View Full Version : 1996 gts

04-24-2014, 07:49 AM
Yesterday i received a phone call from local Nissan Dealer. He has someone
that is looking for a 96GTS. I have 8K on the odometer, original owner.
should i take the 50K he offered, (knowing he is going to flip). should i take it ?

04-24-2014, 08:08 AM
Nope. Try putting it on Craigslist or autotrader first. Odds are his buyer would find you. Unless you are cool with taking 50k for the car. I just think you would be leaving money on the table.

04-24-2014, 08:11 AM
or trying to be greedy will hose you, and you will miss the painless easy sale and next time you get a chance the car will bring less... lol--- happens all the time, greed will get you nowhere

04-24-2014, 08:13 AM
What's with all these, "got offered $x for my x car, should I take it?" posts?

04-24-2014, 08:16 AM
$50k is a pretty solid offer. If you don't want the car and want the money, then take the easy cash. Simple as that.

04-24-2014, 08:17 AM
What's with all these, "got offered $x for my x car, should I take it?" posts?


04-24-2014, 08:42 AM
50k's good money for that car.

04-24-2014, 09:40 AM
I'd take an easy 50k if you are ready to part with the car

Bugman Jeff
04-24-2014, 10:31 AM
Unless it's got a lot of sentimental value to you, I'd take it. $50K isn't far from the top of the stock Gen II value chart. I see them listed higher, but they don't really move at that price. If you decide later that you miss having a Viper, Gen IIs are easy to find in the $40K range.

04-24-2014, 01:22 PM
$50K is a damn good offer. You might squeeze another 1-2K, but you wouldn't see that return at Barret Jackson or on ebay.

04-24-2014, 01:46 PM
Take the $50K and run.

04-24-2014, 02:29 PM
50k's good money for that car.


04-24-2014, 04:21 PM
Yesterday i received a phone call from local Nissan Dealer. He has someone
that is looking for a 96GTS. I have 8K on the odometer, original owner.
should i take the 50K he offered, (knowing he is going to flip). should i take it ?

If I were you I would sell!!! But after looking at the miles on yours and being 18 years old it looks like you hardly drive it anyway...So unless your hanging on to it for an investment get rid of it and get one you won't mind driving..,.

JonB ~ PartsRack
04-24-2014, 04:42 PM
Take the 50K on the 96 GTS and sell ME the 08-HC for $70K. See my avatar: I need a SPARE

04-24-2014, 07:47 PM
Haven't you been trying to sell this car off and on for years? Let it go already.

04-24-2014, 08:21 PM
$50k and painless sale = no brainer

Sybil TF
04-24-2014, 08:57 PM
Yesterday i received a phone call from local Nissan Dealer. He has someone
that is looking for a 96GTS. I have 8K on the odometer, original owner.
should i take the 50K he offered, (knowing he is going to flip). should i take it ? If you need the money then yes. if not it will be worth more if you don't run the miles up. If a dealer is wanting it that should be a hint it is worth more.

04-24-2014, 09:06 PM
Three threads with the same story of cash offers on your cars...right:lame:

04-24-2014, 09:28 PM
Three threads with the same story of cash offers on your cars...right:lame:
Bingo=B.S.detector just went off.

04-24-2014, 09:51 PM
I would not take 50 for a 96 GTS B/W with only 8K miles on the car. Its worth a lot more than that and everyone here knows it. What someone is willing to pay is not the answer here as everyone here would always want to pay less than something is always worth. Its the nature of the beast. We have all been there done that.

The dealer will always offer you way less than it is worth especially when he is taking yours for a low amount and tacking on a profit to the next fish. He is double dipping here on profit between the two of you. Its the way of that beast.

If you need to sell it and want to get rid of it, then that is a different story. Whether it be a 50K offer or a 40 K offer, its what your needing to take and not what your wanting to take. In this case it makes no difference.

I personally would never let a 96 GTS b/W go for that money. It is worth well into the high 50's with those miles on it.

04-25-2014, 09:01 AM
I would not take 50 for a 96 GTS B/W with only 8K miles on the car. Its worth a lot more than that and everyone here knows it. What someone is willing to pay is not the answer here as everyone here would always want to pay less than something is always worth. Its the nature of the beast. We have all been there done that.

The dealer will always offer you way less than it is worth especially when he is taking yours for a low amount and tacking on a profit to the next fish. He is double dipping here on profit between the two of you. Its the way of that beast.

