View Full Version : What has "1 of 1" done for viper sales?

01-22-2015, 06:28 PM
So for those that were sitting on the fence to buy a Viper or not even considering one, has the customization of the viper helped you make a purchase?
Just curious as I know the goal is to increase sales.

For me personally it did nothing.

Policy Limits
01-22-2015, 06:35 PM
People want flappy paddles and cup holders.

01-22-2015, 06:49 PM
Since it isn't open yet, nothing

01-22-2015, 06:58 PM
People want flappy paddles and cup holders.

Not all peoples

01-22-2015, 08:06 PM
People want flappy paddles and cup holders.

We already have 2 cup holders.


Policy Limits
01-22-2015, 08:25 PM
I know. It's ridiculous. Who's ever used them? Cup holders are great in a daily SUV when you want to sip on coffee on your way into the office. But in a street legal race car? Psshhh. And I was being sarcastic about paddle shifters. We are the minority whom want to row gears.

01-22-2015, 08:59 PM
I want to row gears, but proper cup holders was definitely a selling point on a car that is essentially just used for road trips. Not to mention the stereo and polished interior. But 1 of 1 wouldn't have done anything to help get me in a GenV.

01-22-2015, 09:14 PM
1 of 1 has got me thinking about it more... I still don't have the money so it's not going to matter, but yes it's an attractive thought.

I think it's a great advantage to be able to "customize" as a marketing tactic, even for those potential customers who can't touch one right now anyway (like me) Even for kids - the notion that they could create a viper "exactly" the way they would want to buy one someday, that's a good thing. create your own "dream specs" and share it on social media and tell people who don't even give a crap about cars and push the excitement around as much as possible.. all good things for the brand and the mystique of Viper. Whether it sells cars directly or not is almost secondary (but I would guess it will directly move a few...)

01-22-2015, 09:18 PM
It's way too early to say, it's just been announced. I for one love the idea. I was at a track event last weekend with 75 Viper owners and there were several that are getting ready to purchase exactly what they want.

01-22-2015, 10:30 PM
We are the minority whom want to row gears.


01-22-2015, 11:25 PM
Ya 1 for 1 can't be ordered until Feb/March right? Anyway, we live in the age of people on Youtube that think manual cars are for "noob's" and "real drivers" drive auto's now. People are so freaking stupid out there lol. I guess they have to validate their rational of ordering their automatic instead of manual. It's laziness in the guise of "more performance". Z06 auto vs manual uptake rate is like an astonishing 80%. Those corvette guys are a bunch of old men with vagine's. :t15197:

Nine Ball
01-23-2015, 01:54 AM
Lets be honest here, those automatic Corvettes exist because the same waxers couldn't even handle driving a 400 hp Corvette to the limit. 650 hp is scary for them now.


Canadian venom
01-23-2015, 07:37 AM
The 1 on 1 is a good idea and that could be good if the rest of the programm also apply to all new owners a la Ferrari ( to be able to follow the construction of the car, receive a model of the car ordered, delivery at the plant ....)

01-23-2015, 08:49 AM
1 of 1 is a great idea. It is obviously going to help sales, but I don't know why people get so hung up on Viper sales. Since the price adjustment sales have been great.

01-23-2015, 09:32 AM
I think the 1 of 1 will raise the moniker of the car, it's a very L&F car kind of concept, once they have a "build it" web site and shoppers can see the cool combo's it'll be a great part of marketing while meeting the needs of anyone.

The price reset I think was critical and probably where the car would've been priced if they hadn't done the silly SRT split, folding it back makes better financial sense and the pricing makes the Viper an Exotic with a bang for the buck, which is almost an oxymoron idea, but is the case with this car.

What will really matter, is the marketing campaign. I believe since Dodge knows what's it's doing, versus the SRT marketing team, they are creating a perfect storm for marketing the Viper like never before. 1 of 1 exotic offering, track oriented models, a price point that is ridiculous for what you get, etc., etc. If the now do a marketing push, and represent well in the media, like that new video that's so cool, the car will elevate - in sales and in status perception. If they blow the marketing again, then I don't think anything will have an effect.

01-23-2015, 10:00 AM
Perhaps they will offer concierge service/factory pickup/ build documentation etc. for a premium in the future? just speculation on my behalf btw.

01-23-2015, 10:24 AM
Perhaps they will offer concierge service/factory pickup/ build documentation etc. for a premium in the future? just speculation on my behalf btw.

