View Full Version : Lack of forum activity

05-13-2014, 01:30 PM
I was wondering are most of our Arizona members "lurkers" on here? Hanging back and checking things out but just not very vocal? It sometimes seems like the Arizona section is sorta the same 5 of us posting and commenting.

I hope people realize that the forum is THE BEST way to communicate effectively and efficiently amongst us as a group. Group emails are cumbersome and unwieldy. Aside from the possibility it can get missed amongst other emails, if one person replies it comes to all of us and continues bouncing around, filling up our inboxes and getting tough to keep track of exactly who is saying what to whom and they get off track, people say inside jokes and things that don't apply to everyone. It basically becomes more of a chore than most people want to deal with, leading to miscommunication and people missing large pieces of information.

I have talked to people (even people who hold positions in the club) about things I emailed and they will say "I must have missed that, I get so many emails about the club, etc, etc, etc." or other club members say they quit looking at the emails because they get so convoluted.

So I suppose the point of the post is to ask that the Arizona members let everyone know you are in here and checking and keeping up on things. Some of our longest and most respected members I have never seen on here once. And if you have friends in the club who are members but have no presence on here, encourage them to get on here. Lets make our section of the club one of the most active. I tried to give away something for free and got plenty of pm's about it, from Canada , the east coast, a bunch of places but nothing from Arizona. I wondered if anyone even saw it. C'mon and make some noise in here people. Lets not be a ghost town on the forums!


Fatboy 18
05-13-2014, 02:58 PM
Hello From England, I know exactly how you feel, Very few UK owners post on the forums :(

05-13-2014, 03:45 PM
You have to remember that the Viper club is generally an older mans game. And as is common with the old folk comes a general fear of things new and different such as computers and internet forums. Us young bucks have no problems using websites even when they are not particularly user friendly (which forums can sometimes be, but not so much this one). Maybe we can start offering internet basics tutoring during our next cruise/car show?

At any rate, i've often wondered the same thing. But i'm pretty sure that it's a problem with EVERY region. There is a percentage of people who frequent the boards and post regularly and the rest just lurk. And then there are members who never come here other than to pay their dues and re-up their memberships.

Is there a way to make this board more friendly to post on?(not saying there is any hostilities, just draw more people into posting), IDK

05-13-2014, 03:50 PM
if you guys have ideas, i can run them up the flagpole to see if we can make changes.

05-13-2014, 04:05 PM
Maybe a local member mailing and email noting the VOA website? Not sure what might be going on in the Arizona region.

05-13-2014, 06:13 PM
IDK....if an open discussion about caravaning to NVE doesn't even bring out all the NVE participants, i don't know what would draw out the club as a whole. I know WhiteSnake has made a point in emails, directing people here to speak up. I realize some people don't want to have anything to do with the planning process and don't mind going along with the crowd and that's fine...but it would be nice to have more people chime in.

05-13-2014, 08:59 PM
Do you want to announce that you won't be home on a public forum?

05-13-2014, 11:35 PM
Do you want to announce that you won't be home on a public forum?

Ah the joys of anonymous internet boards. We hide behind handles and only share the info we choose. Yes a good hacker could track an IP address, but hackers that good don't bother with B&Es.

05-14-2014, 10:33 AM
I've failed to even properly lurk lately. I even missed those covers you posted for sale, Jeff. We should do a Tucson mini-meet one of these days as I always seem to have something going on when there are meet-ups out of town.

05-14-2014, 12:24 PM
...Is there a way to make this board more friendly to post on?(not saying there is any hostilities, just draw more people into posting), IDK

if you guys have ideas, i can run them up the flagpole to see if we can make changes.

Pay out $1 for every post... this place will light up

05-14-2014, 04:25 PM
Whitesnake has been very proactive about encouraging people to use the forums more. I have to commend him for that. This forum, as Leadfoot touched on is beautifully constructed and run, making it an absolute breeze to use. So a big thank you to all who were involved at that aspect of it. To be clear, I don't at all mind local members being lurkers. I just want to know that they have eyes on the forum and are therefor aware of what is going on.

