View Full Version : Bring back the SRT Engineers chat sessions??

Resident Alien
11-18-2013, 01:11 PM
Happy birthday, VOA!

Are some machine cogs behind the scenes being put in motion to bring SRT Engineers back in direct contact with visitors of this site? Those VCA chat sessions preceded my viper ownership and I never personally took part in them but have read every single one of them and loved them.

I think this will be a great way to restore some Viper faith after the recent negativity and make us feel a lot closer to the SRT team (and hopefully vice versa), while setting VOA apart from all the other viper sites.

11-18-2013, 01:13 PM

11-18-2013, 01:25 PM
Quick answer... of course. ;.)

Resident Alien
11-18-2013, 01:30 PM
That's a great answer! Short 'n sweet. Thanks, Alex.

11-18-2013, 01:48 PM
It feels like Christmas Day....

Resident Alien
06-25-2014, 02:44 PM
Seven months later, any updates?

Resident Alien
08-14-2014, 10:15 PM
Nine months and counting...

I'd appreciate an update, be it good, bad, or ugly.

08-15-2014, 06:36 AM
sorry, we can't talk about future products.


08-15-2014, 06:49 AM
sorry, we can't talk about future products.



08-15-2014, 09:25 AM
sorry, we can't talk about future products.


Exactly what SRT says when you ask them what the hell they are thinking.

Black Pearl
08-15-2014, 11:13 AM
So the answer is NO, until further notice.

Resident Alien
08-15-2014, 12:11 PM
I did notice a new 'SRT Headquarters' forum section that's "Coming soon.."

Hope it comes sooner than the new Mopar PCM did.

Resident Alien
11-18-2014, 05:46 PM
Happy 1 year birthday to my question!

11-18-2014, 06:59 PM
You get personal satisfaction from this don't you.

Unfortunately plans within SRT not only changed with respect to availability, but in light of the changes they're going through now - not a good time. We'll need to wait until they stabilize things first.

Resident Alien
11-18-2014, 09:33 PM
You get personal satisfaction from this don't you.

Unfortunately plans within SRT not only changed with respect to availability, but in light of the changes they're going through now - not a good time. We'll need to wait until they stabilize things first.

Why would I get personal satisfaction from this? I get nothing but frustration for not getting a straight answer to my question for a year, especially after post #3 that you made. Just because I'm not getting an answer doesn't mean I'll forget about this thread and stop asking my question. Thanks for the personal attack though, stay classy my friend. I don't remember ever attacking or offending you, but whatever.

As to the substance of your response - nothing in what you said is self-evident truth that only a moron would ask about. I was not aware of any changes in availability, nor of the need for them to "stabilize things first".

And while we are on the topic of challenging times for team viper, here's a quick refresher: the SRT chat sessions started in June 2006, when the viper was being phased out. There was a session in late 2006, two in 2007, one in late 2010, two in 2011 and one in 2012. You tell me how many cars were manufactured at those times.

11-19-2014, 09:37 AM
I'd like not to moderate any posts here. RA, we GET IT! If there was something to report, don't you think we'd be thrilled to advertise such news?
Alex in particular, is one of our most "connected" VOA members who'd like nothing else that to continue to better the VOA and our website.
For you to continue to raise the issue and berate Alex is not only supremely inappropriate and adolescent, but annoying.

We're working on it. We believe it will happen. It's an ongoing pursuit. How about I promise to inform personally you via PM the moment it gets rolling. In the meantime, please enjoy all the extraordinary alternative benefits available to you as a valued VOA and website member and let this lay.

Thank you.

11-19-2014, 09:39 AM
I'd like not to moderate any posts here. RA, we GET IT! If there was something to report, don't you think we'd be thrilled to advertise such news?
Alex in particular, is one of our most "connected" VOA members who'd like nothing else that to continue to better the VOA and our website.
For you to continue to raise the issue and berate Alex is not only supremely inappropriate and adolescent, but annoying.

