View Full Version : Viper Wreck in Paradise Valley

01-26-2015, 08:05 PM
Looks like this happened one day ago


It said a 25 yr old male driver and 24 yr old female passenger. Passenger pronounced dead at the hospital.

They haven't released the names yet. Does anyone know who this is and if there is anything we can do? Obviously most of you know why this subject is close to my heart and I want to help people that are going through something similar to what I was.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those involved in their families. I know how difficult things like this are for all parties involved.

01-26-2015, 10:22 PM
Shit, that's just a couple miles up the road from me....

01-26-2015, 10:41 PM
That's terrible.
If I had a convertible fresh tires and a roll bar would be the first thing I did to it.

01-27-2015, 12:19 AM
We have no info on the occupants. After reviewing our membership roster we dont think he's a member of our club based on the stated age of the driver that owned a 2004 Gen 3. We hope not. So tragic anytime there's a loss of life. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families.

01-27-2015, 03:22 PM
If anyone finds anything out, please let me know.

01-27-2015, 03:54 PM
That's terrible.
If I had a convertible fresh tires and a roll bar would be the first thing I did to it.

Only took me finally seeing one vert with the roll hoops collapsed to buy one from Autoform.


01-27-2015, 05:37 PM
Sad. Prayers for the families. That is also right up the road from me as well.

I've never understood why steel was not used for the roll hoops as opposed to the aluminum. Dodge could still use the same disclaimer that it was not a certified roll bar, but it certainly would provide some additional protection as those hoops bolt into a fairly stout portion of the frame.

01-27-2015, 06:08 PM
The physics of a car wreck are almost impossible to diagram. Sometimes, even the strongest roll bar in the world won't help as the injuries can happen regardless of whether they collapse. Some people slide out of seatbelts or are severely hurt due to the force impacted on the body, not necessarily just the head.

I agree though that if I had a vert I would have the strongest roll bar I could get ahold of.

The tragedy here is awful and my heart hurts to think about it. That being said I want to be helpful in any way I can to these people or their family and friends given my unique perspective on this.

01-27-2015, 10:54 PM
It happened between 9 and 10 PM on Saturday January 24. Follow up articles place the accident around the 6900 Block of Lincoln Drive.

It's a 40 mph speed limit through there and Paradise Valley is notorious for enforcing the speed limit with cameras.

It's hard to imagine losing control of a vehicle and rolling over at 40 mph.

Wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that drinking and speeding were involved and that the people in the car may not have been locals as the Valley has been deluged with people arriving early for next week's Super Bowl.

01-27-2015, 11:48 PM
I will tell you something I learned after my wreck. People automatically assume that there was something bad involved. People assume I was drinking (I wasn't) or ask were you drinking? They assume I was speeding (my speed was estimated at 55 mph by witnesses) or driving like a maniac. They also chime in that the Viper is not known for handling or insinuate that the Viper is basically engineered to kill people and I should have been expecting it to happen. I swear I used to get a vibe from some people after asking how my wreck happened that felt like a "well you made your bed now you have to lie in it" kind of vibe. As if I was complaining about getting stung after poking a hornets nest. My wreck was a confluence of unfortunate events that ended with a very tragic result. Obviously, not everyone's is like that and some people may very well drive in a manner that increases their chance of a wreck. But untill we know how it happened, please try and refrain from speculation as to the factors involved. Yes, we know what tends to cause wrecks. But let's not jump to any conclusions yet as I will tell you first hand how incredibly bad it hurts when people automatically assumed I was doing something that deserved a wreck, or for that matter even caused it or increased my chances for one. I was avoiding a minivan. We don't know what this person was doing yet and haven't even seen photos of the crash site yet. So let's try not to assume anything was involved yet other than a number of people's lives who are forever and tragically changed.

This post is not aimed at anyone. I am trying to share with all of you some hard earned insight into the reaction amongst those inside and outside of the Viper community when one of these cars is involved in an accident and the effect that people jumping to those conclusions can have.

01-28-2015, 01:12 AM
I will tell you something I learned after my wreck. People automatically assume that there was something bad involved. People assume I was drinking (I wasn't) or ask were you drinking? They assume I was speeding (my speed was estimated at 55 mph by witnesses) or driving like a maniac. They also chime in that the Viper is not known for handling or insinuate that the Viper is basically engineered to kill people and I should have been expecting it to happen. I swear I used to get a vibe from some people after asking how my wreck happened that felt like a "well you made your bed now you have to lie in it" kind of vibe. As if I was complaining about getting stung after poking a hornets nest. My wreck was a confluence of unfortunate events that ended with a very tragic result. Obviously, not everyone's is like that and some people may very well drive in a manner that increases their chance of a wreck. But untill we know how it happened, please try and refrain from speculation as to the factors involved. Yes, we know what tends to cause wrecks. But let's not jump to any conclusions yet as I will tell you first hand how incredibly bad it hurts when people automatically assumed I was doing something that deserved a wreck, or for that matter even caused it or increased my chances for one. I was avoiding a minivan. We don't know what this person was doing yet and haven't even seen photos of the crash site yet. So let's try not to assume anything was involved yet other than a number of people's lives who are forever and tragically changed.

