View Full Version : HOW TO: RENEW YOUR CLASSIFIED AD, w/pics

01-04-2015, 08:47 PM
Plum mentioned a need for a tutorial w/pics on "Renewing an Ad" in the Classifieds. (http://driveviper.com/forums/threads/6428-classified-ad-renewal-help)

First, you can find the Classified Ads at the top of the Home Page on the tab marked "Classifieds". (Shown Below)

http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/AA_zps30c766a6.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/AA_zps30c766a6.jpg.html)

Obviously you must be "Logged In" to your account in order to renew your Ad. If you're "not" logged-in when you view an Ad, the "Product Options" button will be inactive. Nothing will happen when you click it! (Shown Below)
http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/A_zpsf6451ce0.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/A_zpsf6451ce0.jpg.html)

However, once logged-in to your account you can click "Product Options" on any classified ad to get a standard drop down with a pick-list of (4) options;
- Add to Watch List
- Post Comment
- Report Product
- Receive Email Updates (Shown Below)
http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/B_zpsa90b41f2.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/B_zpsa90b41f2.jpg.html)

Also, while logged-in to your "own" classified ad, "Product Options" will now reveal several more choices than when viewing Ads posted by others.
It will show the original (4) choices as well as (3) new ones for a total of (7);
- Add to Watch List
- Post Comment
- Report Product
- Receive Email Updates
- Edit Ad
- Place On Hold

After three months you'll receive an email asking you to "Renew Your Ad" or it will be automatically deleted from the system in xx-days. (nothing personal, just good server maintenance protocol)
NOTE: You can continually renew your ad every three months if needed.

Click the "Edit Ad" choice in the picklist. (Shown Below)
http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/C_zpsab20fa7d.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/C_zpsab20fa7d.jpg.html)

This is where you can change/swap pictures, edit text in the ad, change the price, etc. If you drop the price, I recommend you put "REDUCED" at the front of your items Title to draw some attention to it. (Shown Below)
http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/D_zpsa8e42a3e.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/D_zpsa8e42a3e.jpg.html)

When you are completely satisfied with your changes, you "must" click the Submit Changes button at the bottom of the page. (Shown Above) HINT; If you don't see it, be sure to scroll all the way down as well as left-to-right!
NOTE; Your "Original Date" of when the Ad was first posted will remain... not the date you updated it.

Also, you'll notice there is an option button to Delete the Ad entirely. (Shown Above in Yellow) Be 100% sure if you choose this as there is no recycle bin to retrieve it.
I hope this is helpful to some,

01-04-2015, 08:59 PM
nice job mike !

02-03-2015, 11:10 PM
- Add to Watch List
- Post Comment
- Report Product
- Receive Email Updates
- Edit Ad

07-18-2016, 02:38 PM
Very helpful link!