View Full Version : Maywood autocross was a great time!

06-22-2014, 10:46 PM
First Autocross Was Perfect!

Everyone was excited to get going as this was the first autocross of the season. Plenty of people got up extra early and arrived to help make setup go quick and easy. Lots of new faces and old faces, rookies and veterans all came out to have great time. The chilly morning kicked off with our standard driver’s meeting where everyone was reminded of the “rules of the road”. After the meeting our racing director, Mark Schumann, took everyone on a walk through of the day’s course. Afterwards, groups of 3-4 were posted and the day kicked off.

The first run out everyone did a parade lap to get a good feel for the course. Once that was done tires started squealing. The course turned out to be extremely quick! As groups were flying through their first runs we couldn’t believe how fast it was going. On our second set of runs we were able to up the number of laps taken to seven! By now it had warmed up plenty and it was extremely comfortable outside. A good time was had by all as times got faster and tips and tricks were shared. After the second set of runs concluded around 12:15 we broke for lunch. By now everyone was ready to eat! We were able to arrange a discount at the Boston Market in the shopping center adjacent to were we were. No driving needed! The group pretty much took over the restaurant and had a great time socializing and having some laughs before getting back to business.

We made it back to the course to get things back in motion by about 1 PM… the sun was out and everyone was ready get going. We did one more run with all the groups at seven laps each (that makes a total of 20 laps that each person got to take!). As the day started to wind down our resident timing expert, Gary Grube, began calculating the winners of the day. As always, there was some close friendly competitions going. While times were being totaled anyone was able to go out a take a few laps if they wanted. Once the open session was closed the group gathered to find out the results. Everyone pitched in to get the track cleaned up quickly and after some goodbyes everyone went their separate ways. Once again the weather was on our side. As the day concluded it was still sunny and warm! Special thanks goes out to all the people who pitched in to make the day great. From setup, registration, timing, and those who pick up all the cones that get bowled over throughout the day these events wouldn’t be possible for the people willing to put in that extra effort, thanks! Hope to see you at the next one!

Head on over the the website to see a few pictures and the results for the day! http://www.illinoisvipers.com/first-autocross-was-perfect/