View Full Version : Farewell

08-29-2014, 10:58 PM
Carolinas Viper Club,

Most of you already know that I will be gone for 9 months to a year in order to do my last and final deployment to Afghanistan. Big Army cannot give me an exact date or really even a good ballpark figure on when I am supposed to come back but I have my fingers crossed that I will be able to join you on the Tail of the Dragon next year.

Patrick will be taking over my position as Secretary of the club. This club is so very active that you need a secretary that is physically present for the club gatherings. He has already started leaning forward with taking photos and recording events.

I am a Company Commander in an Army Aviation unit and work has consumed an incredible amount of my time over the past couple months getting my unit prepared for deployment. If anyone wants tips on how to best prepare a Viper for a year long storage, I am now an expert.

I will be on the forum periodically whenever time allows during deployment, so not all communication is lost. I also love to get mail so if anyone would like to write or send care packages to my unit my address is below. It takes about 2 weeks for packages to reach Afghanistan....so don't send sushi!

Captain Seth Green
HHC, TF Talon
FOB Bagram
APO AE 09354


08-29-2014, 11:04 PM
Good luck over there and be safe. Glad we got a chance to hang out a bit before you leaving. Will you be returning to same area when finished?

08-30-2014, 05:07 AM
Be safe and thank you for your service.

08-30-2014, 05:49 AM
Hey, Seth.

Gonna miss you, man. BTW, would the Army miss one of those twin-rotor beasts if you could cop enough fuel to fly back for the club's Christmas party? Can't you hop from tanker to tanker without anybody noticing?:witless:

Take care, be safe.


Fatboy 18
08-30-2014, 06:59 AM
Have a safe tour and as others have said Thank you.

08-30-2014, 07:03 AM
Be Safe and Thank You for your service.

08-30-2014, 07:03 AM

Be careful and best of luck over there. Lets us know what you need while over there. Its been more than 15 years since I was deployed in SWA not sure how efficient the AAFES supply line is over there. Sent you a PM.


Brian GTS
08-30-2014, 07:21 AM
Seth, my prayers for health and safety will be with you throughout your deployment. You are a great person and friend so much that I actually feel like one of my family is being deployed. Thus, you will be missed. Thank you for everything you did as Secretary of the club and more importantly, THANK YOU for serving our great country!!! Just be sure to fly those missions fast so you can get back here for TOD!!! :) I'll definitely be in touch!


08-30-2014, 08:17 AM
Thank you for your service and take care of yourself over there.

Scott Mannny
08-30-2014, 08:57 AM
I also want to Thank You for your service!!!!!!!!!!!

Be Safe and take care of yourself!!

08-30-2014, 10:49 AM
Seth, wishing you and everyone over there a safe deployment - thanks for everything that you guys are doing. We're going to miss you over the next year or so but we'll be looking forward to your safe return!

08-30-2014, 11:19 AM
Seth, I know you'll be at TOD because you'll have a speedy return!
Speedy... just like when you blew past me in Detroit! lol

http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/sethgreen_zps49af7e31.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/sethgreen_zps49af7e31.jpg.html)

Thank You for your service and see you soon friend! :United_States:

08-30-2014, 12:09 PM
Seth, good luck and stay safe out there. See you at some events next year!

08-30-2014, 07:05 PM
Thank you for your service. Be safe

Ms Storm
08-30-2014, 09:02 PM
Thank you so much for your service! Best wishes and BE SAFE!!

08-30-2014, 09:08 PM
I've been to the sand box a couple times, but not for that long of a period. If I make it out that way I'll look you up. have a safe trip, and sushi is on its way.

08-31-2014, 12:15 AM
Seth, you know these deployments touch me so closely. Now that my son and son-in-law are also going to surely be deployed. Thank you for all you do. Miss you already.

08-31-2014, 03:52 PM
Won't be Tail of the Dragon without you, so be sure you are back by then. Keep you eyes open and your head down. Watch your Five and Twenty-five.

08-31-2014, 04:42 PM
Take care over there. Keep your head and ass down. One of my good friends just returned from his 5th deployment and my Brother in Law just returned from his second. It's a relief to have them back home. If you are leaving a family here, God bless them, it's hard on the families too.

09-01-2014, 07:52 PM
Seth, look forward to meeting you when you get back....good luck and Godspeed for a safe return.

09-01-2014, 07:56 PM
Be safe over there CPT!!!

No hemi
09-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Seth, good luck, be safe, thanks for all, and see you soon! ��

09-01-2014, 09:54 PM

We talked on the bus during the homecoming, fly safe and thanks for your continued service.

colin (former 2/82 60 CE)

09-02-2014, 06:43 PM
You the man Seth! Thank you for your service. You've got quite the family supporting you here. Stay safe and focused.

