View Full Version : A/C Compressor Leaking Oil

Bryan Savage
10-10-2014, 08:00 PM
So I did an oil change on the TA this evening, and BAM, I notice this while laying on the floor.

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/lethalwillis/ViperAC-0001_zpsfe953bd1.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/lethalwillis/media/ViperAC-0001_zpsfe953bd1.jpg.html)

Colour enhanced a little bit to make the dye stand out.

The air conditioning systems in cars have lubricating oil circulating through the system as they run. The compressor needs it to not seize up. The oil is green, so it will light up under a UV light source. It makes tracing a system leak quite easy, what with refrigerant's annoying habit of evaporating once it's not under pressure.

Typically, systems hold four to six ounces of oil in them. If it all leaks out, your compressor isn't going to like running dry. I'm going to avoid using my A/C until I get this looked at, as I'm not sure how much has leaked out. There weren't signs of splatter farther behind on the car, so my guess is this is a somewhat fresh leak.

You can see the high and low pressure lines where they connect to the compressor just in front of the driver's side coil cover here.

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i294/lethalwillis/ViperAC-0002_zps6cfdefa0.jpg (http://s75.photobucket.com/user/lethalwillis/media/ViperAC-0002_zps6cfdefa0.jpg.html)

It looks to me like the low pressure (larger diameter) line is leaking where it bolts to the compressor. The connection is a male/female type, with the male end of the hose having a couple o-rings on it. I would guess that this is were the issue is, but I have to have the car in someplace to evacuate the system so I can take it apart and look.

This is not to be confused with my still-on check engine light I posted about on the VCA Forums (http://forums.viperclub.org/threads/671164-P0456-Evap-System-Small-Leak).

Maybe with Viper sales opening wide to other dealers, my local Dodge dealer would let me take a whole day off work so I can bring the car to them. No doubt the Viper tech doesn't work on Saturdays.

Anyone else with a Gen V having any similar issues?

Dan Cragin
10-11-2014, 12:35 AM
Most likely its a leaky o-ring at the compressor or oil residue from assembly. Clean it off with simple green and compressed air, then double check it.