View Full Version : Local Track Day Discussion: TWS, MSR, Grand Sport

04-23-2014, 04:08 PM
Ok I wanted to start a new thread so that we could openly discuss the VOA's involvement in local track days, what you guys want, what we could possible subsidize, what contacts we have, and at what tracks.

As I started to mention in the other thread. I can get us on at MSR as Member guests for $200 for the day. We would have to have a minimum of 10 cars, and a maximum of 20. This is a non instructed, morning driver meeting, and then go play type of event. We would potentially share the track with other events going on that day, so it would be important to choose a date that was somewhat "open", weekdays included.

Members would need to secure their own insurance, this would not be a competitive, racing, or timed event so you might want to check with your own insurance provider to see whats covered.

Beth can you add some insite as to what the VOA umbrella policy will and won't cover in regards to track days like this?

As for the other tracks, I know many of you run at TWS on a regular basis, what will it cost the club to do this? Who can we use to get on track? If you know TWS chime in.


04-23-2014, 04:19 PM

The VOA umbrella policy will not cover an event such as this but the underwriter can sell us a rider . . . only problem is it is extremely expensive. MSRH will require a rider for a club hosted event. Last one I think was about $1100 for that MSRH half day event we held about 18 months ago.

TWS offers 2 hour/6 car sessions on Fridays (I think) for about $200 and we were kicking around the idea of signing up sequentially but not make it a specific VOA event - just a bunch of traclk rats taking Friday off to goof off! Each driver's personal insurance would cover any incidents.

I know some people secure an annual DE track insurance policy for a set number of events each year - will check in and find out more details.


04-23-2014, 04:29 PM
Ok I will find out if I can get us on MSR as a non official "club" sponsored event. Basically just guests of a member. That may get us past the rider portion for an event like that but I will have to check.

04-23-2014, 04:30 PM

The VOA umbrella policy will not cover an event such as this but the underwriter can sell us a rider . . . only problem is it is extremely expensive. MSRH will require a rider for a club hosted event. Last one I think was about $1100 for that MSRH half day event we held about 18 months ago.

TWS offers 2 hour/6 car sessions on Fridays (I think) for about $200 and we were kicking around the idea of signing up sequentially but not make it a specific VOA event - just a bunch of traclk rats taking Friday off to goof off! Each driver's personal insurance would cover any incidents.

I know some people secure an annual DE track insurance policy for a set number of events each year - will check in and find out more details.


Is that Friday 2 hr thing basically 4, 30 min sessions?. I'm definitely down for that. I'm willing to try MSR too, even though some weirdo's live out that way. It's a bit of a hike, but I can rent a trailer for the day. I'm in. :)

04-23-2014, 04:33 PM
Is that Friday 2 hr thing basically 4, 30 min sessions?. I'm definitely down for that. I'm willing to try MSR too, even though some weirdo's live out that way. It's a bit of a hike, but I can rent a trailer for the day. I'm in. :)

Or you could just follow me out and whomever breaks get the trailer for the way home lol. You crash into me you're on your own lol.

04-23-2014, 05:03 PM
Or you could just follow me out and whomever breaks get the trailer for the way home lol. You crash into me you're on your own lol.


Actually, I can rent a trailer for a decent price. Might actually pick one up here in the next couple of months or so anyways.

04-23-2014, 06:44 PM
Here is an example of Open track day at TWS (see Denise's info at bottom):

*** Please note this event starts at 9:00 am. and ends at 1:00 p.m.****

Open Track Day. This event is open to licensed racers, instructors, and solo-qualified drivers ONLY. Drivers must be "solo qualified" by PDS, or provide a current competition license from any major sanctioning body.

ChumpCar and LeMons licenses are accepted on a provisional basis and may be restricted at the Chief Stewards discretion.

Gates open at 12:00 p.m. with a mandatory drivers' meeting at 12:30 p.m.

Hot track will start at 1:00 pm and end at 5:00 pm.

On-Line Registration Price is $150 for half day. +$25 for each additional driver.