Take care,


09-03-2014, 04:13 AM
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and your wonderful support!! You guys have no idea what it means to me! If you feel compelled to do so, send me awesome goodies while I'm here! I'll share them (maybe) with the soldiers around me and it will boost all our spirits!

I know that Military Service and combat deployments are near and dear to so many people in the VOA. Almost everyone has a close family member or loved one that has, or is currently serving in the Armed Forces. Thank you again for your support back home. Your support is one of the primary reasons why I have decided to stay in the Army despite all the moving around and combat deployments. I also want to let you know that we do our best to support each other out here. If anyone has a family member that is currently deployed to Afghanistan with me, reply to this thread with their rank, first name, last name, and unit. I will be sure to make contact with them. I am a CH-47F helicopter pilot and it never hurts to know a guy with a helicopter in a pinch.

I will be sure to keep you all updated via this thread on what is going on out here. The countdown has already started because I arrived to Afghanistan 3 days ago!

09-03-2014, 04:17 AM
Seth, you know these deployments touch me so closely. Now that my son and son-in-law are also going to surely be deployed. Thank you for all you do. Miss you already.


If/when the do deploy, please let me know and I will link up with them to make sure they are getting the air mission requests they need.


09-03-2014, 11:18 AM

If/when the do deploy, please let me know and I will link up with them to make sure they are getting the air mission requests they need.


Awesome, Thank you Seth.

Space Truckin
09-03-2014, 11:35 AM
While I have no personal interaction with you, I would like to take a moment and express my sincerest gratitude for you and your families service to our country. May God watch over you and bring you all back safe and sound. :United_States:

Ms Storm
09-03-2014, 04:47 PM
Seth -

Just prepared a care package for you! With some special gifts for a viper/car guy! ;-)

Let's keep his APO box full of packages while he is away!!

Ms Storm / Doris

09-03-2014, 04:48 PM
Hey Seth, I'm going to miss you at our events while your in The 'Stan, and I appreciate you serving our great nation! The guys under your command are fortunate beyond words -- you sir, are First Class all the way.

Stay close to God and He'll stay close to you.

Now the big question...what types of cookies/snacks/stuff do you want sent to you and your troops?

09-04-2014, 01:45 PM

I said earlier that I would share most things with the Soldiers in my unit... I should have said "other than Viper/car stuff." Most Army Commanders decorate their office with previous unit plaques, coins, and other Army symbolism. I have always decorated my office with Viper/car stuff. I am willing to bet that I am the only commander in the Army with diecast model Vipers on my bookshelf and desk. I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know. I will be a welcome change decorate these bare walls in my living quarters that feel so cold.


- - - Updated - - -


I said earlier that I would share most things with the Soldiers in my unit... I should have said "other than Viper/car stuff." Most Army Commanders decorate their office with previous unit plaques, coins, and other Army symbolism. I have always decorated my office with Viper/car stuff. I am willing to bet that I am the only commander in the Army with diecast model Vipers on my bookshelf and desk. I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than you know. I will be a welcome change decorate these bare walls in my living quarters that feel so cold.


09-04-2014, 02:00 PM

More than the contents, Soldiers just love to receive mail all together. The sentiment is like receiving a package that you ordered from Amazon.com multiplied by 100x. It's always fun to get holiday decorations to remember that Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Valentines Day is coming up. It breaks up the monotony of working around the clock everyday. Homebaked goods never last more than 5 minutes around a group of Soldiers because it's something they absolutely cannot get here. I personally like getting healthy stuff like dried fruit. Most of us spend 12 or more hours a day in a helicopter, I like getting snacks that I can take with me on the flight that will not melt or make a mess in the cockpit (trail mix/animal crackers). I hope that helps generate some ideas and thank you for the thought, it means a great deal to me and my Soldiers will thank you as well.


09-04-2014, 02:24 PM

Any idea how long it takes to receive a package through the APO system. The last time I was there it took 8-10 days from the East coast. For those that are going to send home baked goods, I recommend placing them in a re-usable Tupperware type container to help keep the "Fresh Home Baked" feel to the item. After the Biltmore event we will have you another "Viper" item sort of to place on your shelve.


09-04-2014, 03:16 PM
We will miss you, Seth! It has been great spending time with you the past year. Stay safe and thank you for everything you do. Can't wait to have you back in the states with us next year.
-Nina (& Dugan!)

09-05-2014, 03:18 PM
Dried fruit is easy...any preference? (pineapple, figs, apricots, pears, etc).

Home baked goods are no problem. Thanks for letting me know!