Leadfoot I hear what you say about the viper club members being older but I don't think that is necessarily the issue. Our older members are all intelligent, driven, and forward thinking people who have not shied away from technology. We are talking about people who may be still working or in their retirement, but quite successful. They have done well for themselves in life and it hasn't been from sticking to old school technologies and methods or refusing to learn new things. Also, all the people who run our website and post photos from our drives and such are not in their 20s, so I think even our more...ahem...experienced members seem pretty ok with the technology know-how required here. If you can check your email, you can certainly scan the forums to see if someone is going on a last minute or low key cruise and inviting others to join or asking local members for their opinions on mods, etc. I know we had a member or two whose only mode of communication was mail. Post office mail that is, not electronic. Though for them I think it was more of a lifestyle choice to be computer free, as they had no need for it. That is however, a very small minority.

I feel it is a holdover of bad habits from the VCA which are twofold. Firstly, there didnt used to be local sections of the forum. That was a later addition as I understand it. Thus forcing the club to use other methods. In our case it was email and yahoo groups. So when the VCA added local sections, our region already had a habit in its method of communication. Secondly, I joined the VCA years ago yet never posted. It seemed like in that club you were either a poster or you weren't. It didn't feel welcoming for new posters (I mean at the national level, our local club is very welcoming, but if you felt yourself a non-poster that carried over to the local section.) This club, possibly because it is fresh or other reasons and I am not totally sure why, feels much more welcoming to new posters. It seems no one catches heat for offering advice in their first post, as used to be the case.

Stryfe brings up exactly the reason I wish we were more active here. He suggested a mini-meet for those of us in Tucson, and of course anyone from Phoenix who wanted to attend, but I am assuming just something for us here in Tucson to have some fun and have a low key meet up (plus it's a way to save Goot an extra 2 hours but still get some time with his viper friends). That is the kind of thing that would make this club even better than it is. Of course we have our official events, but what if I posted that I was gonna take a trip out to Bisbee and Tombstone for a day with Emily, and whoever would like to can join and people who come from Phoenix can stay at my place overnight to make it not such a long day? At our next event I can be certain people will tell me they would have loved to go, they just didn't know. It doesn't have to be an official viper club event. Just if someone is doing something and they want to invite their Viper friends along.

And it doesn't have to be just cars. What if you joined a softball leave and have a spot or two open on your team and want to ask here if someone from the club would like to join? Our club is filled with vastly different people from all walks of life who are into a myriad of different things and might be looking to share some of that with others who are interested. For example, one of my goals in recovery is to be back skiing again by this winter. So in November I would post that I am planning a trip to telluride in January and does anyone want to go. Some people may want to go even if not to ski but just because they love telluride. Or perhaps some skier/snow boarders have never been to that town and want to go with someone who knows the mountain and the town, etc. I will post, see who is interested, and of course the specific dates can be handled via email or phone for those that are worried about security concerns...but I would like to know I am not just posting to ghosts. This forum is a great way to invite my Viper friends, I just don't know which ones are out there. Or perhaps you are changing your own oil for the first time and would like some help from someone more experienced. Our club is full of generous people who would love to help but if they aren't on the forum they will never know you needed help.

These are just a couple examples of what a powerful tool this forum is for bringing us together as a club. Please note, I am not advocating you need to be a slave to the forums or share your whole life with the Viper club. Just check once, maybe twice a week and you will be on top of what people are up to that you might be interested in. And of course, not every bit of your life is something that the club is entitled to, but we all have things we like to do or are good at and it is fun to share those with our friends.