We're working on it. We believe it will happen. It's an ongoing pursuit. How about I promise to inform personally you via PM the moment it gets rolling. In the meantime, please enjoy all the extraordinary alternative benefits available to you as a valued VOA and website member and let this lay.

Thank you.

I don't see any reason for such defensive replies to his post. He has a valid post and is not stirring any trouble, just lookin for an update possibly...

Maybe his post hit a sensitive subject behind the scenes without even realizing it?...

11-19-2014, 10:07 AM
I'm sorry, but we disagree.
The question IS valid as you suggested. It has been asked and answered. If there's an update, it will be posted. Is there any need to post the question 6 times, especially with the last post resonating with the VOA's first anniversary? There's nothing behind the scenes to be defensive about. Although I am not involved in the effort, I know that people are trying to make it happen. As I mentioned, it's a serious ongoing effort.

Do we really need a "are we there yet" every second month? I believe our discussion of this is more than the topic is worth. My apologies if I've appeared ornery.

11-19-2014, 11:00 AM
I'm sorry, but we disagree.
The question IS valid as you suggested. It has been asked and answered. If there's an update, it will be posted. Is there any need to post the question 6 times, especially with the last post resonating with the VOA's first anniversary? There's nothing behind the scenes to be defensive about. Although I am not involved in the effort, I know that people are trying to make it happen. As I mentioned, it's a serious ongoing effort.

Do we really need a "are we there yet" every second month? I believe our discussion of this is more than the topic is worth. My apologies if I've appeared ornery.

I see where the OP is comming from. Sometimes just getting a direct answer is the best solution. Also engaging and sharing with the community would have avoided all of this. But thats just my .02 cents

Resident Alien
11-19-2014, 11:41 AM
I'd like not to moderate any posts here. RA, we GET IT! If there was something to report, don't you think we'd be thrilled to advertise such news?
Alex in particular, is one of our most "connected" VOA members who'd like nothing else that to continue to better the VOA and our website.
For you to continue to raise the issue and berate Alex is not only supremely inappropriate and adolescent, but annoying.

We're working on it. We believe it will happen. It's an ongoing pursuit. How about I promise to inform personally you via PM the moment it gets rolling. In the meantime, please enjoy all the extraordinary alternative benefits available to you as a valued VOA and website member and let this lay.

Thank you.

You can go through my 59 prior posts on here and check if I ever called anyone names or otherwise indirectly attacked individual members. Yet, within the last 15 hours I was indirectly called a hater by Alex, and now I am called "supremely inappropriate", "adolescent", "annoying" and "berating Alex" by you. Additionally, you are suggesting the need to potentially moderate me?

I find it ironic that you are actually a moderator to this site. I will let the viewers of this thread make up their own minds about who needs to get moderated here, or at the very least calm the hell down. I will not resort to name-calling or personal attacks no matter how much you provoke me.

As to whether my question was asked and answered, the last substantive answer I received before yesterday was "Quick answer...of course". That was a year ago. How long of a wait is long enough according to you? Shall I check back in in 2 years? 5? 10?

The last thing I wanted was for this initiative to turn into the drama-filled soap opera that it's unfortunately been turned into. Please go back to the first post and read it again - my desire was for this to be something positive for everyone involved, the owners/enthusiasts, the VOA organization, and SRT themselves. But apparently asking for updates is considered Class A misdemeanor on here. To all the VOA members that I deeply offended and berated with my update requests, please accept my deepest apologies!

11-19-2014, 12:15 PM
You can go through my 59 prior posts on here and check if I ever called anyone names or otherwise indirectly attacked individual members. Yet, within the last 15 hours I was indirectly called a hater by Alex, and now I am called "supremely inappropriate", "adolescent", "annoying" and "berating Alex" by you. Additionally, you are suggesting the need to potentially moderate me?

I find it ironic that you are actually a moderator to this site. I will let the viewers of this thread make up their own minds about who needs to get moderated here, or at the very least calm the hell down. I will not resort to name-calling or personal attacks no matter how much you provoke me.

