View Full Version : IN/KY VOA...Results of our 2014 Officer Election..

10-01-2014, 11:43 AM
IN/KY VOA...Results of our 2014 Officer Election...

We owe a THANK YOU to the officer candidates who offered to serve for the two year period starting January 1, 2015 and ending at Midnight December 31, 2016. I would also thank all you who took the time to vote for these fine people.

Of the 72 IN/KY VOA voter eligible Members, a total of 24 Members actually voted...100% of whom supported the ballot.

As Chairman of the Nominations Committee, it is both an honor and a pleasure to announce the Official Results of our 2014 Elections:

President...Brent Elmore

Vice President...Brian Austin

Secretary...Ron Kielkowski

Treasurer... Ron Fleming

Northern Director...John Randall

Southern Director...Mansen Way

Also, please note that by our Bylaws, Past President Jim Robertson is an official Member of the Board of Directors.

Respectfully submitted October 1, 2014,

Steve Fess, Chairman of the Nominations and Election Committee & Membership Coordinator, Viper Owners Association IN/KY Region, Inc.