View Full Version : Idea For an Event: All Generation Test Drive

04-10-2014, 08:20 PM
I think it would be great if we could have an event (maybe in each region) for members to have the opportunity to test drive each generation Viper to compare the different generations and see how the Viper has evolved from the Gen I to the current Gen V. It may help some of us decide whether we want to keep our current Viper or purchase a different generation.

This was just an idea I had for an event that I thought would be cool since the only Viper I have ever driven (or had a ride in) is my Gen III. I know many dealers are not going to even consider letting someone test drive a Viper unless there is an agreed upon deal that is made first and most private owners probably think the same way so I think it is fair to assume most of us have only driven one or two different generation Vipers unless we are fortunate enough to buy multiple Vipers.

Anyone else think this might be a good event? A poll has been added. Feel free to talk about your experience with dealers when you were shopping for your Viper.