As to whether my question was asked and answered, the last substantive answer I received before yesterday was "Quick answer...of course". That was a year ago. How long of a wait is long enough according to you? Shall I check back in in 2 years? 5? 10?

The last thing I wanted was for this initiative to turn into the drama-filled soap opera that it's unfortunately been turned into. Please go back to the first post and read it again - my desire was for this to be something positive for everyone involved, the owners/enthusiasts, the VOA organization, and SRT themselves. But apparently asking for updates is considered Class A misdemeanor on here. To all the VOA members that I deeply offended and berated with my update requests, please accept my deepest apologies!

I'm fine with all that you posted except that you misunderstood my suggestion to "moderate any posts here". That was not directed at you as much as a statement that we almost never delete posts or threads. In a year we might have deleted 1 post and perhaps 3-4 words (that was not at the specific request of a poster). That should probably be attributed as much to the forum members as the moderators.

I don't see the irony to which you refer. If anything, there was some misunderstanding in this thread by several parties and folks spoke their minds. I read sarcasm in some of your posts. I'm the first to admit that when Alex felt provoked, I came to his defense. I value your question, just not the manner in which you chose to express it. If folks find my moderation ineffective or offensive, they should discuss it so I can either learn from my mistakes or potentially be removed. As I've stated and unlike the past for most of us, posts don't disappear here.

Nonetheless, I still feel as if you're asking "are we there yet" to the point of annoyance. I really don't see what else you're seeking here.

11-19-2014, 12:25 PM
Thinking more on the subject, I realize why both Alex and I took some offense (though I shouldn't speak for Alex). We all volunteer and do so solely by choice. Although it's nice to have so many members post up "thank you's" (and feeling appreciated DOES feel great), I wouldn't suggest for a minute that I deserve anything, since my efforts here are executed by my choice. I do it because I enjoy this (perhaps not necessarily at this particular moment). If I did this for free and disliked it, well then I'd certainly solicit the appreciation. When your posting harped on a specific goal in which we've yet to succeed, it fells pretty crappy. You certainly have every right to ask the question, but it simply feels bad to have a member continually point out one of our few failings.

Perhaps you didn't consider this?

11-19-2014, 12:30 PM
You're in IL chapter member so I'm assuming you've met Alex, as I have. I'm surprised you took Alex's first sentence as some sort of bullying or attack - that came across to me as just his normal humor. Much ado about nothing?

Resident Alien
11-19-2014, 01:59 PM
Ok, let me clear up some things here and hopefully put an end to this unnecessary drama. First of all, I have pretty thick skin and any personal jabs taken at me pretty much fall on deaf ears, except that they poison the otherwise positive athmosphere on this forum and may affect other members. That being said, I am most certainly disappointed by the needless name-calling.

I am no saint and I do apologize for probably getting a bit over-sarcastic in yesterday's post. However, I want to make it clear that the sarcasm was not born out of any desire to paint VOA in a negative light by any stretch of the imagination, or to berate any particular VOA exec. It was born out of what I perceive to be a failure of communication - a simple "Sorry, we are still working on it, there have been some challeneges given recent events, stay tuned" after my first or second update requests would have been enough for me to shut up for a very long time. All I got instead was the deafening sound of silence.

Also, for heaven's sake, I am not asking for establishing a direct live connection to the President's Office, I don't see how given VOA's connections it is so darn difficult to get a couple of SRT engineers to spend an hour or two with their fan base, for the benefit of everybody. What is there for anyone to lose from that? I would imagine all it would take would be a couple of phone calls, followed by a 'yes' or 'no' answer.

Now tell me why I am wrong, hopefully without any further pointless attempts of character assasination.

Resident Alien
11-19-2014, 05:10 PM
By the way, can someone explain why my thread was moved today to "Site Suggestions" from "General"?

I have no specific suggestions for the site per se. I like it the way it is. I have a question relating to "General discussion topics relating to Dodge/SRT Vipers".

Please move it back to where it was. Thanks!