Our club is great but I feel like we are only tapping a small bit of the possible fun that is out there for us, and the forum is a great tool for that. So, those in the club that don't want to post much, that is totally fine, but at least let us know you are looking so we know that a post on here isn't useless. And next time you talk to a club member on the phone, encourage them to start making a presence on the forums. For all the reasons I mentioned and if nothing else, it's just fun. Whitesnake, Leadfoot and I have had fun throwing friendly jabs at each other in our discussions which keeps it enjoyable. And hell, skip the national forums if you want and just read AZ. Nothing wrong with just wanting to keep up with your local region due to a busy schedule with work, kids, etc. and not wanting to spend hours in front of the computer. Hop on, see what Arizona is up to and call it a day.

I really hope everyone embraces this fantastic tool we have for staying connected and active as a group of people passionate about Vipers and friends.


05-14-2014, 08:38 PM
So perhaps we need to encourage our members to do activities outside of the official VOA and AZ club events, sort of informal, go with the flow type of events. I know we frequently have members not able to make events because of life. So from now on, when i'm planning on taking the car out to something in the area, i'll post my activities to the boards and see if people join in. Even if it's something simple like a few drinks at a decent bar or restaurant.

Or perhaps two members could collaborate on an event, I really do want to get down to Tuscon and have you show me around Vprbite, it's just a matter of finding the free weekend(things are calming down at work, so i will have free weekends more regularly). We should notify the boards when we do eventually plan that so others may join.

Hopefully members will begin to see the forum as the go to source for their random weekend outings or what have you. The more we can draw members to the boards to check for something to do on a given weekend, the more likely they are to post if just to say "hey, i'll come too". Eventually some of them will start posting their own outings and continue the cycle.

It's something Barry and the other club officers have tried very hard to encourage other members to put out ideas and organize. It's not very fair to expect them to organize EVERY interaction the Viper club does.

Here is a great website where people post car events from all over the state. It's a great resource to throw together impromptu Viper get-togethers.

Newport Viper
05-14-2014, 11:07 PM
So perhaps we need to encourage our members to do activities outside of the official VOA and AZ club events, sort of informal, go with the flow type of events.

We are big on informal meetings over at Cars & Coffee in Irvine out her in Kalifornia.

We are going to have a Brunch at Duke's in HB in August. Drive on over! www.socalvipers.com

05-15-2014, 02:26 PM
Yes Leadfoot that is exactly what I am talking about. We have our big, formal events, but think of all the fun to be had with little weekend cruises or whatever. And it is unfair to expect Barry to organize everything we do. I just want to know that I am not posting to ghosts. Where are some of our longest running members? Kim and Rich, Warren and Jeanette? That's just to name a few. Arizona...let us know you are out there so we know that it is worthwhile to post our informal stuff.


05-15-2014, 04:44 PM
Yes Leadfoot that is exactly what I am talking about. We have our big, formal events, but think of all the fun to be had with little weekend cruises or whatever. And it is unfair to expect Barry to organize everything we do. I just want to know that I am not posting to ghosts. Where are some of our longest running members? Kim and Rich, Warren and Jeanette? That's just to name a few. Arizona...let us know you are out there so we know that it is worthwhile to post our informal stuff.


Maybe for the first few weeks we're posting to ghosts, but i think that if there really are a few members here they'll chime in. Then it's just a matter of word of mouth.

05-15-2014, 10:25 PM
Vprbite and LF

I've been a member od this club for 16+ years. Been through various administrations, have set-up many events, etc. and have never been able to make everyone happy. So this old young guy is out of ideas. If you young bucks have some good ideas run of an office. I will support you in every way possible as I have in the past.

Vprbite-you have set-up some great events in the past. Set one up, give me the details, weather its a club event or not I'll get the info out there.

