View Full Version : My First Post on the VOA

07-26-2014, 04:38 PM
First off, I wanted to point out that my avatar name "venomaholic" was "VENOMAHOLIC" on the VCA. In tribute to the late disruptor known as "Warfang" (RIP) who coined the term "capsclown" and called me out on it years ago, I went to lower case for the VOA.

Second, To those that debated me (and in a couple cases outright disrespected me) in my last thread in the VCA about union labor killing the Twinkie factory forever, go buy a Twinkie that is now made by cheaper non union labor and eat it.:saw: Since that thread, management got their golden parachutes, the factory was sold to another company and it again produces Twinkies. I said way back then that the Twinkie would come back and the only ones that would lose would be the workers that made it. Let the race to the bottom continue.

Third, For the record, the Gen V is AWESOME

Attached is pics of my Viper and new Challenger

I have been trolling the VOA forums since it started and I am impressed with it's progress in such a short time so I am giving it a try.

Best of luck to the VOA and cheers to it's members.:drive:

07-26-2014, 04:41 PM

07-26-2014, 05:08 PM

07-26-2014, 06:45 PM
FrgMster and ACRucrazy, I agree that my first post was lame. Allow me to edit it by attaching photos. Please be tactful as the woman in front of my Viper is my wife . I also just bought this new Challenger R/T a month ago.

07-26-2014, 06:56 PM

You can fill out the rest of your paperwork here ;)


07-26-2014, 07:07 PM
The kid in the background is my stepdaughter. It was a family photo shoot at the time and I am an amateur photographer at best.