View Full Version : Your new NE president believe it or not...

01-08-2015, 06:30 PM
Hi New England Crew,

Just wanted to introduce myself as being the new NE president for 2015/2016. My name is Martin and I have been in "a" viper club for 7+ years and have had my viper for over 10. Most of you guys know I've been pretty involved with the club for a long time. Thanks to Joe, Rod, Jerry, for keeping the club going through the last couple years. I hope I can continue the trend.

Would like to introduce Scott Tickler as our new vice president, Rod Hansen as Treasure, Eric Lotter as secretary, also "Rusty & Kerrie" (Team Myers) & Tim Mahoney as our events/membership coordinators. Also Craig Elkin as our news letter editor.

I have also begged Jerry, Rick, Joe, to help me with this transition as I want to make sure we have an awesome year.

I have lots of stuff planned for 2015, we should have a full calendar of events by early March which I will post over here and on our website.

Our first officers meeting will be held on Saturday February 7th in Tewksbury MA. If you feel that you can be of assistance in planning our 2015 agenda please PM me and I will give you more specifics.

Anyone reading this that's not a VOA member and lives in New England.....what are you waiting for! Send me a PM and ill fill you in with what you're missing!

Here's to an awesome next 2 years ! I cant wait till April for the spring opener!


01-08-2015, 06:33 PM
Congrats, Martin!

01-08-2015, 06:34 PM
congrats martin.

01-12-2015, 02:54 PM
I am sure the next two years are going to be awesome! Let's turn out in bug numbers to support Martin and the new team. I'll be there as much as I can. Would love to reach my goal of attending every event in one year (like Rusty and Kerrie).

01-13-2015, 12:36 PM
Congrats Martin! The NE Chapter is in great hands. Looking forward to the upcoming season.

Policy Limits
01-17-2015, 04:08 PM
Keep in mind new england is 1/2 dozen states, not 2. Hope to make some events this season. Congrats & good luck

Helo Steve
01-17-2015, 08:07 PM
Congrats, Martin! Although I'm not in your chapter, you have some amazing members in your group!

01-27-2015, 11:55 PM
Thanks everyone. I have been doing a lot of work to make 2015 a great year, we have about 75% of last years members paid up, and I sent a personal email to all the guys that haven't renewed so hopefully they stick around. We have our officers & enthusiastic members meeting Feb 7th in Tewksbury MA at 9am, to plan out 2015's events. I have a lot of really good ideas and I'm looking forward to what everyone else will bring to the table as well. If anyone else is interested in coming to the meeting please PM me and let me know. Spring can't come soon enough!


02-21-2015, 07:38 AM
What is needed to be part of the group.

02-21-2015, 08:22 AM
What is needed to be part of the group.My wife and I joined the club two years ago,we own a 97 GTS and it`s been a great experience meeting alot of people with a shared interest.I already spoke with our club president and he will be in contact with you later today,his name is Martin.Hope you join the club and come to an event or two that we have planned for this year.Do you own a Viper and if so what year and model?

02-21-2015, 09:56 AM
Find the join menu above follow the prompts and select the ever awesome New England region as your own.

02-22-2015, 12:50 AM
What is needed to be part of the group.


Welcome to the site. Do you own a viper? If so sign up for the club as we have lots of great events planned this year. Please PM me if you have any questions!
