View Full Version : Two days of autocross Sept, 20 and 21.

09-11-2014, 01:46 PM
The Southern Indiana Region of the SCCA will have 2 auto-crosses in one weekend, one on Sept 20 and one on Sept 21st. They are independent events and will have different courses and event marshals. Cost for SCCA Members will be $25 each day, For non-members it will be $40 for the first and and $25 for the second. Non-members must purchase a $15 SCCA weekend membership but since both events are during one weekend one membership will cover both events. Information about the location and times are below. All times Central time so add and hour for Indy time. Course is 1942 concrete and hard on tires but great grip. Such good grip in fact I almost flipped the Datsun last weekend. Here is a YouTube of my 5th run last weekend with the bicycling to give and Idea of what we run this was a 67 second but a DNF as I went on the wrong side of the finish cones after getting all four tires back on the ground.

http://youtu.be (http://youtu.be/WPzkR3nmpAo)

I may be in the 1200 but I am wearing a Viper shirt.

Here is another course we ran back in July so you can see something different.


Normal 6 runs each day, 3, work, break, 3, work, or work, 3, break ,work, 3
This is good for Vipers as it give then a cooling off time after 3 runs.

Time slips given at the end of each run.
Come to one or both.

The Mid-American Air Center(MAAC), or known by the club members as “Lawrenceville”, is our main autocross facility located in Lawrenceville, Illinois.
Some features of this venue include:

Our portion of concrete is rather large by most autocross course standards, allowing most setups to provide runs in the one minute range.
Configurations can include an Event Marshall’s choice of multiple slalom areas, room for Chicago boxes, increasing or decreasing radius turns, “Choose Your Own Adventure” loops, crossovers, and much more.
Our Timing and Scoring is housed in a moveable trailer, so start and finish line can move around to suit the Event Marshall’s plans for the day’s course.
Plenty of room for car haulers and multiple ground anchors are available in paddock for securing a tent.

(All times listed below are Central. If you are going to be late call Paul @ 270-314-9069)

9:30 AM – Course Setup
10:00 AM – Tech Inspection opens
10:30 AM – Registration opens
11:30 AM – Tech Inspection CLOSES!
12:00 Noon – Registration CLOSES!
12:10 PM – Guided Course Walk, open to all but “new to autocross” people are strongly encouraged to participate. Walk begins at the Staging Line.
12:45 PM – Driver’s Meeting
1:00 PM – First car off!

Course Planning Map:
http://sirscca.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/2014-Lawrenceville-Course-Map-300x121.png (http://sirscca.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/2014-Lawrenceville-Course-Map.png)

09-12-2014, 02:44 PM
In a Viper you would most likely run the whole course in second gear, in these videos I shift a lot because I only have 71 cubic inches and a power band of 5000-9000 RPM.