View Full Version : IN KY VOA Final Reminder of Membership Renewal for 2022 AND Reimbursement Drawing

12-29-2021, 08:31 AM
IN/KY VOA...Final Reminder of Membership Renewal for 2022 AND Reimbursement Drawing Deadline

Hello, Fellow IN/KY Viper Owners Association (VOA) Members:

As you know, at this time of the year, the Annual Membership Renewal Drive is under way. So far this year, 57.35 % of you have already renewed for 2022...THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!

As you are also aware, concerns about the financial health of the National VOA have been raised and a team has been working for several months on a realignment of the management practices as well as solutions to the solvency issues. While I am personally confident that the current, ongoing analysis of the finances as well as a more balanced approach to governance will net us a viable Club in the long run, WITHOUT YOUR RENEWAL, THERE WILL BE NO CLUB. If the Club dissolved there would be no Viper Owners Association Forums, no archived solutions to common Viper problems, no definitive way to sort good advice from bad advice, and no easily available information concerning parts and repairs. While there are certainly "other" sources of "information" scattered throughout the social media spectrum, they are clearly "not the same" as an active, dedicated Viper Forum in my opinion.

So, the future of the Viper Owners Association IS UP TO YOU.

By renewing NOW, both the National Club and the Regional Clubs can continue tomake realistic plans to better serve Viper Owners well into the future.

Best Regards and Happy New Year,

Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator and "Special Ops", VOA IN/KY Region, Inc.

Annual Membership Renewal (Join) Reimbursement Drawing...PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

As part of our annual membership renewal (join) drive, we will have a drawing for the full reimbursement of the 2022 VOA membership fee for ONE lucky member who has renewed (or joined) the IN/KY VOA by 11:59 PM EST on FRIDAY December 31, 2021. This reimbursement will cover either the Standard Membership fee of $150 of the Mamba Membership fee of $195, whichever the lucky winner paid upon renewing (or joining) by the date listed above.

Here are the Rules:

All members who have joined the IN/KY Region of the Viper Owner’s Association (VOA) for the 2022 calendar year BY 11:59 PM EST, FRIDAY, December 31, 2021 will be entered into the above mentioned drawing. The ONE winner will have his/her full 2022 dues REFUNDED whether it is a $150.00 Standard Membership or the $195.00 Mamba Membership.

The seven current IN/KY VOA Officers/Board Members, and the current Membership Coordinator and his Wife ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for this drawing.

This drawing will take place on January 1, 2022 and will be announced that day.


You can RENEW (or Join) either by going on-line at:



By calling (888) 778-1545 if you wish to renew over the phone.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to President James Jackson (317-601-9759) or to Membership Coordinator Steve Fess (317-402-9013).

12-31-2021, 07:51 AM
Good response...keep those renewals coming !!

Remember, the cutoff time for the reimbursement drawing is 11:59 PM (EST) TONIGHT.

12-31-2021, 08:25 AM
Renewed. We’re in this gig together…

12-31-2021, 11:05 AM
Thanks, urchin !!

A Member called me today to report that VOA HDQ is apparently closed today...which is understandable on this official holiday.

So, for those of you who renew by telephone, you will have to wait until next week unless you can set up your own online account through the portal.

For those who renew online, that will still work today for you.

If any IN/KY VOA Member is trying to renew online but has forgotten his/her membership number, just call my and I will send it to you.


12-31-2021, 12:03 PM
Hi Steve, Obviously not from your region, but wanted you to know that I renewed my Mamba Membership after reading your post. I was at a crossroads due to the issues you mentioned. As you said, there is no VOA unless we support it with our membership. I am hopeful that the plan going forward will keep this great Club going.

Happy New Year!


12-31-2021, 02:49 PM
Thanks for the note Paul.

I fully understand the some folks are hesitant to renew and, that some folks plan not to renew. I can only say that in my opinion, it's worth renewing in the hope that the leadership can now put the club back on track. THANK YOU for renewing as each and every renewal helps.

Happy New Year to You and your Family, Paul !!


01-01-2022, 12:38 PM
IN/KY VOA...WINNER of the 2022 Membership Fee Reimbursement Drawing

CONGRATULATIONS to IN/KY VOA Mamba Member Tony W. of Fishers, IN for winning the drawing today !!

Since Tony renewed as a Mamba Member, Treasurer Ron Fleming will send a check for the full $195.00 to him shortly.

At this time, on behalf of President James Jackson and his Officers, I offer a SINCERE THANK YOU to ALL of our Members who have renewed their 2022 memberships !!

We have a renewal rate of just over 70% at this moment in time. I also know that there are others who plan to renew in the very near future. We have a great bunch of Viper owners in our Region...all of whom are looking forward to an active and fun new year.

THANK YOU for your continued support of the VOA !!

Happy New Year,

Steve Fess, Membership Coordinator and "Special Ops", VOA IN/KY Region, Inc. 317-402-9013

01-02-2022, 07:04 AM
Dumb question…is our membership good for a year from when we signed up?

01-02-2022, 07:28 AM
Good morning, Josh !

Your question in far from dumb as many folks have wondered about the same thing.

The Memberships ALL last until midnight December 31st of the year in question.

Thus, for anyone who joined or renewed during the first nine months of 2021, that Membership terminated at midnight on December 31, 2021...WITH THE EX CEPTION OF the people who joined or renewed ON or AFTER October 1, 2021 as they will see their Membership last until midnight December 31, 2022.

I hope this helps !!