If you need to sell it and want to get rid of it, then that is a different story. Whether it be a 50K offer or a 40 K offer, its what your needing to take and not what your wanting to take. In this case it makes no difference.

I personally would never let a 96 GTS b/W go for that money. It is worth well into the high 50's with those miles on it.

I'll bet there are at least 20-25 96 GTS cars out there put away with less than 500 miles. The thing about mileage for a collector car is that there are two categories: Low mileage and Ultra-low mileage. What's the difference between a 8K car and a 13K or 18K car? They all get lumped together as low mileage cars. You would have to hold an 8000 mile car for a very long time to realize any real appreciation on a 50 K purchase.
Take the money; put it in a safe investment, and buy one of the Ultra-low cars when the start dragging them out.

04-25-2014, 07:24 PM
I'll bet there are at least 20-25 96 GTS cars out there put away with less than 500 miles. The thing about mileage for a collector car is that there are two categories: Low mileage and Ultra-low mileage. What's the difference between a 8K car and a 13K or 18K car? They all get lumped together as low mileage cars. You would have to hold an 8000 mile car for a very long time to realize any real appreciation on a 50 K purchase.
Take the money; put it in a safe investment, and buy one of the Ultra-low cars when the start dragging them out.

Yes your right, there probably are a hand full and more with under 500 miles but, if you want one those, you would have to wait until one comes up for sale. Which there is one, and only one for in Ontario Canada with @700 miles on it and 69,900 CND which is around 63000 US plus shipping and so on if he or anyone in the US (big Market) wanted one.

Supply and demand is what plays the major role here. You want one now, you pay for it.

Buy an 8K nile GTS for mid to high 50's s a good deal in my eyes. Paying or selling a 96 B/W in clean original condition for under 50 and your giving it away. If that is your only option then, so be it, but, if a dealer is offering me 50K, it must tell you something. Its worth more.

04-25-2014, 08:49 PM
I resell exotics as a side business, if I could get more than $50K for your car, it wouldn't be very much more, and it would be a pain in the butt and take months and months and months and months. Let me put it to you this way: There is no way that I would ever pay $50K for your car on the front end, because of how hard it would be to make anything on it after that. Especially because you're not a dealer, and do not have the capability to facilitate or locate financing for the customer on your own that is often so essential for unloading an old high-price vehicle in this economy, you likely won't be able to get the $55-56K that's the absolute ceiling for your car. If you want to offload it, it's a very fair deal. I would echo the people saying to take it.

04-25-2014, 09:14 PM
I resell exotics as a side business, if I could get more than $50K for your car, it wouldn't be very much more, and it would be a pain in the butt and take months and months and months and months. Let me put it to you this way: There is no way that I would ever pay $50K for your car on the front end, because of how hard it would be to make anything on it after that. Especially because you're not a dealer, and do not have the capability to facilitate or locate financing for the customer on your own that is often so essential for unloading an old high-price vehicle in this economy, you likely won't be able to get the $55-56K that's the absolute ceiling for your car. If you want to offload it, it's a very fair deal. I would echo the people saying to take it.

I understand your "DEALER" logic. Buy low and sell high. of course. But, I am giving this person advice that, why would you give your car to a dealer who for one, wants your car, you don't want one of theirs , its them wanting yours. They have the buyer. If that is the case. get them to call me and I'll deal with them personally and give you a finders fee. But, no, that is not what a dealer would do I agree. Why would they do that when they would not be making top dollar. Well, lets see, its my car, I invested the money into it and you want it. Why should the dealer make the money and not the owner who invested into the car. Get a finders fee and call it a day. I can see if the dealer bought the car and sat on it for months and months as you say but, in this case, its a simple in and out. This 96 GTS the OP has with the 8K miles on it is worth more than 50 period. You know that and most will agree. How much more?...not much more...I would say maybe 5 -8 grand more. But hey....that's 5-8 grand !!..that is not chump change. Why should the dealer make that money. What did they do other than someone walking through the door and asking to find one. Dealers have them on their lots for high 50's with more miles and he should give it up for way less?...Not. I see 97's going for mid to high 50's with more miles. Common, if a spade is a spade...then call it that.
I say the owner puts it up for sale in the local paper or internet and let that buyer come to him and deal directly. This thread is about what is best for the OP. Not the dealer and how they they work. We all know how they work. All for one and one for one. not for all. The OP was not looking at selling it, he was asked if he would like to. You come to me and you pay. I come to you and I pay.