Thats included in the 1-1 program already

Bruce H.
01-23-2015, 10:57 AM
Great program that will appeal to many buyers that were considering buying the car anyways, and a few that weren't. Maybe just enough to get a Viper owner whose been sitting on the fence to trade up. I hope they extend it to the future ACR that I would consider, and I think that could definitely make the difference between a sale or not if I was undecided....which I expect to be.

01-23-2015, 11:06 AM
Lol - I still want flappy paddles and cup holders that are within reach. We still don't know what items are available, what the aero kits look like.

01-23-2015, 12:21 PM
Thats included in the 1-1 program already

I mean to say for non-GTC purchases.

Policy Limits
01-23-2015, 01:19 PM
I'd use my loyalty certificate on a one of one ACR or nothing. But that's because I'm already in a V. If i weren't in one and had 84-110k range I'd shop viper against Z06. I'd choose viper and do the 1 of 1 program or get a 2.0 car in blue. Or I'd get the Z06 and a left over 13 V for same ball park price and have my cake and eat it too 8-p

Fatboy 18
01-23-2015, 01:32 PM
I would want different Bodywork ;)

01-23-2015, 01:37 PM
It is good that Dodge offers the 1/1 Program, but to me it just seems like a bit more ordering flexibility and not that big of a deal.

My Gen V was a car sitting on a dealer lot and had the majority of the options I was seeking. I did have the Dealer add the exterior CF and advanced aero CF that I wanted to get the car equipped as desired. With the 1/1 program I guess I could just order it that way.

However, even outside of the special circumstances that surrounded Gen V release and demand, for any car you can often get a better deal on a car sitting on the ground at a dealer vs. an ordered car. So from that standpoint 1/1 may not change much. For the Buyer who does not need/want the best deal, 1/1 should add some cachet.

01-23-2015, 01:45 PM
It really says a lot for the car company to offer this program. Vipers are already in very limited numbers and with the current combinations that can be had there is duplication but not in any crazy numbers to speak of. For those who want that 1 off car it is a win win for the brand as long as it does not have to much in additional cost to the manufacturer.


01-23-2015, 02:16 PM
Lets be honest here, those automatic Corvettes exist because the same waxers couldn't even handle driving a 400 hp Corvette to the limit. 650 hp is scary for them now.


...had to quote this because it's the first time I've ever heard the term "waxers". 'bout fell out of my chair. Perfect!!!

01-23-2015, 02:17 PM
I am a waxer.


01-23-2015, 02:24 PM
So, with the 1-of-1 program... if you order your combo, does it lock it out from other users?

There are a few schemes on the Gen IV ACR that are simply spectacular, IMO... so I could see these being rather popular templates for 1-of-1 cars. Will it be first-come-first served on these? Or are there enough subtle shades of black, gray, and white that it won't be an issue?

I like the program; I just think they're a couple years late in implementing it. Such an obvious advantage of a low-volume, hand-built, paint-shop-next-door car...

01-23-2015, 02:28 PM
So, with the 1-of-1 program... if you order your combo, does it lock it out from other users?

There are a few schemes on the Gen IV ACR that are simply spectacular, IMO... so I could see these being rather popular templates for 1-of-1 cars. Will it be first-come-first served on these? Or are there enough subtle shades of black, gray, and white that it won't be an issue?

I like the program; I just think they're a couple years late in implementing it. Such an obvious advantage of a low-volume, hand-built, paint-shop-next-door car...
Yeah I think it does for that model year, so I'm wondering if they are planning on offering all 6 of their aero kits on the regular models, because say someone like me who wants a white GT and wants a specific wheel and aero option, well that sucks for the other users because i'm faily certain that might be a color scheme that others might like.

01-23-2015, 02:42 PM
Dodge talks about 8,000 colors being available.

Fact is, there are only a few base colors in a color wheel and rest are hues, combinations and variations of those.

In other words, if you want a White, there will be hundreds of them. Same with Black, Blue, Reds etc.

So even though a certain white has been taken, there will be a slightly different hue that will virtually be identical. So we may see a few very unique combinations but I cant see 'your' combination ever being unavailable.

It would be very different if they would have said that there will be 50 base colors and that's it. But 8,000 means that the 1 of 1 sounds more exclusive than it is

01-23-2015, 02:43 PM
Yeah I think it does for that model year, so I'm wondering if they are planning on offering all 6 of their aero kits on the regular models, because say someone like me who wants a white GT and wants a specific wheel and aero option, well that sucks for the other users because i'm faily certain that might be a color scheme that others might like.