LF-Same goes for you. Still working on numbers for the track days that we discussed. There is a reason that there is 106,000 on my GTS and I like to drive my cars. As for NVE I have hotels to stay at for the first 2 nights but unsure if going to Chicago or Dayton have friends in both areas. I'm open for ideas. And yes there is a bar at every hotel I stop at. LOL :anonymous::dude3:

05-15-2014, 11:53 PM
Viperbite, LF and Maeham,
Glad to see you guys taking a strong interest in moving the club forward. We are all in this together and what we get out of it is only limited by the amount of energy we put into it. Maeham has said it very well. We have seen a very nice increase in participation over the past couple of years due to the efforts of a few dedicated members. Over the years we have tried to do a nice mix of events so that everyone has something to select from that piques their interest. During my tenure with the club you always see the same active members at most every event. This past year overnight events and dinners have shown a remarkable number of participants. I think one of the things the warm weather climate clubs enjoy is a double edge sword. Because we can drive our cars 365 and have an event(s) every month people know that if they miss an event this month there is always another one coming up. If you were in one of the northern clubs that goes into hibernation for 6 months then when good weather does come around everyone is chomping at the bit go get out in their Vipers. Not trying to make excuses, just trying to understand the dynamics of a diverse group of people. One of the things we all wrestle with is to get our members more active in the forum. While I do believe there are those who just visit and read the posts but don't actively post it is hard to know how big your audience is. I feel that the more we use this forum to communicate and talk it up with our members and direct them to the posts with attached links, overtime people will gravitate to the forum to see what is going on and eventually participate.

05-16-2014, 03:54 AM
Maeham, careful. You're mixing your thread topics! I've been working on trying to come up with something involving the local sports teams, some sort of tailgating event, but haven't made any progress due to work. And anything i can do to help set up track days ill make myself available. I want to build those connections with the locals that can make that stuff happen even if it means it's not a Viper exclusive event. As for our NVE plans, if i had to choose, I'd pick Chicago. I've always wanted a real deep dish pizza, but i really don't care one way or the other, I'm just excited to be going.

WhiteSnake, i hadn't thought about how the weather affects club attendance. Certainly if i were back in NY and owned my Viper, every time a club event was announced i would have had much greater sense of urgency to go knowing i had limited use of my car. But since i can drive the car year round if i chose, there is less urgency. Like i said before, i'm just going to start posting every time i take the car somewhere, if people want to join then great, if not i'm still out enjoying my wheels. I think it'll take some time, but if Vprbite and others start doing the same the forum WILL become more active. People will start to check to see who else might be going out this Saturday night and if nobody is, they'll start to post their activities.

05-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Leadfoot, I like the idea of just posting whenever someone is going to take a little ride or whatever. If anyone wants to join in ideally they should post here and maybe others will join in. .I thought about going to Cars and Coffee some Saturday morning but I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to make it over there by 7:00 am. I think you have been there before. How crowded is it a little later in the morning? Are there parking spots still available a little later? Might be able to get It'sQk to go. What your thoughts?

05-17-2014, 08:27 PM
Sounds like fun to me. Does this mean Leadfoot is buying the coffee since it was his idea:smileys-car-driving? Next few Saturdays I'm booked but after that it doesn't look too bad.

05-17-2014, 11:31 PM
Leadfoot, I like the idea of just posting whenever someone is going to take a little ride or whatever. If anyone wants to join in ideally they should post here and maybe others will join in. .I thought about going to Cars and Coffee some Saturday morning but I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to make it over there by 7:00 am. I think you have been there before. How crowded is it a little later in the morning? Are there parking spots still available a little later? Might be able to get It'sQk to go. What your thoughts?

It was raining that morning, but there were still two dozen cars there. People came and went over the course of the 90 minutes we were there. We would have stayed longer, but there wasn't much to see due to the weather. I don't see any reason you would have to be there at 7AM......You could come later, say 8:30.

There are other regular, monthly car shows that are not so early in the morning. Check out this website: http://www.arizonaautoscene.com Some are evening events and start as late as 5PM. For example, there is the 4th Friday show at Nicotoni's in Gilbert. Not exactly a short drive for you, but at 5PM in the evening, no need for an early rise either.