04-25-2014, 10:33 PM
I wasn't giving him "dealer logic." I don't have any interest in his car, nor do I have any reason to either under or over value it. I was telling him, owner to owner, that 50K for his car is certainly not him robbing the dealer blind (he might get $52-55K, at the absolute max), but the opposite isn't the case either, so if he wants to be rid of it, he could hold his head up after selling it for that. I understand the market for these cars in the USA very well; it's not the same as it is in Canada, you pay much more for the same year and condition Viper up there, but especially if he's anywhere in the South (and very especially in Texas), or in California, that price is very fair for his car. It's not going to fetch $58K or anything like that in those places. Definitely, this statement:

This 96 GTS the OP has with the 8K miles on it is worth more than 50 period. You know that and most will agree.

Is off-base as far as the USA is concerned, and if you look at this thread, you'll see that roughly 66% of respondents disagree with you as well. Maybe it's different in Canada. OP's car isn't worth much more than $50K here, and might be worth less, depending on location, season and other factors. I know everyone loves to imagine that the car in their garage is god's Gift to motoring, but the reality is that just because you don't "need" to sell your B&W for less than $60K (and again, that price might be low for Canada, I have absolutely no idea about the market in your country) doesn't mean there aren't five other people with the same car in the same condition willing to sell it for $48K here in the USA.

04-25-2014, 11:09 PM
I wasn't giving him "dealer logic." I don't have any interest in his car, nor do I have any reason to either under or over value it. I was telling him, owner to owner, that 50K for his car is certainly not him robbing the dealer blind (he might get $52-55K, at the absolute max), but the opposite isn't the case either, so if he wants to be rid of it, he could hold his head up after selling it for that. I understand the market for these cars in the USA very well; it's not the same as it is in Canada, you pay much more for the same year and condition Viper up there, but especially if he's anywhere in the South (and very especially in Texas), or in California, that price is very fair for his car. It's not going to fetch $58K or anything like that in those places. Definitely, this statement:

Is off-base as far as the USA is concerned, and if you look at this thread, you'll see that roughly 66% of respondents disagree with you as well. Maybe it's different in Canada. OP's car isn't worth much more than $50K here, and might be worth less, depending on location, season and other factors. I know everyone loves to imagine that the car in their garage is god's Gift to motoring, but the reality is that just because you don't "need" to sell your B&W for less than $60K (and again, that price might be low for Canada, I have absolutely no idea about the market in your country) doesn't mean there aren't five other people with the same car in the same condition willing to sell it for $48K here in the USA.

Like I said in my statement. I understand your dealer logic. Ebay has a few 97 GTS's with more miles on them and asking in the mid to high 50's. US cars. I realize they are not sold but , that does not mean that you continue to lower your car until its sold. if that were the case, I have seen lambos sitting on lots for 2 years. Asking 200K the first year, I did not see them go down to 100K for it when I walked in a year later.

Anyway, back on topic. 50K for a clean under 10K mile B/W is too low for my standards. Whether here in Canada or there in the US. If your losing your shirt and need the money to feed the kids, then of course, sell it for anything you can get. But that does not make the market value or proper perspective in regards to fair price.
Those 66% that disagree with me would want market value when they sell as well. Of course they disagree when its not their money. I see you have a 2001 ACR...would you take 40K for that ? that si what its worth. But, no you wouldn't. yes you would if you were desperate, but, the OP is not the desperate one here. Its the dealer.

Sybil TF
04-26-2014, 06:49 AM
I resell exotics as a side business, if I could get more than $50K for your car, it wouldn't be very much more, and it would be a pain in the butt and take months and months and months and months. Let me put it to you this way: There is no way that I would ever pay $50K for your car on the front end, because of how hard it would be to make anything on it after that. Especially because you're not a dealer, and do not have the capability to facilitate or locate financing for the customer on your own that is often so essential for unloading an old high-price vehicle in this economy, you likely won't be able to get the $55-56K that's the absolute ceiling for your car. If you want to offload it, it's a very fair deal. I would echo the people saying to take it.

It's spring time and people want sports cars. And he said the dealer has a buyer sooooo, Dealer knows where his profit margin is and knows where to get one for a quick sale.Once a Dealer had one of my trades sold before I left the lot on my new purchase.

