View Full Version : Viper Tony's Win

Policy Limits
07-21-2014, 08:56 PM
Is he on here? Anyone know his reaction? Is it premature for him to write a review of the car?

07-21-2014, 09:07 PM


He can't get it for a few more days, so yes

07-21-2014, 10:41 PM
He was truly speechless. He paused. Then after he reacted and everyone went nuts - you could see him get a little overwhelmed. then we called him up on strange and had some fun. Truly a cool moment. Congrats to Tony! Crazy stuff.

07-21-2014, 11:33 PM
There's two videos of it from some members at my table. Chrissy tells me she's got "Oh shit!" on the video. I'll try to get them posted here tomorrow. Yes, I was and still am overwhelmed. I just got home from Detroit. I left there at 12:30pm and got back in CT about midnight. I'm exhausted. Before I crash to bed for the night I wanted to login here and say a few things to you awesome people! I was a little emotional (go figure ;)) when I won. I had to pause a few times while making my way to the podium. The surprise of winning the Viper was overwhelming for certain but that didn't make me speechless.....

What made me pause was the people. All of you especially those of you who came up to me (I think every single attendee congratulated me last night including the wait staff dish washers, everyone!) and told me how happy you were for me. The hugs, the handshakes, etc. you were all sincere and you meant it. And I could see it in your eyes, I heard it in your voices it was genuine. And that's a moment I will cherish forever and I will never forget it. I don't want to sound like one of Plums' desperate dates but I love you guys and girls! Thank you for making this happen. As I said last night, none of this would've been possible if you all didn't support this club and each other.

On the GenV review for Policy ;).....earlier on Sunday, we took the GenV for a test drive. SRT provided 5 GenV GTS's including 2 or 3 TA's. Even though the course was short I was beside myself on just how well the brakes, steering, clutch, pretty much everything on the GenV has evolved. At that point I wanted one. So, yes I'm a fan of he GenV even before I won it. But until I get the GenV in my hands and can take it to the proving ground of nearby Mexico I'll hold off a formal review.

I hope to have it delivered this weekend!

07-22-2014, 12:01 AM
Congrats, and very well said.

07-22-2014, 04:48 AM
LMAO.. very cool

07-22-2014, 06:38 AM
Priceless.......and at the auto cross course that morning, you were telling us all how you have been to so many of these things and that you just never win anything big or small. As it took you a while to shout it out and run up there, we thought they were picking you up off the floor or something. Congratulations!

07-22-2014, 06:59 AM
Congrats, that's a helluva doorprize!

07-22-2014, 07:08 AM
Congrats Tony! Since it's not yellow and will clash in the garage with your bumble bee, I'll keep it here for you in my garage free of charge! You know, cause I'm a nice guy and all ;)

07-22-2014, 07:10 AM
No Claybar is to be used on finish.

Policy Limits
07-22-2014, 10:11 AM
Thanks for the reply. Good luck & congratulations.

07-22-2014, 10:15 AM
Congrats on winning the car! Very happy for you and can't wait to see pics of it on here and then see it in person when you take it to an event in our area!!! Makes me happy when good things happen to good people.

07-22-2014, 10:21 AM
Congrats Tony! Since it's not yellow and will clash in the garage with your bumble bee, I'll keep it here for you in my garage free of charge! You know, cause I'm a nice guy and all ;)

That's a generous offer but knowing you, well, you'd fart in it and ruin it for me so I'll keep it home. ;)

07-22-2014, 10:51 AM
Congrats on the win. Very exciting.

07-22-2014, 10:58 AM
I've never met you but watching you win I can tell you are a genuine guy who cares a lot for the club and the members. If it wasn't me winning I'm glad it was you. Congrats!

07-22-2014, 11:29 AM
Congrats on the win. Very exciting.

Where were you????? wanted to meet and put a face with a (screen) name...

07-22-2014, 11:59 AM
Where were you????? wanted to meet and put a face with a (screen) name...

