View Full Version : First Event of the year!

04-24-2014, 09:48 PM
Despite our long winter this year, we managed to get over 20 Vipers out tonight and over 40 members for a wing and pizza night. Thankfully the weather co-operated. A good night to renew acqaintances and unfortunately I did not get to meet some of our new members, most of them seemed quite a bit younger than myself. :confused:
Wow we had 5 new vipers out. 3 were T/A's, even more amazing there were 2 orange, at least amazing to me.http://driveviper.com/forums/images/styles/Modern/attach/jpg.gif
This was the only pic I took (it included my car:o )
A good turnout looking forward to the rest of the season especially Detroit in July We discussed caravanning down, so still lots of time to organize that. Next event is a track day May 25th!

04-24-2014, 10:46 PM
Definitely a great turnout.. Lots of great friends and food.

I'd like to thank Garret first off for putting this event together and of course our Pres. John for all he does to makes these events possible.

The time you spend exchanging thoughts and stories with other fellow Viper owners is unmatched.

People who love this car are a special breed and those special people seem to think alike which makes conversation very easy and entertaining.

Thanks to everyone who made the time to come out and make such events pleasurable as without us, the members, being active, these sorts of night would never be.

Long live the Ontario Viper Club. Over 100 members strong and counting.

04-25-2014, 07:30 AM
It's nice to see a good turnout. I'm sure we are going to have a good summer, just hope Mother Nature can stop being a beeatch, and get temps going in the right direction!!

Bruce H.
04-26-2014, 07:03 AM
It was great to come out for the first time and meet some enthusiastic local members, and thanks to those that made it possible. My son enjoyed his first time behind the wheel, which was actually the car's first outing after taking delivery the day before. Great opportunity to see a terrific collection of gorgeous Vipers...I wish we had more time to study them and talk with their owners. We'll look forward to meeting and chatting with more of you in the future, and my wife and I hope to enjoy all things Viper in Detroit this July.

If anyone has more photos they could post that would be fantastic. In all the excitement I forgot to take a few!


04-26-2014, 09:34 AM
It's nice to see a good turnout. I'm sure we are going to have a good summer, just hope Mother Nature can stop being a beeatch, and get temps going in the right direction!!

Hey , I thought it was a nice turnout and could not put my finger on it why.

now I got it....john was not there and messed up the well aligned and configured color combos with his whiteout Black car he call grey. Plus, I'll bet you were coming but, by the time your slow a#s car got you there we were already gone.:t89186:

It was great to come out for the first time and meet some enthusiastic local members, and thanks to those that made it possible. My son enjoyed his first time behind the wheel, which was actually the car's first outing after taking delivery the day before. Great opportunity to see a terrific collection of gorgeous Vipers...I wish we had more time to study them and talk with their owners. We'll look forward to meeting and chatting with more of you in the future, and my wife and I hope to enjoy all things Viper in Detroit this July.

If anyone has more photos they could post that would be fantastic. In all the excitement I forgot to take a few!


Nice to have met you and your son at the first outing. I agree its not enough time to meet and chatt with everyone and really learn and grab all you can from one get together. That is why coming out to many events makes it that much better. you get to meet different individuals with different insights and information.

I have to say the Black TA does look a tad better than the orange IMO. It gives out a meaner and lower stance and puts a very muscular look to it. Owning the only one in Canada does not hurt either.

Greta talking with you Bruce and looking forward to sharing our common interest (Viper) in the future events.

In the meantime, enjoy, show-off and burn those streets up , up there in Sturgeon Falls area.

Bruce H.
04-27-2014, 07:17 AM
Thanks, Phil, and nice chatting with you too. I restrict the aggressive stuff to the track, and will be sure to share those adventures starting with my first date at Mosport on Wednesday...camera being installed today hopefully! I'm actually on Sturgeon Lake, just west of Bobcaygeon. No world class road courses near Sturgeon Falls;)


04-27-2014, 08:22 AM
Thanks, Phil, and nice chatting with you too. I restrict the aggressive stuff to the track, and will be sure to share those adventures starting with my first date at Mosport on Wednesday...camera being installed today hopefully! I'm actually on Sturgeon Lake, just west of Bobcaygeon. No world class road courses near Sturgeon Falls;)


Its Tommy Bruce....lol

Would love to come out to the track with you one day and get some pointers if your willing.

By the way,,,I have been looking at acquiring a camera but have not been able to pin point one that is great in the night as well.

Any advice?

04-27-2014, 09:43 AM
Nice turn out. 20+ viper and 5 new ones is great. We are still waiting for dryer weather here in Oregon.

04-27-2014, 03:13 PM
Nice turn out. 20+ viper and 5 new ones is great. We are still waiting for dryer weather here in Oregon.

If I remember correctly (I was not at that event), last years end of season turnout at the same restaurant we had almost 40 cars show up. Having 2 orange and the only black TA in Canada show up at our season opener definitely says something about our commitment and support for the Ontario Club. There would have been 3 orange TA's there but the one got caught up with work and never showed.

A proud moment to be a Viper owner/member.

Oh and congrats to you and the new SSG ACR....I bet your itching to get in and tear up the streets !!

Bruce H.
04-28-2014, 04:38 AM
Oops, my apologies, Tommy!

04-28-2014, 07:39 AM
Oops, my apologies, Tommy!

I think a beer is at stake there Bruce....bottled not draught.: very_drunk:

what do you suggest as a good car camera that is good in the night as well. Looking at getting one soon. Done some research and there was a thread here a while back but I still can't seem to decide on a good all round well priced camera.

05-04-2014, 01:30 PM
Yes, thank you Garrett and John for a terrific get together. Was so nice seeing everyone and meeting new Viper friends. Hopefully mother nature will be kind to us for our upcoming AGM on May 17th so we can finally get the cars out and show them off.