Garages are free and are first come first served basis.

Walk Up Registration price is $205 on the day of the event.

If you have registered on clubregistration for this event but do not submit advance payment online, you will be assessed the walk up registration price of $205.

REMEMBER - Registration closes at MIDNIGHT (12:01 AM) TWO DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT!

If we do not get the required minimum number of participants, the event may be cancelled.

Cancellation Policy:
We understand that situations may occur that prevent participants from coming to an event. Notification of personal cancellation should be given as soon as possible (via e-mail to pds@texasworldspeedway.com) TWS may also cancel events (with at least 24 hours notice to registrants) for reasons such as weather (including unsafe local travel conditions), unsafe track conditions, or insufficient participation/registration for an event. Cancellations will be issued credit in the following manner:

Full credit toward another event when event is cancelled for any reason by TWS.

Full credit toward another event with written notice given 72 hours prior to the event start date/time.

Credit toward another event, minus a $25 administration fee, will be given within 72 hours of an event, but at least midnight prior to the event start date/time (when on-line registration closes).

Credit will not be issued on or after an event start date.

Refunds will not be given for reasons including, but not limited to: weather, track condition, mechanical failure of registrant's vehicle, damage to registrant's vehicle, ineligibility of registrant’s vehicle, ineligibility of driver for a particular event, and cancellation/delay of an event.

Refunds will not be given for multiple event packages once the first event has been attended.

TWS and PDS reserve the right to change any element of an event format at any time, before or during an event, for any reason. Event format includes, but is not limited to: run group assignments, session lengths, event schedule, track configuration, academics & curricula, instructor assignments, garage assignments, and course marshaling.

Look for emails with more information after you are registered.

Thank you,
Denise Todd
Texas World Speedway

04-24-2014, 07:58 AM
Is that Friday 2 hr thing basically 4, 30 min sessions?. I'm definitely down for that. I'm willing to try MSR too, even though some weirdo's live out that way. It's a bit of a hike, but I can rent a trailer for the day. I'm in. :)

LOL!!! This weirdo is 5 minutes from MSR, sounds pretty smart to me.... :)

And when I went to A&M, I was about 5 minutes from TWS. I need to go back to college!

I still think we need events that do not require solo qualification, this might get more people out and reduce the pressure on less experienced track drivers.

04-24-2014, 10:37 AM
Weirdo's everywhere I tell ya.

I think it's more expensive if we have to have the track provide instructors.

Eric, how did it work when you went with TSS to TWS.? You didn't have an instructor ride along if I remember correctly.

04-24-2014, 11:01 AM
Cody W can get us on at MSR but it will be limited to between 10 and 20 cars at a time. Eric just like when you and I were out there last.

Quick list of takers would probably be:

Cody W
345's spinnin

That's more than 10 people right there, and I garuntee there are another 5 like Andres (345's spinnin), RPM9000 (Paul), and a few others that would jump at the chance to get a full day for $200 at MSR.

Let me give Cody a call and see what we can start looking at and take a look at any insurance type requirements or if we can do this all on our own (your own personal insurance coverage). I am sure the club would subsidize a portion of the entrance fee if you are a member as well.


LOL!!! This weirdo is 5 minutes from MSR, sounds pretty smart to me.... :)

And when I went to A&M, I was about 5 minutes from TWS. I need to go back to college!

I still think we need events that do not require solo qualification, this might get more people out and reduce the pressure on less experienced track drivers.

04-24-2014, 11:09 AM
I would add Sam Y (SamIAm)to the list.

04-24-2014, 11:12 AM
Cool, added I will see what dates might be available.

04-24-2014, 11:13 AM
I'm old and slow but I'm in at MSR.

04-24-2014, 11:15 AM
I'm old and slow but I'm in at MSR.

Would be a good venue for you to get comfortable. When you have the whole day there are usually breaks in the action so you can jump out there with less traffic as you get comfortable, that's what I did last time I was out there.