More than the contents, Soldiers just love to receive mail all together. The sentiment is like receiving a package that you ordered from Amazon.com multiplied by 100x. It's always fun to get holiday decorations to remember that Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Valentines Day is coming up. It breaks up the monotony of working around the clock everyday. Homebaked goods never last more than 5 minutes around a group of Soldiers because it's something they absolutely cannot get here. I personally like getting healthy stuff like dried fruit. Most of us spend 12 or more hours a day in a helicopter, I like getting snacks that I can take with me on the flight that will not melt or make a mess in the cockpit (trail mix/animal crackers). I hope that helps generate some ideas and thank you for the thought, it means a great deal to me and my Soldiers will thank you as well.


09-06-2014, 02:25 PM

Favorite dried fruit are wasabi peas, banannas, pineapple, kiwi, mangos, and apples. Thank you!

Nina & Dugan, I will miss y'all too.

Jeff, it takes about 2 weeks to receive packages from the states. I look forward to the new coin. I will put it up front in the coin rack next to my Admiral Mullen coin.


09-06-2014, 07:24 PM
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and your wonderful support!! You guys have no idea what it means to me! If you feel compelled to do so, send me awesome goodies while I'm here! I'll share them (maybe) with the soldiers around me and it will boost all our spirits!

I know that Military Service and combat deployments are near and dear to so many people in the VOA. Almost everyone has a close family member or loved one that has, or is currently serving in the Armed Forces. Thank you again for your support back home. Your support is one of the primary reasons why I have decided to stay in the Army despite all the moving around and combat deployments. I also want to let you know that we do our best to support each other out here. If anyone has a family member that is currently deployed to Afghanistan with me, reply to this thread with their rank, first name, last name, and unit. I will be sure to make contact with them. I am a CH-47F helicopter pilot and it never hurts to know a guy with a helicopter in a pinch.

I will be sure to keep you all updated via this thread on what is going on out here. The countdown has already started because I arrived to Afghanistan 3 days ago!

Hey Seth,
What is your address over there? If someone was so inclined to send a care package, how many are in your unit? Some here would like the opportunity to show their appreciation. :United_States::United_States:

09-06-2014, 07:44 PM
His address is

Captain Seth Green
HHC, TF Talon
FOB Bagram
APO AE 09354

Don't know unit srength

09-09-2014, 12:50 AM
Hey Seth,
What is your address over there? If someone was so inclined to send a care package, how many are in your unit? Some here would like the opportunity to show their appreciation. :United_States::United_States:

Thank you for asking! I have 66 total in my company and about 25 of them are lower enlisted. Jeff has my address correct and it takes about 2 weeks for anything to get here. If you know anyone how is an elementary school teacher, the kids can write to the Soldiers and they will write back. It is free for us to mail letters home to the states.

JonB ~ PartsRack
09-12-2014, 02:11 PM
Seth -

Just prepared a care package for you! With some special gifts for a viper/car guy! ;-)

Let's keep his APO box full of packages while he is away!!

Ms Storm / Doris

AGREED..[and more fun than taking an ice-bucket challenge ]

APO-Mail Care-Pkg on the way, with some 'personal safety' items and Viper--doodads on the way for Seth and crew.

09-24-2014, 02:50 PM
Doris "Ms Storm", Craig "C.J.", and JonB "PartsRack",

I would like to express my most since gratitude for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I have received each of your care packages within the past week and I can't even begin to describe how much of a joy it is to pick up a package in the mail. As much fun as it is to get a care package, it is even more fun to be the one to hand out the contents of the care packages to my Soldiers. There have been several late nights where I walked around handing out Dum Dums, wasabi peas, or toy flashlights to Soldiers that were looking beat down by daily life here in Afghanistan.
Doris, your care package was devoured in just a couple of days but I am going to hold onto the Hellcat T-shirt forever. The baby wipes that you sent me came in just the neck of time for a bunch of Soldiers that got food poisoning…I won’t elaborate on that.
Craig, I found out that I am not the only big fan of dried fruit. Thank you for the extra zip-loc bags because I allowed the Soldiers to mix + match the different fruits (everyone like something different). I bring fruit in my helmet bag out to every flight now and I almost always miss lunch.
JonB, this is my third year deployed to Afghanistan and one thing I didn't anticipate was the constant power outages on this side of the airfield. Just about every night we get another power outage and everyone curses and yells because they lost their flight plan or email or whatever on the computer in the outage. Thanks to you, just about everyone has a keychain Viper flashlight to at least see who around them is also swearing up and down. I deployed with a couple diecast Vipers in my flight helmet bag to have as office knickknacks but now my boss and most of my peers also have diecast toy Vipers on their desktops thanks to you!
I have a couple American made 3'x5' US Flags that I plan to fly on my next combat mission for good luck and send to each of your return addresses within the next week. Thank you again for your support! We appreciate it more than you know.


