View Full Version : Ha-Ha ferrari F12 Berlinetta conks out in R&T comparo... Fiat Group again ???

11-14-2013, 06:46 PM
Road & Track recently wrote up their Performance Car of the Year evaluation.

their Ferrari F12 that was tested died..... awe....shucks

Wonder what the Ferrari Blogs/forums will write about that.... as compared with how the Viper got slammed on the VCA when it came apart in the C&D write up.


I almost choked on my Bison Burger when I read the article .....Corvette wins AGAIN.

Voice of Reason
11-14-2013, 07:29 PM
It wasn't C&D it was Motortrend. Get your trolling right troll.

11-14-2013, 07:33 PM
Troll elsewhere.

11-14-2013, 09:53 PM
It wasn't C&D it was Motortrend. Get your trolling right troll.

Name calling will NOT be tolerated on this Forum !! I will report you to the moderators if you continue this behavior.

11-14-2013, 10:18 PM
Name calling will NOT be tolerated on this Forum !! I will report you to the moderators if you continue this behavior.

Dude seriously, we need to get rid of known trolls like this guy that completely destroyed then Gen V forum at the VCA. Hopefully your time here will be brief my friend.

11-14-2013, 10:55 PM
Name calling will NOT be tolerated on this Forum !! I will report you to the moderators if you continue this behavior.
Everyone has already reported you. Your time here will be short.

11-15-2013, 11:09 AM
Damnit, why did I open this thread?

11-15-2013, 11:53 AM
Damnit, why did I open this thread?

You like pain? A little time with some ladies in leather and PVC? <insert Professor Smith from Lost in Space laughter here>

Viper Girl
11-15-2013, 12:36 PM

11-16-2013, 03:20 AM
Voodoo Rob, ViperSmith, Flatout, Voice of Reason, Viper Girl, and whitebeard.....

Kindly indicate specifically what about my thread/post here on the VOA forum objectively confirms that I am a Troll ?

Please clearly indicate what written in my post is upsetting to all of you above, since a Troll is defined as someone who wants to create covert upset.

I ask that any/all of you respond factually and without emotional subjective opinion, but instead with factual evidence.

I am waiting. Thank you

11-16-2013, 08:07 AM
Morning Krate. My comment wasn't directed to you but to Voodoo's asking why he opened it. It was interned to be a sarcastic response said in humor. If you are of the mindset that the statement was a bother to you or was an insult, I assure the intent was not in either case. Nor was it the expected goal.

This is a new board and as such it is a new beginning for all. As such, it is my hope that past history can be pushed aside and it allow the establishment to grow and flourish under its own force. The members.

11-16-2013, 08:14 AM
I opened this thread again, ugh!

11-16-2013, 08:16 AM
Morning Krate. My comment wasn't directed to you but to Voodoo's asking why he opened it. It was interned to be a sarcastic response said in humor. If you are of the mindset that the statement was a bother to you or was an insult, I assure the intent was not in either case. Nor was it the expected goal.

This is a new board and as such it is a new beginning for all. As such, it is my hope that past history can be pushed aside and it allow the establishment to grow and flourish under its own force. The members. what he said

11-16-2013, 11:18 AM
Morning Krate. My comment wasn't directed to you but to Voodoo's asking why he opened it. It was interned to be a sarcastic response said in humor. If you are of the mindset that the statement was a bother to you or was an insult, I assure the intent was not in either case. Nor was it the expected goal.

This is a new board and as such it is a new beginning for all. As such, it is my hope that past history can be pushed aside and it allow the establishment to grow and flourish under its own force. The members.

Yes, I agree. This is a new BETTER forum , and I am also starting fresh with a better disposition and positive attitude. Hope the other members can see me as the new and improved Kratey. Too much negativity and bullying over at the VCA !! ( hope the VCA dies a quick death) I love the positive and friendly attitude here. The members are so much more friendly, positive and polite here. What a refreshing change !! Like we all got a fresh start....

Thanks for the reply..

We can end this thread now.

11-16-2013, 03:04 PM
closed per OP.
