07-15-2014, 11:43 PM
It's time to COOL OFF and celebrate the mid year VOA birthdays!!! So come take a cruise with the VOA and cool off afterwards in in a Caribbean style lagoon!
Event: Mid year birthday bash & Caribbean getaway (Texas style)
Meeting place: Walmart Supercenter, 201 Walton Way, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Time: July 26th 2014 at 11:00 AM
Cost: VOA Mamba Members: $FREE!!
VOA Members $FREE!!
Non VOA Members: $15.00
Non RSVP price: $25.00
Description/special instructions: It is time to celebrate the mid-year VOA birthdays already! The year is half over! This birthday bash will be for months April thru August, so if your birthday is in those months email THIS LINK (info@centraltexasvca.com) and let us know! For this celebration we will be starting in northern Austin at the Walmart Supercenter (201 Walton Way, Cedar Park, TX 78613) at 11 AM, leaving at 11:30 AM. We will cruise down some of our favorite roads and work up a little bit of perspiration on those hairpins! But not to worry our celebration destination is at Bob & Lori Overfield's home which they have graciously opened up for all of our VOA members. In addition to opening up their home they have also invited us to test out their new lagoon style pool to cool off, relax and feast on a catered lunch with a special menu just for us. How many times have you finished a cruise and wanted to jump in that bottle of water your holding, well thanks to Bob & Lori we will be doing just that! Their pool is amazing, the caterer makes food that melts in your mouth! You won't want to pass this up!
Our menu for this event will be:
· Pulled pork sliders with Cole slaw
· Chicken skewers with Mango dipping sauce
· Shrimp Shooters
· Fruit Skewers
· Veggies w/hummus
· Mini cupcakes, mini cream pies & brownies
· tea, water, Gatorade and a White Sangria Punch
Make sure to RSVP immediately for this event, we do need a head count ASAP. Please have your RSVP in no later than the 21st. We sent out a notice on this event over a month ago so I hope you all marked your calendars! Please get those RSVP in to me immediately very important on this one. Again this is a free event for all VOA members, this is to celebrate your birthday! Make sure to send in your names and months of your birthdays as well so we can honor you at this celebration!
Non VOA members are welcome as well but there will be a small fee of $15/per person to cover costs. Or better yet join the VOA!
As always ALL Viper owners are welcome to attend and join us, we hope you will become members very soon. Membership does have its rewards, other than an outstanding magazine, insurance, forums and an organization working for you and your Viper every day, you also get discounts on each and every event like this. Not a bad deal for the same amount of money you will use in fuel on this cruise! You can become a member HERE (https://driveviper.com/join/): https://driveviper.com/join/
Driving Map: CLICK HERE (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Walmart+Supercenter,+201+Walton+Way,+Cedar+Park,+T X+78613/9618+Kurre+Way,+Garden+Ridge,+TX+78266/@30.0626675,-98.3402013,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m44!4m43!1m35!1m1!1s0x865b2c54aa2cd 33d:0x84e6d5bb5761c91f!2m2!1d-97.834411!2d30.522612!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8877249!2d30.486516!3s0x865b2e109060296d:0x54bc 274a8f8defdd!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8736657!2d30.4057337!3s0x865b31606875aab1:0x883 2688e02cec195!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8736657!2d30.4057337!3s0x865b31606875aab1:0x883 2688e02cec195!3m4!1m2!1d-97.9477284!2d30.372276!3s0x865b374de2dea665:0xed8a b93fa82126e4!3m4!1m2!1d-98.0466881!2d30.2465236!3s0x865b47329f26567f:0x548 694ab1516dc65!3m4!1m2!1d-98.1099178!2d29.8766809!3s0x865ca047638667c5:0x4bc e53f9ced0e304!1m5!1m1!1s0x865c91efc7cad92f:0xd4577 928a7209340!2m2!1d-98.295918!2d29.634633!3e0)
Event: Mid year birthday bash & Caribbean getaway (Texas style)
Meeting place: Walmart Supercenter, 201 Walton Way, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Time: July 26th 2014 at 11:00 AM
Cost: VOA Mamba Members: $FREE!!
VOA Members $FREE!!
Non VOA Members: $15.00
Non RSVP price: $25.00
Description/special instructions: It is time to celebrate the mid-year VOA birthdays already! The year is half over! This birthday bash will be for months April thru August, so if your birthday is in those months email THIS LINK (info@centraltexasvca.com) and let us know! For this celebration we will be starting in northern Austin at the Walmart Supercenter (201 Walton Way, Cedar Park, TX 78613) at 11 AM, leaving at 11:30 AM. We will cruise down some of our favorite roads and work up a little bit of perspiration on those hairpins! But not to worry our celebration destination is at Bob & Lori Overfield's home which they have graciously opened up for all of our VOA members. In addition to opening up their home they have also invited us to test out their new lagoon style pool to cool off, relax and feast on a catered lunch with a special menu just for us. How many times have you finished a cruise and wanted to jump in that bottle of water your holding, well thanks to Bob & Lori we will be doing just that! Their pool is amazing, the caterer makes food that melts in your mouth! You won't want to pass this up!
Our menu for this event will be:
· Pulled pork sliders with Cole slaw
· Chicken skewers with Mango dipping sauce
· Shrimp Shooters
· Fruit Skewers
· Veggies w/hummus
· Mini cupcakes, mini cream pies & brownies
· tea, water, Gatorade and a White Sangria Punch
Make sure to RSVP immediately for this event, we do need a head count ASAP. Please have your RSVP in no later than the 21st. We sent out a notice on this event over a month ago so I hope you all marked your calendars! Please get those RSVP in to me immediately very important on this one. Again this is a free event for all VOA members, this is to celebrate your birthday! Make sure to send in your names and months of your birthdays as well so we can honor you at this celebration!
Non VOA members are welcome as well but there will be a small fee of $15/per person to cover costs. Or better yet join the VOA!
As always ALL Viper owners are welcome to attend and join us, we hope you will become members very soon. Membership does have its rewards, other than an outstanding magazine, insurance, forums and an organization working for you and your Viper every day, you also get discounts on each and every event like this. Not a bad deal for the same amount of money you will use in fuel on this cruise! You can become a member HERE (https://driveviper.com/join/): https://driveviper.com/join/
Driving Map: CLICK HERE (https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Walmart+Supercenter,+201+Walton+Way,+Cedar+Park,+T X+78613/9618+Kurre+Way,+Garden+Ridge,+TX+78266/@30.0626675,-98.3402013,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m44!4m43!1m35!1m1!1s0x865b2c54aa2cd 33d:0x84e6d5bb5761c91f!2m2!1d-97.834411!2d30.522612!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8877249!2d30.486516!3s0x865b2e109060296d:0x54bc 274a8f8defdd!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8736657!2d30.4057337!3s0x865b31606875aab1:0x883 2688e02cec195!3m4!1m2!1d-97.8736657!2d30.4057337!3s0x865b31606875aab1:0x883 2688e02cec195!3m4!1m2!1d-97.9477284!2d30.372276!3s0x865b374de2dea665:0xed8a b93fa82126e4!3m4!1m2!1d-98.0466881!2d30.2465236!3s0x865b47329f26567f:0x548 694ab1516dc65!3m4!1m2!1d-98.1099178!2d29.8766809!3s0x865ca047638667c5:0x4bc e53f9ced0e304!1m5!1m1!1s0x865c91efc7cad92f:0xd4577 928a7209340!2m2!1d-98.295918!2d29.634633!3e0)