View Full Version : VOA Homecoming! DETAILS!

04-19-2014, 08:11 AM

OK everyone. Here it is.

We're going home. Back where it all began.

http://driveviper.com/nve/index.php (http://driveviper.com/nve/index.php)

ps - Check out that door prize!

How many car clubs give away a $140,490 door prize?



04-19-2014, 09:26 AM
Price for VOA Mamba members is only $495/person for the 3-day weekend, which includes all your meals. (Hotel is not included.) Regular member price is $550. Space is limited to 500 guests. Registration opens at 3 PM EDT on May 4th at this website. There’s a counter that starts at 500 and when it hits zero, it’s full. So don't miss out and be envious. Be at NVE! Click here for more VOA Homecoming Details! (http://driveviper.com/nve/index.php)

Make sure you have your VOA membership number ready.

You will need that number to register.

Remember, "Membership has its privileges."

https://driveviper.com/join/ (https://driveviper.com/join/)

04-24-2014, 09:38 AM
flights booked... rental car booked :(.... just waiting to buy tickets and book hotel.

can't wait!

04-27-2014, 09:01 PM
For the "Test Drive SRT Vehicles" part, will there be a Gen V Viper to drive?

05-03-2014, 11:15 AM
so this is only a VOA event. from what I read SRT invited all who own or have owned a viper are invited. please let me know if im wrong about this. ive sent a email to SRT asking the same thing, havent heard back yet. I have no problem if its only a VOA event but if its open to all VOA should let all know that.

05-03-2014, 11:23 AM
it is an SRT event, but VOA is coordinating activites around this as well for it's members. SRT knows that we have have 500 slots available and numbers outside that may be limited.


05-03-2014, 12:34 PM
it is an SRT event, but VOA is coordinating activites around this as well for it's members. SRT knows that we have have 500 slots available and numbers outside that may be limited.


oh ok, very first i heard of this , thank you. from all ive read once 500 are sold thats it and no one else could attend. the way it was posted made it sound as if it was VOA only event, no one ever mentioned that all viper owners and past owners were invited. any reason for that or was it that VOA already had the max allowed to attend. i mean it was posted that if you dont get a ticket you cant attend due to limitations from SRT. again i could be reading this wrong but can you tell me if i dont purchase one of the 500 tickets i can still attend if i own or have owned a viper? SRT has stated from again what I read ALL OWNERS AND PAST OWNERS ARE INVITED WITH NO FEE. lmk thanks

05-03-2014, 12:44 PM
Outside the 500 VOA owners, you will need to contact SRT for registration. I am pretty sure that there will be a fee from them for the event. Again VOA members will be a part of what SRT has going on along with our own scheduled activites for members only including the LE VIper door prize and dinner. I can not speak for SRT on how many additioanl attendies will be able to register, but I would call them first thing Monday morning.


05-03-2014, 02:47 PM
I was hoping for some exclusivity at this event....

Is everything that has been laid out in the event "ad" just for the 500? What other events is SRT going to hold that we might have to share with others?

This could be a game changer...

05-03-2014, 03:56 PM
I was hoping for some exclusivity at this event....

Is everything that has been laid out in the event "ad" just for the 500? What other events is SRT going to hold that we might have to share with others?

This could be a game changer...

from what SRT stated ALL OWNERS AND PAST OWNERS are invited. with that being said as long as you own or having owned a viper your are invited and there was NO CAP FOR THE ACTIVITIES THEY ARE DOING! again this is news to me as well from all I read I thought it was a VOA EVENT ONLY (500 max). any and all other clubs are invited to attend as long as you have proof of ownership now or anytime. evidently the VOA has their own package for this event but other clubs could do the same thing. so, if you are not in the first 500 you can still attend, either by yourself or with another club. why no one mentioned this before is kinda low to those who want to go fearing if they were not in the 500 tickets being offered they were out. the hotel has rooms available also, just a fyi.

