View Full Version : membership without region

11-06-2013, 02:15 PM
if my region does not join the VOA, can i still get membership in the VOA?

11-06-2013, 02:22 PM
if my region does not join the VOA, can i still get membership in the VOA?

I guess you could but, since your not supporting your local chapter and your funds are not going towards them, then, you wouldn't be able to join in on events in that region.

Just my thoughts

11-06-2013, 02:31 PM
I guess that's right...I could join another region...if accepted...I've been a loyal vca member from the beginning..backed every VOI ( #1 in Detroit )..I'll see how our region goes ! many thanks for input.

11-06-2013, 02:32 PM
We are working on this senario.

11-06-2013, 02:35 PM
GREAT ! From the looks of the other regions, there won't be many left in VCA.

11-06-2013, 06:56 PM
We are working on this senario.

Thanks I was wondering about the same thing. I'll be moving to HI this spring and I may be one of a few there with a Viper and by the looks of it I maybe the only active member there.

Hiss Highness
11-06-2013, 07:27 PM
voai1? anyone, waiting

11-06-2013, 07:41 PM
The answer is yes, you can definitely join even if your region doesn't. This was one of the reasons we wanted to focus on complete regions coming over as a group. It prevents interruption to members and keeps people together. So far the vast majority of regions are coming aboard so it's not a big issue for most. The answer Randall referenced is due with regard to those who we're waiting final results on as they need to finish their processes.

In the end, yes you can join and you can also pick any region you want if for some reason yours is not available. We're two weeks from golive, this is the issue we're awaiting the final regions to complete so that all regions have that clarity. Should be done for everyone by the time the 18th opening happens.

11-06-2013, 09:13 PM
The answer is yes, you can definitely join even if your region doesn't. This was one of the reasons we wanted to focus on complete regions coming over as a group. It prevents interruption to members and keeps people together. So far the vast majority of regions are coming aboard so it's not a big issue for most. The answer Randall referenced is due with regard to those who we're waiting final results on as they need to finish their processes.

In the end, yes you can join and you can also pick any region you want if for some reason yours is not available. We're two weeks from golive, this is the issue we're awaiting the final regions to complete so that all regions have that clarity. Should be done for everyone by the time the 18th opening happens.

Thats what I was gonna say! ;)

11-07-2013, 08:52 AM
Thanks for feedback....i am talking with our region president today...

11-07-2013, 09:53 AM
We started a new one from scratch. we now feel we have a real identity.

the VOA has been extremely helpful and supportive.


Bill Pemberton
11-07-2013, 10:23 AM
Echo that sentiment, VOA has been very, very supportive and as busy as the new Board and Volunteers are , they got information to us at the speed of light - thanks!!

11-07-2013, 12:27 PM
We are working on this senario.

Are you also considering "remote" or "internet only" memberships as part of this? For those members that are not close to a region or choose to not participate in a region, will a portion of the dues still be assigned to a region. I took exception to the fact that nearly 50% of my dues in the VCA went to regions that I saw little benefit from. Not saying that they weren't great regions that did a lot for those members that could/did participate, just saying there are some that would not participate at the local level for a variety of reasons whether it be distance, work conflicts, personal choice, etc.

11-07-2013, 01:14 PM
Spent time discussing that (much like associate membership). It's a tough situation to create a specific internet only level as there will undoubtedly be people who may want to come to an event locally. It would create some logistical issues. A lot to say here, but in the end the group figured that $50 won't make too big a difference for viper owners, and creating an a-la-cart menu too diverse could pose problems. The overhead needs to be shared by all as we're a small club and if we strip away pieces, it affects everyone.

11-07-2013, 01:53 PM
Alex - I think the solution is very simple. A non-full regional member that wants to come to a local event pays a $50 upcharge. This would certainly encourage owners to join a region as only one event would make up the difference. I disagree that the overhead for a local region should be subsidized by a member that will not participate at that level.

11-07-2013, 03:59 PM
I get your point, but if everyone pick and chose specific things they wanted in membership, than many of the needs of the regions would be starved. The regional clubs create a lot of the visibility for the car and the brand. We need to do what we can to support them. I totally agree with how and why you feel that way, just don't have a better solution for such a small club. Your criticism is a valid one, but what you're proposing causes other issues.

As someone who administers local club events, I'll also say that it's also not as easy as it sounds to collect dues at each event. This means checking membership lists at every event to see membership level they have. To this day we catch people who (unknowingly) came to an event but didn't renew.

There are a lot of things that won't be perfect. We're a small club and need to operate as a consolidated unit if we want to accomplish more profound things. Some will get more benefit than others. I completely agree with you, but the effects of those changes also need to be factored in. The club is really a privilege, it's not setup in such a way that the entire impact is based solely on value. It's not perfect in that respect, but setting up smaller regions, stripping specific costs out based solely on value, etc... has other negative effects.