View Full Version : "Evil Clown" prank now spread to France

10-27-2014, 01:13 AM
Supposedly this trend started in Bakersfield or near there where people would dress up like "killer clowns" and scare people around town. It has now spread to Britain and France.


One of these idiots is gonna get himself killed by messing with the wrong guy. And I won't be particularly upset about it.

Though it has definitely spread to Arizona. A number of clowns have been spotted asking for votes recently around Phoenix and Tucson.

Fatboy 18
10-27-2014, 05:36 AM
Tie em to the back of the car and Drag em :D

They really should bring back the old Stocks, where the town criminal was locked in them so town folk could reap their revenge.


10-27-2014, 08:06 AM
Yeah that wouldn't fly over here. The ACLU would get involved defending clowns as political refugees and pranksters as a religion and would find the government guilty of a hate crime.

10-28-2014, 10:09 PM
The phenomenon of dressing up as an evil clown and terrifying passers-by -- a trend which has also been seen in the United StatesYes, we have that here. but we call them politicians.

10-29-2014, 10:04 AM
"A wave of panic sparked by evil clowns stalking French towns has spread to the south of France where police on Saturday night arrested 14 teenagers dressed as the pranksters, carrying pistols, knives and baseball bats."

Let's see...here in NC, these fools would be given so many charges (armed to the terror of the public being an easy one) that these "clowns" will have 3 hots and a cot and all the affection they want for some time.

10-29-2014, 04:04 PM
Though 5 kids armed themselves to go take on the clowns. They were arrested and released. I am assuming with some kind of warning. I say, let them go. These "pranksters" are scaring people who are just living their lives going about their day. They aren't really "bad guys", so let them have a taste of it. It will change their mind fast.

Or as C.J. Said, charge them and throw them in GenPop while still in their clown outfit. They want attention, they will get plenty of it, especially with that red lipstick. Pucker up, buttercup.

10-29-2014, 04:08 PM
Though I made a joke about it in my post, remember, rape is not funny. Unless you are raping a clown. Then it is pretty damn funny.