05-03-2014, 03:58 PM
Let me try to lay this out,

SRT has decided to open an ALL Viper Homecoming event for owners of the Dodge/SRT Viper in July. There is going to be a limited number of slots for the event but VOA has secured 500 of them for our paid club members. VOA has taken this opportunity to create a National event with our own slated events, and dinners around it and reservations for a couple of hotels. SRT is fully aware of the 500 slots we have requested. Again any Viper owner can attend the event but VOA has taken steps to further the experience. The events SRT has scheduled will overlap with what VOA has. We will be able to mingle with all Viper owners but we have our own additional events that are part of this event. SRT is remaining neutral to ensure no favoritism to any group, club or persons. VOA will have all the access to the SRT event like everyone else.

I would suggest signing up soon due to the fact that there will most likely be a limited number of spots reserved even by SRT for the event. There are rumors of the event being free by SRT, but it appears those are just rumors and there will be a price associated with the SRT invite.

Hope this helps


05-03-2014, 04:04 PM
Dear VOA member,

Just a reminder that registration for VOA's first National Viper Event (NVE) begins this Sunday! If you want to join us in Auburn Hills, Michigan for the first VOA National Viper Event - Homecoming on July 18-20, be ready to register! Registration begins on Sunday, May 4th, at 3 PM EDT (noon on the west coast). We only have 500 spaces available, so this event will sell out quickly. (Some predict within a matter of hours.) When the counter hits zero, it's done. No whining, no excuses. You've been warned!

For more information, visit www.driveviper.com/nve (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VVL2-mUAr1SCAUuaflX0PVdjTiFJk94nXQ1zGLfVqqyg_0bDDGLGpMa swHWznxxZXC6rm72oTVSZNe-VPhuJORn_r-0FpesrtVnlKqaJhQWcRjT4szGLzQeChA8HElPU_lNvLzJNPuOA vq2PmU6gSv_LQvmNG6JybxIGVQHh35g=&c=9X05rHZrKcwuZc0JliOoPORbWznSIRMxkwXYCcNff4EXFriL WzuqyA==&ch=gBfdMa4LQYsy1ffhJr_NHiqJUk-q4jbJYoJyGGDQ1m6naM8SaJnDjg==). The registration tab is at the top of the page. There's also an FAQ page that answers a lot of common questions at www.driveviper.com/nve/faq.php (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VVL2-mUAr1SCAUuaflX0PVdjTiFJk94nXQ1zGLfVqqyg_0bDDGLGpNy i3MZ6ZjmCIsoy5X1Y9BTI1e1Y_aJLDhJQp_IatuWfi0eAvf6kX xjdisVeQn63H2hpTZ9OSVWZzUBfq28RzkMr_6boypIT1RupN0K c2sfKtT7sRBBPuT6EkaePCEqOvQ==&c=9X05rHZrKcwuZc0JliOoPORbWznSIRMxkwXYCcNff4EXFriL WzuqyA==&ch=gBfdMa4LQYsy1ffhJr_NHiqJUk-q4jbJYoJyGGDQ1m6naM8SaJnDjg==)

SRT his hosting an open house at the Viper plant, Prefix, and Chelsea for all Viper owners. It is not free, there will be a charge, and space is limited. VOA has reserved 500 spaces at these events for our members (which is included in your Homecoming entry fee), and added other VOA-exclusive activities such as a cruise to a cute German-themed town, a Riverboat cruise, a group photo, a strolling dinner with past and present Team Viper members, a new twist on goodie bags, and of course, our grand finale dinner where some lucky attendee will leave with a brand new 2013 Viper GTS Launch Edition! (You can only win if you're there!) Your $495* entry fee includes breakfasts, lunches, and dinners during the event, as well as your FREE door prize ticket! The best part, of course, is partying with your Viper friends and our friends from SRT!

Hotel reservation information will be provided upon event registration. Rooms are ~$99/night.

Don't be envious. Be at NVE!

* $495 Mamba Price, $550 for regular VOA members.

See you in July!

Maurice Liang

Viper Owners Association

05-03-2014, 04:06 PM
And for those that haven't joined the VOA:


05-03-2014, 04:31 PM
Ok whats going on here, SRT just sent me an invitation for the event, so the event is not an voa event but an SRT event that I can attend for free. and the give away car is not a raffle? http://www.michigan.gov/documents/BSL-CG-1824_26045_7.pdf

heres a quote from the michigan by lawas; “We are only giving away door prizes; we aren’t conducting a raffle.”