I was all over. The whole weekend went by so very fast. It seemed like there was always something to do, and when I wasn't doing something I just wanted sleep. Ha.
I am sure many including your self felt the same.

07-22-2014, 01:56 PM
That's a generous offer but knowing you, well, you'd fart in it and ruin it for me so I'll keep it home. ;)

Farting in someone's LE is grounds for an ass whuppin. I could love you like a brother but there are certain lines you don't cross! You grab my girl I might slap ya but you fart in my LE you are gonna need a dentist, ASAP!

Congrats on the win. I believe you that everyone was genuine in their congratulations. It's yet another example of how this club is so different to other clubs, car or otherwise. So enjoy it. Drive it safely and in good health keep sharing that joy with others that you come in contact with. If I get to meet you in person I will shake your hand but for now please accept my most sincere congratulations and I hope to see you out there on the roads.

Mr White
07-22-2014, 02:47 PM
Where were you????? wanted to meet and put a face with a (screen) name...

Why didn't you come say hi?

07-22-2014, 03:32 PM
Why didn't you come say hi?

I was at Merchandise and working most of the event. Probably easier for folks to track me down. LOL I think I lost 5 pounds on the "vacation"....

Mr White
07-22-2014, 03:42 PM
Probably easier for folks to track me down.

Sounds like an easy way to get pepper sprayed

07-22-2014, 03:46 PM
Sounds like an easy way to get pepper sprayed

LMAO. The pepper spray was almost needed to keep people away from the merchandise table so Janni could set it up. LOL. This is why I don't go shopping with my wife. Watching everyone pick through the VOA thongs reminded me of why I just don't go shopping anymore. And Janni thank you and your helpers for that....I thought the merchandise was well done. Obviously, people were excited over the merchandise. It was feeding frenzy. Well done!

07-22-2014, 04:54 PM
Congrats bud,



07-22-2014, 04:55 PM
I touched that car.
It's now worth more.

07-22-2014, 05:16 PM
Congratulations on your win. Do you plan on leaving the decals on the doors?

07-22-2014, 05:29 PM
I touched that car.
It's now worth more.

So those were your fingerprints! ;)

Congratulations on your win. Do you plan on leaving the decals on the doors?

For now yes and there are even more decals for the car that the team didn't put on since they're weren't certain if the winner would like them. I'll definitely leave the decals on and probably install all of the decals to keep it in the spirit of this club, the event and all the work various people put into everything. Baz from the UK already installed a UK region decal on it. LOL.

07-22-2014, 05:38 PM
So those were your fingerprints! ;)

I didn't say I used my fingers.:t0135:

07-22-2014, 06:29 PM
I didn't say I used my fingers.:t0135:

:smilielol::smilielol::smilielol::smilielol::smili elol:

07-22-2014, 08:08 PM
I didn't say I used my fingers.:t0135:

LMAO, after all the ribbing I gave you in the classified thread I suppose I deserve that. LOL.

07-22-2014, 08:32 PM
Congratulations to my new friend Viper Tony, I am very happy that you are a new Gen.V owner, we'll deserved for all your hard work, along with all who put this new club together. I had a great time in Detroit, and met so many fantastic Viper owners from all over the Country, as well as Canada. Can't wait until 2016, I will be there.

07-22-2014, 08:38 PM
Sent you a PM if you got time can you open it

07-22-2014, 08:39 PM
LMAO, after all the ribbing I gave you in the classified thread I suppose I deserve that. LOL.

Sorry the above was for ViperTony forgot the quotes

07-23-2014, 01:30 PM
Heath @ Golling is a pleasure to work with. I wouldn't hesitate buying a vehicle from him/Golling. He's been taking great car of the Viper. Here's a shot of Heath and I next to my new Viper Monday morning. It should be delivered by Passport Transport by 8/5 or sooner. The wait is making me nuts. LOL.


And here are my mistresses together.


