View Full Version : VIPERS Racing and Pacing at SHELTON WA this weekend Pace Car Ride Anyone?

JonB ~ PartsRack
09-19-2014, 11:59 AM
ICSCC-IRDC has a large regional race weekend at The Ridge in Shelton WA this weekend 9/20-21. Practice, qualifying, HPDE today.

2 G4 ACR Vipers are racing this weekend, and JonB/PartsRack will provide Pace Car support (09ACR in my avatar}

If anyone want to go for a ride, [or put an adult friend (16+) in my car for a couple of hot laps,] come on out by 1130 am Sat or Sun. Ask anyone there where the "Pace Car pits" and they'll point you.

Free admission to park, spectate and ride. [Riders need closed-toes shoes and long-pants.]

09-20-2014, 02:44 AM
Maybe a bit more advance notice next time? I committed to overtime today for this weekend to get a project out next week. You should also invite Oregon for this as they are about the same distance away as the metropolitan Seattle crowd.

09-22-2014, 09:13 PM
We had 6 people show up on Sunday at the Shelton track. I think everyone had a blast and each one got some hot laps in the pace car during lunch as well as getting to ride shotgun in the pace car during the races. Everybody learned a ton and saw what a nice track we have nearby. I think we must hade gotten a gazillion photos of the event. Jon was able to make sure that everyone got a turn and had a chance to check out the races. I know that for all of us it was something we won't forget. Actually, in retrospect, it seemed like we were at a mega Disney World for grownups and we had the coolest A ticket and could go on all the fastest and scariest rides. A huge thanks to Jon B for making each one of feel like a part of the race event and for sharing his time (and car) to make sure everybody had fun.