04-26-2014, 08:30 AM
Well my two cents it is just starting to be warm out and the car season is just starting so if I were looking to sell mine (not) I would advertise it in several venues and hold out for what makes me feel good. If it sold for what I wanted I would never look back and thought I messed up.


04-26-2014, 08:48 AM
Frank, You have had many of your cars for sale over the years.

I don't know what motivates you to sell or not sell but $50k isn't bad in the current market.

04-26-2014, 11:06 AM
Dealer knows where his profit margin is and knows where to get one for a quick sale.Once a Dealer had one of my trades sold before I left the lot on my new purchase.

Yeah, obviously. I mean, there's no way you'd offer that much for OP's car if you didn't have a slam-dunk buyer lined up, dealers usually like to offer you a pittance for your trade to ensure so that they're guaranteed to make money.

Ebay has a few 97 GTS's with more miles on them and asking in the mid to high 50's.


This is what really matters. The completed listings-the best indication online for those who do not have data from a large dealer network (like you and me) about what price the market will bear. Those listings in Red? They didn't sell, and if they have two prices listed, the high price and the low price, the low is what the bidding got to before the auction ended. That 96 GTS that has almost the same number of miles as OP's has been for sale for 13 months, it's about an hour from my house. Started at 66,000. Still for sale at 57, no signs of moving. Still taking up floor space. So what we have here is that no car like OP's has sold in the price range that you mention in the last six months, but one with 18,000 miles on it did sell... for $32,000. Now, OP's is worth much more than that, obviously, as that one had some chin scratches and aftermarket wheels and double the miles, but somewhere in the high 40's is probably in the right ballpark.

Anyway, I don't really care. Your car is worth whatever you imagine it's worth, charge whatever you want on resale and see what you can get. I hope OP can get 60, I hope you can too. I just don't know why you think other owners would try so hard to steer this guy wrong, there's no motive. People are right, it is getting warm. next month around the 15th is the best time to list a sports car in the USA. Try it, do the best you can.

Darth Menace
04-26-2014, 12:23 PM
Looking at Title's link, it is cool to see what amazing cars you can get for the price. I'd sell it for $50k personally.

04-26-2014, 02:50 PM
Yeah, obviously. I mean, there's no way you'd offer that much for OP's car if you didn't have a slam-dunk buyer lined up, dealers usually like to offer you a pittance for your trade to ensure so that they're guaranteed to make money.


This is what really matters. The completed listings-the best indication online for those who do not have data from a large dealer network (like you and me) about what price the market will bear. Those listings in Red? They didn't sell, and if they have two prices listed, the high price and the low price, the low is what the bidding got to before the auction ended. That 96 GTS that has almost the same number of miles as OP's has been for sale for 13 months, it's about an hour from my house. Started at 66,000. Still for sale at 57, no signs of moving. Still taking up floor space. So what we have here is that no car like OP's has sold in the price range that you mention in the last six months, but one with 18,000 miles on it did sell... for $32,000. Now, OP's is worth much more than that, obviously, as that one had some chin scratches and aftermarket wheels and double the miles, but somewhere in the high 40's is probably in the right ballpark.

Anyway, I don't really care. Your car is worth whatever you imagine it's worth, charge whatever you want on resale and see what you can get. I hope OP can get 60, I hope you can too. I just don't know why you think other owners would try so hard to steer this guy wrong, there's no motive. People are right, it is getting warm. next month around the 15th is the best time to list a sports car in the USA. Try it, do the best you can.

Thinking and reverting just like a dealer does. I see that in you.

First off, its nice that you picked out all the ones that suit your argument. I like that. Very smart of you. secondly, 90% of what you showed us as no sale cars are RT-10's which unfortunately are not the cats a3s right now when it comes to demand Vipers (sorry for offending anyone with one b ut it is what it is). Most of the cars you posted have either high mileage or stories. definitely someone looking for this kind of car stays away from, thus why they are sitting on ebay. There is also the argument as to the sold 32000 , 18K mile car comparison 96 GTS you made to the OP's car. That car is not only blemished, but also a salvage titled car...lol. Common, not a comparison at all.
The properly priced and clean 96 and 97 B/W cars are priced at mid to high 50's and will get sold for low to mid 50's if a real serious buyer dangles cash in front of those dealers faces. Those cars aslo have higher mileage and not original owners. ( you have to pay a premium for both those traits the OP holds on them. Otherwise the market has gone to the dogs. you might as well just ask what someone wants to pay for your car and sell it for what they ask. Common

