View Full Version : Help! Sports Bar nut is loose?

11-19-2013, 08:11 AM
1996 RT/10 and well one of the nuts is loose on my sports bar behind the removeable pad. Far left nut which the removeable hardtop screws into the two nuts on the outside. It broke loose and can spin around. Not sure if it is just body glue that holds these on and in place or what, but had to take the hard top off as it was bouncing around on that side. Soft top mounts on the inside nuts so it is back on.

Spoke to two other RT/10 owners at our first VOA lunch yesterday and they both have exact same problem.

Anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it?

11-20-2013, 08:39 AM
No one has had this problem before?

11-22-2013, 09:39 AM
Don't mean to egg everyone on but did all the long term knowledge stay in the old club? Could really used the help guys and gals!

11-22-2013, 09:44 AM
i dont know what you mean, but i've had some RT/10s come in with bolts loose on the bar, just reached in, tightened them up and the guy was on his marry way.

Venomous1 Racing
11-22-2013, 10:45 AM
Sounds like he is saying the stud is spinning too? Like where its likely glassed in or epoxied. If that's the case you may search a more R/T exclusive site then report findings to share.

11-22-2013, 12:59 PM
1996 RT/10 and well one of the nuts is loose on my sports bar behind the removeable pad. Far left nut which the removeable hardtop screws into the two nuts on the outside. It broke loose and can spin around. Not sure if it is just body glue that holds these on and in place or what, but had to take the hard top off as it was bouncing around on that side. Soft top mounts on the inside nuts so it is back on.

Spoke to two other RT/10 owners at our first VOA lunch yesterday and they both have exact same problem.

Anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it?

I had this happen on my 1996 RT. The hard top on the Gen I bolt into the sportsbar, not clip on like the Gen IIs.

If I remember right, I pulled the nut out of the sportsbar, cleaned the area up of all the dirt, the epoxied it back into place. Used a strong epoxy and after it sets, add a little around the sides to increase durability.

11-22-2013, 01:58 PM
Make sure to use a good fast-set 2 part epoxy... and grind a pretty descent flat on either side of the bolt so the epoxy has something to help lock it in place with.

11-22-2013, 08:11 PM
Thanks guys, looks like it is an epoxy fix. Will take pics and maybe create a how-to.