View Full Version : Renew your Carolinas VOA Membership THIS MONTH!

Brian GTS
12-03-2014, 08:13 PM
I wanted to remind everyone to take a brief moment to renew your VOA membership for 2015 in order to continue enjoying all of the awesome benefits of being a VOA member.

This year there are TWO advantages to renewing your membership by the end of this month. All members who renew by December 31, 2014:

1) Will be entered in a raffle for FREE registration for NVE2 in New Orleans in 2016!!! How cool is that?

2) Will also be entered into our region raffle for a FREE 2015 membership!!! If your name is drawn, our region will refund 100% of your 2015 membership dues!!!

It’s easy to renew, just go to https://driveviper.com/portal/ or call 888.778.1545 if you wish to renew over the phone.

Questions or comments, we're here!

Brian, Mike, Patrick, Craig, & Chris

12-04-2014, 08:55 AM
Good reminder Brian...I've added it to my list. Thanks!

12-04-2014, 07:44 PM
Thanks, I like!!


Brian GTS
12-07-2014, 08:18 PM
Okay folks, National just stepped up big time!! In addition to the raffle for the free NVE2 registration and our regional membership giveaway, there are now 35 vendor/sponsor prizes to be raffled to all members that renew by the end of this month!!! Check it out:


12-08-2014, 12:45 PM
Question for you Brian, my viper is going to a new home next week and I will be viperless for a couple months. Should I renew now knowing I wont have a viper for a little bit, or let my membership expire and sign back up with I get back into a new car?

12-08-2014, 07:50 PM

Congratulations on selling your Viper and hope you are in your next one really soon. If you renew now, not only will it make you eligible for numerous drawings (I would hate to miss out on the free admin to 2016 NVE) that are available, also it will allow the Region to receive their portion of your annual fees a lot sooner for better planning.

Not that I speaking for Brian...but there's a lot of free stuff out there for someone...might as well be you.

Brian GTS
12-08-2014, 09:00 PM
Question for you Brian, my viper is going to a new home next week and I will be viperless for a couple months. Should I renew now knowing I wont have a viper for a little bit, or let my membership expire and sign back up with I get back into a new car?

Hey Kristian,

Wow, may I ask what Viper you are thinking about getting? :)

I think it's really up to you. You still own a Viper now, so technically you can renew your membership for 2015. If you know you will be back in the seat of a Viper soon, I would probably just renew now so you can be eligible to win the various raffle prizes....38 of them! :)

12-08-2014, 09:39 PM
Thanks. I'll go ahead and renew now. A gen V is in my future. I really liked them after driving a TA earlier this year. The only thing holding me back was the lack of aftermarket tuning. Now the HP tuners can work magic on the cars, I'm ready. I'm getting a 14' or possibly a 13' if I find a good deal. It will be stock for a few months, then I'm doing some basic mods and throwing a 150hp shot of nitrous at it. My current car is going to a guy in the Navy up in Virginia. Hopefully he will join VOA and be part of this awesome community.

Brian GTS
12-08-2014, 10:35 PM
Thanks. I'll go ahead and renew now. A gen V is in my future. I really liked them after driving a TA earlier this year. The only thing holding me back was the lack of aftermarket tuning. Now the HP tuners can work magic on the cars, I'm ready. I'm getting a 14' or possibly a 13' if I find a good deal. It will be stock for a few months, then I'm doing some basic mods and throwing a 150hp shot of nitrous at it. My current car is going to a guy in the Navy up in Virginia. Hopefully he will join VOA and be part of this awesome community.

Awesome! You're going to LOVE the Gen V. What color you going for?

12-09-2014, 12:28 AM
Awesome! You're going to LOVE the Gen V. What color you going for?

I'm not sure yet. My first two vipers were black and red, so I'm thinking something different. I'm leaning towards a solid white car and doing some custom vinyl on it. I like factory stripes, but it also limits the options for later. I'm learned a few years to not rush buying a viper, the right car will come along when its time.

12-12-2014, 05:43 PM
I renewed my membership a couple days ago and my car went to its new home today. Time for a gen V

12-15-2014, 07:19 PM

What present of our (Region) membership has already renewed. Just wondering if we are higher than the national club average with the renewals.


12-15-2014, 07:23 PM
Is there a separate regional membership.....other than the national membership?

Brian GTS
12-15-2014, 07:33 PM
Is there a separate regional membership.....other than the national membership?

Your National membership includes Regional membership. Our region receives 1/2 of your National dues to help subsidize costs for our "local" events. You're in! :)

Brian GTS
12-29-2014, 09:29 PM
REMINDER: Only 48 hours remain to renew your VOA membership to be part of the raffle of 35+ prizes!!!

12-30-2014, 01:27 AM
Mines done. Brian how many members do we have in our region?

Brian GTS
12-30-2014, 08:47 AM
We have around 65.

Brian GTS
01-05-2015, 08:59 AM
Okay folks.....below are the winners of the prize drawings from our region:

1) The WINNER of the Carolinas VOA FREE membership drawing is Marko Stimpfel! Congratulations Marko!!! The full value ($150) of Marko's 2015 Mamba membership will be refunded by the Carolinas VOA.

2) We also have a winner of the National VOA drawings from our region. Rich Sclichter is the winner of one of the discount certificates from Specialty Performance Team (www.specialtyperformanceteam.com). Congrats Rich!

You can view all the winners of the National VOA raffle by visiting here: http://driveviper.com/forums/threads/6764-VOA-Prize-Drawing-Jan-3-2015-9pm-Eastern

Thanks to everyone that joined up with us before the end of 2014!

Next Phase
01-06-2015, 08:59 PM

Thanks for the remimders on registering in December!

Looking forward to a great 2015!