If you two manage to make it to a C&C, i'll buy the first caffeinated round

05-18-2014, 08:38 PM
We went to the CC at Gainey Ranch on the 3rd and it was packed. We got there around 7:45. It was probably due to the cool morning Temps which will be disappearing soon. We would be up for some impromptu cruises.

05-18-2014, 09:01 PM
i live about 15 miles north of prescott so i cruise alone; you who live down in the valley are welcome up here!!! i have seen only a few vipers up here and they are not club members? any of you down in the oven are always welcome here. have 2 extra rooms anytime you are in the area! its a simple trip to sedona or grand canyon from here--- prescott is a fun town to wander around; maeham would love whiskey row!! i don't host a lot but i can try!! the fun route from the valley is thru wickenburg up 89--- it is a beautiful way to this area. and don't forget its much cooler!!!

as for the forum, i agree we all could be more involved. i enjoy the postings almost daily and think i should reply but as you know most us old folks fall asleep thinking about what to say---

05-18-2014, 11:41 PM
i live about 15 miles north of prescott so i cruise alone; you who live down in the valley are welcome up here!!! i have seen only a few vipers up here and they are not club members? any of you down in the oven are always welcome here. have 2 extra rooms anytime you are in the area! its a simple trip to sedona or grand canyon from here--- prescott is a fun town to wander around; maeham would love whiskey row!! i don't host a lot but i can try!! the fun route from the valley is thru wickenburg up 89--- it is a beautiful way to this area. and don't forget its much cooler!!!

as for the forum, i agree we all could be more involved. i enjoy the postings almost daily and think i should reply but as you know most us old folks fall asleep thinking about what to say---

Not just Maeham would enjoy whiskey row! I have had a wonderful time there, at least that's what the police report says. I would love to come up for a quick 2 day of back road cruisin, maybe hit up Grand Canyon and then have some fun on whiskey row. I will PM you and maybe we can set something up. I love Prescott. It's a nice escape for being so close to Phoenix. Of course I gotta come from Tucson. That back road to Jerome is great. We did a drive through there and you see the the trucks pullin campers way beyond their towing capacity and you can just smell the brakes as they beg for mercy. It would be nice to set up an informal Grand Canyon cruise.

06-22-2014, 11:40 PM
I dont know about all of you but im ready to get out of the heat.

06-24-2014, 03:01 PM
I did Habitat for Humanity the other day and doing the inside of a roof in this weather is brutal, haha.

07-27-2014, 07:26 PM
I went out to Marana Regional Airport just north of Tucson this morning and watched some Arizona Border Region SCCA racing. I have a bum ankle at the moment so I was on the sidelines but I met Fred and Alex and saw them tearing it up in their '09 ACR and Lotus Elise. I think they had FTD with their Lotus but I'll have to wait on the results. My buddy had his stock '03 Miata out there and I think a couple of guys from work are going to bring their Miatas out as well. I hope to get out there in a month or two when my ankle and car are both healthy at the same time. I did "cheat" a little and drove my Viper out there as it isn't too hard on my ankle once I am on the highway.

08-24-2014, 07:10 PM
May I suggest a "Fall Cruise"? The high country here soon will have the fall leaves changing colors in the Flag/Prescott/Sedona areas. It might be fun to do a fun run up there.... Just an idea.

08-25-2014, 12:02 AM
We have a fall cruise to Sedona scheduled for Oct. 18. And a Nov 15 cruise to Old Tucson that Vprbite has put together. Then we have our Holiday Party scheduled for Friday Dec 5. Watch the forum and the club web site for general information. There will also be direct e-mail details sent out to the members as we get closer to the events. If you have any questions let me know.

08-25-2014, 10:23 PM
Yes VPRBITE is putting together a cruise. Everything is penciled now but I need to talk to the people above my pay grade to lock some things in. So Barry, give me a call when you get a minute so I can ask you a few questions and nail down the specifics. I am looking forward to it. It will be a great event!