09-24-2014, 04:40 PM
Hey Seth, glad you got the packages! That was under two weeks to ship, so pretty good delivery times.

I'll include some wipes next time. Would you want the same mix of fruits? I'll include more Qt size freezer bags too. Would tupperware type containers be better?

I'm humbled and honored to get a flag...thank you so much for that!.

May God bless you and your Soldiers.

09-24-2014, 04:47 PM
Hello Seth, it was great meeting you in Myrtle Beach. Thanks for your service keep out of harms way , see you soon. Hap.

JonB ~ PartsRack
09-24-2014, 07:53 PM

Good news....I was hoping the LED lites would come in handy or even add some measure of personal safety. Sad to hear some troops got left out though. Send me the number you need to cover those missed? And did you happen to peek into that little blue box ?! If you could use some more Viper vs F-16 challenge coins for trading, just say how many.

Stay Safe. and Damn ISIS/ISIL.


http://driveviper.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6638&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1410550496 (http://driveviper.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6638&d=1410550719)

Ms Storm
09-26-2014, 03:16 PM
Seth -

Glad my care package was well-received! I put another one in the mail this past Monday!!


10-08-2014, 01:44 PM
Jeff "Carolina Viper", Jason "Streach", Al & Kristy, and Doris "Ms. Storm",

This past week has been incredibly busy out here with flying everyday. We are running at a sprinting pace in order to retrograde enough Soldiers and equipment out of here before the January 1st deadline to begin Operation Resolute Support. Over the past week I received a tremendous amount of support from the Viper Owners Association!
Jeff, I absolutely love the coin! It couldn't have turned out better. I have a challenge coin rack at home where it will stand front and center. I also really appreciate all the snacks. The Slim Jims didn't stand a chance!
Streach...AIRPLANE LEGOS!!! Ha ha! I am going to build the lego set and hang it from the ceiling in the Command Post! Dried fruit, trail mix, and oreos are really popular around here because pilots never eat lunch. I will be taking parts of your care package out with me on mission for the next week. I really appreciate all the thought that went into making that care package.
Al & Kristy, I love the snacks and halloween decorations! Things get so busy out here that the days blur into weeks and the weeks will eventually blur into months. A lot of my Soldiers have been decorating for halloween and it reminds me how much I love being home this time of year. This is the fourth halloween that I have spent in Afghanistan in the past 6 years and it will also be my last one spent here. Thank you again for the care package, it will all go to great use.
Doris, I thought your first care package was out of this world with the Hellcat T-Shirt, so naturally I couldn't believe it when the second one was even better! The SRT ballcap signed by the Viper GTS-R drivers is such a unique one of a kind gift that I will keep it for the rest of my life. More than the gift itself, thank you for thinking of me at the races. It is so incredibly thoughtful of you to think of me during the celebration at the COTA when the SRT race team did so incredibly well.

I would also like to thank the entire club for all the messages and notes of incouragement. The support that I have received through the Viper Owners Association is just amazing and I personnaly feel that it lends a lot of credit to the quality of people that we have in our club. I am proud to be an American and a Viper Owner!


10-08-2014, 01:46 PM

10-08-2014, 01:53 PM

Above are a couple pictures that I took this week. A view from the front seat of a CH-47F in the mountains of Afghanistan.
The coins that I recieved from JonB and Jeff.
Flying an American flag from the ceiling of the Chinook as we preflight the aircraft for another combat mission in Afghanistan.

Ms Storm
10-08-2014, 03:19 PM
Awesome Seth!! I was actually just on the phone with the post office trying to track down that package!!!

Mailing out a new package tomorrow!!! :-)

JonB ~ PartsRack
10-08-2014, 03:20 PM
SETH: Your AVATAR (Squadron patch?) is absolutely killer-bad...... Gotta get one!! A modified "Don't Tread On Me" !

How many more LED Lites to you need to cover the guys I missed? Did you find the Viper vs Viper Challenge coins in the pkg?


10-08-2014, 04:07 PM
Glad the package made it!!!! I couldn't resist sending the little lego helicopter / plane when I walked past it in the store.

Check out the magazine that was in there. It has an article on the Tail of the Dragon. Seemed very appropriate since that's normally where I see you every year.

Stay safe out there!

10-08-2014, 06:12 PM

You are welcome...stay safe.

10-08-2014, 07:31 PM
Hey Seth, good to hear from you. Thanks for posting the photos! Nothing like an M9 close at hand. :)

Home baked goodies are coming next. What are your favorite cookies?

10-08-2014, 08:26 PM
Seth...glad to hear you received the package man, keep the photos coming when you can, those are really cool! Al

10-31-2014, 09:50 AM
Another package on the way. Happy Halloween!