If people are being

charged to attend a function where (door) prizes will be awarded through a drawing, then

you are conducting a raffle.

So the hole Homecoming thing is a for profit for the VOA, including a raffle of a viper with out a permit!!!! here we go againg different title same BS.

05-03-2014, 04:43 PM

Read post #12. I highlighted it, underlined it, and changed the colors. How much clearer does it need to be?


Edit: Pardon my manners, I see you are a VCA member, but not a VOA member. Please feel free to join the VOA. https://driveviper.com/join/

05-03-2014, 04:45 PM
Please be careful about speculation on the door prize. This event is a not for profit event and all legal paperwork has been taken care of by our Board. There are pleny of other events where door prizes are given away with no implications, this one just happens to be a very desirable and expensive one. There are no tickets or signups at the door for the dinner. The word Raffle is not even a part of this event.

Sign up early folks


05-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Michigan law is very clear!!! Where is the permit #

05-03-2014, 05:04 PM
Michigan law is very clear!!!


05-03-2014, 05:24 PM
Michigan law is very clear!!! Where is the permit #

It sure is, thats why the Attorney General has been contacted about this DOOR PRIZE. If you would like more info I suggest you become a member, sign up for our event, and then join us for dinner on Sunday night where you could walk away with a new Viper.

All the questions about the door prize will be addressed at the event. Since you are not a member, you really have no reason to ask for any info, since it has NOTHING to do with you.

I assure you that this door prize is 100% legal.

05-03-2014, 05:25 PM
Also, the SRT invite you got is NOT to the VOA event. you might want to read what VOA is putting on.

05-03-2014, 05:29 PM
OK where is the permit #, plus the Attorney General had no clue of a giveaway of that size being conducted on his state if its legat prove it, a simple permit # will do.


05-03-2014, 05:30 PM
LMAO this is getting comical.

It's pretty simple. It's a not-for-profit VOA event. No, nobody is making money on it. The door prize is legal and legitimate. The VOA homecoming has events (about 5) that are unique to the VOA (as well as a few surprises) and separate from the SRT homecoming. Visit the VOA Homecoming page for the details, they are there if you really are interested in facts.

If folks want to partake in the VOA homecoming events join the club and come have some fun with us. If folks want to stick with the SRT homecoming that's great too. Enjoy. But neither event is free. If folks are curious about the door prize, come to dinner and witness a legal and legitimate door prize drawing take place. Otherwise, keep spinning your wheels on the door prize.

Keep one thing in mind: Does anyone truly believe that our hosts in Detroit would allow any illegal activity to take place on their premises? Especially after what occurred last year? Don't foolishly insult your hosts in Detroit over petty politics.

It's great to see non-members interested in our door prize and our VOA homecoming. The membership counter keeps spinning. We thank you!! :dude3:

05-03-2014, 05:34 PM
a door prize does not require a permit, but i can assure you we are on the up and up with this since the right folks were contacted or I would not put my name on it. I left a previous administration for wrong doings and I will not be a part of that again.


05-03-2014, 05:35 PM
OK where is the permit #, plus the Attorney General had no clue of a giveaway of that size being conducted on his state if its legat prove it, a simple permit # will do.


Did you not see my post? please join us for dinner on Sunday night and you will 1. have a chance to leave with a car and 2. all questions will be answered ;)

the link you keep posting is for a email sign up, no info.

05-03-2014, 06:12 PM
So no prove? , you all can make your own mind up. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/BSL-CG-1824_26045_7.pdf I will stand down and see what happends now.

05-03-2014, 06:17 PM
So no prove? , you all can make your own mind up. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/BSL-CG-1824_26045_7.pdf I will stand down and see what happends now.

Why does anyone have to prove anything to you? you are not a member of this club. what is the tag line?.....

"membership has its privileges" ;)

05-03-2014, 06:23 PM
So no prove? , you all can make your own mind up. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/BSL-CG-1824_26045_7.pdf I will stand down and see what happends now.

