View Full Version : Late October Autocross = HUGE Success!

10-29-2014, 09:55 AM
The time has come! Our last event of the year came and went. Who would have guessed when our Rockford autocross was snowed out in early October that it would be such a beautiful day in late October. Indeed it was… after a chilly start to the morning the sun came out and warmed everything up. By the end of the day people were in shorts and t-shirts.

The morning kicked off with our typical driver’s meeting. Then it was time to start the engines and get to the fun stuff. The morning flew by and before we new it the time had come to break for lunch. The concession stand was open so everyone grabbed a bite and took a few minutes to relax and do some socializing.

After lunch we kicked it right back into action going for 9 laps per run. We wouldn’t be Illinois if we weren’t pushing the boundaries of possibility. Our efforts paid off as times were the quickest of day after lunch. Competition was in full swing as well. Everyone tried to squeeze the last tenths of a second from their cars. At the end of the day there can only be one winner though… well, actually, there are several since we have more than one class.

Several people took home trophies for their performance for the day and one left with the big stuff. As our resident geek boy, Gary Grube, tabulated the results we realized that we would be double crossed. That’s right! Due to the fact one of our Maywood autocrosses got cancelled we could only count the results for two events. It did come down to a tie breaker and the results were still extremely close. Congrats to… drumroll please… CHRIS BOND! He was the season’s double cross winner. Congratulations to the runner up that gave him a serious run for his money, Jimmy Walker! The results for the entire day are below… see you next season to do it all over again!

To check out some photos and read the original post head on over to the site: http://www.illinoisvipers.com/rockford-in-october-had-great-weather/