11-13-2014, 12:18 PM
I hope everyone had a great Veterans Day! Here in Afghanistan we also observed Veterans day with two minutes of silence at 11:00am local time on November 11th. For the Allied countries that fought in World War I, November 11th commemorates Armistice Day, which marked the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front at the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918." As a sign of respect, we observed one minute of silence to the roughly 20 million people who died in the "War to End All Wars," and the second minute of silence dedicated to the living left behind, particularly the wives, children, and Families of the Fallen.

Coming up in two weeks will be Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays because I don't feel like marketing has completely taken hold of this holiday and it is the single day of the year that I do my absolute best to make it home to see my family. My first Thanksgiving in the Army was in 2002 as a freshman or "Plebe" at the United States Military Academy "West Point." My mom was a single mother, taking care of my two younger brothers and working as a high school teacher. I knew she didn't have an extra dollar to spare so I was prepared to stay at West Point for Thanksgiving that year and I didn't even call home to discuss the option because neither of us could afford it. With just a couple of days before that Thursday, I talked to my mom on the phone and she told me that she bought me an airline ticket because it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without me. I will never forget that Thanksgiving because I knew the sacrifices she had to make to afford the plane ticket. Eight years later in 2010, I came home from a 13 month deployment to Afghanistan on Thanksgiving Day. Additionally, one of my favorite traditions in the Army is that the leaders serve Thanksgiving dinner to the Soldiers on Thanksgiving. It has always been fun and interesting to take part in. "Too many cooks in the kitchen" would be a good way to describe a meal being served by Commanders, First Sergeants, Sergeants Major, and other senior officers.

Thanks again to all who have supported us out here. Your letters and care packages have gone a long way in making a difficult deployment more bearable. I am a bit slow with the replies and thank you's because things are so fast pace out here, but please know that words cannot describe my gratitude for your thoughts and selfless contributions.

Craig "C.J." thank you for the amazing care package. Once again you were over-generous! Fresh baked goods never last a minute out here and the Soldiers absolutely loved the fresh baked cookies.

Doris "Ms. Storm," I have received several enormous care packages that are just completely loaded with the best snacks anyone can ask for. The International Delight singles were a great idea and the Keurig cups were perfect! My First Sergeant happened to bring a Keurig coffee maker from home out here and to me, it is the best way to drink coffee. I will admit that I was one of the first people to purchase Maurice’s Viper book when it came out in print 2 years ago, but I didn't take it with me to save packing space. I am so happy to have the book out here with me and it is even better that my Sergeant Major is jealous that I have a copy signed by Ralph!

Nina & Dougan "DNRossi," I just received your care package in the mail tonight and rest assured that the brownies were great and they are already gone! The snacks and dried fruit are awesome and I will use it for lunch while I am out flying. I loved the note, thank you!

I am sad that I will miss the Holiday Party this year but know that I will be thinking of you all on November 22nd. I have it marked on my calendar:)
All Americans! Airborne!!!


11-13-2014, 02:08 PM
Seth, thanks for the update. It is great to hear from you and glad all is well over there.

11-13-2014, 06:32 PM

During the Holiday party, we will make a toast to you and the troops over there..you are right about Thanksgiving, seems it is the only holiday that is not commercialized. If you are going to purchase a Club coin, don't do the Blue/White color, as one has been purchased in your name. Thanks for the display case...really awesome.


JonB ~ PartsRack
11-14-2014, 01:10 PM
Seth, love your Thanksgiving story......

I bet I'm not the only one who wants to know more about your Squadron Patch AVATAR. What's the scoop on that Evil, Sinisiter winged VIPER? The translation of the latin slogan?

11-14-2014, 01:53 PM
so glad you received the package and enjoyed the brownies! I will have to bake a couple batches the next time.
Anything in particular outside of food that you need? Let me/us know! I love sending packages and I love it even better if you tell me what you want it to include so I don't have to guess :)

there's a really cute picture I can include of Dugan and Mike (reeves) so that you can see their smiling faces, LOL

No hemi
11-17-2014, 03:59 PM
Glad to hear you're doing ok Seth, Take care and See you soon!!!

Bill Pemberton
11-17-2014, 05:18 PM

Was reading this thread today and like so many others we appreciate your service and that of your company. I chatted with my wife and mentioned that your soldiers love to get notes and letters from school kids and she said she is excited to get the kids in her class involved in sending notes to all of you. She teaches 4th Grade and I will taking your address home this evening --- hope her class can get some notes out for this Thanksgiving, besides others over the Christmas Holidays??!!

11-17-2014, 05:44 PM
Seth, please take care, and know that we are ALL grateful for what you and all our service men and women are doing for us. Here's wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, and stay safe.

11-21-2014, 10:21 AM
Seth, love your Thanksgiving story......