Why not join the club or better yet tag along as a guest with one of the VOA members and see it for yourself? You may actually win the Viper! I have an open spot for a guest. Are you interested? It would be $495 to partake in these events: http://driveviper.com/nve/index.php

If you do go the SRT Homecoming let's meet up. I'm sure after a few beers we'll get along just fine. :p

05-03-2014, 06:34 PM
It's kind of you to be concerned.

How do you find the time to do this AND spread misinformation on the VCA site?

Sam Goldfarb
05-03-2014, 07:06 PM
Perhaps it's just hard for Cubican to decipher the legalese in the law document. It appears that English might be a second language for him or his Spell Checker doesn't work, OR he is color blind and doesn't see all the red lines under his mangled words!

05-03-2014, 09:19 PM
Lets face it, there will be about as many VCA members go to the VOA Homecoming, as VOA members going VCA VOI.

Since I started the thread, I guess I can highjack it if I want. I think the VCA members posting on this thread need to concern themselves with their own club.

How are those VCA membership packets coming along? It's already May 2014....... At least with the Sharpie you can scribble out the current year and be ready for next year.


I really feel bad that so many people still haven't got their VCA magazines. I know the VCA magazine subscription with my VCA membership from last year has not been fulfilled. I'm still missing 5 issues. I imagine if the Post Master General didn't get the magazines he paid for, he wouldn't be too pleased either.

How's that 6th VCA magazine coming along from way back in 2013? My gosh it's May 2014.
The last two really got kind of thin. You should probably make a 7th one for everyone.




And how is that whole VCA / VPA working out? Is it in Kansas or Texas? You used to give a 20%-15% discount to your members. Now it's like finding a needle in a haystack to find a 10% discount on anything. I hope the person from the VCA (non-profit) isn't the same person running the VPA (for profit). I'm not sure that would be such a good idea.

But like I said.... you guys worry about your club and we'll worry about ours. OK?

Sorry, got to go... I hear the VOA membership counter turning over.

45 new VOA members in just the last two weeks, I'm never going to catch up on my sleep!

05-03-2014, 11:17 PM
I think the VCA members posting on this thread need to concern themselves with their own club.

Looks to me like there is only one VCA member that has posted in this thread. Like all things on the internet, things tend to drift away from what's important. Perhaps your posts in the donkey thread on the other site are what initiated the response here, I don't know. It kind of gets all blurred when folks continue to put kindling on the embers. I'm on the outside looking in and it is amusing to see grown ups still doing the he said - she said thing. But, that's the way folks are

05-04-2014, 10:33 AM
It kind of gets all blurred when folks continue to put kindling on the embers. I'm on the outside looking in and it is amusing to see grown ups still doing the he said - she said thing. But, that's the way folks are

Then you must be equally as disgusted with what's being posted on the other club site over this?

Whatever the reason, there's no valid reason to come on our club site and accuse us of illegal activity or such silly accusations. It's silly and obvious. Imagine if you will if some of us went over to the other club site and raised all kinds of silly accusations over their Texas track day event later this year? It's silly. No reason to stick noses into each others' business. Let each club make their events as successful as they can be.

There's plenty of room in Detroit for any Viper owner to attend any homecoming they choose. But we all must remember one very important thing that get's "blurred" in the noise: SRT/Chrysler opened their doors to all Viper owners. Cherish that gesture. Embrace it. Don't make them regret it by creating all of this silly noise over nothing. There's one camp creating the noise. The rest of us are trying to enjoy the opportunity given to us. I couldn't care less what club a Viper owner belongs to. When we're all in Detroit it's about cherishing the relationship with SRT/Chrysler, cherishing Vipers and cherishing Viper owner camaraderie. Everything else, frankly, does not matter.

Let's enjoy Detroit together and move on. Registration for NVE1 opens in a few hours!!!!