All those adds you showed on fleabay which is a bargain basement bonanza site for people looking to get rid of or dump their rides. Why not look at sales from Barrett Jackson then? Why not look at a live auction with people that are willing to buy cars and not window shoppers as there are on ebay which you use to make a comparison and market value analyses? I have bought thing on eaby worth a quarter of what the real world pays for them. Mind you they are made in china or low quality products , but the cars you are insinuating are market value because of what they sold for and not what their asking is not fair in regards to using one site as ebay to make that assumption. Barrett Jackson has said the 96 GTS will be a 6 digit figured car in the near future as well. they also have sold 96 GTS's for well over 50 and 60 K . What does that tell you? Market value?..No I don't think so.
The OP can do whatever he wants with his car in the end, but , giving it away to a dealer who needs it to make a sale for the low end of what it is worth is not something I would support. If he has to, ok then.. I made a mistake selling my other 96 GTS for 50K last summer with paper work, original this and original that and 14K miles on it. I was lectured by most as to how low I gave it away. I was happy with my decision as It just sat in my garage and did nothing while I drove the other 96 GTS. I am not a collector and new that by the time this car would be worth anything, I wouldn't be. So I sold it.
The same guy is selling it right now for 59,900.

The 96 GTS B/W is unlike the other cars you have posted there. It is an icon and holds a different place in the market. comparing it to RT-10s and other years and colors is not a fair comparison. The car stands alone and will always carry a premium.

Just my opinion of course and by no means an argument because I own and owned a few. It is what it is. A very unique and Iconic figure that changed the Viper to what it literally is today.

04-26-2014, 04:09 PM
Endowment Effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endowment_effect)

I hope OP doesn't take the offer, and lists his car for 60 instead. Heck, he should hold out for those six figure prices that are definitely totally coming right around the corner, yes sir.

04-26-2014, 04:56 PM
Endowment Effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endowment_effect)

I hope OP doesn't take the offer, and lists his car for 60 instead. Heck, he should hold out for those six figure prices that are definitely totally coming right around the corner, yes sir.

Your making it seem like he is losing out...guy never asked to sell it....he was asked to sell it. Your getting your thoughts crossed. Once again, if he needs to sell ok...if he doesn't well then....balls in my court....endowment effect stabilized.

04-26-2014, 05:22 PM
Geez more 96 GTS's = gold threads. The OP is yanking your chains, I would be willing to bet he never got an offer and he's bored and wanted some entertainment.

04-26-2014, 05:25 PM
Geez more 96 GTS's = gold threads. The OP is yanking your chains, I would be willing to bet he never got an offer and he's bored and wanted some entertainment.

Look at Franks last 3 threads he started..

04-26-2014, 05:42 PM
Geez more 96 GTS's = gold threads. The OP is yanking your chains, I would be willing to bet he never got an offer and he's bored and wanted some entertainment.

Tell me it ain't so.

04-26-2014, 08:02 PM
Thinking and reverting just like a dealer does. I see that in you.


As someone who LITERALLY just bought a Viper....and LITERALLY bought one of those Vipers in the link from eBay....and has been shopping for quite sometime to get what I wanted......I will tell you this.....ALL/MOST of the viper on eBay have BEEN on eBay for months/years and NEVER selling. The market is what a buyer is willing to pay. And the market is NOT BJs, never has been, never will be, yes they sell nice cars at BJ and sometimes get interesting prices....as someone who has been big in mustang for years I am familiar with a car selling at BJ for a high price and then suddenly every thing that looks anything close to it is suddenly worth 15k more....or at least the owners think so and then I wait...and prices return to normal market in ebay, on craigslist, and the little tear strips at the auto store. Owners AND dealers are over estimating value significantly especially on the early model GTS; it is obvious why as well (at least IMO). Two years till they reach an age old enough for classic tags in many states across the USA which will significantly increase the number of people interested in them because the annual carrying cost will drop significantly to tag and insure. HOWEVER they aren't there yet and the economy is still soft. When shopping I called a dealer in TX for a 97 in red and made a solid 34k offer for car and shipping from TX to MD. I do my homework. I knew he had bought it at auction in FL, I knew what he paid for it, and I knew he had been carrying it in inventory for 5 months. DECLINED, said his floor was 36.5, shipping on top of it, and then a 1k document fee. Pure BS.