As long as something about the two cars is different (could be stitching) you can get the same color from what I understand...

01-23-2015, 02:56 PM
I am pretty sure the 1-1 only applies to the GTC builds. If you configure a GTC exactly the same as a GT, that doesn't mean they won't build a GT in that config. It means no other GTC can be built in that config.

01-24-2015, 04:05 PM
Dodge talks about 8,000 colors being available.

Fact is, there are only a few base colors in a color wheel and rest are hues, combinations and variations of those.

In other words, if you want a White, there will be hundreds of them. Same with Black, Blue, Reds etc.

So even though a certain white has been taken, there will be a slightly different hue that will virtually be identical. So we may see a few very unique combinations but I cant see 'your' combination ever being unavailable.

It would be very different if they would have said that there will be 50 base colors and that's it. But 8,000 means that the 1 of 1 sounds more exclusive than it is

What you said would apply to any color on any car. Colors are just a combination of red, green and blue. For Dodge to offer so many is quite impressive and something only a few automakers do. The Viper plant essentially has a custom paint shop.

01-24-2015, 06:17 PM
What you said would apply to any color on any car. Colors are just a combination of red, green and blue. For Dodge to offer so many is quite impressive and something only a few automakers do. The Viper plant essentially has a custom paint shop.

The plant doesn't. But Prefix where they paint the cars is essentially a custom large scale paint shop.

01-24-2015, 10:51 PM
What you said would apply to any color on any car. Colors are just a combination of red, green and blue. For Dodge to offer so many is quite impressive and something only a few automakers do. The Viper plant essentially has a custom paint shop.

Don't think you get my point. What I am getting at is if someone wants a white car with black stripes, they don't have to worry about that combination being taken since there are so many whites and blacks to choose from. The colors may not be identical to the 'other' white and black cars, but few would notice the difference.

People have mentioned they are concerned that their combination of colors would be already used by someone else.....I don't think this will ever be a problem the way that Dodge has opened the door to virtually any variation of a color available

01-25-2015, 07:52 AM
That's a given, or the program wouldn't work. But you could still say I have 1 of 1 of this color, even though it may be eggshell white vs chalk white. Still a cool idea IMO.

01-25-2015, 08:20 AM
That's a given, or the program wouldn't work. But you could still say I have 1 of 1 of this color, even though it may be eggshell white vs chalk white. Still a cool idea IMO.

Absolutely agree. I think its a great idea as well. There will plenty of slight variations of the already existing combos, since people like them but we will also see some cool fresh colors that have not been used before

Of course, there is also a possibility that there will be some questionable colors picked but you cant argue taste

Since they have been accused of sounding like a UPS truck, I certainly hope that no one takes that to the next level with a Brown paint job

Fatboy 18
01-25-2015, 08:29 AM
I feel sorry for all the bodyshops that in a few years time may have to match the colour on one of these paint jobs!

01-25-2015, 10:32 AM
Absolutely agree. I think its a great idea as well. There will plenty of slight variations of the already existing combos, since people like them but we will also see some cool fresh colors that have not been used before

Of course, there is also a possibility that there will be some questionable colors picked but you cant argue taste

Since they have been accused of sounding like a UPS truck, I certainly hope that no one takes that to the next level with a Brown paint job

lol so true. After talking to some dealers I heard they are worried of people picking just horrible color combo's destroying their resale value. I say as long as the customer secures that order with a proper deposit, let them order whatever they want.

01-25-2015, 01:33 PM
so let's take 8000 colors and divide it amongst 7 shades (red,orange,yellow,green,blue,violet,grayscale)... That's 1143 different shades of each color to choose from, if they're divided equally. even if that number is spread out over 3 different finishes (gloss, satin, matte) you have 163 hues of each color to choose.

01-25-2015, 03:04 PM
Don't want to keep dragging this out but I wonder if the 1 of 1 will reset every year. So if you get a Blue/Silver stripes on a 2015, will those exact colors be available again on the 2016 ? Or is this truly a 1 of 1 where a specific color that has been used will never be available again ?

01-25-2015, 11:48 PM
I read one per year, so it resets.

01-26-2015, 06:46 AM
I wouldn't be too worried about color duplication with that array of available choices on a car that hopefully might sell 100 a month.

01-26-2015, 08:45 AM
Horrible marketing if you ask me... nobody cares about the GTC. Where's the ACR and factory Vert??? How to sell Vipers 101 would be a hit at local community colleges right now.