05-04-2014, 10:36 AM
Back On Topic:

Caravans: Some of you have been inquiring about Caravans and meeting locations while driving (if you're driving) to Detroit. Check you local region forums for details on the various Caravans that are being assembled for the trip. No, you don't have to drive or bring your Viper if you don't want to. I'm looking forward to meeting up with the Ohio caravan to Detroit. This is my first cross-country road trip in the Viper. I can't wait!!! :dude3:

05-04-2014, 10:56 AM
Then you must be equally as disgusted with what's being posted on the other club site over this?

Disgusted? No. The word that I think that is appropriate for me is the one I used; amused. And yes, I do also believe that the posting over there is in poor taste. However, I don't believe that the question being asked is stupid or without basis. I read the posted link to the MI "rules," and I totally understand why the question arises. The big difference is that the other club totally ignored similar questions about their raffle, with no info about the legality given whatsoever. So far, this club has said that they have worked with the MI authorities and the gifting of the Viper is legal. I'm OK with that, myself. It doesn't address the apparent discrepancy with what is in the pdf; but, I have read the letter of the law as a juror in a much more serious issue; and, that was not clear to a layman. I do think that it is reasonable for this club to not provide further response to non-club members.

05-04-2014, 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=Let's enjoy Detroit together and move on. Registration for NVE1 opens in a few hours!!!![/QUOTE]

AMEN! This is my first big event...and the two most things I'm looking forward to is seeing soooo many vipers in one place (who cares which club you belong to) and meeting Team Viper. WOW. Thanks to the generosity of SRT/Chrysler this is going to be a dream come true!!
I'm sitting with my fingers on the keyboard! 2hrs 15mins to go!!!

05-04-2014, 01:50 PM
AMEN! This is my first big event...and the two most things I'm looking forward to is seeing soooo many vipers in one place (who cares which club you belong to) and meeting Team Viper. WOW. Thanks to the generosity of SRT/Chrysler this is going to be a dream come true!!
I'm sitting with my fingers on the keyboard! 2hrs 15mins to go!!!

Amen to that!!!! Just 14 minutes left!

05-04-2014, 01:56 PM
It's like New Years Eve. What did I do with that Waterford crystal ball.....

05-04-2014, 02:03 PM
Boom went the dynamite! See everyone there! IN!

05-04-2014, 02:07 PM
Half sold out already.

Canadian venom
05-04-2014, 02:11 PM
Where is the counter?

05-04-2014, 02:13 PM
top of the registration page right before you input your information. 185 spots remaining..!

Canadian venom
05-04-2014, 02:14 PM
Thanks...182.... Another registration record?

05-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Can I get a YEE-HAW!!!! We're in!

05-05-2014, 08:47 PM
I signed up for waiting list but no confirmation came up was I put on the waiting list?

05-06-2014, 07:23 AM

And people wonder why some of us are now refusing to belong to any national club.

05-06-2014, 07:54 AM

And people wonder why some of us are now refusing to belong to any national club.

:confused: maybe a little hungover from cinco de mayo?

05-06-2014, 07:59 AM

And people wonder why some of us are now refusing to belong to any national club.

huh? I'm confused, our first national event just sold out in 28 hours.

05-06-2014, 09:48 AM
huh? I'm confused, our first national event just sold out in 28 hours.

I guess we must be doing something right... actually we're doing a lot of things right. :)

Fatboy 18
05-08-2014, 11:18 AM
After reading some of the crap on the other site, I think VOA Members would be wise to pack the Shotguns! VOA on one side. SRT in the middle of the Corral and the other lot, dose not make a good recipe! there's some bitter people over there :(

Good luck!

05-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Lets face it, they (VCA) don't know when to quit. I would like to think that a majority of the VCA's 300+ members are good people.

It seems to be mostly their officers that spread the lies and the hate. They deliberately kept dues money that was supposed to go the regions last year. That is why they disabled all the VCA regional presidents from being able to download their membership lists. Keeping money that was not theirs makes them thieves.

They promised many things, it's May, no membership packets for their VCA members. No magazine. They are still short one magazine from last year (I think they are on their fouth printer, interesting), and they are probably going to try and pass off the 6th magazine from last year as the first one for their '14 membership this year. That would make them liars.

