the 2003-2006 cars with the T-56 used Castrol Syntorq (I've also seen 75w85 synthetic mentioned). The 2008-2010s (and I'm assuming the 2013+ as well) with the TR-6060 called for ATF+4, which is a much thinner oil. If I'm not mistaken, the higher viscosity transmission fluid was spec'd for the Gen 3s to alleviate neutral gear rattle noise.

01-28-2015, 10:58 AM
ATF+4 is the way to go for the Gen3. The factory stuff for 03 is way too stiff. The change is very easy, just like an other car pretty much. It takes longer to undo the belly pan than to drain/fill the fluid. Make sure to get a fluid pump, because there's almost no way to use gravity.

01-28-2015, 02:33 PM
The Mopar stuff dodge gave me is "synthetic manual transmission lubricant" 75W-85....

But I also noticed that it says Castrol Syntorc on the side on the transmission. If I recall correctly, I think the Mopar stuff is the same stuff. Just re-labeled.

Steve M
01-28-2015, 03:08 PM
The Mopar stuff dodge gave me is "synthetic manual transmission lubricant" 75W-85....

But I also noticed that it says Castrol Syntorc on the side on the transmission. If I recall correctly, I think the Mopar stuff is the same stuff. Just re-labeled.

That's standard practice...someone makes the oil for Mopar; they just slap their name on it and charge accordingly.