Bruce H.
01-26-2015, 09:31 AM
It seems like the expression "Good things come to those who wait" is applying rather nicely to the Viper community more often than not lately.

01-26-2015, 09:52 AM
It seems like the expression "Good things come to those who wait" is applying rather nicely to the Viper community more often than not lately.

What he said.

01-26-2015, 09:52 AM
Horrible marketing if you ask me... nobody cares about the GTC. Where's the ACR and factory Vert??? How to sell Vipers 101 would be a hit at local community colleges right now.

You may not but plenty do.

01-26-2015, 10:09 AM
Seems pretty cool. Plus you get a personal concierge. I would be all over it if I had the dough for a new one. Who wants to be like everyone else??


01-26-2015, 10:17 AM
Where are the "new" buyers coming from? Clearly the Viper isn't selling for multiple reasons... the color not being one. It's time to spice it up and add the ACR into the mix so the Viper can be dominate again. I love my TA... but SRT (regarding the Viper) is a laughing stock when it comes to marketing.

You may not but plenty do.

01-26-2015, 11:28 AM
Where are the "new" buyers coming from? Clearly the Viper isn't selling for multiple reasons... the color not being one. It's time to spice it up and add the ACR into the mix so the Viper can be dominate again. I love my TA... but SRT (regarding the Viper) is a laughing stock when it comes to marketing.

Sales have really picked up since the price drop. Especially considering it's winter time. The marketing has been much better lately too. Did you see the Viper Youtube video? They need more of that kind of stuff.

Bottom line, for an extremely reasonable price, buyers are getting exotic level treatment like they would ordering a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, etc. I think it does wonders for the image of the car. Exclusivity is never a bad thing. I swear some Viper "fans" would complain about free money.

I bet the ACR is coming in due time...

01-26-2015, 01:44 PM
I swear some Viper "fans" would complain about free money.

So true. Now you've got people complaining about the 1 of 1 program.. :z:

01-26-2015, 02:46 PM
So true. Now you've got people complaining about the 1 of 1 program.. :z:

Maybe it bums people out that the Viper just hasn't made the splash it did in 92 and 96. I count myself on that list. I still love the car though and if I could responsibly afford one right now I would be all over a great 1:1. Not anything crazy color wise, just very supercar-ish.

Does this mean that standard configuration like red with black interior goes to the first guy who orders it? Or are they still making some standard packages?

I Bin Therbefor
01-26-2015, 07:48 PM
Ya 1 for 1 can't be ordered until Feb/March right? Anyway, we live in the age of people on Youtube that think manual cars are for "noob's" and "real drivers" drive auto's now. People are so freaking stupid out there lol. I guess they have to validate their rational of ordering their automatic instead of manual. It's laziness in the guise of "more performance". Z06 auto vs manual uptake rate is like an astonishing 80%. Those corvette guys are a bunch of old men with vagine's. :t15197:

IMO, if an AT sells 4 times the number of cars, then put in an AT as an option. NOW. I don't care who buys them as long as the production volume gets up to where the Viper becomes an economically viable proposition. The current Dodge management has done about all they can with marketing changes using the current mechanical package. The car needs the AT to remain in production.

01-27-2015, 12:59 AM
If Viper went automatic option, my chances of buying one would have surely dropped. That's all we need is a bunch of 70 year old waxers driving Vipers around like the Vette community has. Viper has always been about rarity. With all the good changes coming, 2015/16 could be good years for Viper the way they are (manual).

Policy Limits
01-27-2015, 09:39 AM
New breed folks don't know how to Drive standard. To be honestly I hadn't driven standard in 20 years before buying my V. But after nearly 4 years of Gallardo ownership with paddles I actually wanted a more raw driving experience. But I was in the minority. People want paddles because they can't drive standard and don't want to learn. Cars are a status symbol in this country which is another component. I can't think of a bigger poser car than a California (unless you're a female) but guys want them for the brand and status. The biggest lessen to be learned from the V launch is to not try and be something you're not. The SRT thing was a farce, people saw right through it so now we're back to Dodge. The hundreds of built cars that weren't ordered still sit unsold two years later. The six figure price tag turned into a starting price of 84k pursuant to capitalism and the market dictating value. The point is: now that the brand is finally on track (pun intended and hopefully better late than never) why go backwards and pretend to ge something you're not with auto tranny and more volume production. The brand has never been about either of thode things. Or if evolution is a must, still make the manual an option.