Now they are going to try another raffle. Strictly a money grap. I'm sure it will be a raffle to the general public, mostly non-VCA people. They obviously don't have enough membership to sell enough tickets to pay for the car. But what will happen to the money if they receive any $$ over the cost of the car?

Considering that they can't even get a simple magazine mailed to a member, do you think anyone will trust them to get their raffle ticket mailed to them? It's one thing not to get a magazine worth less than $10, but how confident will you be when they have hundreds of your hard earned dollars that you spent on raffle tickets? What are the chances those small raffle ticket stubs will make it to you?

Maybe they will have to use the raffle money to pay for the track bill at VOI 13 -COTA. I hear it costs somewhere in the $50,000 range a day to rent that track. With probably only a handful of people going to VOI 13 - COTA, they may actually bankrupt themselves by the time it's all over.

With $74,000 in annual VCA management fees being paid out, they maybe bankrupt before VOI-13 even takes place. And near a $1000 for their event for what seems like "parade laps", really? When COTA does tech inspection and maybe some of the older Vipers come in on older tires and they won't let them on the track, there will be an outcry. I also heard a few weeks ago that the VCA tried to hire Petty Racing to help with the event. I heard Petty Racing turned the VCA down.

On the otherhand, maybe they'll use their member's dues money to pay for the rental of the COTA track. Too bad a good portion of their whole membership is overseas in Switzerland/Germany. I'm sure most of those VCA members won't be able to come over for the event. Yet their dues money may be spent for a collective few to have a good time. Who knows. ?

Of course I'm just speculating with the above /\, but it does make you think, doesn't it?

The difference with VOA Homecoming is that all the event money goes to pay for the VOA Homecoming event. The VOA is not making a dime off of the event, and no VOA membership dues money is being spent for the door prize.

05-08-2014, 01:23 PM

And people wonder why some of us are now refusing to belong to any national club.


2,000 Viper owners say otherwise. (Assuming there are actually 300 members in the VCA).

05-08-2014, 02:06 PM

2,000 Viper owners say otherwise. (Assuming there are actually 300 members in the VCA).

It is funny that someone that doesn't want anything to do with a National Viper Club, seems to be on both National Viper Club websites quite a lot. LOL!!

05-09-2014, 09:34 PM
I never belonged to the VCA, but I did meet some VCA members last year...many of which are current VOA members. I've also talked to some current VCA members who are passionate Viper owners and I've never heard them talk bad about the VOA. From my own experience I think many current VCA members are just passionate Viper owners. Despite what their officers did, maybe the VCA members rejoined because they didn't know about the VOA at the time and figured since they already paid their dues (which are possibly non-refundable) they'd stick it out this year or maybe they joined because it has been the same group of people who have been attending events together for the past several years. Whatever the case may be, I have no problem talking to any of the Viper owners/enthusiasts who will be attending our Homecoming regardless of which Viper club they belong to. This event is about bringing passionate Viper owners together and as long as we keep politics out of it and remain classy then I'd imagine that is exactly what it will be.

Worst case scenario we settle this dispute between the two Viper clubs with an old fashioned drag race!

05-09-2014, 11:02 PM
I never belonged to the VCA, but I did meet some VCA members last year...many of which are current VOA members. I've also talked to some current VCA members who are passionate Viper owners and I've never heard them talk bad about the VOA. From my own experience I think many current VCA members are just passionate Viper owners. Despite what their officers did, maybe the VCA members rejoined because they didn't know about the VOA at the time and figured since they already paid their dues (which are possibly non-refundable) they'd stick it out this year or maybe they joined because it has been the same group of people who have been attending events together for the past several years. Whatever the case may be, I have no problem talking to any of the Viper owners/enthusiasts who will be attending our Homecoming regardless of which Viper club they belong to. This event is about bringing passionate Viper owners together and as long as we keep politics out of it and remain classy then I'd imagine that is exactly what it will be.

Worst case scenario we settle this dispute between the two Viper clubs with an old fashioned drag race!

