View Full Version : the Viper had an accident. . .

10-09-2014, 03:07 PM
So, my wife and I are expecting a baby girl in December and I decided to sell my Viper and downsize to something that fits a car seat. My good friend was interested so we made a deal almost immediately and he flew out the other week to pick it up. Alas, today he hit debris on the highway and ended up bouncing off some barriers. He is fine, thank goodness, but the car has seen better days. It looks totaled to me but he thinks it might be repairable. I guess we will see. The damage is cosmetic, at least.


10-09-2014, 03:15 PM
Yeah he hasn't priced some of those body panels yet :(

Sorry to hear that but glad he is ok. I had a similar thing happen to a car I sold 6 or so years ago, sucks to see it.

Viper Girl
10-09-2014, 03:16 PM
looks like a total to me... at least your friend is ok, that's the important part.

10-09-2014, 03:17 PM
yeah, he is taking it well. it really sucks because he was rear-ended in his custom classic Mini he'd brought back from the UK a couple of months ago and that one was totaled as well. he's still going to fix it, of course.

Fatboy 18
10-09-2014, 03:50 PM
With the latest Mopar discounted parts it may not be totalled? JonB has been fantastic in the past helping people with insurance valuations so might be worth a call. For the record I see your old car had clear side markers on it, Grab EM! they are really hard to come by now and people still search for them. dont let them go to the salvage yard!

Sorry to see the car like that :(

10-09-2014, 05:34 PM
Holy geeze! Talk about bad luck. But I am really glad he is ok. That really is the most important thing. Those gen viper wrecks tend to look worse than they are with the way that hood pops up. I hope it is fixable cause I hate to see another one of these go to the scrapyard. What was the debris he hit? Not trying to be litigious here but was the wreck clearly someone else's fault? Like did something fall out of a truck that wasn't secured? I say this cause things like that can kill people so it needs to be dealt with.

Bottom line, glad your friend is ok and congratulations on the new baby. Or...upcoming baby, as it were.

10-09-2014, 06:58 PM
From what he said it was one of those big metal trash cans, complete with lid! Just have to see what his insurance says, meow.

10-10-2014, 12:54 AM
Wow. That's too bad. The important thing is that he is okay. Cars can be repaired or replaced. Lives cannot be replaced. Sorry to hear you sold the car but I understand the needs for a growing family. Congratulations on expecting a new baby girl.

Fatboy 18
10-10-2014, 01:49 AM
I understand the needs for a growing family. Congratulations on expecting a new baby girl.And this is why Porsche sell very well ;)

10-10-2014, 02:35 AM
Hey there,

If you ask your friend, some jerk in an NSX made an emergency U-turn to get a picture of his misfortune, figured he was driving recklessly. I was at lunch and saw your friend sitting in traffic at an intersection. On our way back to work, we saw the wreck, about a quarter mile east of the intersection. If you're interested, here's the junction box he hit (https://www.google.com/maps/place/35%C2%B026'33.6%22N+97%C2%B025'12.7%22W/@35.4426662,-97.4201944,3806m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0)... service road, not highway. Being good friends with another Viper owner on base, I was quick to come to conclusions with how your friend got into that predicament. Vipers on base just seem to have a knack for hitting the only object in sight: https://i.imgur.com/nbtjttE.jpg

Hope insurance works out and hope your buddy finds his way into another Viper. It's probably not worth it to fix it...that's a $10k hood and certain frame damage.

In case you're interested, we're having a few laughs and shedding a few tears on reddit on your behalf. (http://www.reddit.com/r/Autos/comments/2it1wp/spotted_this_absolutely_electrifying_dodge_viper/)

10-10-2014, 02:54 AM
Last I checked, Salsaespresso, the hoods were 17K. But the way the hood breaks and pops up on these cars always makes it look way worse than it is. It could be purely cosmetic damage. Stryfe indicated that his friend was ok and didn't say that he was injured to any particular degree which makes me think it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been so here is to hoping it's just cosmetic and just on the one side. And, he should put in a call to Jon B, Don scharf, and X2 builders. There is a chance he can get a used hood off of a rear or side wreck that just needs painted and can be had for way cheaper than an OEM hood.

I have spoken with a couple different Viper experts about this subject and they believe these cars get too easily totaled out and a number of them are fixable and still good cars. Not just Gen IIs with that hood, but all years.

Stryfe, sorry you sold the car but totally understand. Hopefully we will see you back in one soon. And I am very glad your buddy wasn't injured.

Fatboy 18
10-10-2014, 03:22 AM
best deal is Gen 2 Hoods! $1695 !!!

All these parts ARE avail from your VOA sponsors:

Woodhouse, Roanoke, Roe, PartsRack....

Current Mopar pricing :)

10-10-2014, 10:49 PM
Wow, that is a steal for that hood. Worth it to buy a few on spec. In 5 years you could sell them for 10 grand again.