Three weeks later I bought a 96 in Blue with white stripes....a far more desirable color 2k less.

As for the original question if you want to sell, 50k is a good offer. It doesn't matter if the dealership has someone interested in a car like yours, contacted them, asked them to find one, and told them what they were willing to pay....you don't know who they are, where they are, their motivations (some people will only ever buy from a dealer), etc...

Ohh and one correction

The same guy has it for sale right now for 59,900.

04-26-2014, 08:44 PM
As someone who LITERALLY just bought a Viper....and LITERALLY bought one of those Vipers in the link from eBay....and has been shopping for quite sometime to get what I wanted......I will tell you this.....ALL/MOST of the viper on eBay have BEEN on eBay for months/years and NEVER selling. The market is what a buyer is willing to pay. Owners AND dealers are over estimating value significantly especially on the early model GTS; it is obvious why as well (at least IMO). Two years till they reach an age old enough for classic tags in many states across the USA which will significantly increase the number of people interested in them because the annual carrying cost will drop significantly to tag and insure. HOWEVER they aren't there yet and the economy is still soft. When shopping I called a dealer in TX for a 97 in red and made a solid 34k offer for car and shipping from TX to MD. I do my homework. I knew he had bought it at auction in FL, I knew what he paid for it, and I knew he had been carrying it in inventory for 5 months. DECLINED, said his floor was 36.5, shipping on top of it, and then a 1k document fee. Pure BS.

Three weeks later I bought a 96 in Blue with white stripes....a far more desirable color 2k less.

As for the original question if you want to sell, 50k is a good offer. It doesn't matter if the dealership has someone interested in a car like yours, contacted them, asked them to find one, and told them what they were willing to pay....you don't know who they are, where they are, their motivations (some people will only ever buy from a dealer), etc...

Ohh and one correction

What we are all willing to pay for a certain car and the way we see them through our different eyes is what makes us all individuals. Thus why some touch anything and it turns to gold and others touch the same thing and it turns to paper.
Me, I see this car as a future collectable car and should be priced, sold and resold with that respect in mind. Of course unless the owner is losing his shirt or needs to, that's a different story. get what you can and that someone who buys it stole it. Lots of that happening right now in the US with your economy and why us Canadians took advantage and bought property down there for nothing. Some of us anyway.
If you feel 34K is what a GTS in good original, clean and low mileage is worth, well then, so be it. It's how you see it. If you chose to devalue what you have, then so be it. I for one am proud of the 96 GTS and will continue to respect it as it deserves. Not as dealer sees it and or not as a buyer who is trying to catch a break sees it, nor as someone who just sees it as just another Viper.
I see it differently. Just as some saw the 69 Vette with the 435 Hp worthy of storing and how some saw the Superbirds and the convertible cudas and so on. They are now worth big. Many sold back then for nothing. Looking at them in a different fashion as did the collectors or die hard's who kept them and believed in them.
It has to start somewhere and from someone. I choose to be one of them and I know as a fact there are quite a few here who do the same.
One day when you decide to sell yours, do give me a call, I know what you paid and I know when you did, so my offer will be accordingly as was yours when you sought after it.

I am sure you won't dispute that, as it should work as a two way fold and not just when it suits the one.

04-26-2014, 08:49 PM
One day when you decide to sell yours, do give me a call, I know what you paid and I know when you did, so my offer will be accordingly as was yours when you sought after it.

You missed the point. I offered at the low/mid mass market price that exists now for 97 GTS, I BOUGHT my 96 GTS arguably at the low point of the mass market for the car. You are IMHO still waiting for a mass market that doesn't exist yet. When I sell mine, and I will, I will sell it at market price and you are more than welcome to purchase...what ever that price is at that time.

When I use to attend car shows on a regular basis....I used to see plenty of guys with a mindset similar to yours. They are easy to spot, they are the ones with the real nice cars, no lie, and then the fancy hand painted little letters, usually on a side rear window in script "For Sale"...letters they had painted on years and years and years ago. They had decided they had something special, decided what the price was (and the price always went up each year because the car is getting older and more valuable), and would gladly tell you what they wanted and if someone was stupid enough to fall in love with the car and pay that price, in cash, at the exact moment they 'might' have sold it to you...

Not discounting your opinion that it is a car that will increase in value, its one of the reasons I bought what I did, when I did. But basing your opinion on what someone should sell a car to a dealer or private party based on a BJ price is tantamount to lunacy especially since 10% comes right off the top....so if BJ sells it for near 60k....owner nets out close to 50k anyway.