Totally agree; but, it ain't going to happen as long as both sides and those in the middle keep stirring the crap pot. So much, he said she said. And it makes both sides look bad because to folks like me, who don't follow it close enough to know which kitty cat said the mean old bad words first. I just see officers of both clubs putting each other down on all 3 forums. For a while there, up until recently, it seemed that things were getting pretty civil between all the major players. I think the donkey thing served its purpose to get the temperature raised back up to an entertaining level.

05-19-2014, 04:11 PM
Does anyone know if we will be able to ship boxes (UPS, Fed Ex or USPS) home from the Marriott? If so will we be able to purchase boxes and supplies at the hotel.

05-19-2014, 05:57 PM
Does anyone know if we will be able to ship boxes (UPS, Fed Ex or USPS) home from the Marriott? If so will we be able to purchase boxes and supplies at the hotel.

I just called the hotel and they will have boxes, labels, etc. so that you can ship items from the hotel.

05-19-2014, 07:52 PM
Sorry if it's been covered. But is that correct that the group rate on hotel does not actually cover the entire trip? I was told by Marriott that the group rate was only for July 18-19. Had to do regular rate for the 17th and the 20th.

05-19-2014, 09:27 PM
Sorry if it's been covered. But is that correct that the group rate on hotel does not actually cover the entire trip? I was told by Marriott that the group rate was only for July 18-19. Had to do regular rate for the 17th and the 20th.

I had the same problem for Sunday. Call back and ask for group sales. They gave me the $99 rate without question for Sunday and I would think you could get it for Thursday also. Good luck.

06-02-2014, 09:47 AM
I had the same problem for Sunday. Call back and ask for group sales. They gave me the $99 rate without question for Sunday and I would think you could get it for Thursday also. Good luck.

Is this only at the Marriott?
I'm booked across the road at the Residence Inn and they tell me only the regular rate for the Sunday.

06-02-2014, 10:26 AM
I think it would be at all the hotels. My dealings were only with the Marriott. I would try again and if you can't get a cheaper rate give VOA office a call. Good luck.

06-25-2014, 10:46 AM
Is this only at the Marriott?
I'm booked across the road at the Residence Inn and they tell me only the regular rate for the Sunday.

You should have received an email about a week ago with the contact info at the Marriott (Melanie) who can help you with shoulder dates. They opened up more rooms in all hotels on the dates on either side of the event.

06-25-2014, 02:41 PM
You should have received an email about a week ago with the contact info at the Marriott (Melanie) who can help you with shoulder dates. They opened up more rooms in all hotels on the dates on either side of the event.

Thank you Maurice. Melanie looked into the extra room cost situation for me. The Residence Inn manager opted out of the same charge deal for the extra night. As for the additional rooms the only ones they have are suites and they will cost more total than the Residence.

07-03-2014, 12:53 AM
Not bringing a Viper to Detroit so who has SRT cars for rent?

07-10-2014, 11:02 AM
Totally bummed; just found out I'm NOT coming to Viper Homecoming, but got changed to work a different event that same weekend. :( I had planned to drive my '01 GTS up from Charlotte and then work the track event portion, but duty calls and I'll be across the country. Have a blast everyone, I'll be there in spirit!

07-10-2014, 01:26 PM
Oh no! Sorry to hear that Hammer :-(

07-10-2014, 02:08 PM
If anyone has a spare seat for an English-speaking Japanese club attendee, please let me know!

07-10-2014, 06:48 PM
Long range forecast for Dayton, Ohio July 18th: Sunshine and Snakes...... (lots of 'em)!

07-10-2014, 07:03 PM
Totally bummed; just found out I'm NOT coming to Viper Homecoming, but got changed to work a different event that same weekend. :( I had planned to drive my '01 GTS up from Charlotte and then work the track event portion, but duty calls and I'll be across the country. Have a blast everyone, I'll be there in spirit!

Sorry to hear

07-16-2014, 03:55 PM
Ok, So earlier this week I was able to signup for the event thru the website when they announced it had opened up to all. They said they received my information and would email me details...but I haven't received any information. Do I just show up or is there someplace I can call or contact to make sure I wont be driving my Viper up to just look thru the fence?

07-16-2014, 08:31 PM
See you all there! Plane leaves at some unGodly hour tomorrow.