View Full Version : TWS track day

08-07-2014, 03:20 PM
I know that everyone is wowed by CoTA right now. My question is can we have something put together for us at TWS in the near future. It’s a big boy track too, and I would like a chance to run it again before they close it down. I’m talking something along the lines of the track day the club put on at MSR. I realize that I can just sign up with DE or something on my own, but it’s way more fun as a club. Plus I can trash talk Wheeler if we go as a group. :)


08-07-2014, 03:33 PM
First of all I'm an easy and willing target (ask Alex aka Slowhatch). Second of all I can't honestly trust a mans true intentions with an Avatar like that ;)

This one needs to go to Beth, Richard, or Mike G if he is still posting. They have the most experience running with various groups at TWS and I would think one of them might be able to figure out a creative way to get us out there in the spring possibly. Right now honestly the September COTA viewing event, and the December COTA driving event will most likely occupy the most time club "track time" talk until the Spring.

Just my two cents.


I know that everyone is wowed by CoTA right now. My question is can we have something put together for us at TWS in the near future. It’s a big boy track too, and I would like a chance to run it again before they close it down. I’m talking something along the lines of the track day the club put on at MSR. I realize that I can just sign up with DE or something on my own, but it’s way more fun as a club. Plus I can trash talk Wheeler if we go as a group. :)


08-07-2014, 04:30 PM
This one is really all about the money, its about 10k give or take to rent the track for the weekend plus insurance etc. We would need to be able to get enough folks signed up to do it, having enough instructors available is another concern. Not saying if there is enough interest we couldn't do it because Kurt is paying much more for just renting CoTA for one day than TWS is for the weekend. Possibly involving some of the other regions might yield enough folks to do it or sharing with another car club which is what we did at MSR is another possibility. Beth has all actual numbers on this from the last time we looked at it and if we can get the interest its doable.


08-07-2014, 04:31 PM
Yes, I should have said "in the future", as opposed to "near future".
Thanks for the reply, hopefully something can be put together. The last one was fun.

08-08-2014, 10:23 AM
A TWS weekend would be a riot with our whole group, all these personailities having to go out on track and back it up, would be some show! Also the high number of major smiles would be great to see. I do believe TWS will be open for some part of 15 so maybe we can sneak something in!


08-08-2014, 10:29 AM
A TWS weekend would be a riot with our whole group, all these personailities having to go out on track and back it up, would be some show! Also the high number of major smiles would be great to see. I do believe TWS will be open for some part of 15 so maybe we can sneak something in!


Yeah the MSR day was a blast and I can't wait to get out again.

08-08-2014, 03:17 PM
Would love a day at TWS with the club! Please do it.

08-11-2014, 08:33 AM
We just got back from a really hot weekend at TWS and had fun other than track being shut down after a C7 went off and rolled over and the driver taken to the hospital. He's fine but the car is totaled. Anyway, the current shut down of the track is May 2015.

I just looked at TWS' website and they have occasional open track days but the caveat is you have to be solo qualified by a Performance Driving School or hold a racing license. I'm not sure how many of our members have been out to the track enough to earn a solo qualification. They're fairly inexpensive ($150 for 4 hours and $200 for 8 hours) and are held on Fridays.

Nine Ball
08-11-2014, 08:57 AM
I'd be interested in just about any track day, after spending 3 weeks driving slow diesel crapboxes in Europe. Haven't been to TWS since I had a Z06.

08-11-2014, 09:46 AM
We just got back from a really hot weekend at TWS and had fun other than track being shut down after a C7 went off and rolled over and the driver taken to the hospital. He's fine but the car is totaled. Anyway, the current shut down of the track is May 2015.

Bummer about C7 going off and rolling!

Bummer about date of track closure!

08-11-2014, 10:31 AM
Does solo with NARRA count.? Iv'e been solo the last 3 years with NARRA. I planned on doing TT this year, but TWS wasn't on the schedule and I don't have the time to go out of state.

08-12-2014, 08:55 AM
Robert I believe that would work but its obviously up to TWS to make the call.