04-24-2014, 11:51 AM
i'm in

04-24-2014, 11:52 AM
i'm in

Oh yes! Of course you are, how could I forget :) Ok I will work on some details and dates.

04-24-2014, 12:13 PM
Weirdo's everywhere I tell ya.

I think it's more expensive if we have to have the track provide instructors.

Eric, how did it work when you went with TSS to TWS.? You didn't have an instructor ride along if I remember correctly.

No instructor needed with TSS. TSS did have to secure insurance and track / medical staff which was required by TWS. There were a large range of cars and driving ability there (from SW in a 430 challenge race car to newbies in stock C6's) and there were not any accidents. They did provide instructors for people who wanted them.

04-24-2014, 12:41 PM
I'm interested in MSR and TWS. I have run MSR in Angleton a couple of times and it is a fun track to run. Never run TWS but surely want to get out there if I can.

04-24-2014, 01:35 PM
IMO TWS is more fun in the Viper just because it is a faster track, not so tight. And most of the corners are classic late apex entries. It's a blast and will be sorely missed.

MSR is perhaps more technical but doesn't really allow the Viper's legs to be stretched out. Still super fun though.

What about Cresson in Dallas area?

04-24-2014, 01:45 PM
If any of you want to put something together, take it and run with it. I have the least road coarse experience of any one on here, but I know you guys want to do something so I am trying to pull something together at MSR which is the only place I have a contact for. If someone of you want to run TWS, call around and feel free to start checking on dates, times, and rates.

04-24-2014, 02:14 PM
Count me in Andy. I have plenty of business travel on my agenda for next couple of months, but do count me in if it falls somewhere during my time here in Houston.

04-24-2014, 03:21 PM
I'm in.

04-24-2014, 03:42 PM
Here's a list of days that are potentially Viable on MSR's Calender right now. Since we would attend as guests they could schedule something else on these dates and we would have to share the track. This is what's open right now.


Saturday 10th (Open)
Sunday 11th (10am-2pm teen driving school)
Sunday 25th (Open)


Saturday 7th (Open)
Saturday 28th (Open)
Sunday 29th (Open)

04-24-2014, 04:40 PM
Spoke with Cody and this looks like a go, we are working on dates now.

04-24-2014, 05:01 PM
Hmmm, teen driving school weekend. So many upsides and downsides at the same time.....

04-24-2014, 07:10 PM
Sounds good to me. Once the dates a firm, I'll do my best to get that time off. Thanks for setting this up Andy. I joined the Viper club to drive with other Viper's.

04-24-2014, 08:24 PM

04-24-2014, 10:47 PM
I'm resurfacing from building design and permitting hell. Count me in depending on dates. I need to shake the car down some before COTA in June. Still getting to know her. Finally got a new tranny in and the electrical gremlin solved.

Mike G

04-25-2014, 05:09 AM
Well look who it is :D. Great to see you Mike!

Nine Ball
04-25-2014, 06:35 AM
Andy, if we get 2 full groups, we can have a day all to ourselves. Just another consideration. I know we could fill it up from people on the other site. That would work better, because then you could just go out on the track whenever you wanted - like last time.

My wife would also come out, probably in the 1LE. We have a few ZR1 buddies that have been itching to play also.

04-30-2014, 01:32 PM
Andy, if we get 2 full groups, we can have a day all to ourselves. Just another consideration. I know we could fill it up from people on the other site. That would work better, because then you could just go out on the track whenever you wanted - like last time.

My wife would also come out, probably in the 1LE. We have a few ZR1 buddies that have been itching to play also.

Very interesting! :D I have a confirmed date of May 25th from 1-5pm for people here, can we piggyback earlier in the day with the Speed syndicate guys Tony?

Just to quickly update mark your calenders for May 25th at MSR! I will start a new thread with details.

Nine Ball
04-30-2014, 01:40 PM
May 25 works for me. Memorial Day weekend.

04-30-2014, 01:49 PM
May 25 works for me. Memorial Day weekend.

Bad Ass way to spend 4 hours of the weekend :D