View Full Version : Decline of the Manual Transmission (jab at the Viper)

10-08-2014, 04:30 PM
it seems as though Yahoo has a hardon for the Viper. There's a topic almost every day.

The decline of manual transmissions in two graphs — and proof they're coming back

First sentence....

That manual transmissions in vehicles survive in now-permanent status of endangered species-dom will come as no surprise. Despite all the driving benefits and sense of control a manual brings, even most sports cars now sell more automatics than sticks when they offer their drivers the option. (And when they don't, like the Dodge Viper, they don't sell well at all.)


10-08-2014, 04:36 PM
I don't understand the point, if any, of that article. It seems to have been written by a fart-sniffing Prius owner that reads EPA reports.

Viper Girl
10-08-2014, 05:53 PM
I don't understand the point, if any, of that article. It seems to have been written by a fart-sniffing Prius owner that reads EPA reports.
I second this accessment

Sybil TF
10-08-2014, 08:03 PM
I don't understand the point, if any, of that article. It seems to have been written by a fart-sniffing Prius owner that reads EPA reports.

Aren't they all?

10-08-2014, 08:52 PM
I don't understand the point, if any, of that article. It seems to have been written by a fart-sniffing Prius owner that reads EPA reports.


10-11-2014, 11:58 PM
Manual is the way to go. I have 4 cars and 3 out of 4 are stick. One car is boring to drive...guess which one.

10-12-2014, 10:23 AM
Manual is the way to go. I have 4 cars and 3 out of 4 are stick. One car is boring to drive...guess which one.

I've been driving manual my entire driving life except for when I drive my wife's X5. And as light years better as the GenV transmission/shifting is compared to my GenII I enjoy the shifting in my GenII better. I don't know how to explain it or justify it. Just something about that massive V10 and shifting that makes me smile. I couldn't give two shits if automatic shifts faster. And **** the EPA and all who worship them.

Policy Limits
10-13-2014, 08:27 PM
It's sad but true guys. Yuppies with 100 G's to burn want flappy paddles and cup holders. I'd bet 80% of them couldn't even drive the Viper if they wanted to.

Glad viper is stick exclusive but in the minority big time. No longer an option in GT3, ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. Z06 has it as an option. But most will opt for 8 speed automatic. Watch and see. R8 dropped the stick for their V10 also. I hope the new Ford GT retains it. Fact is its a dying breed.

10-14-2014, 03:38 AM
It is dying. That is for certain. Did you know that AM General has never made the Humvee in a stick? Why? Because in the early 80s in conducting testing, the military realized that far too many of their recruits couldn't drive stick. That presents a real problem when a vehicle may have to be driven by whoever is nearest to it or least injured. "Ah, sarge, we are gonna be a while. The only guy here who isn't hit keeps stalling the Humvee, please send air support, oh and someone in their 40s to drive us home." And that was in the 80s. Now, I take my truck off road quite a bit going to remote fishing and camping spots and do as much or more than the engineers intended and I love an automatic in the truck. Bit for a sports car, I feel the stick adds to the experience. Yes, plenty of data shows flappy paddles shift faster, but I will worry about that when I am as fast as an F1 driver and the only thing allowing him victory is the paddle shifters.

I do believe though that just like anything, there is some evolution that needs to happen and we are already seeing it. The Lexus LFA for example, blips the throttle when you shift and behaves like a stick when you have sport mode selected. My brother's corvette (I asked my mother to do some DNA testing as I don't think he could be my real brother) doesn't do that and I find it boring as all get out. And, it feels like there is a delay between pressing the thumb shift lever and the shift, where as in my Viper, when I let that clutch out...BAM you are in that gear for better or worse. It's a much more connected experience and I love it.

That being said, as paddles improve, it is damn near a mathematical certainty that I will have one in my life.

Perhaps a hybrid would sell and would be an interesting option. No not that kind of hybrid. I mean a dual-shift car that can be driven in "cruising with the wife" mode in auto or flappy paddles and a "cruising with the girlfriend" mode that you click over to and now you go with a clutch and stick or clutch and paddles, like a 3 on the tree sorta thing. Seems kinda cool to me. Or am I way off base here?

Fatboy 18
10-14-2014, 04:20 AM
Thousands of sticks here in England, we even have two different types of driving test, If you take your test in an Automatic car you are not allowed to drive manual. If you take your test in a car with a Stick, they consider you a better driver and you are allowed to drive both cars. Been that way for years. :)

Difference here is sometimes you Drive a RHD car and work the stick with the Left hand, then Jump in a LHD car and work the stick with the Right hand :D

10-14-2014, 08:54 AM
Its called a Gear Knob over here in sunny old Blighty!

10-14-2014, 07:24 PM
Boots, bonnets, and gear knobs. You guys crack me up. True that manuals are much more popular in England. The only reason for that now though is habit/tradition. Today's automatics aren't really any more expensive or inefficient than they used to be.

10-14-2014, 07:41 PM
I think there will always be "purists" who enjoy the sport of manual transmissions. Sometimes I like to compare it to hunting (btw I'm not a hunter). Sure, it's easier to kill a deer with a high powered rifle, electronic scope and some night vision goggles. However, there are purists out there who enjoy using a Bow and Arrow just because of the sport.

I'll always have a fully manual transmission car. 2 out of 4 of my cars only came in manuals and I don't think I'll ever get rid of the Viper or the Mazda. It's funny, my coworkers seem to think driving a manual is like some sort of difficult feat.

I'll never forgot, when I was 16, I was driving my old manual 1.8l Plymouth Laser and my friend asked me why I kept hitting the brake pedal every time I shifted. :witless:

Oh...And there's nothing like have a lady in the passenger seat and grabbing her hand to shift through the gears. Try that with a paddle shifter...

10-15-2014, 01:57 PM
Stick all the way. I'm itching to drive a 7-speed manual.

Viper Girl
10-15-2014, 02:58 PM
Stick all the way. I'm itching to drive a 7-speed manual.
Why? I think in the miles that have been put on the C7, not one of them was in 7th gear. Going down the Fwy at 75, the tach is only 2,500 or so in 6th. To me, 7th is basically useless, only for MPG, not really for accelerating...

10-15-2014, 03:05 PM
MPG, or at least claims of such even if we drive in a manner that we rarely see them, sells cars. If nothing else, for you married guys it's easier to justify to the wife. "But baby, it gets better mileage. We can't afford NOT to do it."

Viper Girl
10-15-2014, 03:06 PM
MPG, or at least claims of such even if we drive in a manner that we rarely see them, sells cars. If nothing else, for you married guys it's easier to justify to the wife. "But baby, it gets better mileage. We can't afford NOT to do it."
:smilielol::smilielol::smilielol::smilielol::smili elol: Hard to believe anyone falls for that one anymore... but you're probably right!

10-15-2014, 03:17 PM
Married guys can drive the point home with "surely a woman as smart as you can see that. I mean, I would like to keep the old lebaron but you make a good point about the mileage. Good idea sweetheart. You convinced me to do the smart thing and get a new sports car."

10-15-2014, 03:31 PM
just looking for another reason to bash the ultimate sports car for the dollar. If it has an auto they would bash it too. Got to pay for advertisements if you want good reviews.


10-15-2014, 05:38 PM
Automatics are for people that don't like to drive