Fatboy 18
07-23-2014, 02:26 PM
Great pics, So now we get to see what you look like too :D Once again Congratulations,

In that last pic the RT looks a little small!

07-23-2014, 03:21 PM

Mr. Golling owned our local CJDR here in Dayton. When I was President of the VCA Ohio Region, they were our first dealership sponsor. I asked them to be a sponsor of the Ohio club and they signed right up. They did some very nice things for us over the years. Mr. Golling is a hands on guy and traveled from his main dealership in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan to Dayton once a week to check in on the Dayton dealership. This last year he sold the Dayton dealership to Evans Motors. When I was searching for a door prize car and saw the launch edition on their Bloomfield Hills website, it was all over. I knew they would help the club and give us a good deal.

The picture below makes it all worth it.

A guy and his Viper, it's a beautiful thing............................................. .

http://driveviper.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6031&d=1406139682 (http://driveviper.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6031&d=1406139682)

Next Phase
07-24-2014, 07:44 PM
Congrats on winning Tony! Enjoy it!

07-24-2014, 10:17 PM
Tony, congrats. Very well earned. It was a rush awaiting the ticket to get drawn and watching you win - I can only imagine the shock of winning.

Use it in good health!

07-24-2014, 11:11 PM
What a great evening. What a great win!

Was it nice to have 478 fellow envious VOA enthusiast ticket holders watch you capture the dream door prize?

Could you feel us all look around the room for the lucky sucker who had ticket number 22?

What would you estimate your pulse rate to be as you realized it was you and rose from your seat with all eyes on you?!

Had you already run through your mind what you would say if you were actually the lucky winner? Is that anything near what you said?

Please PLEASE share with us that conversation with your wife when you told her you had actually won!

All those door prizes you never won before or will since, well, this is why. You saved up that luck for just the right moment.

God bless you. Everyone loves a winner!


07-25-2014, 08:59 AM
What a great evening. What a great win!

Was it nice to have 478 fellow envious VOA enthusiast ticket holders watch you capture the dream door prize?

Absolutely and that's what made it emotional for me and I tried my best to contain my tears. *sniff* *sniff* Having just spent a weekend to getting to some of you and the friendships we made certainly had an impact.

Could you feel us all look around the room for the lucky sucker who had ticket number 22?

Yes. I remember looking at my ticket when the number was announced. I looked up at the faces at my table and they were filled with disappointment. I looked around the room and saw more of the same. Then I heard the shouts of disappointment around the room. And it got a little quite and I saw people scanning the room for the winner. At that point I knew I had won but couldn't get up for some reason....my brain and feet seemed disconnected for a second but seemed like minutes to me.

What would you estimate your pulse rate to be as you realized it was you and rose from your seat with all eyes on you?!

My pulse was at redline! ;)

Had you already run through your mind what you would say if you were actually the lucky winner? Is that anything near what you said?

Nope. Not once did I ever think to myself that I would win. Up until then, I never won anything like this. I was unprepared for a speech to say the least.

In fact, I looked like crap. I remember getting changed for dinner and I didn't shave, shower or dress up. I figured I wasn't going to win anyway and was looking forward to a nice dinner followed by a lot of sleep. When I won I said to myself, great now I look like crap in front of everyone, LOL.

Please PLEASE share with us that conversation with your wife when you told her you had actually won!

So, at the podium I called home but nobody answered. I made about 10 calls home before my wife picked up the phone. Here's how it went:

Me: Honey, guess what? I won the Viper!!!
Wife: [laughs] No you didn't.
Me: Yes, I did. I'm being serious!
Wife: [laughs] No you didn't.
Me: Honey, I'm telling you I won the damn Viper!!!!
Wife: [laughs some more] OK. Sure.
Me: Honey, this is not a joke. I'm dead serious. I won the Viper and the audience want to hear you on the phone.
Wife: Was this your idea or did Adrian put you up to this one?
Me: I'm telling you the truth. Go check out Facebook I think they posted the news there.
Wife: You're so full of ****, I don't believe you.
Me: OK. I'll have some people call you.
Wife: Good luck with that. You're too funny.

