View Full Version : Women's day was smokin'

06-08-2014, 02:43 PM
Our annual Women’s day couldn’t have been better! The day kicked off bright and early with a short meeting around 8 am. The sun was bright and it was gorgeous out! Anyone who felt uncomfortable was able to go out and get some instruction from some experienced guys who stepped up! A good 30 minutes was spent learning all of the ins and outs of driving a Viper.

Once everyone got the lay of the land the girls were split into groups of three. Each car rotated taking sessions at a mini autocross, a circle track, and a slalom. All the groups were able to go out twice to get plenty of practice honing their skills. After that everyone enjoyed some pizza while a few of the guys set out to really stump the girls. They took all the different areas we had been working on and blended them altogether in a great autocross course.

Again all the women were split into groups of 4-5 and set out to master the track. As the day went on cones were killed, tires squealed, and times improved. By the end of the day all the woman looked like pros and, more importantly, had a blast! There was even a special treat for the guys at the end of the day. The track was opened for about 20 minutes where anyone could go out and have a little fun in the sun. Of course, after a whole day of watching and helping the woman drive the men were anxious to burn some rubber! Tires were smoking (quite literally) and we closed out the day around 3 pm. A special thanks goes out to all the guys who stepped up to instruct and guide as well as the brave souls that gave up their toys for the day.


06-08-2014, 06:03 PM
great pics !

06-08-2014, 10:03 PM
great pics !

You are right. Must be a good photographer! :dude3:;)

06-09-2014, 02:54 PM
Rob, where is the pic/video of that tool doing donuts in the end? :)

06-09-2014, 11:12 PM
Rob, where is the pic/video of that tool doing donuts in the end? :)

I have some photos of it not sure if Gary got any video. 5000 miles off those tires...:smileys-car-driving