I bet I'm not the only one who wants to know more about your Squadron Patch AVATAR. What's the scoop on that Evil, Sinisiter winged VIPER? The translation of the latin slogan?


So the avatar picture is something that we made a few months ago, here in Afghanistan. The inspiration came from the book "We Were Soldiers Once and Young." It was a book written by General Hal Moore about the battle at LZ X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam (1965). They used the Huey helicopter for the first time as an air assault platform and the helicopter company commander was Bruce Crandall. I am a huge fan of Bruce Crandall and I have met him on two occasions. Crandall used the call sign "Ancient Serpent 6," and his Soldier's and pilots nick named his call sign "Snake Shit" for short. I got ahold of a copy of the nose art on his aircraft; it was a coiled snake with wings.
We decided to take the head of the "Stryker" and combine it with the coiled rattlesnake with wings to make the badge you see in my avatar. Similar to how Bruce Crandall had his Ancient Serpent painted on the side of his helicopter, I plan to do the same.


11-21-2014, 10:38 AM
so glad you received the package and enjoyed the brownies! I will have to bake a couple batches the next time.
Anything in particular outside of food that you need? Let me/us know! I love sending packages and I love it even better if you tell me what you want it to include so I don't have to guess :)

there's a really cute picture I can include of Dugan and Mike (reeves) so that you can see their smiling faces, LOL

Sweet, I love getting pictures! As far as things to send...baked brownies are perfect. Everyone loves stuff from home. For me, anything Viper or Hellcat related. Also, for some reason it is just impossible to find honey around here, so if you don't mind, I would love some honey if you decide to send another package.


11-21-2014, 10:47 AM

11-21-2014, 11:29 AM
Sweet, I love getting pictures! As far as things to send...baked brownies are perfect. Everyone loves stuff from home. For me, anything Viper or Hellcat related. Also, for some reason it is just impossible to find honey around here, so if you don't mind, I would love some honey if you decide to send another package.



Next package after T-Day and before Christmas, will be more beef jerky and several jars of honey. There are about 5-10 bee keepers around my store that raise/farm/ collect (whatever they call it) honey. I get you guys several jars in the next 2-3 weeks.. Donna's saving all the SI magazines that I get...we will mail them also. I hate that you and your troops are going to miss the Holidays...something that you can never get back. Missing Christmas w/my wife and daughter on several occasions was probable the biggest regret I had in the 21 years I was in the USAF.

Take Care


12-15-2014, 03:45 PM
Seth! -- got home from Mexico late saturday night to a wonderful surprise.... a package from you! Dugan and I were very excited and honored to receive the flag and certificate. It is going to be an awesome addition to our home; we've already decided on where to hang it. Unfortunately the glass broke on its way around the world (not surprising based on how the mail carriers handle packages these days) but I am headed to Michaels to get a replacement glass so no big deal! Thank you for thinking of us and sending such a thoughtful gift our way.
I bought enough ingredients to make four batches of brownies for you this time around. They will be headed your way in the next week or two :)

12-15-2014, 08:36 PM
Hmm, you're back from Mexico and will be making brownies...

Remember, Seth gets his high from flying. ;)

12-15-2014, 09:43 PM
Hi Seth, we've not met and I'm obviously catching up to this thread pretty late but just wanted to say Thank You as well! Continue to stay safe out there and maybe we'll meet in New Orleans 2016.

12-16-2014, 12:36 PM
Seth, Check your SIPR email.

12-21-2014, 12:43 AM
Nina, you are welcome! Hopefully the glad didn't break on both frames:( If Michaels doesn't have it, home depot or lowes will cut glass to the size that you need it for just a couple dollars. Boxes and good packing material are difficult to come by. Thank you for thinking of us out here.

Al & Kristy, I am still laughing about the card that you sent me. Thank you so much for the care package. I received it a while back, and everything is consumed. Thank you again for such a thoughtful gesture.

Brian & Janelle, I received both packages and the brownies/cookies/rice crispy treats were obviously a big hit. I took most of it down to my aid station to give to the patients and the docs that work there. I saved a bag of brownies for myself even though I don't need that lol. I particularly love the VOA shirt. Ill be keeping that one!

Brenda & Mike, I love the giant box with the sign that said "this is not a deer." My first thought was "of course it just a box, but the sign is funny." Not 2 minutes later one of my soldiers walked into the office and said "is that a deer?!!" so, I guess the sign was needed. Thank you for all the food, brownies, and toys.

Jason "Stretch" & Katie, I just received your care package. Well timed for Christmas! The freeze dried apples are now my favorite food. The only problem is that you wrapped a gift so that means that I have to keep self control over the next couple of days while I look at my wrapped Christmas present on my office shelf until the 25th. I have a Viper shelf in my office with a couple model Vipers, Maurice's Viper book that Doris gave me, and a couple pictures of Vipers that have inspired me. The present you gave me is currently sitting on the self too.

