View Full Version : Knee replacement -----how long before I can drive my Viper after surgery

07-15-2014, 08:55 AM
Having knee replacement surgery. If you have had this surgery would you share your experience regarding healing process, duration, walking normally and driving your Viper or any tips you may have for best and quick recovery. Thanks to any responses in advance.


Viper Girl
07-15-2014, 09:56 AM
Sorry to hear about your surgery... I have been putting that off for years...

Year of Viper seems to make a difference too... I sold my Gen III because the clutch pedal was hard on my knee... The Gen V is relatively easy for me now. I avoid getting stuck in traffic though... LOL I'll stop at a restaurant or happy hour rather than sit in traffic.

07-15-2014, 12:24 PM
Had both done a month apart. You will be running around so-so in about a week or so. (Was actually walking on it day after surgery). About a month I tested on the Viper, all was good!!

Sam Goldfarb
07-17-2014, 01:01 AM
My wife had both done two years apart. She walked the same day of surgery and was pretty good to go after about a month after each. DO THE REHAB! They also gave her a machine that exercised the joint,even while she slept to maintain the range of motion. She has about 95% of a normal knee. Hers are titanium, as she has some type of allergy to the "normal" metal used. Make sure you get a special card from the doctor to get through the metal detectors easier! GOOD LUCK!

07-26-2014, 11:19 PM
Good luck. Sorry to hear about it. Hang in there, like anything tough, it may be more difficult at times but you can get through it. As Sam said, DO THE REHAB. Even on days you are totally gassed, if you can even go through the motions it is better than nothing. Every day you spend in bed, doing nothing, buys you days to a week of extra rehab depending on your age. On the same token, don't push it and go crazy. Listen to your body and talk to your PT and doctor about hurt vs harm. Early in the game you probably will be challenged well enough with the rehab but I think the real danger comes when we start feeling better and then over-do it. And I don't mean you feel a bit better after a month and hike the Grand Canyon type of over-do it. I mean we don't realize how much stress doing things around the house takes on our bodies. Things like cleaning the fan blades or working in the garage where you are crouching and twisting, lifting from on odd angle, they put a lot of sheer force and strain on our joints. Talk to your PT about that stuff and you will be good.

Also, as someone who has been through a ton of medical care and surgeries lately, remember you are the quarter back of your healthcare team. So don't be afraid to be totally thorough with any concerns or questions and also with your goals. We as patients are not bound to simply listen and not express our own thoughts just cause we are the patient and they are the doctors.

Let us know how it goes and and how your recovery progresses. Best Wishes for a quick recovery.