For the next hour, some of my friends called her to explain that I indeed won. It wasn't until Adrian called her and told her the details. At that point, she started to believe but wasn't convinced. Funny that she believes Adrian more than she believes me, LOL.

Then she saw the news on Facebook and she realized that maybe just this once I wasn't pulling one over on her.

I caller her back and by that time many of you were around me, shouting into the phone that I won and I think she finally got it. LOL.

Her next reaction was "You really are serious?!? Holy s****!". This was around midnight. It took almost two hours to convince her we won the Viper. LOL.

Then we were on the phone for another hour figuring out the taxes, transportation, how to tell the kids, friends, neighbors....what vanity plate to get....how the heck were we going to pay taxes on the thing, LOL. All sorts of thoughts running through our minds.

She then said "I'm still skeptical. I won't believe it until my foot is on the gas pedal." ;)

At that point I realized that my new Viper just became her new Viper.

It was 12:30am, I went back to my hotel room but couldn't sleep. I went back to the lounge in the lobby and hung out with Pemberton and a few others until 3am. Ralph was there. And his words to me were "Congratulations! Now, make certain you drive that Viper. Look at me...don't put it in your garage under a cover, drive it! It's meant to be driven. Drive the **** out of it!" I will oblige.

All those door prizes you never won before or will since, well, this is why. You saved up that luck for just the right moment. God bless you. Everyone loves a winner!

Thank you my friend.

P.S. Now my wife is trying to find matching Blue/White curtains for the garage windows. LOL. I created a monster!

07-25-2014, 09:19 AM
Awesome story Tony. Was nice to meet you last weekend. Congrats again and enjoy the car!!!!

07-28-2014, 03:39 PM
Heath @ Golling is a pleasure to work with. I wouldn't hesitate buying a vehicle from him/Golling. He's been taking great car of the Viper. Here's a shot of Heath and I next to my new Viper Monday morning. It should be delivered by Passport Transport by 8/5 or sooner. The wait is making me nuts. LOL.


And here are my mistresses together.


HUGE CONGATULATIONS Tony..... You said at the beginning you had the winning ticket and you did!!!!!!

Sitting opposite you I saw your face and reaction and it was PRICELESS!!!!! Genuinely happy for you Tony ENOY IT!!!!! Great week end had a great laugh...

Cool decals on booth cars LOL.....

08-02-2014, 03:56 PM
I wanted to let everyone know that the Viper was delivered last night. I was expecting on Sunday so I was pleasantly surprised to get the call from Passport that the Viper was nearby yesterday. I'll have some pics posted up soon but it was great to see the kids in the neighborhood come out and get so excited about the Viper. After we unloaded it I let them have turns sitting inside it. It made their day and it's something that I hope inspires them as they journey through life.

I gave it a wash and shine today. Rick (driver from passport) did a great job in taking care of it and keeping me apprised of the delivery schedule.

I've been competing with my wife in trying to take it out for a spin. We have to break her in and so far that doesn't seem to be a problem today, LOL.

I'll post some pics as time allows.

08-02-2014, 04:23 PM
Wow. I can't imagine the feeling. So lucky. Congrats T!

Bill Pemberton
08-04-2014, 12:00 PM
Great story about your wife's reaction Tony!! Congrats again, as if I didn't tell you enough times Sunday night,ha,ha!

JonB ~ PartsRack
08-04-2014, 12:04 PM
Id be delighted to send you 2 of the Grand-Prix of SEBRING 2014 decals that all NARRA cars (and the Pace Car) will be wearing. Has a Viper silhouette on the top....

So those were your fingerprints! ;)

For now yes and there are even more decals for the car that the team didn't put on since they're weren't certain if the winner would like them. I'll definitely leave the decals on and probably install all of the decals to keep it in the spirit of this club, the event and all the work various people put into everything. Baz from the UK already installed a UK region decal on it. LOL.