Doris, I have completely lost count of all the packages that you have sent since the last time I posted on the forum. The whole company and particularly myself appreciate all your thoughtfulness. I know that particularly my female Soldiers are looking forward to the next care package from you. If there is anything I can do to thank you and express my gratitude, please let me know.

To everyone that has sent me a card, I have them thumb tacked to the wall in my office. Things are feeling very festive and it is a great feeling to be remembered. Thank you all!

12-21-2014, 04:23 PM
Glad it arrived Seth! You can open the present early!!

12-21-2014, 07:53 PM
I can't believe somebody asked "is that a deer?" ... too funny

You must be the coolest captain ever with all the stuff you share with these guys! ;-)

01-03-2015, 03:25 PM
Seth, Happy New Year to you and your Troops! We returned home and found your package with the updated certificate (thank you very much!). The photo of the M240 taken from the aircraft is very cool. Awesome piece of hardware to have in your craft.

We're baking up another package, and will send out this coming week. I have a surprise in there from Bertie County, NC. Hopefully you'll like them.

01-03-2015, 03:26 PM
...You must be the coolest captain ever...

Amen to that!

01-09-2015, 09:44 AM
Another package headed your way. :)

01-29-2015, 03:22 AM

THANK YOU! That was so awesome, one of my highlights for the past 4 years out here. Sorry about my hesitation, you said 1100 but PAX crew said 1135; was not 100% that was your bird. Going native, I couldn't chance a .50 cal to the chest over a possible misunderstanding :). This flag has so much more meaning coming from a Service Member and fellow Viper owner. The guys back at the post are going to love this.



01-30-2015, 06:29 AM

You are very welcome. It was no problem at all flying it out to you. Sorry things were cut short on the LZ, I had a Columbia helicopter "Aurora" coming in 5 minutes behind me. Please post the pictures that you took here on the forum page so the other members can see the new "Afghanistan VOA".
I hope the AMVETS Post 26 find a good place for the flag.



THANK YOU! That was so awesome, one of my highlights for the past 4 years out here. Sorry about my hesitation, you said 1100 but PAX crew said 1135; was not 100% that was your bird. Going native, I couldn't chance a .50 cal to the chest over a possible misunderstanding :). This flag has so much more meaning coming from a Service Member and fellow Viper owner. The guys back at the post are going to love this.



01-30-2015, 06:33 AM

Thank you so much for the package, I appreciate it greatly. Everyone loved the chocolate. Now please stop making my company fat.... I am trying to win a war out here!

Doris, the rum cake is secured!!! Thank you! Sorry the first one didn't make it but that's not the first time mail has not made it out here. We have not tried it yet but we will soon.


01-30-2015, 12:45 PM
... Everyone loved the chocolate. Now please stop making my company fat.... I am trying to win a war out here!

LOL, I think you and your Troops will have no problem burning off calories. I'll let Nina know the chocolates were a hit. She fortifies the chocolate with sweetened condensed milk, so you know it's healthy. :)

We'll bake cookies next time.

01-30-2015, 02:18 PM

You are very welcome. It was no problem at all flying it out to you. Sorry things were cut short on the LZ, I had a Columbia helicopter "Aurora" coming in 5 minutes behind me. Please post the pictures that you took here on the forum page so the other members can see the new "Afghanistan VOA".
I hope the AMVETS Post 26 find a good place for the flag.




01-30-2015, 05:39 PM
Awesome photos!

02-11-2015, 08:25 AM
Thank you all again for all the thoughts, prayers, and support out here!

Specifically, I would like to thank Mike and Brenda for sending another awesome care package. Just like the last one it appeared at my office door completely unexpected and the Soldiers loved the snacks and food. But once again, I felt myself in lack of an Ohio deer. On a separate note, I really loved seeing the Emerald Green RT/10 on Maurice's Calendar. I also happen to have a diecast model of your car sitting on a shelf in my office along with the rest of my Viper toy collection:)

Dave! Thank you! I just received your package in the mail today when I got in from flying. I particularly love the little blue GTS! The Soldiers already grabbed up the stuff like vultures! The matchbox car stays with me though.

Just an update on my timeline. I anticipate getting back in the first half of May. Some mail gets here faster than others so as a safe bet, if anyone would like to send a care package to my unit, please send it before April 1st. After I leave the mail will get forwarded to my home station unit address.

One of the downsides of serving in the 82nd Airborne Division is the insanely high Operational Tempo. It is currently looking debatable whether or not I will have the weekend off for the Tail of the Dragon. If I can manage to get away for the four days, I will certainly be there!


