View Full Version : IN/KY VOA...ONE MORE "2015 VOA Membership Fee Refund Drawing" !!!

12-14-2014, 12:51 PM
IN/KY VOA President Jim Robertson has authorized ONE MORE "2015 VOA Membership Fee Refund Drawing". THIS TIME, only ONE name will be selected. This FINAL DRAWING will include ALL Members who have joined the IN/KY Region of the Viper Owners Association (VOA) for 2015 BY 11:59 PM EST, Wednesday, December 31, 2014. The SINGLE winner will have his/her full 2015 dues REFUNDED whether is it a $115.00 Membership or the $150.00 Mamba Membership.

The five current (2014) IN/KY VOA Officers/Board Members, and the current Membership Coordinator & his Wife ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this drawing. The TWO previous winners drawn 12/13/14 at the 2014 Holiday Party (Mr. L. and Mr. W.) will also be ineligible for the obvious reasons.

This FINAL drawing will take place on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. This slight delay will allow the VOA's National Business Office to catch up and process all of the renewals through New Year's Eve 2014.


Happy Holidays to All.

Mad Max
12-14-2014, 08:15 PM

12-28-2014, 06:20 AM
The countdown clock is ticking.

Why wait??

Renew today!!

12-30-2014, 05:59 AM
Well...there's one day left to renew (or join) and still be eligible for this drawing.

Good luck and Happy New Year !!

01-01-2015, 05:57 AM
The above drawing is now closed to entries. The winner will be drawn from those eligible entries and announced on 1/6/15.

OF COURSE, you can still renew/join by following these directions:

Clicking on this link www.driveviper.com/portal/


Simply CALL 888-778-1545

Thus far we have had an excellent renewal response...and, we hope that YOU will also join us for 2015.

Happy New Year to All !!!!!

01-05-2015, 04:26 PM
This FINAL drawing will take place tomorrow AM...1/6/15.

The SINGLE WINNER will be announced to all Members shortly after said drawing (by e-mail to most, and by US Mail for a few).

For those who have supported the excellent 2015 renewal results thus far...MANY THANKS !!

For those who plan to renew but have been slowed down by the holidays, we eagerly await your action.

For those who do not plan to renew, we offer you as heartfelt THANKS for your past support and wish you the best for the New Year !!

01-06-2015, 11:09 AM
The WINNER of the final drawing is Mamba Member James C. of Greenwood, IN.
James will receive a membership fee refund check for $150.00 from IN/KY VOA Treasurer Ron Fleming.

CONGRATS to James...and a BIG THANKS to ALL who have renewed/joined for 2015 !!