08-27-2014, 07:06 PM
Yes VPRBITE is putting together a cruise. Everything is penciled now but I need to talk to the people above my pay grade to lock some things in. So Barry, give me a call when you get a minute so I can ask you a few questions and nail down the specifics. I am looking forward to it. It will be a great event!


09-14-2014, 10:45 AM
Ok, we're here now. It's not the 'Old' syndrome, or lack of computer skills that has kept us away - just that we spend waaaay too much time on the computer as it is. The sun is shining, and there is a golf course out there calling my name! I will however, try to come visit more often.

Yes Leadfoot that is exactly what I am talking about. We have our big, formal events, but think of all the fun to be had with little weekend cruises or whatever. And it is unfair to expect Barry to organize everything we do. I just want to know that I am not posting to ghosts. Where are some of our longest running members? Kim and Rich, Warren and Jeanette? That's just to name a few. Arizona...let us know you are out there so we know that it is worthwhile to post our informal stuff.


09-14-2014, 10:37 PM
Ok, we're here now. It's not the 'Old' syndrome, or lack of computer skills that has kept us away - just that we spend waaaay too much time on the computer as it is. The sun is shining, and there is a golf course out there calling my name! I will however, try to come visit more often.

Hey, i know that Gen V.....what's up Rich!

09-15-2014, 12:04 AM
Awesome. Welcome. Good to have you here. Seems like the forum has become pretty active since I originally posted this. I really like how our club is going.

09-15-2014, 02:21 AM
Don't let AZSN8K fool you. He thinks he plays golf. :)

09-15-2014, 10:00 AM
What can I say, WhiteSnake - I can't Line Dance like some of you!! :dude3:

09-15-2014, 10:40 AM
What can I say, WhiteSnake - I can't Line Dance like some of you!! :dude3:

Line dancing....now there's a club a even I'm guaranteed to skip....

And VprBite, AZSN8K aka Rich isn't a new member. He's an existing member, with a new car!

09-15-2014, 09:16 PM
I know who Rich is. I meant welcome as in welcome to the forums, as his presence here had been sparse at first. He was president of the club before you moved out here. He heard you were coming and stepped down.

09-16-2014, 01:30 AM
Line dancing....now there's a club a even I'm guaranteed to skip....

And VprBite, AZSN8K aka Rich isn't a new member. He's an existing member, with a new car!

Sharon and Mike are line dance instructors and can make even you lunkheads dance like a butterfly! :) We have looked as having a line dance instruction event at one point. Might have to reconsider it now that we have few unattached young'ns in the club. Lots of ladies like to line dance and there are some really busy venues in Phx.
By the way AZSN8K isn't and "existing" member. He is an "OLD" member! :)

09-16-2014, 09:31 AM
VprBite - Coulda fooled me!!!

WhiteSnake - i was very careful in selecting the word "existing" member over any other adjective!!!! "old" doesn't really narrow the field any. Oh and the kind of lady i'm looking for doesn't line dance either, so we're all good.

09-16-2014, 02:18 PM
No Leadfoot, the kind of lady you are looking for probably doesn't line dance. But the blind are capable of a lot so maybe she does line dance. You don't know.

09-16-2014, 11:44 PM
Ok, just for clarification - I may be an old member, but I'm very happy to be an 'existing' one!
If Buck B. can do it, I can! Bet he doesn't line dance either.
And really, Barry, you want an 'old' Vietnam fighter pilot to line dance??

09-17-2014, 12:31 AM
Ok, just for clarification - I may be an old member, but I'm very happy to be an 'existing' one!
If Buck B. can do it, I can! Bet he doesn't line dance either.
And really, Barry, you want an 'old' Vietnam fighter pilot to line dance??

Ya, we're glad you are still "existing" too. But you are still old! I guess fighter pilots must loose their mojo with time. Real men are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. Line Dancing would improve our golf game with balance, focus and finesse.

09-17-2014, 12:38 AM
Oh and the kind of lady i'm looking for doesn't line dance either, so we're all good.[/QUOTE]

LF. I don't know what we are going to do with you. We are trying to find you a "lady" that you know her name and can take home to your family.