02-11-2015, 10:47 AM
Seth, thanks for the update. Hopefully they can hook you up with a few days off so you can enjoy some much deserved weekend away in Gatlinburg.

02-14-2015, 11:01 AM
... Specifically, I would like to thank Mike and Brenda for sending another awesome care package. Just like the last one it appeared at my office door completely unexpected and the Soldiers loved the snacks and food. But once again, I felt myself in lack of an Ohio deer...

Okay Seth, here is your Ohio deer - lol

http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l514/VYPR_BYT_94/20150110_121116_zpsm8chenmj.jpg (http://s1121.photobucket.com/user/VYPR_BYT_94/media/20150110_121116_zpsm8chenmj.jpg.html)

... On a separate note, I really loved seeing the Emerald Green RT/10 on Maurice's Calendar. I also happen to have a diecast model of your car sitting on a shelf in my office along with the rest of my Viper toy collection:)

Ha Yeah, Maurice saw the "original" pic I took of my car in front of the hillbilly shack and he loved it... wanted to use it in his black edition calendar so he added the model wearing her daisy dukes. lol

Be safe my friend!

02-14-2015, 03:37 PM

If you might be able to make TOD, and it is close, timewise, to that weekend, can some of us bring your car out of storage, bring it up to spec, and have it ready for you? Wouldn't want to touch it if not, but maybe I can give Tom Sessions a call and see if he and Craig, and others could pitch in so it's waiting for its master to come home...

03-01-2015, 04:58 AM

If you might be able to make TOD, and it is close, timewise, to that weekend, can some of us bring your car out of storage, bring it up to spec, and have it ready for you? Wouldn't want to touch it if not, but maybe I can give Tom Sessions a call and see if he and Craig, and others could pitch in so it's waiting for its master to come home...

Dave, that is very generous of you. I can get the Viper ready to go in a single day. I did 90% of the preventative maintenance before I left. Right now the Viper is covered with a satin custom fit car cover. The entire car is zip-lock sealed in a car jacket. I threw about 20 lbs of silica gel desiccant inside the car jacket to absorb all smells and moisture inside for a whole year. The car battery is maintained by a "battery tender" inside the storage bay.

Honestly, the hardest part of pulling the car out of storage will be figuring out where I left the keys 8 months ago...

03-01-2015, 06:45 AM
Hopefully your keys are sitting on the kitchen counter, or they're in a pocket of something you last wore.

And it's about time to assemble another care package for y'all. I'm looking forward to seeing you back in NC.

05-03-2015, 10:52 AM
Viper family,

I clearly remember last August sitting on the airplane, about to take-off and typing out my initial farewell message. Nine long months later here I am, siting in the Kuwait USO, using my last few minutes of Internet to let you all know that I am positively coming home. We are coming home with heads held high because this is my first combat deployment that I will return with all the Soldiers that I deployed with. Thank you so much for your support, positive thoughts, and prayers!
I think the video link below sums up the general sentiment pretty well.


SUB SONC signing in!

Brian GTS
05-03-2015, 12:31 PM
Yay Viper brother!!! We've been praying for you all AND Can't wait to see you SOON! So grateful for your service my friend.

Fatboy 18
05-03-2015, 12:56 PM
"We are coming home with heads held high because this is my first combat deployment that I will return with all the Soldiers that I deployed with."

Now that is the best news I have heard in a long time, Outstanding.

Safe flight home Guys.


05-03-2015, 12:59 PM
Seth, this is the best news I've heard in a while. A big thank you to you and your Soldiers.

Can't wait to see you again buddy!

05-03-2015, 04:00 PM
Best news I've heard in a long time.

05-03-2015, 06:50 PM
So very glad to hear that everyone in your company is coming home. Hopefully this is a positive sign of what's to come with everyone overseas. Do you know what day you will be returning?

05-03-2015, 06:57 PM

I recall how devastated you were prior to this last deployment when you lost one of your soldiers here in the States. It's amazing you can do a year in a battle zone without losing another, going to show your leadership to your men and our country. Marcia and I can't wait for you to come back to us, and give you a huge hug! See ya in Gatlinburg!!! Thanks for keeping us safe...


05-03-2015, 09:09 PM
Great news, welcome home. Did you bring the salt?

05-04-2015, 06:58 AM
Outstanding news, Seth -- congratulations for a mission well done!. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

No hemi
05-04-2015, 08:16 AM
Great news, see you soon my brother!!! :D

05-04-2015, 11:50 AM
Fantastic news! See you soon!

05-04-2015, 01:57 PM
Awesome news!!! Welcome back!!!

05-04-2015, 06:13 PM
You are the man! Always nice for a leader to bring everyone home safe and sound. See you soon at the Tail of the Dragon.