View Full Version : Cell Phone provider help

06-18-2014, 03:38 PM
I use sprint and have just had it with them. Service keeps bouncing from tower to tower, Network traffic just dies, Hot spot needs multiple reboots. If I go in a subway the phone goes into roaming and I get charged double for trying to call. Customer service is slow and forget about getting someone to help you online. So after trying for a few months, I asked how much to terminate the contract and go to another vendor. Don't think the chat session is with someone from the US, it isn't. And you get the same rote responses. The sad thing is I worked in Customer service, I know you are just saying a scripted BS line from a manual.

I am looking at a 400.00 termination fee for a phone and hotspot.

So while I wait for the prison term to end and my XM account to be going haywire from dropped connections, I would like to know what cell services works best. So far I have Verizon as a hands down winner but looking for other voices.

What do you use?

06-18-2014, 04:05 PM
I guess it depends on where you are at. I have Verizon. I got them by default as I was an Alltel customer untill Verizon bought them. I havent had any problems with them (verizon) and I would recommend them to someone who is looking for a different carrier.

06-18-2014, 04:07 PM
This seems to be a pretty good review of the major carriers:


Vital velocity
06-18-2014, 05:15 PM
Verizon is the way to go

Viper Girl
06-18-2014, 07:21 PM
Totally depends on the area.

I have ATT which works really good in my area... except inside my house. They sent me a microcell that give's me 5 bars. Verizon isn't any better inside my house.
Since I have an old unlimited data plan that I couldn't get again... I won't be leaving ATT anytime soon. LOL

06-19-2014, 01:18 PM

06-19-2014, 01:37 PM
Totally depends on the area.

Exactly ^.

In NYC, you're SOL without Verizon. They're generally more expensive, but you actually receive calls instead of a voice mail notice after the fact.

Check with folks in the area where you'll most need coverage.