04-26-2014, 09:18 PM
Like I said,, your economy has put you guys in a different mid set tha ours up here in Canada. The 96 GTS up here along with most Vipers are holding their values very well. Yes of course there is the odd , I need to sell, guy/gal, but for the most part, owners and dealers are respecting and holding the car to its throne.
For the record I do not paint those letters or have or every had that mindset. I realize that by the time the 96 GTS is worth anything of value that would make a difference in my life, I wont be worth anything at that time.
I don't collect cars, thus why I sold a very special 86 GTS last summer that I stored for the future. Not my thing. I bought another one to drive and one to look at and that was not my cup off tea so I sold one.
I drive and enjoy my cars. I do not leave them in a garage to look at nor do I baby it to death.
I do though look to the future and start the ball rolling or something I believe in. I start it early. I am not a follower. I do things when they are not, not when they are. I choose to treat this car and its status , NOW, not when the rates of insurance go down nor when the economy says so.
There are of course a handful of Vipers that hold better respect than the 96...the 98 GTSR for one and the 001 or close to it 92 RT-10 and even a few others that there is a thread about which I will not get into.
It is what it is.
I repeat, I would not sell my car to someone who needs it (dealer) for 50K, I would sell it to someone who wanted it though (a buyer, enthusiast).

04-27-2014, 12:04 PM
Frank has been trying to unload those same cars since 09. I even remember when he had them ALL (5 cars then) on ebay for a buy it now of $725,000.00 or something. Had a Ford GT, an early Competition Coupe, and (I think) a 1st Edition or Gen 3 VOI in the mix then too.

Take the $50K Frank. :)

04-27-2014, 12:06 PM
And an ACR, 06 Coupe, and original Ford GT

04-27-2014, 12:28 PM
Yep, I remember that to.

I was interested in the ACR at the time. Even made an offer.

Like I said earlier I do not know what is motivating Frank. It doesn't appear to be a need for the cash. IF he would just like to sell since he doesn't drive them that is fine. IF he wants to keep them because he simply enjoys having them that is cool to.

Just looking at the past sale history with the these cars...... They won't be sold and that is OK.

Frank has been trying to unload those same cars since 09. I even remember when he had them ALL (5 cars then) on ebay for a buy it now of $725,000.00 or something. Had a Ford GT, an early Competition Coupe, and (I think) a 1st Edition or Gen 3 VOI in the mix then too.

Take the $50K Frank. :)

04-27-2014, 03:18 PM
Frank has been trying to unload those same cars since 09. I even remember when he had them ALL (5 cars then) on ebay for a buy it now of $725,000.00 or something. Had a Ford GT, an early Competition Coupe, and (I think) a 1st Edition or Gen 3 VOI in the mix then too.

Take the $50K Frank. :)

725,000 for those cars is a tad high, if he is willing to go 700,000 I might consider, but, I would need a year of free oil changes included.

03-05-2017, 03:32 PM
Hi, Frank.

Did you sell your 96 GTS ?

03-05-2017, 04:45 PM
He never sells. He just has this need to constantly float his cars for some odd reason. Gets folks all fired up and then nothing. Check the Ford GT site.

03-05-2017, 04:53 PM
I inquired about his Blue and White back in 2007...he was asking 10K over market value then. Ended up buying a '97 with 8K on it for 51k a pretty good price at the time. Same car would be less now. So much for values going up.

03-05-2017, 09:09 PM
I inquired about his Blue and White back in 2007...he was asking 10K over market value then. Ended up buying a '97 with 8K on it for 51k a pretty good price at the time. Same car would be less now. So much for values going up.

There's a nice B/W car with 10,000 miles on cars.com for 45k right. Seems decent

03-05-2017, 10:30 PM
There's a nice B/W car with 10,000 miles on cars.com for 45k right. Seems decent

I was interested in the car and asked for additional pictures. That car is not in very good shape or a 10k mile car. The lower front bumper is messed up with what looks like a crack and multiple scratches and chips. One of the side sills has cracked paint, there are tears in the seats and the hood is misaligned hence their asking price. I'd say it is still a great price though and have no doubt the car will sell quickly.

03-06-2017, 09:44 AM
Hmm I guess a quick glance can be deceiving. There's an assumption to me that most people would baby these cars even if they drive them lots. Guess that's wrooong