09-17-2014, 12:57 AM
Did somebody say something about fighter jet piloting lessons? I'd be down for that. It would be nice to do a buck twenty more than six inches off the ground. ;) When is that Viper Club meet up?

09-17-2014, 01:29 AM
LF, There are a few of us who would love to be able to fly. However, I am only aware of of AZSN8K being the real deal in the club. He flew F-4's in Viet Nam. We are fortunate to have him in our club. Are you aware the "Viper" is also the nickname for the F-16?

09-18-2014, 11:04 AM
L.F; you would be best to stroller down to walmart, buy Microsoft Flight "Gold Edition" and a joystick--- do not believe you could handle a "flying brick"; got to have old school skill sets--- AZSN8KE rates A+, saw him and his buddies working out often while i was there, awesome pilots!!!! oh yeah, i got a flight simulator here at home and can fly all kinds of aircraft; just need good computer and you can fly!!!

09-18-2014, 07:44 PM
Did somebody say something about fighter jet piloting lessons? I'd be down for that. It would be nice to do a buck twenty more than six inches off the ground. ;) When is that Viper Club meet up?

Here ya go Leadfoot. 1,300.00 per person. Not too bad, really.


09-19-2014, 02:38 AM
Here ya go Leadfoot. 1,300.00 per person. Not too bad, really.


Although it sounds very much like an ariel version of Bondurant from their sales pitch, it's probably as close as any of us will ever get to Rich's flight experience(aka barely off the ground). And the price is not completely unreasonable....

09-19-2014, 03:32 AM
I think for what you are getting, the price point is fair. There is no way I can get any closer to the experience any cheaper. As you said, Rich is the real deal but the rest of us can have fun pretending. You can watch some videos online. I think it looks pretty fun. Plus we have to go to one of their airports to do it but it seems California or Texas is closest so...Viper road trip!

09-19-2014, 08:49 AM
I dont know about all of you but im ready to get out of the heat.

Then come to Des Moines!!!! I wanted to let you know that The VOA Midwest Region is going to have a
get together in Des Moines on Saturday and Sunday October 11 & 12th. We
would like to invite your and your club to join us for a last fall hurrah.
Lunch will be free on saturday to all attendees and I am having shirts made
as well so a headcount would be awesome. Please let everyone in your club
know about this event. If you look at the MIDWEST REGION forums under
Redline crossroads you should find information on the event. There will be
awesome restaurants and food, a nice cruise, and some shopping in the
antique district for the ladies. Something for everyone. So far we have
about 20 cars or so and can always welcome more of our Viper brethren. Some
people are even coming out friday evening. Please feel free to contact me
at 515-249-1793. I'm local in Des Moines so I'm handling most of the
planning for the event. Please get back to me either way so I have an idea
of the final event size.

Mark Hawks
VOA Minnesota Region
Des Moines native
96 RT/10

09-20-2014, 04:26 PM
Then come to Des Moines!!!! I wanted to let you know that The VOA Midwest Region is going to have a
get together in Des Moines on Saturday and Sunday October 11 & 12th. We
would like to invite your and your club to join us for a last fall hurrah.
Lunch will be free on saturday to all attendees and I am having shirts made
as well so a headcount would be awesome. Please let everyone in your club
know about this event. If you look at the MIDWEST REGION forums under
Redline crossroads you should find information on the event. There will be
awesome restaurants and food, a nice cruise, and some shopping in the
antique district for the ladies. Something for everyone. So far we have
about 20 cars or so and can always welcome more of our Viper brethren. Some
people are even coming out friday evening. Please feel free to contact me
at 515-249-1793. I'm local in Des Moines so I'm handling most of the
planning for the event. Please get back to me either way so I have an idea
of the final event size.

Mark Hawks
VOA Minnesota Region
Des Moines native
96 RT/10

Phun70, Did you mean to post you inviation in the Arizona Forum?