This post is not aimed at anyone. I am trying to share with all of you some hard earned insight into the reaction amongst those inside and outside of the Viper community when one of these cars is involved in an accident and the effect that people jumping to those conclusions can have.

Jeff, you're absolutely right, we should not assume anything and i know this is an issue that is close to you.....however for as much as accidents make me mournful, they make me angry. A young girl is dead, a beautiful car is scrap, and the Viper community takes hit in reputation. You're right, i don't know the specifics but given the location(just a mile north of Old Town, one of the biggest party spots in the AZ), the age of the driver and the time....i would wager money that this kid was out on a hot date with his new ride, had one or two too many at dinner and decided he was going to show off. He stomped on it at a red light and when he hit second the back end broke loose and spun around. That part of Scottsdale Rd has a raised curb medium which if he hit is sideways could flip the car quite easily. I feel bad for the family of the passenger....less so for the driver....

That guy in Miami a couple weeks ago who lost his legs after owning a supercharged car for TWO DAYS, probably did the same thing as this kid......the kid in Ohio last summer that died when he flipped his dad's car on the freeway the first time he took the car out alone.....the guy that bought Stryfe's Viper in Oklahoma wrecked on an access road, he claimed he swerved to miss a trash can, but the only thing on the road was a car dealership....*cough*bullshit*cough*...i mean how many horror stories have we heard about guys going to pick up their cars only to find out some service tech took their car for a joy ride and wrecked it? I have trouble feeling sympathy for these drivers...they cause families to suffer, trash beautiful cars, and sully the reputation of the car we all hold so dear....a reputation we all have to defend ad nausem.

I know this all sounds REALLY callous but you of all people know the assumptions that people make and that's because the "one car accidents" like these are the source from which those assumptions spring. Hell, i know people that are certain i'm going to kill myself with mine despite the fact i have taken great strides to learn the car, know it's mechanical status whenever i take it out and remain focused while driving to be as acutely aware of the road conditions at all times. I take great pride in this extra work that is required to enjoy my car and i know you and everybody else in the club do as well. It's part of the "charm" that so many claim to be part of the love of these cars.

Just remember, Jeff, you're RIGHT but i just struggle to sympathize with the drivers in these cases....i feel what happened to you was the exception to the norm.

01-28-2015, 02:36 AM
I probably was the exception, Lead. But untill we know the facts, I just don't think it's right to jump immediately to assuming he was hot dogging. He just as easily could have been avoiding a motorcycle that was the one driving like a nut. And people leave the scene of accidents. The woman the minivan in mine had to be chased down by someone and told to go back. Look, I once had a pinion gear go in my old pickup and had I not noticed the sound it could have seized on me at some point unknowingly. What I mean is, there are just as many possibilities the other way right now too.

And the guy in Miami was driving his brother's car. His brother purchased it 2 days prior and tried to return it already. Doug levin even tried to purchase that car from the Audi dealership so that very thing wouldn't happen.

I know what you mean about the single car accident and the 'cough cough' stuff. And you and I both know the mathematical probabilities here. But there is plenty of time for that if the facts present that to be the case. For now, I would hope people give the benefit of the doubt.

Mopar Boy
01-28-2015, 07:19 AM
Thoughts and prayers to his and her family.

01-28-2015, 07:49 AM
I probably was the exception <snip>

No effin "probably" about it. Single car fatality accidents are tremendously rare when the rules of the road are being followed.

Edit: OK, after posting that statement I did a bit of research as I do not like to make statements of fact without facts. So here you go.


The biggest factors in causing single-car crashes are easily avoidable: don’t speed, don’t drive drowsy, and don’t drive drunk. Among drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of .01 grams per deciliter or higher, 86.5% were involved in ROR crashes during the years 1991 to 2007. By contrast, only 58.3% of sober drivers suffered ROR crashes in the same time period. And 90% of ROR crashes during those years tested involved a speeding vehicle.

01-28-2015, 08:37 AM
Thoughts and prayers to his and her family.


Tragedy ... thoughts and prayers too

01-28-2015, 08:10 PM
Very sad news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families.

02-09-2015, 03:17 PM
Here's another Viper wreck that happened in PA on Saturday 2/7. Driver DUI.


I haven't found any followup articles on the Paradise Valley crash.

02-09-2015, 05:14 PM
Here's another Viper wreck that happened in PA on Saturday 2/7. Driver DUI.


I haven't found any followup articles on the Paradise Valley crash.

There's another thread running with regard to the PA accident:


Arizona Vipers
02-19-2015, 01:17 PM
This is right down the street from me as well. From everything I've read it says there were no criminal charges, so he definitely wasn't intoxicated..

Looks like the girl that died is Samantha Silverman according to this- http://www.reddit.com/r/crossfit/comments/2ucut8/rip_samantha_silverman/
It also says the guy was driving home after his father's funeral??

02-19-2015, 01:39 PM
Geez that's terrible. I couldn't imagine having to face that poor girls family after that. I don't think anybody will not blame that guy at her funeral even without knowing any of the facts. I hope he makes a recovery.